Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Junk food is poison

 Junk food is poison

If 'junk food' is not true, can children be allowed to lick biscuits at birth? Is it absurd that mother's milk is the best food for babies? If you argue that there is no such thing as good or bad food, then you can say that there is no best food either!

Is it right to call Pratik Joshiji's food 'junk'? After reading the article, I couldn't help but write something. Anyone who googles what is 'junk food' will know. Similarly, Joshiji's statement that "there is no legal definition of junk food or junk food" was also not right for me.

Junk food is food that contains a lot of sugar, salt, and calories, (especially to increase the taste), but it either does not contain the nutrients required by the body or is very low. In another language, it is also called ultra-processed food.

Robert Lustig is an American pediatrician. After treating obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure in American children for 20 years, he realized that this is not the only way to treat diseases. It should be prevented. That was proper food.

After this, he studied law and became a lawyer to fight against the companies that make 'junk food'. In many books, Robert Lustig has described in detail how the habit of eating "junk food" of the American people has created many problems.

Dr. If you look at Robert Lustig on YouTube, you will know how he is raising public awareness against food that is full of many chemicals that do not contain sugar, salt, or fiber, i.e., ``fat food''. So, if the word 'junk food' can be used in America, Europe, India, why not in Nepal?

Similarly, to the author's question, 'Is it correct to distinguish food as good and bad?', I say that food is good and bad. Stale, wormy, rotten food full of many chemicals, salted and sugary food can't be called 'bad' food? This word is also used in English or Hindi.

Yes, the nature of food can be different according to people's lifestyle, work, place. "High calorie foods may be suitable for athletes," says the author. It is, but it should be a meal with healthy calories. Foods made with too many 'unhealthy fats, high sugar and salt calories', 'flour products' are not good for athletes.

Telling players that ``it happens when they use junk food in moderation'' is like saying that ``it happens even if children are given cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs in moderation''. I thought that's what parents are doing now.

What I experienced from the author's article is that ``Patru Khana'' is a word used by people who call themselves nutritionists and have only superficial knowledge about food, but for thousands of years, our ancestors have gained knowledge about food and used it in their daily lives. Does their knowledge have any importance?

Our forefathers used many cultural practices regarding this, that both mind and brain are healthy when we eat healthy food according to the season. That is why we eat satu and sorbet on Akshaya Tritiya, dahi-chiura on Asar 15, khichdi, ghee and chaku on January 1.

Our forefathers used to say - 'Jai Khae Anna, Bains Hoe Mind' 'Pet Safa To Har Rog Dafa!' We use thousands of proverbs and sayings about healthy food in our daily life. If it is not true that Patru Khana means 'junk food', can children be allowed to lick biscuits right after they are born? Is it absurd that mother's milk is the best food for babies? Because if you argue that there is no such thing as good or bad food, then you can say that there is no best food either!

Yes, 'junk food' should be viewed in a negative light. In any case, it cannot be thought that 'Patru Khana' can benefit the body. The word 'Patru Khana' itself means 'bad food'. Even in the US, voices are being raised against the companies that make such paper meals.

I will write something about the data available in the US and the studies done in the books written by the journalists there after a lot of study on how 'junk food' has worsened the health of the American people. You can see about these books on the website. It can also be heard on YouTube.

Joshiji's sentence that 'food is just food, food has no moral value' is wrong. Food is not only food, it is also connected with culture, religion and lifestyle. Before a human being is born, the fetus in the mother's stomach also needs healthy food.

If the mother eats bad, unhealthy food and the mother is malnourished and anemic, the baby is also born weak. That is why it is said that pregnant women should eat healthy food. Food also has a moral value. After eating, the baby is given a healthy bed and blanket. Even if you give him 'noodles and potato chips', who would say that they contain calories?

When the author writes that the choice of food does not make you a good or bad person, I say that it does not make you good or bad, that is, but the choice of food will determine whether or not your health will be good or not (high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, many problems that come with obesity) and forgetfulness. It can also confirm things.

