Hand in hand with nature: Life is happy and healthy
The body is amazing. It is a beautiful creation of nature. And, it is an advanced form emanating from the soil. Like a beautiful plant, a sparkling flower, a succulent fruit growing from the soil. Likewise, the body is made of clay.
The body that grows in the soil becomes a cat in the soil. If we realize this, we will not keep disorders like ego, pride, greed, anger in this holy body. But, being unaware of the anatomy of the body, we defile the body by storing these disorders. We pollute.
Just as polluting the atmosphere causes many problems, so polluted emotions inside the body make the body sick and chronic. Most of the diseases that have spread in the modern lifestyle have grown inside our bodies.
There is immense power within the body. There is an amazing beauty. But, we never enter the body. We neglect our bodies in the cycle of external pleasures. We eat what we need or not. We enjoy an unnatural lifestyle. In this way, we despise our own bodies. Insult What is the result?
Many diseases, sufferings, pains are added to the body.
"Living with a sick body is not life, it is just a state of pain."
Yoga-science has called living with a sick body 'committing suicide in installments'. Therefore, living a sick or painful life is a punishment in itself. Is torture You don't have to go into custody for torture. We are living a torturous life even in the comfort of our own home.
Therefore, to live a happy, energetic, happy life free from such pain and torture, we must be one with nature. It should be uniform with the soil. The more we become alienated from nature, the more pain we have to endure.
Play in the soil, wander in the forest, eat the fruits and grains given by nature. Nature produces various fruits, grains, etc. at the right time to keep our bodies balanced and healthy. But, we go against nature.
We try to grow the fruits that nature grows. We try to eat the food given by nature by roasting, cooking, and frying. We clear the forest and decorate the house with artificial plastic flowers. Thus, while being detached from nature, we are falling into the swamp of disease.