Carbohydrates from sweet potatoes increase life?
Nutritionist Dr. Sakharkhand produced in winter is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, potassium, phosphorus. Bhupal Baniyan says.
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Nutritionist Dr. Sakharkhand produced in winter is a good source of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, potassium, phosphorus. Bhupal Baniyan says.
Now we have many dishes on our plates. Lentils, vegetables, pickles, fish, curd, milk, ghee, vegetables, salad, sweets. However, when we are not hungry, how can our tongue taste these dishes?
Although sweet in taste, sugar is considered a very bitter food in terms of health. That is why modern nutritionists have put it on the list of things to give up rather than eat. Also, many have begun to give up, but most junk food, fast food, and processed foods contain sugar, so we are unknowingly eating sugar. Sugar is added to most commercial foods as it enhances the taste, attractiveness, age, and texture of the food. There are more disadvantages to sugar than sweet sugar. But when we consume sugar, we do not pay attention to all these facts. As a result, we unknowingly run into many problems. Sugar consumption can lead to the following health problems.
Sugar is also a risk factor for heart and vascular disease, which is said to be the number one killer of 17.7 million people in the world every year. Prolonged consumption of sugar can lead to weight gain, swelling of the lining of blood vessels, increase in cholesterol and triglycerides, increase in blood glucose and blood pressure, and increase the risk of heart diseases, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and coronary heart disease. Similarly, high sugar intake or high-fucose-diet can lead to a disease called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart is called coronary heart disease.
About 450 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, a number that has multiplied in the last 40 years. Thus, the consumption of sugar and processed fats is one of the major factors contributing to the increase of this problem at the rate of twice a day and four times a night. Long-term insulin resistance caused by sugar consumption is the main reason for the development of diabetes, while obesity and stomach problems caused by sugar consumption are considered to be another reason.
Consuming sugar raises our blood glucose levels. At the same time, the blood volume of insulin also increases. If this action is repeated for a long time, it develops insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to diabetes.
The problem of fat accumulation in the liver has become a problem in every household today and the consumption of processed carbohydrates containing sugar and high fructose is the main factor in making this problem so frightening. Consumption of sugar increases the problem of fat accumulation in the liver. This is because sugar contains high levels of fructose. Fructose is a harmful element for the liver. This is because fructose is digested only in the liver while glucose is digested in all the cells of the body. When you consume high amounts of fructose, the liver stores fructose as glycogen, but if it exceeds the limit, this fructose accumulates in the liver in the form of fat, which we call fatty liver disease.
Of the 7.8 billion people in the world today, 2 billion (200 million) are overweight. Of those 2 billion, 650 million are obese. Thus, our diet has a major hand in unexpectedly gaining weight and even in food, sugar intake has been taken as a major factor in high weight and obesity. The biggest hand in this is the carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, Mirinda, Dew, soda, bazaar juice, energy drinks, etc., which are sold as soft drinks all over the world. These soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar or high-fucose-corn-syrup or high-fucose-rice-syrup.
These syrups or sugars produce high levels of fructose after digestion. People tend to gain weight by eating a lot of fucoses, which causes hunger and reduced satisfaction after eating. Similarly, when you consume more fructose than you need, high fructose develops resistance to the hormone satiety called leptin, so people eat more and gain weight. Similarly, eating sugary or high-fructose foods can cause fat to build up in the soft tissues of the body. Gentle body fat is considered to be the causative agent of many diseases.
Of course, tea leaves and dandiphora come for many reasons. But consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates are the main cause of dandruff. The main reason for this is the high glycemic index of sugar and processed carbohydrates, which increase blood glucose levels when consumed. As blood glucose levels rise, so do blood insulin levels, and as insulin levels rise, blood levels of androgens increase, excess fat is produced, and dandruff occurs.
Similarly, long-term consumption of sugar also increases the risk of some cancers. The main reason for this is that long-term consumption of sugar leads to weight gain and development of obesity, unexpected inflammation in the body, development of insulin resistance, and as a result various types of cancers develop.