One wonders how an enlightened nutritionist like Joshiji could say that burgers, pizzas and phapar and millet roti can be put in the same category. Is eating millet bread, curd, mashed potatoes, chickpeas and khichdi and eating noodle chips the same thing?

My biggest concern is that feeding a malnourished child with noodles and biscuits is enough calories. It is very wrong and unnatural to say that. Would pediatricians and public health experts support such a thing?

Why did the author not consider that because of the ignorance of the Nepalese, how many poor people gave 'Patru food' to children, and they became victims of malnutrition! I would like to have a public discussion on this matter with the author and people who have similar views. Joshiji is ready!

Responding to the fact that the root cause of many diseases in the body is an unhealthy stomach, junk food and unhealthy food. In his book 'Metabolic' Lusting mentions how food companies, drug companies and junk food deprive us of being healthy.

After reading many scientific researches in this book written in simple English language, I thought it appropriate to bring forward the facts written in it to the masses.

Maybe some of the facts written in it have already been said by public health experts, but in this book, Dr. Lusting has written in a very interesting way through his experience. He himself is a pediatric and diabetes expert. He says, 'Drugs given for chronic diseases do not cure the disease, they only cure the symptoms.'

"Chronic diseases should not be cured by medicine but by food."

The habit of eating junk food is like alcohol.

"Food companies, big pharmaceutical companies and governments that ignore public health are in the same place."

This book, written keeping in mind the background of America, is very important for countries like Nepal and India. This book of more than 400 pages is a source book. It cannot be read at once, it should be read from time to time.

While reading a book, we experience how the things written in it are compatible with us. "If we don't change the style of food, no matter how much hospitals, tools and medicine are developed, many health diseases will not decrease", it is said in many places in the book.

Dr. Lusting writes, "In America, 62 percent of the food available in large stores is junk food." There are many colors mixed in them and we are gradually getting poisoned by such foods. Diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty deposits in the liver, cancer, amnesia etc. are not transmitted by such food. One way to solve such problems is for the community and individuals to eat food prepared in a natural way as much as possible. It will help us to fight epidemics like Covid by increasing our disease fighting power. He has written in his book - "Doctors and other health workers do not talk about nutrition."

Dr. Lusting first studied science, graduated. And studied medicine. He became a pediatrician. He then worked on the problem of childhood obesity in America. As a hormone expert, while solving children's problems, he experienced - 'There are many problems that cannot be solved by medicine alone. Children's obesity and thyroid problems cannot be solved only with the knowledge studied in college.' And he started treatment in a new way.

While working, he experienced how sugar, other sugary substances, junk food cause problems in the liver, it increases the chances of cancer and dementia. It was based on real research and not just his own experience. That is why he clearly said, ``You should eat this kind of food which keeps the liver healthy and relaxes the stomach. Eating like this is considered to be a real meal.

Owners of various types of junk food and food factories hide the fact that commercial food is unhealthy. All foods are naturally healthy. In order to preserve the food for a long time by extracting the cheap fibrous material (outer skin) from the same food, the leafy food is extracted from the factory by mixing many chemicals. After eating food prepared in this way, our liver becomes unhealthy. If there is no fibrous material, there is a possibility of stomach upset and infection. (Page 8)

While writing this book, he has mentioned 1,54 sources, mentioning all those sources in the book makes the size of the book more expensive, so all those sources have been added to his website.

In spite of having the best doctors, many hospitals, modern laboratories for surgery, etc. in America, are the American people healthy?' In fact, among other highly developed countries, America has more diabetes problems than any other country. Similarly, America is in the top 5 countries with dementia, cancer and heart disease. The reason for all this is food and lifestyle.

In one place of his book, he has written - "During the covid epidemic, Dr. Fauci did a very good job. But I am angry with him about one thing. He never spoke about the importance of food in fighting the infection of covid. If he had spoken about this, there would have been a very positive impact on the community.

