Showing posts with label a. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2024

Can anxiety become a mental illness?

 Can anxiety become a mental illness?

Atyas means to panic and rush. The reason for panic varies from person to person. Some people have a habit of rushing. Some people have to do everything quickly from a young age, if they are doing one thing, when will that work be done and then the next one will be done, it is difficult to wait for their turn even when talking, even if they have to wait for a long time somewhere, they become impatient. This is called panic habit.

This anxiety habit is not a disease. If the nature is already anxious, then it can be improved through behavior change and counseling.

If any person panics, something may be bothering him. Let's say, the problem of thinking. A person with a delusional problem feels as if others are thinking bad about you, plotting, etc. In such a case, the person often tries to get away from the person who interrupted him.

Patients with anxiety disorders and mania are often hyperactive. So he tries to do more work in less time. As a result, a person who is doing a job is worried about when that job will be finished. A person with a fear problem is afraid that something bad will happen to me if I can't do it. Even though the person knows that it is only fear, it seems that when he cannot control himself, he becomes more afraid, anxious and agitated.

Similarly, a person with a problem of depression, a person with weak morale, if he is able to do something well or if he is not able to do something, he is tormented by pain and worry that something bad will happen to me and seems to hurry more than necessary.

Another problem seen in our society is 'obsessive compulsive disorder'. Although he knows that some wrong thought is coming to his mind, he cannot control it. When you try to control it, the heart beats, it becomes difficult to breathe, it is fast, and it seems that what is not right and what is not enough.

After doing something, there is a feeling of inferiority that you have done it in vain and if you are not able to do that work, there is a problem of anxiety. Anxiety problems are usually a symptom of all mental illnesses. Anxiety is a disease of fear if there is a problem of panic for no reason. But in any problem, because it is difficult internally, it seems that they are afraid when they are not able to present their problem well.

Even though the mind knows that there is no need to be afraid, if there is a problem of fear and anxiety without any reason, it is an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can be seen in any mental illness. A person with arousal problem has a problem of anxiety due to overstimulation of the mind and body. A person suffering from depression has a very low morale, which makes him panic over the smallest things, whether something went wrong or not.

Even the habit of panic can turn into a disease later

Some people may have a habit of being nervous, but whether they are nervous or not, everyone experiences stress. Just because he has a habit of panicking, it does not necessarily mean that he does everything in a hurry.

For example, there are four members in a family. Three of them do not panic at all and one person has a tendency to panic. If there is some problem in the family, three people solve the problem as easily as possible. It is very difficult for an anxious person to find a solution.

People with anxiety are more likely to develop mental health problems due to stress than others. People with panic disorder are more likely to suffer from fear and anxiety disorders.

Who has more problems with rushing?

In children under 10 years of age, the problem of panic and haste does not appear much. In children above 10 years of age, the problem of panic and rushing may be seen.

Due to the pressure of studies and work, if there is no one to listen to them at home, such children have the problem of rushing, panicking, and acting out.

Compared to the previous generation, today's children seem to be more attracted to mobile phones. They watch Tik Tok and Reel more on mobile, which are very short-lived, even in that short time, many things are included. As a result, the child gets used to seeing a lot of things in a short time. When watching a reel, they scroll in 5 to 10 seconds, which makes it difficult for them to watch even a three-minute video. It is difficult for a person who watches a three-minute reel to watch a 30-minute video.

Because things change faster than before, when one thing is not well understood and immediately attracted to another thing, it seems that children can't focus on something, can't pay attention, can't divide their attention.

Treatment and prevention

Having a habit of panic does not mean that everyone has mental illness. By saying that you have a habit of panic, you cannot change the character and personality of a person today or tomorrow. Another problem may arise when you think that you will change your personality. As long as the anxiety problem has not affected work, relationships and daily life, then there is no need to worry about the disease. But when this habit causes me to get irritable, get angry, affect relationships, have problems with memory and sleep, then I should be aware that I have a mental illness and I should go to the hospital and seek the advice of a doctor.

If it is not possible to make an offering to a doctor, they can do daily physical and mental exercises, meditation. How the body and mind feel when not panicking and how it feels when panicky and how to control it If you think about what can be done, there is less chance that the habit of anxiety will turn into a disease.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

 Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

Starting the day with a sip of sweet tea is a common practice in South Asian countries including Nepal and India. Drinking tea is very common in these countries. There are also different ways of making tea according to geography and climate. Every person makes tea according to his taste and enjoys it.

According to an article published in Navbharat Times, every house in India makes a lot of milk tea. The same applies to Nepal. Most people follow this one method of making tea, steeping the tea leaves in water and boiling them for a long time.

Many people think that if tea is boiled for a long time, its taste will be sweet. Some people also boil milk and tea leaves together. But many people do not know that boiling tea for a long time is harmful to health.

According to Indian nutritionist Shikha Aggarwal Sharma, there are many benefits of properly brewing tea. Drinking properly brewed tea helps to increase immunity, reduce weight, and control blood sugar levels. But since tea leaves contain caffeine, boiling them for a long time is harmful, says nutritionist Agarwal.

Risk of cancer

According to experts, tannins are abundant in tea. It is a group of polyphenolic biomolecules, which are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine and tea. Tannin is a molecule that is abundant in tea and coffee. It binds together protein, cellulose, starch and minerals. As a result, the body becomes deficient in iron. Boiling tea for more than four minutes increases the amount of tannin, which inhibits iron absorption. In addition, if the tea is boiled too much, the nutrients in the tea will also decrease. Tea cooked in this way increases acidity in the body. If you drink too much of this tea, it also causes the risk of cancer.

Nutrients are low

Nutrients and minerals are found in tea leaves. It contains flavonoids, catechins, polyphenols, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium and fluoride. According to experts, boiling tea for a long time reduces the nutrients found in tea leaves and milk. Vitamin B12 and C found in it are also low.

Inhibits iron absorption

According to experts, if the tea is boiled for a long time, the tannin content in it is reduced. This element is found in some fruits, vegetables and nuts. Boiling tea for a long time will hinder the absorption of iron. Which can reduce the amount of blood in the body.

Stomach problems

Boiling tea leaves and milk for a long time destroys the protein found in milk. Because of this, due to problems in digesting milk, stomach ache, acidity problem, flatulence, gas filling may occur. After boiling the tea with milk for a long time, it will smell bitter even after drinking it.

