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Showing posts with label be. Show all posts

Smokers can get throat cancer, voice changes should be checked

 Smokers can get throat cancer, voice changes should be checked

Cigarettes contain various cancer-causing chemicals such as 'hydrocarbon', 'benzene' and others. Its effect is from the lungs to all parts of the body. Among them, cigarette smoke in the throat is more likely to cause cancer.

The neck does not mean only the neck. It includes food pipe to larynx. Cigarette smoke can cause cancer in these parts.

Many people may have a question, how many cigarettes can you get cancer? Or how many years of smoking can cause cancer?

There is no exact answer. Human body, conditions are different. It can damage some people quickly and others after a long time. There is no guarantee that most smokers will get cancer. However, the risk of cancer is high for smokers.

And be careful

You have been smoking for a long time. In this situation, your voice changed. As the voice can be hoarse, it can be slurred. Let's not pretend that we have a cold or a cold at this time. Because if there is a change in the voice for three consecutive weeks, then a cancer test should be done.

If there is cancer in the throat of those who smoke cigarettes, the voice starts to change. Then it becomes difficult to swallow food. Breathing becomes difficult. As if having increased breath. When neck pain starts, you should go to the doctor. A biopsy should be done. Because changes in voice and wheezing are the primary symptoms of cancer.

Dr. Arun Casey

Cancer of nose and ear also

Smokers are not only at risk of developing throat, but also nose and ear cancer. If there are problems like sore throat, nasal allergy, it can be a symptom of cancer.

Besides, smoking also causes other ear related problems.

Treatment is easy in the initial moment

As soon as there is a change in the voice of the smoker, he must go to the hospital. The sooner you can go to the hospital, the faster the treatment can be.

The longer one smokes, the higher the risk of cancer. As soon as the symptoms of cancer appear, if you go to the hospital and consult a doctor, treatment is possible according to the stage of the cancer.

Endoscopy should be done to find out which part of the neck is swollen or has symptoms of cancer. If cancer is suspected during endoscopy, a biopsy should be done. A biopsy is used to determine if it is cancer or not.

The treatment method depends on how far the cancer has spread and what stage it is. If you reach the hospital in the first stage, its treatment is easy. If there is second and third stage, the treatment is complicated. For example, if a first-stage cancer is detected in a person's respiratory tract, it can be removed with a laser.

If the second and third stage cancer is detected in the same person, if it has spread too much, the larynx itself may have to be removed by major surgery. You may have to live with a hole in your neck for the rest of your life.

Let's quit smoking

Therefore, smoking should be avoided to avoid various health problems along with cancer. The risk of asthma, cancer and other health problems can be avoided from the day after quitting smoking.

How much vitamin B-12 should be in the body?

 How much vitamin B-12 should be in the body?

Lack of vitamin B-12 can be harmful to the body. Because this vitamin helps in DNA repair, function and formation of red blood cells in the body. In such a situation, if it is lacking, the body cannot function properly and various health problems may occur.

If vitamin B-12 deficiency persists for a long time, it can also cause cancer. When it is deficient, DNA synthesis slows down. As a result, the cells of the body grow unnecessarily and become cancer.

Vitamin B-12 cannot be made by the body itself. That is, its quantity should be kept in balance through diet.

How much vitamin B-12 should be in the body?

Normal levels of vitamin B-12 in men and women are between 200 pg/ml and 900 pg/ml. In the elderly, its level is between 300 and 350 pg/ml. When the level of vitamin B-12 in the body is low, various symptoms appear.

These symptoms are seen when vitamin B-12 is deficient

Rapid weight loss, rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, fatigue and weakness, constipation, memory loss, digestive disorders, headache, loose stools and frequent stools, blood Deficiency, yellowing of the skin, tingling in the limbs and joint pain are symptoms of vitamin B-12 deficiency in the body.

Screening for vitamin B-12 deficiency

It is only known if the blood is tested for vitamin B-12 deficiency or not. Therefore, if someone has symptoms, they should go to the hospital and get tested for vitamin B-12. Generally, the level of vitamin B-12 in the body should be above 300 pgL. It is treated according to what label it comes under during examination.

Foods that contain vitamin B-12

the egg

Eggs are a good source of vitamin B-12. About 46 percent of the daily requirement of vitamin B-12 can be met from two large eggs. Apart from vitamin-12, it is also a good source of protein.


If vegetarians do not eat eggs or fish meat, the deficiency of vitamin B-12 can be met with the help of curd. Yogurt can be the best option to supply vitamin B-12 in the body.

the fish

Fish is also a good source of vitamin B-12, which is beneficial for skin and hair. Fish like sardines, tuna, trout or salmon are rich in vitamin B-12 and other nutrients.


