Sunday, June 30, 2024

Drinking too much cold coffee is harmful to health

 Drinking too much cold coffee is harmful to health

It is very hot time now. The body and face are sweaty. In this case, the mind looks for a cold drink. Lassi and juice are preferred by many in cold drinks.

Cold coffee is also the choice of many people these days. Connoisseurs of cold coffee consume it four to five times a day. That's why many people have this addiction.

In this case, the question arises, can it be safe to drink too much sweet coffee in summer?

If you have the habit of drinking cold coffee daily and drinking it several times a day, it is not considered good for your health. It contains excessive amounts of caffeine and sugar. Due to this, drinking more in hot weather can lead to dehydration, digestive problems and increased sugar levels.

-Drinking very cold coffee makes you urinate more. As a result, the body lacks water and may suffer from dehydration. Because coffee contains too much caffeine.

- On the one hand, caffeine and the extreme cold of the refrigerator can cause digestive problems.

Also read this

What are the health problems of drinking too much tea and coffee?

- If sugar is used in cold coffee, it increases blood sugar and affects the weight of the person.

- In summer, the temperature increases and sleep becomes less. In this case, drinking cold coffee keeps the brain stimulated by the caffeine in it. Therefore

It can also be difficult to sleep at night.

- If you have high blood pressure, it is better not to drink it. Because drinking too much also affects the blood pressure level.

- Some iced coffees contain high-calorie cream, milk and other flavors. Eating too much of it can lead to weight gain and digestive problems.

The right way to drink cold coffee

- Drink only once or twice a day.

-Drink it before evening and put little or no sugar in it.

- Drink water one hour before drinking coffee.

Coffee: Friend of loneliness

It is continuously raining. The weather is cold. How about drinking hot coffee right now?

There is a mood of escaping from the crowd, noise, family, work and dealings and being absorbed in oneself. How about sitting in a secluded place and enjoying coffee?

Coffee is not only a drink that quenches thirst. It is also a friend of loneliness. when you are alone There are no friends to gossip, no relatives to gossip about. There is no work to be done immediately. What do you do now? He sits sipping hot coffee. Whether it is to kill time or to take a break from the hectic daily life, you sip coffee.

In bygone days it was a favorite drink of the elite. But now coffee is for everyone. This is a drink easily available in most kitchens. Also, coffee culture is also very popular in the city now. Coffee houses are operating in places. Coffee connoisseurs are also increasing.

There are not few people who drink coffee regularly, not only occasionally. There is not a small group of people who get excited when they say coffee. Some of them are not even in the mood to work without drinking coffee.

According to a study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the amount of caffeine in coffee is high. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. As a result, it helps fight fatigue and increase energy levels. That's why some people feel a different energy in their body after drinking coffee. However, too much caffeine is harmful to the body.

Neurologist Dr. According to Ram Koirala, certain elements in coffee help the brain to concentrate. That's why many poets, writers, thinkers have made it like a friend. "The antioxidants present in it benefit the brain," he said.

"Coffee is high in antioxidants," says nutritionist Uma Koirala, "so drinking coffee in limited quantities is said to be beneficial."

According to a report published by a nutritionist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, drinking coffee in limited amounts is beneficial for the body. Some elements found in coffee help to reduce liver, heart and skin problems. It is also said to protect against the possible risk of Alzheimer's.

It has been written in various medical journals that drinking coffee regularly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Consuming coffee in the right amount is said to protect against the risk of colon cancer. It is also specified how much coffee to drink daily, according to which it is mentioned that it is appropriate to drink up to two cups of coffee a day.

"But since there is a problem with diabetes, it is better to drink it after consulting a doctor," says nutritionist Uma.

Drinking too much is harmful

There is a proverb in Nepali, if there is too much, even nectar becomes poison. Nutritionists say the same about coffee. There are some elements in coffee which are beneficial for health. However, drinking too much coffee does more harm than good, they said.