Too much boiling of tea leaves and milk together is harmful

At high temperature, a chemical reaction takes place with milk's lactose protein. If you drink it in excess, it will produce harmful substances in the body. If these two are mixed and boiled for a long time, a substance called acrylamide can be formed in milk. It is high in carbohydrates. Acrylamide can also cause cancer.

So what is the right way to make tea?

According to experts, boiling tea leaves in high-temperature water for two minutes increases the amount of polyphenols found in them. Boiling more than this will make the quality of the tea worse.

There is no benefit to over-boiling, it makes the tea taste bitter. To increase the taste and benefits of tea, it is important to follow the right method of making tea.

The right way to make tea

– Boil a pan of water and again turn off the gas (any means of fire).

- Put a teaspoon of tea leaves in it and cover it for three to four minutes.

- Now add a little milk and sugar according to your taste and enjoy the tea.

Is eating too many eggs a problem in summer?

 Is eating too many eggs a problem in summer?

Eggs are high protein and nutrient rich foods. Eggs are an indispensable diet for gym or physical exercisers. But doctors say that eating too many eggs in summer can be harmful to health.

As egg is a natural heat enhancer, it can also cause digestive problems. Therefore, excessive consumption of eggs in the summer season can also cause heat stroke. Eggs contain protein, vitamins B and D and other important nutrients, so eating one or two eggs in summer is enough.

By eating two eggs with the yolk part, the body gets the necessary nutrition. But since you have a habit of eating a lot of eggs every morning, you must be careful. Eating too many eggs has a negative effect on health.

Increases heat

Since eggs are high in protein, they heat naturally. Therefore, eating eggs in hot weather makes you feel more hot. Excessive consumption of eggs in summer can lead to heat stroke as well as bleeding from the nose.

Digestive problems

Eating more eggs can also affect the digestive process. Because of this, indigestion, stomach upset and gas can be a problem. Some people may have problems such as stomach ache, vomiting.

Dehydration problems

In summer, the body also feels lack of water. Eating eggs can increase the problem of dehydration. After eating eggs, as the body temperature increases, sweat is produced more. Due to this, the problem of dehydration can increase.

May be allergic

Eating too many eggs in the summer can cause allergy problems in some people. Due to which the skin can also cause various itching diseases.

Cholesterol may increase

Egg yolk contains high amount of cholesterol. Patients with already high cholesterol should not eat eggs. It can also increase the risk of heart disease.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

What happens in a person's mind before death?

 What happens in a person's mind before death?

Neurologist Dr. Himo Borhin discovered almost exactly what happens in the brain when a person dies.

Himo said, 'We were experimenting on rats, after the surgery something came out of their brains, we were also studying that. Suddenly two mice died. Because of this, we got the opportunity to monitor the process of death in the brain of those mice.

Serotonin is a chemical that controls the mood of living beings. After seeing the amount of serotonin in the brain of that dead rat, Dr. Many questions arose in Himo's mind.

Then Himo began to do more research on the information she already had. She thought that there must be some reason behind the leakage of serotonin.

Dr. Himo Borheen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular and Inquiring Physiology and Neurology at the University of Michigan, USA. While investigating the death of mice. Himo began to study what happens in the brain when people die. She said that the understanding and knowledge about the death that she found during the investigation was different.


If a pulse is not detected after a prolonged heart attack, it is considered dead in the eyes of the doctor. In this process, emphasis is placed on the heart. It is called a heart attack, not a brain attack.

Himo says, "According to scientists, it seems that there is nothing going on in the brain of a dead person." Because dead people can neither speak nor move their bodies.

The brain needs a lot of oxygen to function. If the brain does not pump blood, oxygen does not reach the brain. "Generally all symptoms indicate that the brain is not working or is in a dormant state," she says.

But Dr. From the research of Himo and his team, completely different information has come.

The brain is moving very fast

In a 2013 study of mice, when their hearts stopped working, there was increased activity in many neurons in their brains.

"The release of serotonin in the brains of the dead rats increased 60 times and the release of the feel-good chemical dopamine also increased 40 to 60 times," says Dimo, "at the same time, the amount of norepinephrine, the chemical that makes living animals more alert, increased up to 100 times."

She says that it would be impossible for an animal to have such a large amount of these chemicals in its brain while alive. In 2015, the team published the results of another study in the brains of dying mice. It is almost impossible for an animal to have such a high concentration of these chemicals in its brain.

In both cases, 100 percent of the animals recorded significant brain activity. At the time of death, the brain was very active,” she says.

gamma wave

In 2023, Himo and his team published another research paper. The research was conducted on four people who were in a coma and were dependent on life support systems for their heartbeats. These patients were given electrodes or plates for electroencephalography. So that their brain activity can be recorded.

Those four were close to death. The doctor and his family members decided that they could not be saved in any way. Therefore, efforts to save their lives should be abandoned.

With the permission of relatives, ventilator support was removed from those four people. During this time, the researchers noticed that the brains of the two patients were very active. It revealed cognitive activity in the brain.

Gamma waves were also recorded in their brains during this period, which is said to be the fastest brain wave. Gamma waves are part of the complex process of information and memory processing in the human brain.

During the monitoring of another patient's brain, very intense activity was observed in the temporal lobe of his brain, i.e. the part of the brain behind both ears.

Himo says, 'The part of the human brain behind the right ear is considered very important for empathy. Those who have survived a heart attack, those who have experienced death up close. They have made themselves better people with that experience and have started to feel more empathy towards others.'

A near death experience

Some people who have returned from the face of death have said that the picture of their life flashed before their eyes or they remembered many important moments of their life at that time.

Many people reported seeing a bright light during their death. Some people have claimed that they felt that they had come out of their body and were watching everything from a distance. Extreme activity of the brain, hyperactivity, is the reason why people standing on the verge of death have such a terrible experience?

Dr. About 20 to 25 percent of heart attack victims report seeing white lights, saying they saw something strange, says Hema. Of course, the image making part of their brain was activated.

After removing the ventilator, the researchers say about the two patients who showed very fast activity in the brain.

This means, they must have experienced seeing something like this. Dr. Himo said the study involved very few people and that more research is needed to understand what happens in the brain when a person dies.