Dairy products can also be included in the diet to supply vitamin B-12. Some amount of this vitamin is also found in paneer.

the meat

Chicken is also a good source of vitamin B-12. Easy to prepare and delicious to eat, chicken is a good source of protein and fat.

the milk

Milk is a good source of calcium. Besides calcium, it is a good source of protein, minerals and vitamin B-12.

How to get vitamin B-12 if you don't eat fish?

Vitamin B12 is found in foods that grow in the ground or in the soil, such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, and yams. Similarly, they can eat green vegetables, almonds, walnuts, grapes, green bananas, pulses, nuts, coconuts, yogurt and other foods.

Apart from this, you should eat milk and milk-based dishes like milk, curd, paneer, nauni etc. If nothing else, vitamin B12 supplements can be bought and taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

Can high blood pressure be controlled by diet?

 Can high blood pressure be controlled by diet?

There are various reasons behind high blood pressure. Like, hereditary, kidney and heart problems, stress etc. Along with that, the main responsible food is also considered in this.

The World Health Organization has also recommended the 'Dash Diet' diet plan to control high blood pressure. Which suggests how high blood pressure can be controlled with the help of diet.

The Dash Diet recommends eating whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

Recently, doctors also say that the problem of high blood pressure has increased due to diet. There are some foods that we eat, which increase blood pressure. But the problem can be controlled if the quantity and balance is eaten. You should eat in such a way that you get nutrition and not disorder. In this case, diet plays an important role in increasing and controlling high blood pressure.

These foods play a role in increasing blood pressure

Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure. As soon as there is a lack of magnesium, an increase in calcium increases the blood pressure by narrowing the blood vessels.

If more salt is used, the sodium present in it increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Generally speaking, the more sodium in the blood, the more water it draws into the blood vessels.

It increases blood pressure and then increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Excessively greasy, fried food can also cause obesity and high blood pressure. Alcohol, cigarettes, packaged foods also increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Obesity can also be a cause of high blood pressure. Obesity is an increase in body fat, when body fat increases, it narrows the blood vessels. When the veins are narrowed, it becomes difficult for the heart to work. As a result, blood pressure may increase.

Foods that control high blood pressure

Since potassium reduces the effect of sodium, you should eat more potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. Milk, curd and mohi contain calcium which helps in controlling blood pressure. Do not skip the salt. Many people eat vegetables without salt after high blood pressure, which is wrong. People with high blood pressure also need salt, so salt should be eaten but its quantity should be reduced.

Blood pressure can be controlled by consuming foods rich in magnesium which causes blood pressure problems due to lack of magnesium. We get magnesium through food. Bananas, broccoli, beans, cashews, almonds, avocados, fish, walnuts, green vegetables, legumes, parsley seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, and tofu are the main sources of magnesium.

Bitter foods like green tea and bitter gourd also help in controlling blood pressure. Bitter foods contain potassium and magnesium. Potassium removes sodium from the body through water as urine. By reducing the amount of blood in the body, it reduces the pressure on the artery walls. The effect of which is only for some time. Similarly, magnesium makes blood vessels flexible and wide and lowers blood pressure. But before eating, you should consult a doctor.

If the doctor has advised you to take medicine, you should take it regularly. Blood pressure can be brought under control by staying away from alcohol and smoking, controlling anger, incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily routine, staying busy, walking, not letting stress dominate you, and making a regular schedule of meals.

How healthy are you? It can be detected by the color of urine

 How healthy are you? It can be detected by the color of urine

Red, yellow, pink and green. Sometimes the color of urine can be like a rainbow. It can also be purple, orange or blue in color. Many such changes in the color of urine cannot be considered a normal condition.

Our body removes waste through urine. It also flushes out the nitrogenous wastes that are formed by mixing proteins, muscles and red blood cells in the body.

In addition, many other substances such as vitamins and medicines that we eat are excreted from the body through urine.

There are some elements which should not be present in urine. So, when you have a health problem, the question that the doctor often asks is, 'What is the color of your urine?'

From the answer to this question, what is the health condition of the doctor and what kind of treatment can be given? It is easy to guess roughly.

red color

If the color of the urine is red, it indicates that there is blood in it. It can cause problems in any part of the body related to the urinary system. If there is blood in the kidney, bladder, prostate or any tube connected to the ureter, the urine may be red.

Similarly, how blood is excreted through urine depends on many physical conditions. For example, what is the amount of blood in the urine? Looking at how fresh? And, are there other problems while urinating?

If there is a lot of bleeding, the color of the urine looks like 'red wine'.

Such bleeding can be due to many reasons. For example, kidney stones, cancer, trauma, any infection in the urinary tract. Even if you eat beetroot more than necessary, the color of urine can be red.