They say that especially if the amount of caffeine in coffee is high, it will cause harm. It is said that those who have a chronic illness or are undergoing treatment for any disease should only drink coffee after consulting a doctor. Drinking too much coffee can cause problems like insomnia, anxiety, heartburn.

Who is not suitable for?

Nutritionist Koirala says that people with high cholesterol, people with heart disease, and people with heartburn should avoid coffee as much as possible. He says that anxiety patients and people with stomach related problems like gastric should not eat it.

It is better not to eat coffee because some people get headaches, while some people get more headaches, vomiting, and diarrhea. Similarly, doctors advise pregnant women not to drink coffee.

What happens in a person's mind before death?

 What happens in a person's mind before death?

Neurologist Dr. Himo Borhin discovered almost exactly what happens in the brain when a person dies.

Himo said, 'We were experimenting on rats, after the surgery something came out of their brains, we were also studying that. Suddenly two mice died. Because of this, we got the opportunity to monitor the process of death in the brain of those mice.

Serotonin is a chemical that controls the mood of living beings. After seeing the amount of serotonin in the brain of that dead rat, Dr. Many questions arose in Himo's mind.

Then Himo began to do more research on the information she already had. She thought that there must be some reason behind the leakage of serotonin.

Dr. Himo Borheen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular and Inquiring Physiology and Neurology at the University of Michigan, USA. While investigating the death of mice. Himo began to study what happens in the brain when people die. She said that the understanding and knowledge about the death that she found during the investigation was different.


If a pulse is not detected after a prolonged heart attack, it is considered dead in the eyes of the doctor. In this process, emphasis is placed on the heart. It is called a heart attack, not a brain attack.

Himo says, "According to scientists, it seems that there is nothing going on in the brain of a dead person." Because dead people can neither speak nor move their bodies.

The brain needs a lot of oxygen to function. If the brain does not pump blood, oxygen does not reach the brain. "Generally all symptoms indicate that the brain is not working or is in a dormant state," she says.

But Dr. From the research of Himo and his team, completely different information has come.

The brain is moving very fast

In a 2013 study of mice, when their hearts stopped working, there was increased activity in many neurons in their brains.

"The release of serotonin in the brains of the dead rats increased 60 times and the release of the feel-good chemical dopamine also increased 40 to 60 times," says Dimo, "at the same time, the amount of norepinephrine, the chemical that makes living animals more alert, increased up to 100 times."

She says that it would be impossible for an animal to have such a large amount of these chemicals in its brain while alive. In 2015, the team published the results of another study in the brains of dying mice. It is almost impossible for an animal to have such a high concentration of these chemicals in its brain.

In both cases, 100 percent of the animals recorded significant brain activity. At the time of death, the brain was very active,” she says.

gamma wave

In 2023, Himo and his team published another research paper. The research was conducted on four people who were in a coma and were dependent on life support systems for their heartbeats. These patients were given electrodes or plates for electroencephalography. So that their brain activity can be recorded.

Those four were close to death. The doctor and his family members decided that they could not be saved in any way. Therefore, efforts to save their lives should be abandoned.

With the permission of relatives, ventilator support was removed from those four people. During this time, the researchers noticed that the brains of the two patients were very active. It revealed cognitive activity in the brain.

Gamma waves were also recorded in their brains during this period, which is said to be the fastest brain wave. Gamma waves are part of the complex process of information and memory processing in the human brain.

During the monitoring of another patient's brain, very intense activity was observed in the temporal lobe of his brain, i.e. the part of the brain behind both ears.

Himo says, 'The part of the human brain behind the right ear is considered very important for empathy. Those who have survived a heart attack, those who have experienced death up close. They have made themselves better people with that experience and have started to feel more empathy towards others.'

A near death experience

Some people who have returned from the face of death have said that the picture of their life flashed before their eyes or they remembered many important moments of their life at that time.

Many people reported seeing a bright light during their death. Some people have claimed that they felt that they had come out of their body and were watching everything from a distance. Extreme activity of the brain, hyperactivity, is the reason why people standing on the verge of death have such a terrible experience?