Worldwide, 265 million people suffer from depression. If the problem of depression persists for a long time, people's desire for suicide increases. There are also many causes of depression. Consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates is one of the major causes of depression. When we consume sugary tea, soft drinks, bazaar juice, bakery products, junk food, fast food, etc., these foods continue to spoil our mood and eventually people become depressed. Thus, the intake of sugar and processed carbohydrates causes depression, which is the amount of blood-insulin and high blood-insulin androgen hormone that accompanies the increase in blood glucose after sugar consumption. Androgens are also called stress hormones. Similarly, high sugar intake can lead to neurotransmitters, which can lead to depression.
Aging is an event that happens in everyone's life. But for many people, premature aging is associated with sugar intake and processed carbohydrates. Symptoms of aging include skin rashes, hair loss, tooth loss, and loss of sensory function, and various health studies have shown that consumption of sugar or refined carbohydrates can help to alleviate these symptoms. Thus, the biochemical called advance-glycation-and-product, which arises from the reaction of sugar and protein after sugar consumption, is responsible for causing aging. Advance-glycation-and-products specifically destroy the collagen and elastin proteins that keep skin tone, complexion, and radiance alive, and the skin looks aging faster.
Our body has about 10 blue cells. These cells also have their own age and these cells are also prone to old age and death. The process of shortening the cellular structure called telomerase is responsible for the aging of such cells. Telomeres typically cover every side of the chromosomes and prevent the chromosomes from being distorted by other elements and the chromosomes from merging with each other, but when the telomeres are shortened, the chromosomes deform quickly and the cells age quickly. Various scientific studies have shown that prolonged consumption of sugar or shortening of telomeres causes cells to age faster.
When you eat foods high in sugar, sugar raises both blood glucose and insulin. Thus, a rise in blood glucose for a few moments after sugar intake also raises energy levels, but this condition does not last long. Therefore, sugar and processed carbohydrates should not be consumed to maintain energy levels for a long time. If you need to eat, you should also eat protein and fiber-rich foods.
Consumption of sugar also affects the health of the kidneys. In this case, the sugar causes inflammation in the blood vessels and also damages the small blood vessels of the kidneys, which can lead to kidney damage.
Consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. This is because when you eat sugar, it attracts bacteria that are harmful to your teeth. These bacteria produce acid that causes tooth decay and tooth decay.
Consumption of high amounts of sugar breaks down sugar into glucose and fructose after digestion. Of the glucose and fructose formed after digestion of sugar, glucose is metabolized in all cells while fructose metabolism occurs only in the liver. In the liver, fructose is converted to fructose 1 phosphate. In this process ATP is used to make ADP and ADP is also converted to AMP and AMP is also converted to inosine to make uric acid. Therefore, the more sugar we consume, the more uric acid we suffer from.
As sugar intake increases blood glucose levels and increases blood glucose levels, so does insulin resistance. Similarly, sugar intake increases the production of amyloid protein in the brain, which can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, consumption of sugar reduces forgetfulness and cognitive ability.
Many people say that they do not get diabetes if they do not eat sugary foods. Diabetes is not the only cause of diabetes.
Hereditary and other factors are more responsible for diabetes. However, in the case of diabetes, eating sugary foods can lead to uncontrolled sugar.
Diabetics are often advised to eat sugar-free cheese. While the diet of diabetics should be not only sugar-free but also calorie-free. What is being said now is that diabetes is a hereditary disease. That is, it is a contagious disease. This means that those who live a life of luxury and comfort are afflicted with this disease.
This means that those who seek Ashram are physically inactive. Do not work Do not exercise They eat sweets. This kind of bad lifestyle is also causing diabetes now.
There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. The difference between the two is easy to spot. In type 1 diabetes, insulin-producing cells are destroyed by the body's immune system. However, in type 2 diabetes, the body cannot use the insulin produced by the pancreas.
Diabetics should eat less, even in small portions. But, you also need to eat. What people think is that diabetes occurs in old age. However, it can affect all age groups. From children to adults.
We don't get enough sleep at work. Some people have a habit of going to bed late at night and getting up early in the morning. However, not getting enough sleep can lead to various diseases. Diabetes is one of them. You need to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, if the amount of water is not enough, the amount of blood sugar in the body increases.
Eating late at night increases body weight. This makes the blood sugar level unbalanced. People who are overweight, if they do not take any initiative to control obesity can develop diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle makes the body a reservoir of disease. Life should be active. This requires regular exercise.