But after more than 10 years of research on this matter, Dr. One thing has become clear to Himo During a heart attack, the brain does not rest, it becomes very active.

Himo says, 'We are still trying to understand this. Not much information is available on this.

Referring to the state of hibernation, she says, "All animals, including mice and humans, have different mechanisms to cope with the lack of oxygen." Until now, it was believed that when the heart stops working, the mind becomes silent and watches everything as a spectator. This means that the heart stops working, the brain shuts down.

But the brain does not give up easily. Himo says. "Just as our mind fights against every difficult situation, it also fights against death. The brain has enough capacity to face the challenge of lack of oxygen. But more research is yet to be done on this,” she says.

There is still much to discover

Dr. What Himo and his team discovered is just a small piece of information. Much remains to be discovered about this.

There are mechanisms in the brain that deal with lack of oxygen, which we do not understand. People whose heart stops working have this unique and different kind of experience. Statistics show that this is due to brain activity," she says.

Now the question arises, why is there so much activity in the dying brain?

Dr. Himo says, 'All of us should change our understanding about this. If you study it and research it, you can get answers to these questions. Because millions of people are believed to be dead before their actual death. Because we do not fully understand the entire process of death.

What happens inside the head?

Every day half a liter of water is produced in the head and the body is irrigated. Doctors have called this water 'holy water'. Because it plays a key role in the functioning of the brain.

What happens inside the head?

Kathmandu. Focus on yourself for a moment, how can a mobile phone in the palm of your hand transmit what is said from one hemisphere of the earth to another geography correctly and immediately? How can the previous laptop complete your digital work in minutes?

How can a heavy or heavy airplane fly in the open sky carrying hundreds of people comfortably? How can effective results on the earth be obtained by mathematically estimating the movement of planets and constellations? How can his family tree be found by keeping a microscopic part of the body in the laboratory?

When we are still and thinking for a moment, our mind is spinning. While all these miracles are the product of that mind.

The miracle of making Einstein a scientist, Socrates a philosopher, Siddhartha Gautama a Buddha belongs to that mind. The same mind, which has solved innumerable questions about the universe. Result - From the evolution of life to the human body, from the origin of the earth to the subsoil, from the celestial bodies to the planets and constellations, people are capable of making dreams come true.

How is that mind that works so great and magical?

Without being able to see this thing inside our own head, our life is the rest. What a surprise!

Looking for the answer to that mystery, we reached Veer Hospital, Prof. Dr. To meet Rajeev Jha. Dr. Jha has performed more than 19,000 head surgeries. We decided to study the structure of the brain through his eyes.

How is that brain that works so big and magical?

Without being able to see this thing inside our own head, our life is the rest. What a surprise!

When we dig our heads

What does it look like with open eyes? Before answering this, let's talk about some amazing and strange facts about head and brain.

Every day half a liter of water is produced in the head and the body is irrigated. Doctors have called this water 'holy water'. Because it plays a key role in the functioning of the brain.

Dr. Rajeev Jha

An adult human body has a head of about five kilograms. On that head is the brain carefully held by a bone cover like a crow. The average weight of the brain is 1.4 kg when it is in a flat state like frozen curd. Such a small brain rules the whole body.

65 percent of brain composition is fat. The rest is protein. It is solid but it is water soluble in between.

Men's brain size is 200 grams larger than that of women. This does not mean that men have more brains than women. Only structurally the size is big.

Numerous nerves are connected to the brain, which are working in different ways. Thinking, imagining, creating, evaluating, reasoning, alerting, fearing, feeling sad, happy, proud, excited, all the emotional activities are done by those different mechanisms of the brain.

Most of the blood consumed by the organs of the body is done by the brain. The brain size of boys and girls is different. Boys are bigger by 200 grams.

A brain wired like an electric wire

The brain is in the shape of a shriveled, sometimes swollen pattern, just like when you crack open a walnut. It is carefully kept covered with a letter like a bone cover. This letter of bone consists of three layers. In this way, nature has kept the brain with utmost protection. The brain has two layers, the upper one is slightly darker and the inner one is completely white.

Although it looks like a lump at a glance, it is basically divided into two parts, right and left. There is another connector connecting these two parts, which is called the corpus callosum. It establishes communication between two separate parts of the brain. It also has various glands. There are thalamus, hypothalamus, pons, medulla, pituitary and pineal gland.

The right-left, front-back parts of the brain are separate and all these have different tasks.

How does the brain think, hear, smell and see?

The front part, which is called the cerebrum. Cerebrum ie frontal lobe is related to human nature, tendency, reaction, evaluation, behavior.

The upper layer of the brain, i.e. the parietal lobe, which makes people feel taste, touch, and temperature. That is why it makes you feel that it is cold or hot, painful, something is broken. It is also related to hearing. It does the work of hearing or understanding any sound. On the right is the temporal lobe, which is related to human memory. It also works for hearing ability.

The occipital lobe, which is in the upper part, has a special relationship with our vision. After we look at any object, it is the task of distinguishing and identifying its shape.

The two parts at the back of the brain are called the cerebellum. Its job is to balance our senses. When you want to walk, your legs move, when you need to pick something, your hand moves forward, when you want to see something, you look at it with your eyes. This is why the combination of touching this, bringing this, and doing this is done. It is the cerebellum that balances all these functions.

The brain stem connects all these parts of the brain. There are basically 12 cranial nerves in the brain. All parts of the body This is what keeps the company running.

Most of the blood consumed by the organs of the body is done by the brain. The brain size of boys and girls is different. Boys are bigger by 200 grams.

Brain like a lake

Looking at the brain from another point of view, it looks like a huge reservoir. We call it ventricles. Half a liter of water is being produced here daily.

It is like lees in that part of the brain. That's why water comes out. Because the brain needs water and fat. This is brain food.

In this way, the nutritious water released from something like lye gets irrigated at the upper, middle and lower levels of the brain and reaches the body and is released through various channels. When there is an obstacle in the way of this water coming out, the water freezes on the head. This is a very bad situation.

Therefore, the said water should have its own speed and rhythm. We call it 'holy water'.

In two parts of the throat, there is a large tube, through which blood is supplied to the brain. Along with this, the brain receives blood through two other means. 20-22 percent of the blood in the body is consumed by the brain.

The brain secretes many different chemicals for different functions.