Mobile phone addiction and junk food can cause serious health problems in children

 Mobile phone addiction and junk food can cause serious health problems in children

A bad lifestyle increases the risk of many diseases. Due to bad lifestyle, not only old people, but also young people are falling prey to various diseases these days. Not only adults, but also small children are suffering from many diseases due to wrong lifestyle and diet.

Recently, children are more at risk of diseases than adults, because children prefer to eat outside the home, they prefer to play mobile games than to go out to play. If parents do not pay attention to their children's lifestyle and diet, then the children may face many health problems in the future.

Bad lifestyle and diet can cause such health problems

Foods like junk food and packet food outside can cause malnutrition in children due to lack of nutrition. Artificial colors, sugar, fatty substances, sodium etc. are mixed, which causes the problem of increasing obesity. There is a problem like tonsils after eating cold ice cream juices.

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Consuming such food can lead to problems like stomach problems, obesity and later heart problems, diabetes and cancer.

Children use mobile phones a lot and are not physically active. Problems such as eye problems and virtual autism have also appeared due to using too many mobile phones. Special attention should be paid to these two things to save children from various health problems.

Give home cooked food

Junk food is becoming a headache for children's health. Children are more attracted to junk food and packet food available in the market than home made food. Junk food itself is not a fresh, nutritious and balanced meal. Artificial colors, sugar, fatty substances, sodium etc. are mixed in such foods, which can cause many diseases from obesity.

After filling their stomach with junk food, children do not eat other nutritious food. This causes them to lack nutrition. Therefore, children should be allowed to eat fresh home-made food rather than market food. Therefore, it is possible to prepare food for the children at home and arrange the time.

Send the children outside to play

Today's children have started spending more time on mobiles, tabloids and laptops. It has also become a good excuse for parents to deceive their children. But children should be encouraged to play more outdoor games, where their bodies are active. It increases physical activity. Good returns on overall health.

Physical fitness is necessary for a child's mental development. If the body is strong, healthy, fit, they can easily accept what they hear and see.

Physical fitness is also important for intellectual development. Therefore, exercise is essential for physical fitness. If children are used to outdoor games, they get physical exercise. They play with their friends, run and jump. It is a good physical exercise.

What kind of food to eat in the rainy season?

What kind of food to eat in the rainy season?

During the rainy season, the disease is more severe than before. Due to hot heat, there are many problems of sweating, dehydration, sore throat, laziness, laziness. Diseases like whooping cough, diarrhoea, typhoid and flu are more common in rainy season.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to food during this season. Eat fresh food as much as possible, it is best to stay away from stale food. Emphasis should be placed on foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals to increase immunity.


It is good to eat cauliflower, banta, banana, golvenda, green vegetables, bodi, parsley, Parsley sprouts during rainy season. These vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals. Spicy foods should be reduced during this season. Eating too much spices can increase body temperature and blood circulation.

Similarly, it is better to eat less salt in this season. Eating too much salt will dry up the body's water, so its intake should be reduced. When cooking vegetables, it is beneficial to wash them thoroughly and eat them shortly after they are cooked.

Be careful while buying vegetables. Buying fresh vegetables as much as possible will not destroy the minerals in them. Which also increases the body's fitness and ability to fight disease.


Fruits should be eaten in a balanced way during rainy season. Seasonal fruits like mango, apple, pomegranate, mango, pear are best to eat in this season. When eating fruits, they should be eaten only after washing them well. You can also make fruit juice and eat it, but don't eat too much. Drinking too much fruit juice can cause diarrhea.

High protein

It is equally important to complete the amount of protein in the body during rainy season. Therefore, you should eat plenty of foods like milk, curd, legumes, mushrooms, and meat. These foods keep the body healthy and increase its ability to fight disease. It is beneficial for health to eat all foods except milk and curd by frying and not by making jhol or gravy.