Under normal conditions, our urine looks like yellow color and orange color. It also depends on how much water we drink.

As water becomes less, the color of urine becomes dark yellow and sometimes orange in color.

If you drink enough fluids, the color of urine will be thin and pale yellow. The substance that makes urine yellow is called 'urobilin'.

Its production process begins with the breakdown of old red blood cells in the body. Those blood cells that are not in good shape need to be removed from the body system.

In this process, a compound called bilirubin is formed. It exits the body to some extent through the urinary tract and to some extent through the intestines. Bilirubin is used in our liver to produce bile that is released when we eat. This pitta is important for digestion and helps break down fat in the body.

Bile stays in the intestines and passes out through the stool. Due to this pitta, the stool looks brown in color. Bile can also be unable to reach the intestine, which indicates gallstones or cancer blocking the bile ducts. In this case, bilirubin returns to the bloodstream. And it comes out through urine.

Therefore, the color starts to darken, appearing orange or brown. If the amount of bilirubin increases, the color of the skin also starts to turn yellow. This condition of the body is called 'obstructive jaundice' i.e. a type of jaundice.

In this case, if the amount of bilirubin increases, the color of the face becomes yellow. Some medications, including the antibiotic rifampicin, can cause orange urine.

Green and blue

Green and blue colors are rarely seen. If the color of the urine is green or blue while urinating in the toilet, the person may be surprised.

If green or blue dyes are used to color any food, the color of urine may be green or blue. Eating such foods in excess can cause such urine.

Taking some medicines like anesthetics, vitamins, antihistamines can also cause the color of urine to be green or blue. Some bacteria also make compounds, which are green in color.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria produce blue and green colored pyocyanin.

Urinary tract infection can be seen in rare cases. In such a situation, urinating may cause burning and pain.

female stomachache because poisonous food


This situation is also rare. One possible cause of this is porphyria. It is a genetic disease that affects the skin and nervous system.

The second reason for this is a rare disease called Purple Urine Bag Syndrome. Which is due to urinary tract infection.

In this case, using a catheter (a device used medically to remove urine from the body) also makes the urine purple.


A small amount of beetroot can cause the color of urine to be pink instead of dark red. In such cases, urologists compare it to red wine.

There may be other colors of urine, which are not part of the rainbow. Some are dark in color. Usually brown or black. When this happens, doctors may compare it to Coca-Cola.

other diseases

The color of the urine can be brown or black, which the doctor can compare to Coca-Cola. Sometimes this color appears when muscles are broken down and converted into a compound called myoglobin. Which is a sign of a serious disease called rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, excessive exertion or the use of some medicines may be necessary.

Similarly, bilirubin can also cause black and gray color. Bilirubin makes the urine so dark that it appears both black and brown in color.

Kidney swelling

This color can also be seen in acne (glomerulonephritis). Due to this, when passing through the urinary tract, the urine changes from red to brown in color and sometimes the urine can be colorless.

Urine should not be dark yellow in color. Likewise, a large amount of thin urine can also indicate some diseases. Whether it is due to diabetes or excessive alcohol consumption.

It shows how many different colors our urine can be and how many different problems it can indicate. And, this is by no means a list of every problem.

But understanding the reason for the change in urine color will help you decide whether to drink water or see a doctor.

Is frequent urination at night a sign of diabetes?

A night's sleep acts as a medicine for the tiredness of the day. If something disturbs the sleep, there will be many problems. Frequent urination at night is one of the reasons that disrupts sleep.

If you have to go through this problem every day, it is not normal. This problem is related to diet and lifestyle, Dr. Veer Hospital's chief consultant Eurosurgeon. Ravin Bahadur Basnet says.

"Frequent urination at night can also indicate diabetes, urinary tract infection or prostate disease," he says.

Drinking a lot of water makes you urinate frequently?

Many people think that because they drink a lot of water before going to bed, it is normal to urinate a lot at night. But it doesn't always happen. This can be a symptom of diabetes and other serious problems. Vinay Bhattarai says.

If you drink a lot of water before going to bed, sometimes you may urinate frequently at night. But if there is a problem of frequent urination at night, drinking water before going to sleep or drinking too much water may not be the reason, he says.

Dr. Bhattarai continues, “Diabetes increases blood sugar levels, which puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys and they cannot absorb the extra sugar completely. As a result, excess sugar is excreted through urine, but at this time, a large amount of water is also absorbed from the body. As a result, more urine starts coming out. In such a situation, when you feel very thirsty, the amount of water increases and you urinate frequently.

In diabetes, there is frequent urination not only at night but also during the day. If there is a problem of dry mouth and frequent urination, Bhattarai suggests getting diabetes checked.