The Amazing 'Master Gland'

In the middle of the brain, there is a gland the size of a grain of rice, which is called the pituitary gland. Nine hormones are secreted from this gland.

This hormone does everything like control of urination, menstrual discharge in women, milk flow, body growth. If there is an imbalance in this, there will be no menstruation, no urinary retention, no milk, short or too tall, too fat or thin. These hormones have a special role to make the body perform according to the correct standards.

There is also a certain time for the secretion of these hormones. Some hormones are secreted the most at eight o'clock in the morning and some at night. That is, hormones are not being secreted for 24 hours. Such hormones are secreted to match the rhythm of the body with nature.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

If a child has a brain tumor, what are the symptoms?

 If a child has a brain tumor, what are the symptoms?

I wish that children would not get 'brain tumor'. Because after having a brain tumor, the risk is very high for them. One is that the treatment is not easy, the other is less chance of recovery.

I have a complaint to God, why send a child with such a tumor at birth?

However, contrary to our wishes, there are many cases of tumor in children. Especially this problem has come from birth. Why is this happening? It cannot be answered exactly. Because there have been countless researches on cancer so far. However, such a great achievement has not been achieved.

Usually, the most common cause of tumor is a malfunction of Jin. Why is gin bad? The exact reason for this has not been discovered. However, there is a problem when Jin does not develop as it should in general. Gin also has its own 'coding'. Sometimes abnormal cells develop due to mismatched coding. The same cell can grow and become a tumor. And, it can take the form of cancer.

Another thing is that it is said that such a disease is passed on to one's generation by inheritance. But, if that is the case, one person has four children. Only four people do not have tumors. Maybe in one person. Why not the other three?

There is no single concrete reason or answer for this tumor to develop and become cancer. Various things may have influenced it. First a tumor was visible. Now different sub-types (sub-types) of the same started appearing. Some are cured by the same treatment, some are not.

Increased risk of tumors in children

A child's brain tumor is more risky than an adult's. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, the child cannot express what is happening to him. The child does not say that the head is aching, the eyes are getting weak, and the hearing ability is decreasing.

If there is a child under the age of one year, the speech will not come at all. Other children also do not get the melomeso to express the bad changes that are happening in their body. That is why when they are brought to the hospital, the problem becomes complicated. The tumor has grown.

Small head, big tumor. Complex treatment, weak body. It is difficult for the child's body to tolerate tumor surgery. Again, what has been seen so far is that the tumor on the child's head is in a very awkward place. Basically three types of tumors are seen in them, which are very bad tumors.

Now the tumor is surgically removed. However, if cancer has already occurred, further treatment is uncomfortable. It is difficult to give them chemotherapy, even radiotherapy.

Are there any symptoms of brain tumor in children?

All diseases have symptoms, but how many are known, and how many are not known. Similarly, some symptoms are compatible with other diseases. So the symptoms can sometimes be confusing.

If there is any problem in the brain or the brain, the child cannot hold its head up. We keep the head upright on the strength of the neck and turn it around. However, if there is a problem in the brain, the head can be tilted. Slowly the throat can't take it. Children become weak and small.

Likewise, the child's head may grow. We don't pay much attention to how a small child's head is growing. If it is growing unnaturally, there may be a problem.

Similarly, another clear symptom is that the baby's palate is open when it is small. It is sticky or flexible. It should be covered later. Generally, the palate should start covering when the baby is three months old, and the rostrum should be completely covered by one-and-a-half years. If an infant's palate does not cover or remains open, it should be suspected that they have a head problem. Initiatives should be taken for testing and treatment.

It is important for parents to be aware of whether their child is normal or not. Why are they crying? Why are they not accepting to eat milk? Why are they not seen as normal?

What is the treatment?

Abroad, especially in developed countries, the health of the baby is checked during pregnancy. It is also seen in the mother's womb whether there is a tumor or not. If there is a tumor, what kind is it? The first or second stage tumors can be treated with surgery. Therefore, the baby's tumor is surgically removed while remaining in the mother's womb. However, if it has reached the third and fourth stage, the doctor gives advice to the parents to avoid giving birth to the baby.

However, we do not have such technology or system. Therefore, some diseases are detected only after birth. That too only after the symptoms started to appear. By the time symptoms begin to appear, treatment may be too late.

Let's say we have a brain tumor in an infant or child, the treatment is very uncomfortable and risky. It cannot be said that good results will come even after treatment.

Then what to do to prevent such a problem in the child? There is no exact answer to this either. We have also mentioned above that, despite many research studies, the root cause of cancer has not been found. However, risk factors can be reduced.

For example, if the mother smokes cigarettes, drinks alcohol, or takes drugs during pregnancy, it seems that such problems are more common in their children. So you should stay away from these things as much as possible during pregnancy. Also, is the baby or child growing naturally, growing or not? Parents should take careful care of this. Any abnormal situation in the child should be immediately alerted.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Practice Of Social Change and Development in Asia

Practice Of Social Change and Development in Asia  

Remittances, Migration and Social Development 

A Conceptual Review of the Literature 

Hein de Haas

Hein De Haas has been a prominent scholar in the field of migration studies, and his work often delves into the interconnections between migration, remittances, and social development. Here is a conceptual review of the key themes in the literature:

1. **Remittances and Economic Impact:**

   - Scholars often explore how remittances, which are financial transfers sent by migrants to their home countries, impact the economic development of receiving communities. This includes assessing the role of remittances in poverty alleviation, household income, and local economic development.

2. **Social and Cultural Transformations:**

   - Migration and remittances can bring about social and cultural changes in both sending and receiving communities. Researchers may investigate the impact of migration on family structures, gender roles, and cultural practices.

3. **Developmental Consequences:**

   - The literature may discuss the broader developmental consequences of migration and remittances, considering factors such as education, healthcare, and overall human development indices in the context of remittance-receiving regions.

4. **Migration Policies and Social Development:**

   - De Haas might explore how migration policies, both in sending and receiving countries, influence the social development outcomes associated with migration and remittances. This could involve examining the role of policy frameworks in shaping the impact of migration on communities.

5. **Transnationalism and Social Networks:**

   - Hein De Haas may also focus on the transnational nature of migration and how social networks formed by migrants contribute to social development. This involves looking at how connections between migrants and their home communities shape economic and social outcomes.