Dr. About 20 to 25 percent of heart attack victims report seeing white lights, saying they saw something strange, says Hema. Of course, the image making part of their brain was activated.

After removing the ventilator, the researchers say about the two patients who showed very fast activity in the brain.

This means, they must have experienced seeing something like this. Dr. Himo said the study involved very few people and that more research is needed to understand what happens in the brain when a person dies.

But after more than 10 years of research on this matter, Dr. One thing has become clear to Himo During a heart attack, the brain does not rest, it becomes very active.

Himo says, 'We are still trying to understand this. Not much information is available on this.

Referring to the state of hibernation, she says, "All animals, including mice and humans, have different mechanisms to cope with the lack of oxygen." Until now, it was believed that when the heart stops working, the mind becomes silent and watches everything as a spectator. This means that the heart stops working, the brain shuts down.

But the brain does not give up easily. Himo says. "Just as our mind fights against every difficult situation, it also fights against death. The brain has enough capacity to face the challenge of lack of oxygen. But more research is yet to be done on this,” she says.

There is still much to discover

Dr. What Himo and his team discovered is just a small piece of information. Much remains to be discovered about this.

There are mechanisms in the brain that deal with lack of oxygen, which we do not understand. People whose heart stops working have this unique and different kind of experience. Statistics show that this is due to brain activity," she says.

Now the question arises, why is there so much activity in the dying brain?

Dr. Himo says, 'All of us should change our understanding about this. If you study it and research it, you can get answers to these questions. Because millions of people are believed to be dead before their actual death. Because we do not fully understand the entire process of death.

What happens inside the head?

Every day half a liter of water is produced in the head and the body is irrigated. Doctors have called this water 'holy water'. Because it plays a key role in the functioning of the brain.

What happens inside the head?

Kathmandu. Focus on yourself for a moment, how can a mobile phone in the palm of your hand transmit what is said from one hemisphere of the earth to another geography correctly and immediately? How can the previous laptop complete your digital work in minutes?

How can a heavy or heavy airplane fly in the open sky carrying hundreds of people comfortably? How can effective results on the earth be obtained by mathematically estimating the movement of planets and constellations? How can his family tree be found by keeping a microscopic part of the body in the laboratory?

When we are still and thinking for a moment, our mind is spinning. While all these miracles are the product of that mind.

The miracle of making Einstein a scientist, Socrates a philosopher, Siddhartha Gautama a Buddha belongs to that mind. The same mind, which has solved innumerable questions about the universe. Result - From the evolution of life to the human body, from the origin of the earth to the subsoil, from the celestial bodies to the planets and constellations, people are capable of making dreams come true.

How is that mind that works so great and magical?

Without being able to see this thing inside our own head, our life is the rest. What a surprise!

Looking for the answer to that mystery, we reached Veer Hospital, Prof. Dr. To meet Rajeev Jha. Dr. Jha has performed more than 19,000 head surgeries. We decided to study the structure of the brain through his eyes.

How is that brain that works so big and magical?

Without being able to see this thing inside our own head, our life is the rest. What a surprise!

When we dig our heads

What does it look like with open eyes? Before answering this, let's talk about some amazing and strange facts about head and brain.

Every day half a liter of water is produced in the head and the body is irrigated. Doctors have called this water 'holy water'. Because it plays a key role in the functioning of the brain.

Dr. Rajeev Jha

An adult human body has a head of about five kilograms. On that head is the brain carefully held by a bone cover like a crow. The average weight of the brain is 1.4 kg when it is in a flat state like frozen curd. Such a small brain rules the whole body.

65 percent of brain composition is fat. The rest is protein. It is solid but it is water soluble in between.

Men's brain size is 200 grams larger than that of women. This does not mean that men have more brains than women. Only structurally the size is big.

Numerous nerves are connected to the brain, which are working in different ways. Thinking, imagining, creating, evaluating, reasoning, alerting, fearing, feeling sad, happy, proud, excited, all the emotional activities are done by those different mechanisms of the brain.