Fiber-rich foods

Fiber is also necessary for digesting high protein foods. For that, you can eat lettuce, avocado, apple, kafal, banana, orange, almond, walnut, pesta, babri, sauf, Rajma, soybean, dal. Foods rich in fiber keep the stomach clean and also get rid of rectal problems

Ghee, cheese, butter, which provide good fat, can be eaten in the rainy season in a balanced manner.

the water

As the rainy season is also the time of summer, you should drink plenty of water. At this time, if you don't want to drink only plain water, you can also mix it with living water. Do not drink water as cold as possible because there is a risk of sewage bursting, water pipe bursting and the sewage water mixing with it. Which directly affects the drinking water. Therefore, water should be boiled and filtered, filtered and drunk only. It is better to carry water in a bag when going out.

From tasting to digesting food: how the tongue works

From tasting to digesting food: how the tongue works

We often abuse the tongue, saying it is a tasteful tongue. Because we forget to take care of our health when we indulge in the taste of the tongue. There is another popular saying related to the tongue, it is better to shake the head of one and a half dharni than to flap the tongue of two tolas. In other words, speaking indiscriminately is also the fault of the tongue.

What is the home remedy for stomach upset due to greasy food?

What is the home remedy for stomach upset due to greasy food?

Greasy, spicy food is not easily digested. On the one hand, many greasy dishes, even if you don't feel hungry, you have to eat them many times. This kind of food will spoil the stomach. Some have indigestion and some have diarrhea. Some of them may have flatulence, some of them may be suffering from gastritis.

"They gave me food, what's wrong with you?"

"They gave me food, what's wrong with you?"

Oh, he is happy! What is he missing? We are seeing so many beautiful photos on Facebook.

Is hunger sweet or food?

Is hunger sweet or food?

Now we have many dishes on our plates. Lentils, vegetables, pickles, fish, curd, milk, ghee, vegetables, salad, sweets. However, when we are not hungry, how can our tongue taste these dishes?

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

Liver is the largest organ of the human body. The liver has a special role in the digestive system. The liver has to do a lot of work to make the body healthy.

Junk food and cold drinks are damaging the liver of children

Junk food and cold drinks are damaging the liver of children

Nowadays, children and teenagers are more attracted to junk food than home food. Lentils, rice, vegetables are being replaced by pizza, burgers, meat and chowmein. Similarly, Coke, Fanta and Mirinda are taking the place of natural drinks like water, tea, milk. These khanki, which are changing the taste of the tongue, are causing serious damage to the liver.

Dengue Prevention Food: These immunity-boosting foods will save you from getting dengue, must be consumed in the rain

Dengue Prevention Food: These immunity-boosting foods will save you from getting dengue, must be consumed in the rain

Dengue fever kills millions of people every year. Dengue affects a huge population every year during the monsoon! Dengue fever strikes first in people with poor immune systems. A strong immunity can help prevent dengue effectively. A strong immune system reduces the risk of various diseases. It will also help in fighting the symptoms of dengue. Building a strong immune system is a great way to fight dengue. There are certain foods to strengthen the immune system that can help prevent dengue. Here is a list of foods that can strengthen your immunity and eliminate the risk of dengue fever.

Food is medicine

Food is medicine

Natural medicine is the art of managing the routine from waking up in the morning to going to bed. Eating a balanced diet, taking regular baths, and managing anxiety and stress are among the many aspects of naturopathy.

Why not eat flour?

Why not eat flour?

There are many beliefs about food in our daily life. For example, you eat Egyptian but do not eat the same sugar, you eat flour but you do not eat flour.

We can find such differences in foods of the same nature not only in the food mentioned above but also in other foods. For example, light brown rice is considered healthier than white rice. Even brown bread is considered to be healthier than white bread. What is the science behind it? 

What is gluten? Why is it harmful to health?

What is gluten? Why is it harmful to health?