Other causes of frequent urination

Dr. If you do not urinate frequently during the day, but you have to urinate frequently at night, it may also be due to heart problems. Basnet says. "If the heart is not working properly during the day, water accumulates in the lower part of the leg while standing and sitting," he says. Makes and may urinate frequently at night.'

Frequent urination in men can be a symptom of prostate problems. As the age increases, the prostate gland increases and frequent urination occurs not only at night but also during the day.

"Urinary tract infection (UTI) due to the infection of the urinary tract, the problem of frequent urination at night also appears," said Dr. Bhattarai says, "Even if there is an infection in the kidneys, urine can come many times during the night."

He says that a woman's frequent urination at night is also a common early sign of pregnancy. He says that this problem appears when the growing fetus puts pressure on the bladder.

If you urinate frequently at night, you should first have a urine test to identify whether there is any health problem. If there is no identification from that, other tests such as ultrasound should be done," said Dr. Bhattarai says, "We find out whether there is any problem in the test. If a problem appears, it should be treated on the advice of a doctor.

This is how face yoga can be done to brighten the face

This is how face yoga can be done to brighten the face

People are taking various measures to look beautiful and attractive. They resort to different types of creams, treatments and many other measures. Although all these will bring shine to the face, it cannot reduce the effects of aging on the face.

In such a situation, exercise for the face can prove to be very useful. For this you can do 'face yoga'. Just as yoga is important for health, it is equally beneficial for the face. How to do 'face yoga' to make your face attractive, what are its benefits? let's know

What is face yoga?

Face yoga is the exercise of facial muscles. It can make facial muscles flexible, improve blood circulation, relax, nourish and reduce the effects of aging on the skin.

What kind of yoga?

Lion pose

Throne yoga is done as a lion opens its mouth while roaring. It strengthens the mouth muscles. The lion pose tightens all the muscles of the face, improves blood circulation and also brings glow. This is one of the best yoga for face.


- First of all, lay a mat on the floor. This method can also be done sitting in bed.

-Sitting in Sukhasana and touching the mat with your hands. Extend the fingers of both hands near the knees. In this case, the elbow should be straight.

- Open your mouth well, stick your tongue out, spread your tongue out and roar like a lion so that the pressure on the facial muscles is reached.

-Repeat twice or four times every day in the morning.


It is important to start your routine by gently tapping the entire face and neck with your fingertips, i.e. by applying quick pressure to the face with your fingertips. This awakens the skin, increases blood circulation and produces elastin and collagen. makes


- Apply pressure by tapping on your forehead with the tips of your fingers, start tapping from the middle of the forehead and move towards the forehead.

-Starting from the chin and going through the base of the nose, tap the tap on your cheeks.

- Keep tapping your cheeks in an upward motion from the chin bone to the cheek bone.

-Tap above the upper lip for about three seconds, then tap tap below the lower lip for a few seconds.

Happy Frog

When a frog croaks like it is happy, it is called 'Happy Frog'. Face volume decreases with age. This pose tightens sagging cheeks and makes them look fuller.

In this mudra, the lower lip and the upper lip are joined together to make a smile. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

Kisses and smiles

In this practice, the lips are made to smile for a while and kiss for a while. It does not cause wrinkles on the cheeks.


- Take it near the lips with the thieving finger and middle finger.

- Then close the mouth and make a shape as if kissing and give a smile.

- Sit in the kissing posture for 10 seconds and then keep smiling for 10 seconds.

-Then come to rest position.

fish face

This mudra brightens the face and makes the lips look pink. Helps to improve muscle function.


- Close your eyes first.

-Pull your lips and cheeks inward to give a fish-like shape and hold for 30 seconds.

-Then smile for 30 seconds.

- Do this yoga three to five times a day.

Chin lift

Many people are suffering from the problem of double chin. Double chin makes laughing and speaking difficult. Chin lift yoga is the solution to this problem. In addition, it also works to improve the functioning of the jaw and neck muscles.


-Lift your head and look at the ceiling.

- Push forward as if trying to kiss the ceiling while trying to reach your lips. Continue this for a few seconds.

- Slowly return to your previous position.

-Repeat this facial yoga process three to four times.

Mouthwash technique

Mouthwash Technique Yoga is very easy and can be done at any time. The mouthwash method helps to tone the cheeks and remove excess fat from the face. This yoga is also effective in the problem of double chin.


- When rinsing your mouth with water, fill your cheeks with air in your mouth as if you were filling your mouth with water.

-When tired, rest for a while.

- Repeat this process two-three times.

Eye focus

This eye yoga helps to make the eyebrows beautiful and attractive.


- Spread your eyes as wide as possible. Do not squint your eyes while doing this.

- Now pay attention to see things as far away as possible.

-Slowly pay attention to nearby things.

-Repeat this process for a few seconds, rest for a few seconds.

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