Most of the blood consumed by the organs of the body is done by the brain. The brain size of boys and girls is different. Boys are bigger by 200 grams.

A brain wired like an electric wire

The brain is in the shape of a shriveled, sometimes swollen pattern, just like when you crack open a walnut. It is carefully kept covered with a letter like a bone cover. This letter of bone consists of three layers. In this way, nature has kept the brain with utmost protection. The brain has two layers, the upper one is slightly darker and the inner one is completely white.

Although it looks like a lump at a glance, it is basically divided into two parts, right and left. There is another connector connecting these two parts, which is called the corpus callosum. It establishes communication between two separate parts of the brain. It also has various glands. There are thalamus, hypothalamus, pons, medulla, pituitary and pineal gland.

The right-left, front-back parts of the brain are separate and all these have different tasks.

How does the brain think, hear, smell and see?

The front part, which is called the cerebrum. Cerebrum ie frontal lobe is related to human nature, tendency, reaction, evaluation, behavior.

The upper layer of the brain, i.e. the parietal lobe, which makes people feel taste, touch, and temperature. That is why it makes you feel that it is cold or hot, painful, something is broken. It is also related to hearing. It does the work of hearing or understanding any sound. On the right is the temporal lobe, which is related to human memory. It also works for hearing ability.

The occipital lobe, which is in the upper part, has a special relationship with our vision. After we look at any object, it is the task of distinguishing and identifying its shape.

The two parts at the back of the brain are called the cerebellum. Its job is to balance our senses. When you want to walk, your legs move, when you need to pick something, your hand moves forward, when you want to see something, you look at it with your eyes. This is why the combination of touching this, bringing this, and doing this is done. It is the cerebellum that balances all these functions.

The brain stem connects all these parts of the brain. There are basically 12 cranial nerves in the brain. All parts of the body This is what keeps the company running.

Most of the blood consumed by the organs of the body is done by the brain. The brain size of boys and girls is different. Boys are bigger by 200 grams.

Brain like a lake

Looking at the brain from another point of view, it looks like a huge reservoir. We call it ventricles. Half a liter of water is being produced here daily.

It is like lees in that part of the brain. That's why water comes out. Because the brain needs water and fat. This is brain food.

In this way, the nutritious water released from something like lye gets irrigated at the upper, middle and lower levels of the brain and reaches the body and is released through various channels. When there is an obstacle in the way of this water coming out, the water freezes on the head. This is a very bad situation.

Therefore, the said water should have its own speed and rhythm. We call it 'holy water'.

In two parts of the throat, there is a large tube, through which blood is supplied to the brain. Along with this, the brain receives blood through two other means. 20-22 percent of the blood in the body is consumed by the brain.

The brain secretes many different chemicals for different functions.

The Amazing 'Master Gland'

In the middle of the brain, there is a gland the size of a grain of rice, which is called the pituitary gland. Nine hormones are secreted from this gland.

This hormone does everything like control of urination, menstrual discharge in women, milk flow, body growth. If there is an imbalance in this, there will be no menstruation, no urinary retention, no milk, short or too tall, too fat or thin. These hormones have a special role to make the body perform according to the correct standards.

There is also a certain time for the secretion of these hormones. Some hormones are secreted the most at eight o'clock in the morning and some at night. That is, hormones are not being secreted for 24 hours. Such hormones are secreted to match the rhythm of the body with nature.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

How does the cockroach spread, what diseases can it transmit?

 How does the cockroach spread, what diseases can it transmit?

Cockroachs are found in everyone's house and kitchen. Especially in summer, the chain gives more pain. As the weather temperature rises, the chains in the house and kitchen start to loosen. It not only creates random garbage, but spreads diseases by sitting on food and utensils.

Epidemiologist Dr. Such chains that enter the house through sewers, basins, gardens and directly attack food and transmit disease germs to food. Sher Bahadur explains again. But if people eat such foods, people may suffer from diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever, and viral infections, he says.