6. **Critiques and Challenges:**

   - The literature may address critiques and challenges associated with the optimistic narratives around remittances and social development. This could include discussions on issues like dependency, inequality, and the potential negative consequences of relying heavily on remittances.



The exploration of "Remittances, Migration, and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of The Literature" by Hein De Haas is a journey into the intricate dynamics of how migration, particularly through the flow of remittances, shapes social development. This topic holds particular relevance within the field of sociology as it examines not only the economic dimensions of migration but also its profound social and cultural consequences.

**Background on Hein De Haas:**

Hein De Haas, a luminary in the realm of migration studies, has significantly shaped our understanding of the interplay between migration and societal development. As a professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam, his research contributions encompass a diverse range of themes, from the economic impacts of remittances to the social and cultural transformations associated with migration.

**Objectives of the Conceptual Review:**

The overarching objective of this literature review is to glean insights into the multifaceted relationship between remittances, migration, and social development. By delving into De Haas's works, we aim to understand the nuanced connections and uncover the broader implications that extend beyond economic considerations.

**Remittances and Economic Impact:**

One of the central foci of De Haas's research involves examining how remittances, the financial lifelines sent by migrants to their home countries, contribute to the economic development of recipient communities. His work delves into the role of remittances in poverty alleviation, the augmentation of household income, and their influence in fostering local economic development.

**Social and Cultural Transformations:**

Migration is not a mere economic phenomenon; it entails profound social and cultural transformations. De Haas's insights shed light on how migration and the subsequent inflow of remittances influence family structures, redefine gender roles, and contribute to shifts in cultural practices within both sending and receiving communities.

**Developmental Consequences:**

Beyond the immediate economic impacts, migration and remittances have far-reaching consequences for societal development. Hein De Haas's conceptualization extends to factors such as education, healthcare, and overall human development indices within regions that receive remittances.

**Migration Policies and Social Development:**

Understanding the interplay between migration policies and social development outcomes is crucial. De Haas's research explores how policies in both sending and receiving countries shape the impact of migration, providing insights into the regulatory frameworks that influence the development trajectory of communities involved in migration processes.

**Transnationalism and Social Networks:**

Migration is inherently transnational, and De Haas's work delves into the complexities of social networks formed by migrants. These networks, extending across borders, play a pivotal role in shaping social and economic outcomes for both migrants and their home communities.

**Critiques and Challenges:**

In the pursuit of a comprehensive understanding, it is essential to consider critiques and challenges associated with optimistic narratives surrounding remittances. De Haas's research likely engages with issues such as dependency, inequality, and the potential negative consequences that may arise from an overreliance on remittance inflows.


In conclusion, this conceptual review offers a nuanced exploration of remittances, migration, and social development through the lens of Hein De Haas's extensive contributions. The synthesis of economic, social, and cultural dimensions provides a holistic understanding of the complex interplay between migration processes and societal advancement.

**Questions and Discussion:**

As we open the floor to questions and discussion, we invite a thoughtful dialogue on the intricacies uncovered in this conceptual review. It is through such scholarly exchanges that we can further refine our comprehension of the profound implications of remittances and migration on social development.


## Remittances, Migration, and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of the Literature by Hein de Haas

**Understanding the Intertwined Worlds:**

Hein de Haas, in his work titled "Remittances, Migration, and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of the Literature," delves into the complex relationship between remittances, migration, and social development in developing countries. He offers a comprehensive review of existing literature, building a framework to analyze the intricate ways these elements interact and shape diverse social realities.

**Beyond Sending Money:**

De Haas challenges the simplistic view of remittances as mere financial transfers. He argues that they are embedded within the broader context of migration, serving as a **critical element** in household livelihood strategies. Migrant families often send money back home to support basic needs, education, healthcare, and even entrepreneurial ventures. These remittances become vital lifelines, contributing to **poverty reduction** and improved **living standards**.

**Beyond Individual Benefits:**

The paper extends beyond individual impacts, exploring the potential of remittances to **spur broader social development**. Invested in productive activities, they can stimulate local economies, generate **employment opportunities**, and foster infrastructure development. Remittances can also contribute to **improved education** and **healthcare systems**, leading to an overall rise in human capital and well-being.

**A Complex Landscape:**

However, de Haas acknowledges the multifaceted nature of this relationship. Remittances can sometimes reinforce **inequalities** within communities, with wealthier households benefiting more. Brain drain, where skilled individuals migrate, can leave sending communities with **labor shortages** and hinder long-term development. Additionally, reliance on remittances can create **dependence**, making recipient communities less resilient to economic shocks.

**Navigating the Nuances:**

The paper emphasizes the need for **context-specific** analysis to understand the true impact of remittances on social development. Different factors, such as migration patterns, recipient country policies, and cultural dynamics, need to be considered to develop sustainable development strategies. De Haas calls for **policy interventions** that maximize the positive impacts of remittances while mitigating potential drawbacks.

**In Conclusion:**

"Remittances, Migration, and Social Development" by Hein de Haas is a valuable resource for any Master's Sociology student interested in the intersections of migration, development, and social realities. It provides a nuanced understanding of remittances, moving beyond simplistic narratives to highlight their complex interplay with social structures and their potential to both empower and challenge development paths.


"Remittances, Migration and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of the Literature" by Hein De Haas is a comprehensive study that examines the role of migrant remittances in the development of sending countries. The paper can be divided into several key points:

1. **Migration and Development**: The study begins by discussing the relationship between migration and development, highlighting the importance of remittances as a key factor in the development process. It emphasizes that the developmental impact of migration depends on the interaction between migrants and their home communities, as well as the policies and programs implemented by both sending and receiving countries.

2. **Remittances and Poverty Reduction**: De Haas argues that remittances can play a significant role in reducing poverty, as they often flow to the poorest households and are used for basic needs such as food, housing, and education. However, the study also acknowledges that the developmental impact of remittances is not limited to poverty reduction, as they can also be used for infrastructure, health, and other community-level investments.

3. **The Role of Remittances in Development**: The paper explores the various ways in which remittances can contribute to development, including direct investments in infrastructure, health, and education, as well as indirect effects such as gender empowerment and social inclusion. It also discusses the potential trade-offs between different uses of remittances, such as the choice between investing in infrastructure or human capital.