Many people now eat wheat bread as an alternative to rice. There is a lot of understanding that bread is suitable for some diseases or weight loss. However, is a dish made from wheat bread and wheat flour really beneficial?

How to prevent food from rotting, decaying, and spoiling for years?

How to prevent food from rotting, decaying, and spoiling for years?

Most foods cannot be stored and stored for long periods of time. Because after a certain period of time, the food goes into the process of decay. So we are not able to store many kinds of food in our food store.

Of course, our ancestors developed a method of preparing certain foods correctly and keeping them for a long time. For example, radish or greens can be kept for a long time and eaten by making gundruk or sinki. The taste of the tongue could be changed from time to time by making such meat as sukuti (dry meat). Soybeans can be bought (an original dish of the Limbu caste) and kept for months.

Physical balance in monsoon: What kind of food is suitable?

Physical balance in monsoon: What kind of food is suitable?

Monsoon has started. This is also the time to eat more nutritious food than any other time. But that being said, when we ignore the condition of our body and eat, it creates problems in physical balance. This type of food harms your body. In fact, when the weather changes, so does the immune system of all of us, and to keep it good, the consumption of seasonal food is beneficial. If you are trying to lose weight, you should exercise and eat some food.

Things to pay attention to food and health care for those living in home isolation

Things to pay attention to food and health care for those living in home isolation

Corona is becoming uncontrollable in the country. With the number of infected people increasing daily, the government has also started restricting some activities. Discussions have started about the lack of capacity in the health facilities for the infected. Like last year, this year too, due to lack of hospital, people have to stay in home isolation. But what should patients who live in isolation at home pay attention to?

Physicians recommend isolation at home, even for those who have no symptoms, except for serious ones. It is important to pay close attention to food and safety at home.

The ego role of vitamin C and zinc

Many patients should pay attention to what they eat and drink during Corona. Don't eat too much. But you must eat nutritious food and stay away from homemade food as much as possible. Vitamin C and zinc are important for the body during covid. Along with medicine, it can also be obtained from natural sources. Eat plenty of oranges, lemons, eggs, and bananas.

Routine is important

Corona positive is a common symptom. It makes the body feel tired. As a result, many patients spend most of their time in bed. Get home quarantine regularly, get up early in the morning and do light exercise, walk around the room and keep fit. Relax after lunch, in the evening you can walk or read a book. Try to sleep until 10 o'clock at night. Schedule a full day. With this, you will have time for yourself and your mind will also be busy.

Measure temperature and oxygen levels

The coronavirus causes the most damage to your lungs and respiratory tract. So it is necessary to take steam. Steam with warm water 3-4 times a day. If you do not have a steamer, you can heat water in any pot and steam it.

Check the temperature from time to time. The virus can expand its scope. Contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever. Check your oxygen and pulse levels. Check pulse level 4/5 times a day. If you feel low oxygen levels, consult a doctor and go to the hospital immediately.

Measures to protect family and relatives from infection

If you are at home, make sure that you do not become infected. So take special care of these things -

- Often keep the door of your room closed.

- When it comes to food, invite people older than children and the elderly to give food.

-Wash the dishes after eating and clean.

- Talk to people as far away as possible.

- Take 3-4 pairs of clothes for the next 14 days and close the drawer till then.

- Sanitize the used mask and place it in polythene. Dispose of it after 14 days.

- Sanitize the whole room after freeing the corona. Wash used towels and other fabrics and dry them in the sun.

- After 14 days, on the advice of a doctor, you can meet family members and return to the old diary. Keep in mind that recovering from the middle doesn’t mean you relax.

Korean traditional food, where the taste of other countries' food is also included

Korean traditional food, where the taste of other countries' food is also included

Local food is the best way to introduce the culture of any country. Basic food culture is found in most countries around the world. According to the history of the country, more or less. Although the history of traditional Korean food is a little different than others, it is ahead in terms of popularity. Korean food is influenced by Chinese and Japanese food. In such traditional food, you can taste the food of countries like Japan, China, Mongolia.

