Showing posts with label News from Kathmandu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News from Kathmandu. Show all posts

That's why the World Cup in Qatar cannot be watched from Nepal. | Click here to watch the first match of the World Cup, which is starting in Qatar, for free

That's why the World Cup in Qatar cannot be watched from Nepal.

There is a possibility that Nepali viewers will not be able to watch the live broadcast of the FIFA World Cup, which is about to start in Qatar. With the single bench of the Supreme Court judge Prakashman Singh Raut giving an interim order to keep the World Cup broadcasting as it is, the possibility that Nepalese viewers will not be able to watch it has increased.

Candidates paid 67,000 dollars to Facebook in the election campaign, who is first?

Candidates paid 67,000 dollars to Facebook in the election campaign, who is first?

There is only one week left for the representative and provincial assembly elections. The candidates are busy campaigning with their cadres. Everyone continues to have their own passion and style of persuading voters. The use of modern information technology is also abundant in it. Campaigns are going on through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and other internet-based platforms. Which has become natural and necessary. But when looking for the intricacies of the 'electoral network', many knots of problems are found there. The election-focused activities going on in the network reach the financial stage. It seems that the candidates who are contesting to move to the legislative role due to the weakness of the state apparatus and regulators do not pay attention to the existing laws and financial discipline.

Colorectal (large intestine) cancer

Colorectal (large intestine) cancer


Our digestive system digests food and absorbs nutrients from it. Esophagus (food pipe), stomach (stomach), small intestine and large intestine together make up the digestive system. The large intestine begins with the colon, which is about 5 feet long and ends at the rectum and anus.

How to prepare yourself for surgery?

How to prepare yourself for surgery?

There are many diseases in whose treatment surgery plays an important role. If you are suffering from any such disease then you also have to prepare yourself for surgery. You went to the hospital, met the surgeon and fixed the date for the operation.

Parents' words and behavior are children's school

Parents' words and behavior are children's school

For young children, the whole world is their home. They grow up while learning about activities at home. They gradually get used to the language, style, and customs spoken at home. In the same way, they start learning the activities and activities done at home. In this way, they become integrally connected with the house.

This is how you can fill out the EDV form at home

This is how you can fill out the EDV form at home

The United States of America has also opened the EDV (Electronic Diversity Visa) lottery for the year 2024. To apply for this, a long crowd is now seen in various cyber, photo shops etc. Even though the EDV form can be filled for free, such shops have been filling the form by taking voluntary money from people.

Development of the uterus

Development of the uterus 

A very important organ in the female body, the uterus. It is not only an organ but also the original source of creation. A tiny embryo develops inside this. And it becomes life. As many people as there are in the world today, their place of origin is this womb.

Pornography can destroy a couple's sex life

Pornography can destroy a couple's sex life

Various studies have shown that with the prevalence of the Internet, most people are addicted to pornography. Not only in Nepal, the number of people watching pornography is high all over the world. According to a study conducted by a website, more than 300 million people worldwide are watching porn videos at the same time.

What is the most effective method of contraception?

What is the most effective method of contraception?

After the desire of children is fulfilled or before making plans for children, how to protect the physical relationship is of interest to common couples. Sometimes an unwanted pregnancy occurs and it unintentionally adds to the hassle.

Mental Health: Know what is mental illness? Follow these steps to avoid it

Mental Health: Know what is mental illness? Follow these steps to avoid it

In order to avoid problems related to mental health, it is important that we have complete information about it. Even the person who is going through this situation many times does not know that he is.

Mental health

Mental health

Both physical and mental health are very important for any person. If a person is physically healthy but his mental health is bad then he will have to face many kinds of problems in his life. Mental health shows a person's abilities, gives him confidence that he can face stress in life and can contribute to the development of his community through his work or actions. Mental disorders affect a person's health-related behavior, judgment, regular exercise, adequate sleep, safe sexual behavior, etc. and increase the risk of physical diseases. Due to mental illness, a person has to become a participant in unemployment, broken family, poverty, drug abuse and related crimes. If a person's mental health will be right then his life will also be right. So we will tell you in detail about every aspect related to mental disorders in this section, which will help you improve your mental health. But let's first learn some important things related to mental health.

"They gave me food, what's wrong with you?"

"They gave me food, what's wrong with you?"

Oh, he is happy! What is he missing? We are seeing so many beautiful photos on Facebook.

What to do if the stomach is flat and upset?

What to do if the stomach is flat and upset?

During the festival, many people may have stomach upset due to the sweet food. Especially fried, fried and spicy foods are not easily digested in the stomach. Such foods cause upset stomach. There are problems like bloating, diarrhea and gas. What kind of stomach problems are caused by diet? What is the treatment method?

Is hunger sweet or food?

Is hunger sweet or food?

Now we have many dishes on our plates. Lentils, vegetables, pickles, fish, curd, milk, ghee, vegetables, salad, sweets. However, when we are not hungry, how can our tongue taste these dishes?

Laugh out loud

Laugh out loud

Once you open your mouth and laugh out loud, what will happen?

Do the keto diet control diabetes and high blood pressure?

Do the keto diet control diabetes and high blood pressure?

How to reduce soiling, how to control diabetes, how to control high blood pressure? Now, with the search for these questions, the trend of 'keto diet' has increased widely. Especially urban people have adopted such a diet plan for a disease-free life.

Importance of solar energy

 Importance of solar energy

53% of electricity production in the country is done by coal and it is estimated that this will also end by the year 2040-2050. More than 72% of the people of India live in villages and half of these villages are living without electricity. Now India has come to such a situation that now we have taken steps for more production of energy, in the field of conservation of energy, its renewal and protection. The use of solar energy is the best way to meet this demand, so that we can establish harmony between the demand and supply of energy.

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

Liver is the largest organ of the human body. The liver has a special role in the digestive system. The liver has to do a lot of work to make the body healthy.

These signs show that your heart is healthy, know from the doctor tips to keep the heart healthy

These signs show that your heart is healthy, know from the doctor tips to keep the heart healthy

Whether the heart is healthy or not, many signs and symptoms are seen in our body, know the ways to keep the heart healthy

These home remedies will help in increasing the pumping of the heart

These home remedies will help in increasing the pumping of the heart

With the help of some easy measures, you can easily increase heart pumping, know the reasons for low heart pumping and ways to increase it.

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