4. **Challenges and Opportunities**: De Haas identifies several challenges in the literature on remittances and development, including the need for better data and more rigorous evaluation methods. He also highlights the potential of digital technologies to transform the way remittances are sent and used, as well as the role of diaspora organizations and networks in facilitating development projects.

5. **Future Research**: The study concludes by suggesting directions for future research on remittances and development. This includes a call for more interdisciplinary and longitudinal research, as well as a focus on the role of digital technologies and diaspora networks in shaping the development impact of remittances.

In summary, De Haas's "Remittances, Migration and Social Development: A Conceptual Review of the Literature" provides a comprehensive overview of the role of migrant remittances in the development of sending countries. By examining the various ways in which remittances can contribute to development, the study highlights the importance of understanding the complex interactions between migration, remittances, and development policies.


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Are you inactive? You may have such a serious illness

 Are you inactive? You may have such a serious illness

"There is a greater risk of cancer to those who smoke a single cigarette every day, than there is a greater risk to those who avoid work, exercise and hard work and lead an inactive life."

A lazy and inactive lifestyle along with the use of comforts and facilities is making our society sick. Go to everyone's house now, you will find someone suffering from diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, uric acid, varicose veins, osteoporosis.

To get rid of such a problem, we must promote physical activity like labor, exercise, sports in our daily routine.

What can be done?

Going for a morning walk, jogging, skipping rope, playing the beat, running the treadmill, playing sports, swimming, hiking, dancing, yoga, aerobics, zumba, ballet, salsa, hiking, walking Riding a bicycle, riding a static bicycle, going to the gym, climbing stairs, jogging, playing wushu, sailing a boat, doing water exercises, gardening or gardening.

What should be the exercise?

The World Health Organization has considered the following features as indispensable in scientific exercise for health protection:

1. Intensity – Exercise should be intense enough to increase the heart and breathing rate and break a sweat once.

2. Duration (prolonged) – Exercise should be done continuously for at least 15 to 30 minutes without stopping.

3. Regular: Exercise should be repeated at least 3 times a week.

As indicated by Eastern health science, the inclusion of the following dimensions in scientific exercise is considered indispensable –

1. During exercise, the heart rate and breathing rate should increase as well as sweating profusely.

2. All the joints of the body should be moved once.

3. Exercise should not only affect the muscles and bones, but also affect the soft organs in the body, such as the intestines, kidneys, liver, liver, lungs, heart and brain.

How to exercise

1. Exercise should not be started randomly. It should also be prepared beforehand. A place full of natural beauty, pollution-free, with sufficient air play and light should be selected.

2. Half an hour before the start, you should drink two glasses of water enough and right before the start, but you should not drink water immediately after the exercise.

3. Patients with special diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure should not exercise randomly and only exercise as prescribed by the doctor.

4. Exercise should only be done to the best of one's ability, one should not come to the competition and try to do it haphazardly. Before starting, warm-up (up and relaxation-loosening) exercises should be done.

5. Exercise-specific clothes, such as shoes, belts, t-shirts, if any, should be worn only. Also, it is very important that these materials are comfortable.

6. You should not be nervous or stressed while exercising. Be sure to set a certain time regularly and relax for a while after exercising.

Benefits –

1. Exercise helps to maintain a balanced body weight. By exercising regularly, fat people lose weight and thin people gain weight.

2. Exercise helps keep the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs healthy. Regular exercise has been found to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases. Exercise helps to reduce high blood pressure and increase low blood pressure, while exercise also plays an important role in controlling diabetes.

3. Exercise plays a big role in stress management. Mental problems like anxiety, depression, fear and depression can be curbed by exercising. After exercising, the mood is refreshed, confidence and creativity increase, mental processes such as memory, rhythm, attention and concentration are strengthened. Exercising for a long time does not reduce the cognitive ability of the brain.

4. Strengthens muscles, skeleton and nervous system. Purifies the blood. Increases digestive capacity. It helps to solve problems like indigestion, indigestion, gastric acidity, constipation.

5. Exercise also helps to get rid of the kulat.

6. Exercising habit increases physical, mental and sexual ability.

7. Exercise also helps to increase resistance to cancer.

8. It helps a lot in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

9. It is especially beneficial for those with insomnia.

10. Does not allow you to grow old quickly.

The author Yogi Narharinath is the Medical Director of Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital Bharatpur-1, Wageshwari, Devghatdham, Chitwan.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Five standards, which show that a child is developing correctly

 Five standards, which show that a child is developing correctly

The dimensions of the child's development are mainly of five types. Anil Ojha says.

He says, 'The first basis to see whether a child's development has taken place in the right way or not is his physical development. At what age does the child sit, at what age does it start walking etc. A child had to start walking in one year. There was no problem when I started walking after two or four months. However, if he does not start walking even after that, the parents should be aware that his development has not taken place properly.

The development of another language is equally important. Children start speaking from the age of one year. Ojha says that if they give examples of mother, father or any other word, it should be understood that their language has developed well. He says, "If a child does not speak even until the age of two, and even when speaking, they do not make clear examples of words, then it should be understood that their language development has not been done properly."

According to Ojha, a child's social and emotional development should also be accompanied by age. Like a one-year-old child should be loved by the mother rather than kissing the child on the cheek. I had to clap instead of clapping.

If a child uses his hands, fingers, wrists and muscles to grasp something, it is called 'fine motor skill'. Through these skills, children learn to coordinate their eyes, hands, fingers and wrists. This is important for two- to five-year-old children, says Ojha. This skill should be developed at the age of 2 to 5 years. With its help, children learn to hold things, write, understand etc.'

The intellectual development of a child according to age is equally important. A one-year-old child starts looking for hidden things. If he shows curiosity about something, it should be understood that his intellectual development is also going well. However, Ojha said that if these five skills are not developed in a child, then his development is considered to be delayed.

What should be the weight and height according to the child's age?

If the weight and height of the children are according to their age, it can be understood that the child is healthy and the diet they are getting is good. Developmental pediatrician Dr. Ojha says that age and weight gain is a normal and necessary process as children grow.

He says that a child's weight at birth is 3 kg, but at 6 months, his weight doubles to 6 kg. When a child is born, its height is about 50 cm, and in one year it is 75 cm.