When you visit South Korea you eat some original and traditional food which is characterized below. Here are 10 traditional Korean dishes.


Bulgoji is one of the most popular dishes in South Korea. It is a dish made from thinly sliced ​​meat. Which is also sweet and spicy. Bulgoji is made from either beef or pork. It is usually prepared by grilling. It is also prepared by frying, broiling, or straw-frying method. Bulgogi has been a part of Korean cuisine since the time of Gogurio in 37 BC.


Kimchi is another South Korean must-eat dish. Kimchi is often referred to as a superfood. This is because it is naturally digested and also helps the digestive system due to the production of beneficial probiotics.

Kimchi is probably the most popular traditional Korean food in the world. A mixture of different vegetables can also be kept in the kimchi. There are several ways to prepare kimchi, from radishes to chilies and ginger. Kimchi has even been recognized as a Korean intangible heritage.

Kimchi is included in almost all Korean foods. Which can be used for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


Haijanguk is a traditional Korean food. Also known as "hangover soup" or "hangover stew". This dish is an excellent food for drinking soju in the morning. This soup is usually made from beef. Banda and other vegetables are also kept in it. There are three types of hijanguks in Korea. It is prepared from the broth of beef bone, cold squash with another chopped squid, and raw egg in the third.


Samyopsal is a traditional Korean food. Samyopsal is also called pork belly. This is simple Korean food. Which is grilled before eating. Traditional samyopsals should not be marinated or seasoned before cooking. But in recent years, Koreans have been manipulating meat with garlic, onions, and green peppers.


After arriving in South Korea, Bibimbap Khan is a dish that should not be missed. This is a dish made from rice. Which is prepared from a mixture of freshly cooked vegetables, pieces of meat, and eggs. This includes a variety of vegetables, including meat and kimchi. It is given in a bowl. The taste of food depends on the process of cooking, the use of vegetables and meat, etc. Originally known as Goldangban during the Jason Dynasty, the name was changed in the 20th century. Koreans must eat this dish on their traditional Lunar New Year's Eve.


Samgetang is a traditional Korean food. Samgetang is made from chicken and ginseng soup and mixed flavors ranging from garlic to sweet rice. This dish is eaten a lot in summer. Eating hot soup in that season helps your endurance.


Japcha is a traditional Korean food. Japcha is a must-eat food when you visit South Korea. Japcha is another traditional Korean food that you can eat at home during the holidays. Japcha is also called glass noodles. It is made from potatoes. This dish is prepared with vegetables and meat.

Things to pay attention to food and health care for those living in home isolation

Things to pay attention to food and health care for those living in home isolation

Corona is becoming uncontrollable in the country. With the number of infected people increasing daily, the government has also started restricting some activities. Discussions have started about the lack of capacity in the health facilities for the infected. Like last year, this year too, due to lack of hospital, people have to stay in home isolation. But what should patients who live in isolation at home pay attention to?

Physicians recommend isolation at home, even for those who have no symptoms, except for serious ones. It is important to pay close attention to food and safety at home.

The ego role of vitamin C and zinc

Many patients should pay attention to eating and drinking during corona. Don't eat too much. But you must eat nutritious food and stay away from homemade food as much as possible. Vitamin C and zinc are important for the body during covid. Along with medicine, it can also be obtained from natural sources. Eat plenty of oranges, lemons, eggs, and bananas.

Routine is important

Corona positive is a common symptom. It makes the body feel tired. As a result, many patients spend most of their time in bed. Get regular at-home quarantine, get up early in the morning and do light exercise, walk around the room and keep fit. Relax after lunch, in the evening you can walk or read a book. Try to sleep until 10 o'clock at night. Schedule a full day. With this, you will have time for yourself and your mind will also be busy.