Food poisoning

When cockroaches infest food, it releases a type of bacteria. The chain contains bacteria that spread the virus called Salmonella. Its consumption can cause food poisoning and typhoid.


Due to chainsaw, it causes allergy problem in sensitive people. It can cause skin problems. The chain produces saliva from the mouth. Because cockroaches live in the kitchen, their saliva remains on the utensils used to cook food and also on the bed. Which causes swelling, itching and burning due to allergy problems.

Infections caused by bacteria

Studies have shown that because cockroaches live in places like bathrooms and sewers and eat dirty food, the bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa is present in the stomach of cockroaches. The bacteria is in the food eaten by the cockroach. When a person eats the same food, it causes problems in the digestive process and can cause various digestive diseases and sepsis, i.e. infection in the blood.

Similarly, according to the World Health Organization, the disease is not transmitted because of the chain, but it plays an auxiliary role in transmitting the disease. Apart from that, cockroaches carry the eggs of various parasites, which can cause problems such as eye swelling, itching, burning, and skin infections.

Dr. is very strong to remove the chain. Repeat. Various studies have shown that the reproductive capacity of cockroaches will increase and the immune capacity will also be strong. "Therefore, apart from easily digesting insecticides, it cannot be easily removed as the chain stays in the corner of the house," said Dr. Pun says, "But in Nepal, no study has been done on chains."

How to avoid?

The best way to prevent diseases transmitted by cockroaches is to keep the house clean. The cleaner the house is, the less likely it is to get a chain. Keeping dirty dishes clean or washing them daily, keeping store rooms, underground parking dry and clean, grocery items, dirty clothes, egg crates and other things being brought home, if you take a good look once, you can prevent chains from coming into the house. Apart from that, by closing the sewers, garbage and water sources, you can avoid diseases that can be transmitted by snakes.

It can also be controlled by using various pesticides, sealing food in clean containers, cleaning the area around food and removing the smell of food.

6 materials that can be used to kill cockroaches

Anti-roach gel

Anti-roach gel available in the market is an effective material to repel cockroaches. Because it contains a liquid that attracts cockroaches, even a drop of which is enough to kill a cockroach.

The chain is attracted by that jhol. When cockroaches eat that drug, after 2-3 hours the cockroaches start dying. This medicine is also easy to use. You should keep 10-20 drops of this bag without leaving the corner of the house. Many chains come in narrow places.

Red Heat Cockroach Killer Spray

Red Heat Cockroach Killer Spray can be used to get rid of cockroaches in the house immediately. Many people use it because it can kill chains immediately.

Mortin to in one

Mortin can kill not only cockroaches but also other mosquitoes and insects. That is why it is also called two in one. To remove the chain from the house, first of all shake the bottle and sprinkle mortar on the place where the chain is.


Eggplant spray is a medicine that many people use to kill cockroaches. The gel that comes out of it attracts the cockroach and forces it to eat, then the cockroach dies. By eating this gel, the cockroach becomes infected and spreads the infection to other cockroaches as well. As a result, other chains also die.

As the chemicals used in it are harsh, do not apply on skin, eyes and clothes. So be careful when spraying. Likewise, it should not be allowed to fall on pets, plants and dishes.


Lakshmanrekha is also an excellent product for killing cockroaches. This product is preferred not only in Nepal but also abroad. Lakshmanrekha's packet gets choked. Chalk draws a stake in the place of the house and if the chain crosses that stake, they die.

Cockroach Killing Bait

Cockroach Killing Bait Powder is effective in killing not only cockroaches but also their eggs. Its dust should be sprinkled where the chain will come. It is also environment friendly as it is a chemical free powder.

The origin of the chain

A study conducted on the chain has shown that the origin of the chain is from India and Myanmar. From there, it is believed to have gradually spread elsewhere. For this study, the researchers collected 280 chains from 17 countries in 6 continents. According to them, the cockroach that is currently spreading around the world is of the German species. Researchers claim that its origin is in Southeast Asia 2100 years ago.