A 5-year-old child should weigh around 17.9 kg. He said that at this age, it is considered healthy for a child to have an average height of 42.5 inches.

If children's height and weight are not developing according to their age, then it should be understood that something is lacking somewhere. A doctor's advice should be taken for this.'' says Ojha.

Until what age does the child's physical development accelerate?

In the first year, the child's physical development is very rapid. Ojha said that physical development happens with the age of the child. However, even in a year, the speed will decrease. The child's mental development is very rapid in the first two to three years.

Special attention should be paid to the diet of the child during this age period

Special attention should be paid to the diet of children in the age group of two to three years. Proper nutrition is a solid foundation for a child's good health and development. Ojha said that children who have good nutrition can learn and grow well.

"Even if only mother's milk is enough for 6 months, from 6 months, you should start eating semi-solid foods such as pulses, jalous, fruit juice, litho." It should be taken.'

If the child is not growing properly, is under-age or abnormally large, the cause should be sought

If the child is not growing properly for its age, is small or abnormally large, it may be due to genetics. Some children look young till 11-12 years old but can grow rapidly in adulthood. Even if the child lacks nutrition, the growth and development of the child will not be done properly. Ojha said that due to some health problem, the child may look younger or older than his age.

He suggested that if children's development is not according to their age, they should seek the help of a doctor to find out the reason.

What should a single parent pay attention to when raising a child?

 What should a single parent pay attention to when raising a child?

If the husband and wife separate for some reason, the responsibility of the children falls on the shoulders of one of the parents. There are many challenges to face during single parenthood.

The rate of children living with both parents in the US is decreasing every year. About a quarter of the children live there with their mother or father. This trend is not limited to America but is growing all over the world.

The reason for this may be because the mother or father works away from the family, because of family quarrels and divorce. Experts say, single parenthood is not a positive development. Children who live with one parent are more likely to have behavioral problems.

Behavioral problems in children

Children who grow up with a single parent may have behavioral problems and difficulties with emotional self-regulation. Single parents are not able to give enough time to their children. As a result, problems such as irritability, hyperactivity and inability to concentrate may appear in the child.

It also affects the future of children who grow up with single parents

Children who grow up with a single parent receive a lower level of education than other children. Because usually the income of a single parent is not as much as two parents. Therefore, most of the single parents cannot meet the needs of the house.

Due to lack of finances, if they do not get a good education, those children will not be able to get a good income-earning job in the future. In this case, along with their childhood, their future also passes in financial deprivation.

It is beneficial for both parents to be together for the best care of the child

If both parents are together, they get more time and attention to take care of the child. It is beneficial for both the parents to bring up the child together in the physical and mental development of the child. So, whatever the reason, it is better for parents to find effective ways to strengthen their family instead of looking for reasons to stay apart.

Instead of blaming, single parents should be helped

Socially, single parents should be helped instead of being blamed. This will improve the physical and mental health of millions of children.

What is a single parent to do?

Take time for yourself. Let's take care of our children as well as take care of ourselves. Being worried can cause problems in taking care of children.

It is good to have a daily schedule for you and your child. A single parent may face more problems due to wrong lifestyle. So it is better to go according to the schedule.

During single parenthood, you can take help from relatives or someone close to you. In the beginning, you can also take help from your friends. A single parent needs to be a friend to a child. Rather than being a parent, you should listen to the child as a friend. Their problems can be identified and solved only by becoming friends.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

"There is also a need to discuss the mental health of teachers"

"There is also a need to discuss the mental health of teachers"

  Recently, there are many problems related to mental health in school students. This affects their ability to acquire skills and knowledge. At times, public awareness programs on mental health are targeted at students.

But the mental health of the teachers who teach the same children is not given much attention. Teachers may also be stressed by personal problems such as their home affairs and career. The effect of which can be seen in their work. It can have a direct impact on students' teaching and learning.

In this case, don't teachers need training on human health? How important is it to discuss the mental health of teachers? What is the teacher's health condition? In this context, psychiatrist Dr. Edited excerpt of online journalist Manisha Thapa's conversation with Vasudev Karki:

How important is it to discuss the mental health of teachers?

Suzuki Dashain Offer

Children are the foundations of the future. Teachers are the creators of children's future. Therefore, if the creator is not mentally healthy, the society of the future will not be prosperous. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the mental health of both children and teachers.

In the context of Nepal, there are many mental health programs targeting children and students. But by focusing on teachers, the discussion about mental health is reduced.

On the other hand, some time ago in America, there was a survey about the mental health of teachers. According to which 27 percent of the teachers were suffering from depression. In a prosperous country like America, teachers are going through mental problems like depression, but in a country like Nepal, the government has not been able to provide even the necessary services and facilities that teachers should get. It can be attributed to the recent teachers' movement. Even if only the teachers present in the movement are studied, 50 percent of them may have problems like depression.

In this case, if the mental condition of the teacher is not good, how can the children like the little buds get quality education from the education given by them? Therefore, it is very important to discuss the mental health of teachers.

Teachers have their own problems. Family matters, financial matters or various things are also making them stressed. Is the side-effect of such stress in the classroom or not?

If the teacher himself is in a stressful situation, its side-effect is completely falling in the classroom. A person who is mentally stressed may also have anxiety and depression. Due to stress, symptoms such as sleeplessness and dizziness may appear in them. How can he teach in the classroom who has not slept all night? On top of that, a teacher who is going through depression may have anger, impulses, and thoughts playing in his mind, and a teacher who comes to the classroom with a stressed mind either does not want to teach and is forced to teach.

Also, even a small mistake by a student in class can cause anger in the teacher. The result may be activities such as scolding and beating students. There are many examples of incidents of beatings by teachers from time to time. This can affect the mental health of not only the teachers, but also the students studying there. Not only that, the teacher may not be able to share enough knowledge as needed, which affects the students' learning.

How does the mood of teachers affect children?

If someone greets you with a smile when you go somewhere, the atmosphere is different. The same principle applies in the classroom. If the teacher looks cheerful and energetic, then even the students who are sitting in the classroom will get energy and vigor. They can easily absorb what is taught. They do not feel that the class is over.

But there is a lot of stress going on in the teacher's mind. He has no energy, no energy and comes with an angry face. And, if they are always presented in the same way in the class, students may not like to read, find it difficult to concentrate, and may not like to ask questions that they do not understand. Some teachers are kind enough to vent their anger on students due to the personal stress of homework. In this case, students are afraid to even sit in class. The class atmosphere is also negative.

