Tuesday, January 31, 2023

What is health, remedies, causes, tips

What is health, remedies, causes, tips

"Health is Wealth." Everyone knows this line, but how many people give time for it is something to think about. In order to be happy in life, it is necessary to stay healthy both physically and mentally. Usually, people think that they run a lot in their daily routine, so they don't need any physical exercise. But it is wrong to think like that. Whatever you are doing, it has become a part of your life. Your body has become accustomed to this kind of lifestyle, so some form of exercise is necessary for everyone.

Easy ways to gain weight and get fat

Easy ways to gain weight and get fat

There are many people who are underweight and are troubled because of their body shape. And it is true that like obese people, there are still chances of diseases for them. In fact, the effort required to lose weight is the same dedication and effort needed to gain weight. While obesity and overweight are a big problem, low weight and thin body also cannot show attractive personality.

Causes of weight gain and measures to reduce weight and obesity

Causes of weight gain and measures to reduce weight and obesity

Obesity is the problem of many people these days. To reduce it, people take various medicines, go to doctors and do exercises etc. There may be many reasons for this, here are the causes of obesity and easy and home remedies to reduce it.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Carbohydrates from sweet potatoes increase life?

Carbohydrates from sweet potatoes increase life?

Nutritionist Dr. Sakharkhand produced in winter is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, potassium, phosphorus. Bhupal Baniyan says.

Marital happiness: why women are not sexually active?

Marital happiness: why women are not sexually active?

Often women are not forward for sex. In some cases, they have sex only to satisfy and please their husbands and partners.

Why does heart rate increase when you are scared or anxious?

Why does heart rate increase when you are scared or anxious?

When we suddenly panic or fear for some reason, then the heart beats faster. We think that the heart will come out.

How to find happiness?

How to find happiness?

Osho says - happiness and sorrow are temporary. Permanence is bliss. Happiness is the ultimate goal of whatever people do. Be it by earning money, be it by performing prayers, be it by doing social service, be it by earning name. The only squeeze of talking is pleasure.

Gastric damage can cause ulcers in children

Gastric damage can cause ulcers in children

Swelling of the stomach or small intestine is called gastric. Gastric in colloquial language but its real name is gastritis. Gastritis can occur in anyone from children to the elderly.

If the tooth is eaten by worms, should it be pulled out or filled with fluoride cement?

If the tooth is eaten by worms, should it be pulled out or filled with fluoride cement?

In recent times, awareness about the disease is increasing among the common citizens. But oral and dental health is not given much attention. Common dental diseases are found in most people. It can happen at any age.

Why does the baby live outside the womb?

Why does the baby live outside the womb?

Many physical changes occur during pregnancy. When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus, pregnancy begins. But in some pregnant women, there is also the problem of the baby sitting outside the uterus.

Can a damaged liver become healthy again?

Can a damaged liver become healthy again?

The liver plays a key role in keeping the body healthy by taking out the waste. The liver separates nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in our body and delivers them to various organs according to the needs of the body.

How to remove dark circles with home remedies?

How to remove dark circles with home remedies?

Many people suffer from dark circles under the eyes. This problem appears from adolescence due to various reasons. Dark circles are caused by stress from studies, work, lack of sleep, drinking less water, changes in hormones and irregular lifestyle. Apart from that, dark circles can also be caused by genetics.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Why do cramps occur?

Why do cramps occur?

Psychiatrist Dr. According to Saroj Ojha, there are four stages of sleep in the process of falling asleep and waking up.

Now there is no risk of HIV?

Now there is no risk of HIV?

HIV positive was considered as a terrible infection. The disease, transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person, was described as 'fatal'. Therefore, people used to fear that they might have HIV infection even when they get a common sexually transmitted disease.