How did the chain spread?

It is seen that the chain has spread around the world through two routes. Chains are believed to have reached Western countries from West Asia 1200 years ago. Researchers say that cockroaches came to the West from bread baskets. After that, the researchers claim that the chain entered Europe from the soldiers of the British East India Company who reached Europe 270 years ago. It is said that the German cockroach, a common species found worldwide, originated in India and Myanmar.

These 6 ingredients, which can remove the chain from the house

During the rainy season, cockroaches are very annoying in the house. The number of snakes increases rapidly in this season than before. Cockroaches enter most homes through the bathroom or kitchen water pipes. It not only makes food dirty, it spreads disease by sitting on cooking utensils.

The arrival of cockroaches is a sign of danger of disease. Because as long as the chain remains, the disease will surround it. Through the kitchen of the house, the chain gradually appears in every corner of the house. What is amazing about it is that it has a very high fertility. That makes it difficult to eradicate it completely. Its real purpose is to make your home in the home kitchen.

It is not possible to kill by hand as the number of chains is very high. Therefore, if you are worried about the fear of chains at home, then these 6 types of materials available in the market can be a solution. Although it cannot eradicate it completely, it can reduce the number of snakes.

1. Anti-roach gel

Anti-roach gel available in the market is an effective material to repel cockroaches. Because it contains a liquid that attracts cockroaches, even a drop of which is enough to kill a cockroach.

Cockroaches are attracted to that poison and when the cockroach consumes the medicine, the cockroaches die after 2-3 hours. This medicine is also easy to use. You should keep 10-20 drops of this bag without leaving the corner of the house. Many chains come in narrow places.

2. Red Heat Cockroach Killer Spray

Red Heat Cockroach Killer Spray can be used to get rid of cockroaches in the house immediately. Many people use it because it can kill chains immediately.

3. Mortin to in one

Mortin can kill not only cockroaches but also other mosquitoes and insects. That is why it is also called two in one. To remove the chain from the house, first of all shake the bottle and sprinkle mortar on the place where the chain is.

4. began

Eggplant spray is also known as the most powerful mosquito repellent. The gel released from it attracts the cockroach and forces it to eat, which kills the cockroach.

By eating this gel, the cockroach becomes infected and spreads the infection to other cockroaches as well. As a result, other chains also die.

As the chemicals used in it are harsh, do not apply on skin, eyes and clothes. So, be careful when spraying. Likewise, it should not be allowed to fall on pets, plants and dishes.

5. Lakshmanrekha

Lakshmanrekha is also an excellent product for killing cockroaches. This product is preferred not only in Nepal but also abroad. Lakshmanrekha's packet gets choked. Chalk draws a stake in the place of the house and if the chain crosses that stake, they die.

6. Cockroach Killing Bait

Cockroach Killing Bait Powder is effective in killing not only cockroaches but also their eggs. Its dust should be sprinkled where the chain will come. It is also environment friendly as it is a chemical free powder.

How much is the price?

The grams of such products available in the market are different. Accordingly, its price also varies. Generally, its price starts from 200.

This is how cockroaches spread disease in the kitchen

Even after the summer season starts, one should be careful in eating. Food spoils quickly. On top of that, flies and cockroaches contaminate food. Flies can be controlled, but it is difficult to control after the chain spreads.

Especially, the chain that lives in the corner of the kitchen is also safe in places like the toilet drain. Thus it is not so easy to eradicate the chain because it is safe anywhere and has high reproductive capacity.

This is a life that has been on earth for thousands, millions of years. Chains are found in every house. Chains are found in the corners of the house. There are chains everywhere, bedroom, kitchen. Such chains contaminate food. When we eat such food, we get stomach problems. Vomiting or diarrhea may occur.

There is a possibility of food poisoning due to chain link. Apart from this, typhoid can also be a problem. Why this happens is that the chain is the main source of spreading the virus called Salmonella.