Measure temperature and oxygen levels

The coronavirus causes the most damage to your lungs and respiratory tract. So it is necessary to take steam. Steam with warm water 3-4 times a day. If you do not have a steamer, you can heat water in any pot and steam it.

Check the temperature from time to time. The virus can expand its scope. Contact your doctor immediately if you have a fever. Check your oxygen and pulse levels. Check pulse level 4/5 times a day. If you feel low oxygen levels, consult a doctor and go to the hospital immediately.

Measures to protect family and relatives from infection

If you are at home, make sure that you do not become infected. So take special care of these things -

- Often keep the door of your room closed.

- When it comes to food, invite people older than children and the elderly to give food.

-Wash the dishes after eating and clean.

- Talk to people as far away as possible.

- Take 3-4 pairs of clothes for the next 14 days and close the drawer till then.

- Sanitize the used mask and place it in polythene. Dispose of it after 14 days.

- Sanitize the whole room after freeing the corona. Wash used towels and other fabrics and dry them in the sun.

After 14 days, on the advice of a doctor, you can visit family members and return to the old diary. Keep in mind that recovering from the middle doesn’t mean you relax.

The relationship between old age and food

The relationship between old age and food

Lack of adequate water in the body and consumption of unhealthy foods seem to age. Due to a lack of a proper amount of nutrients, it is harmful to health, and also the skin is losing its radiance.

Most people are exercising to look younger. He is paying attention to everything from hair to skin. But we don't pay much attention to the food we eat every day. Smoking and sun exposure for a long time and pollution also have some effect on age. Some foods increase the aging process. It causes chapped skin and kills skin cells.

Cold drinks such as Coke, Pepsi, etc., which are usually found in hot weather, are consumed in large quantities. Such drinks have some effect on age. These foods are high in sugar. Its consumption is acidic which makes the teeth bad. The sodium in it reduces the amount of water in the body which is the main factor of aging skin.

Sugar is considered harmful to the body. It is said that sugar dissolves in water and becomes poison. Sugar destroys skin cells. It also destroys collagen and elastin in the body. So sugar intake should be reduced.

Baked foods contain high levels of sugar and fat, which can lead to weight gain and affect teeth. Problems such as microbiome are caused by the syrup in it. This causes the aging process to increase.

Processed food is harmful to the body. These foods contain low amounts of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which enhance the aging process. It also makes people feel older.

How to get rid of insomnia?

How to get rid of insomnia?

Balanced food, clean water, fresh air is indispensable, even deep sleep. Doctors call it medicine. That is, taking a deep sleep is also an indicator of a healthy body.

When sleep is disturbed, health problems begin. Insomnia is a problem in itself, which causes other problems. It causes high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, restlessness, and other diseases.

How to get rid of insomnia? There are some simple methods.

Eat fast food in the evening

Sleep experts and medical researchers often emphasize that dinner should be eaten an hour and a half before going to bed. Otherwise, indigestion may occur. Indigestion is the main cause of insomnia.

Change your bed

Uncomfortable pillows or mattresses can also impair your sleep. It can force you to get up all night and move around. It can cause muscle strain, nausea, body aches, and long-term damage to the body. You can sleep happily only if the bed is comfortable.

Sleeping place

Do not place work-related items, mobiles, or other recreational items in your sleeping area. Declare a special place a 'comfort zone' and arrange for a good night's sleep, such as scented candles, concentrating music, and the constant sound of rain. Doing so gives your mind the peace it needs and allows you to sleep comfortably.

To seek advice

When we are busy with our work all the time and then when we are alone we do not get sleep due to anxiety and anxiety.

When insomnia and restlessness go hand in hand, it is difficult to tell the difference. So while we have time for our worries and anxieties, we should tell this to a close friend who can help us and that can solve the problem of insomnia in time.

Physical labor or exercise

A tired body needs rest. You can sleep comfortably if you work hard for at least an hour a day, do regular yoga or exercise, get into the habit of walking for a while at work, and ensure light handwork.

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