All students consider their teachers as the storehouse of knowledge. Children consider teachers as their role models and they dream of being like teachers. Students follow not only the teacher's teaching but also their behavior. The direct effect on the students' emotional state and learning environment also depends on the teacher's presentation.

Even if the student is not scolded or beaten, some behavior of the teacher has a direct effect, right?


First, it was said that small punishments should be given to the students to make them level and discipline them. If you don't do your homework, if you make noise in the classroom, if you don't obey, you will get beaten up. But now the idea that students should not be beaten will have a more negative impact on children. Most teachers believe that the classroom should be child-friendly. However, activities such as not encouraging, not responding, and discouraging the students for their extracurricular activities in the class can have a negative effect on the student's mentality. Not only that, because stressed teachers cannot teach well, students also cannot learn well.

If the teacher himself is depressed or sad, can he cover it up and teach the students properly?

If the teacher himself is sad, he cannot cover it up. Even if they want to, they cannot teach the students properly. No matter how much the teacher tries to hide his indifference, it can be seen in his behavior.

What kind of mental problems can teachers have?

Depression, anxiety and stress are the most common psychological problems among teachers. Some teachers are not even able to experience that they have mental problems. But in their behavior, the symptoms of mental problems are visible and if the problem becomes dominant, the behavior may change. After which students and colleagues around can also notice.

How to make the teacher mentally healthy and emotionally strong?

In order to make them mentally healthy and emotionally strong, their stress can be reduced by giving them the wages that schools and colleges deserve, understanding the problems of teachers from time to time, not giving them unnecessary pressure from the administration, encouraging them when they have done a good job.

Also, it is important for the teacher to have a discussion program with the counselor at school from time to time, so that they can openly discuss the mental stress they have.

It is necessary for the government to conduct mental health awareness programs in all teaching areas and to train teachers on modern education. This can increase the intellectual capacity of the teachers and can also increase their passion for teaching.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Nightmare: A child having nightmares

Nightmare: A child having nightmares

Sometimes a terrible dream appears while sleeping. When you see such a dream, you will suddenly wake up at night and feel fear. This problem is more common in children than in adults.

Children wake up suddenly, start crying or start walking. Parents also get scared when children see such activities. If the child keeps having bad dreams and wakes up from sleep, there are reasons behind it.

If children wake up suddenly from sleep, they may have sleep problems like 'night terrors' and 'night terrors'.


Nightmare is especially common in children above the age of three. Because the age when a child starts dreaming in sleep is above three years. There are mainly two stages of sleep, non-rapid eye movement and rapid eye movement. In the second stage of sleep, the child has terrible dreams.

Young children dream of being chased by wild animals, if they see monsters in cartoons or movies, they see them. Older children may have terrible dreams of being beaten, people dying, missing themselves, etc. That is the Night Mayor.

In older children, stress, anxiety, anxiety and depression also cause night mayor.


Night terrors appear in the first stage of sleep. In this problem, the child wakes up suddenly at night and shouts, screams, cries, sweats, and breathes rapidly. The child does not remember what dream he suddenly woke up at night. In night terrors, the child may sometimes get up and walk.

Difference between Nightmare and Nightterror

In Night Mayor, children wake up in the morning and get scared, and in Night Terror, children suddenly wake up from sleep at night and panic, cry and scream.

A child remembers what he dreamed in Night Mayor, but he does not remember what he dreamed in Night Terror.

The reason why such a problem appears

Night terrors and night terrors in children are sleep related problems. Children also have various stresses. If he has any physical problems such as anxiety about studying, not sleeping well, such problems will appear. In addition, the problem of night terrors and night terrors is seen due to anxiety depression.


Such problems appear in children due to insomnia and stress. Therefore, if such a problem appears in the child, the parents should find out why the child is not sleeping well, what has caused him stress and manage it. This will reduce the problem.

If the problem of night mayor is seen in the child, the parents panic. But there is no special treatment for it. After managing the cause of the child's stress, this problem will be reduced.

Parents should pay special attention to the child's safety as the child wakes up from sleep and cries, screams, and walks around during night terrors. He should be put down in a safe place and sleep together as he may have an accident while standing up.

If the problem of night terrors keeps recurring, then you have to take medicine for a few months. But the problem of night mayor and some night terrors can be cured by consulting the parents.

Parents may be confused because the symptoms of night terrors and epilepsy are similar. Therefore, if the child wakes up at night and cries, screams and panics, you should find out what the problem is. In night terror, these symptoms in a child last for two to five minutes, while in epilepsy, they are seen only for two minutes.

Monday, May 1, 2023

How to choose a research topic?

How to choose a research topic?

Select a topic

Choosing an interesting research topic is your first challenge. Here are some tips:

 Choose a topic that you are interested in. The research process is more relevant if you

care about your topic.

 Narrow your topic to something manageable.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

What are the 5 components of a research?

 What are the 5 components of a research?

Research components are introduction, literature review, method, results,

discussion, and conclusion

What happens when there is a lack of vitamin E?

What happens when there is a lack of vitamin E?

Vitamins, nutrients needed by the body, can be obtained from various foods. Generally, we are aware of vitamins A, B, C and D, but not many people pay attention to vitamin E, which is essential for the body.

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Divorce: Beginning of a new life

Divorce: Beginning of a new life

With the increase in human consciousness, the ability to rebel also increases. The courage to rebel against wrong traditions also increases. As the difference between the desire to maintain the tradition and the desire to change it turns into idolatry, its culmination becomes 'divorce'.

Is there a way to breathe?

Is there a way to breathe?

To stay healthy, we pay attention to various aspects like drinking a lot of water, eating a balanced diet, cleanliness. But we don't pay much attention to breath, which is the only means of survival. Because breathing comes automatically, no effort is needed for it.

Monday, February 20, 2023

If there is a problem in the ear, the child does not speak, what is the treatment?

If there is a problem in the ear, the child does not speak, what is the treatment?

Parents want their child to be fine in every way. To be able to walk, play, laugh, speak, see, hear. But as the newborn baby grows up, the developmental response of these things gradually begins to appear. Therefore, parents do not easily know that their baby has a hearing problem.