Allergies are caused by cockroaches. It can cause skin problems. Especially the chain produces saliva from the mouth. Such saliva can remain in any kitchen item. Saliva remains on dishes and food. In addition, the saliva of the snake remains in the bed of the mosquito, which causes the problem of allergies.

Cockroach stomach bacteria gets into the food. It causes problems in digestion. According to a study, the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is found in the stomach of cockroaches. It causes urinary tract infections, digestive problems and sepsis.

Chain is an enemy for asthma patients. An increase in the number of cockroaches in the house means more problems for asthma patients.

How to avoid?

-Sangla spreads very fast in summer. Its ability to produce children is high. Can't even be killed easily. Because even if its head is cut off, it can stay alive for a few days. It usually hides in kitchen corners, beds, drawers, etc. In this way, some home remedies can also be used to get rid of the hidden chains.

- The first way to get rid of cockroaches is to clean the house. A clean and bright place is not suitable for it.

- Grind garlic, onion and pepper equally. Prepare the solution by mixing the paste with water. Now put that solution in a bottle and sprinkle it on the corner of the chain. After regular spraying of the solution for some time, the problem of chain link is relieved.

- Dry and baking soda should be mixed in equal amounts and placed in a place where the cockroaches live. A little water should also be kept next to it. After eating soda, it drinks water and dies. Baking soda is harmful when it enters its stomach.

Make soap solution by dissolving detergent in water. Any type of soap can be used for this. This solution should be sprayed on the place where the chain stays with the medium of the sprayer.

How did the chain spread around the world?

For the study, the researchers collected 280 chains from 17 countries on 6 continents.

 Be it a bed or a drawer. Whether it is a kitchen faucet or a bathroom faucet, we are seeing chains. 6 Legs No matter how much you beat this worm, it will not die immediately.

Even if you kill them by spraying pesticides, they will appear again in the same number after a couple of days. Where did the chains that occupied the corners of the house originate and how did they spread around the world? Researchers have found interesting facts about this.

A recently published study showed that cockroaches originated in India and Myanmar and gradually spread elsewhere. It has been studied through chain genetics.

It has explored the thousand-year history of how cockroaches reached Europe and other continents through South East Asia. According to the study, cockroaches spread around the world by traveling with other species or people.

For the study, the researchers collected 280 chains from 17 countries on 6 continents. According to them, the cockroach that is currently spreading around the world is of the German variety. According to researchers, its origin is in Southeast Asia 2100 years ago.

Professor Stephen Richard, who studies insect genetics at Baylor College of Medicine, told the AP, "This research is not just related to one insect. It is also related to insects and humans.

It is seen that the chain has spread around the world through two routes. It seems that cockroaches came to Western countries from West Asia 1200 years ago. According to the researchers, cockroaches came to the West from bread baskets. After that, the researchers claim that the chain entered Europe from the soldiers of the British East India Company who reached Europe 270 years ago.

Researchers say that the German cockroach, a common species found around the world, originated from Myanmar or India. They say that they moved from there.

Cockroaches of the German species are considered to be the most deadly. It is found in warmer or cooler places. This type of chain is more common in bathrooms and kitchens. It infects humans with diseases such as salmonella or E-coli. "The origin of the German cockroach is a bit of a mystery," says the researcher.

If we look at historical facts, cockroaches were more widespread in Europe towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Researchers say that cockroaches are now more common in Africa and Asia.

The German chain connects with Asia. The Bay of Bengal region is believed to be its origin. Although this species is seen to have reached western countries from India and Myanmar 1200 years ago, researchers say that it reached Germany 250 years ago.

Studies have shown that its spread has increased since the 20th century. According to the researchers, the heaters used in the vehicles and the rooms and the pipes connected to the houses have further helped in its spread.

Does cheese increase cholesterol?

 Does cheese increase cholesterol?

Paneer is a favorite dish of vegetarians. Just as meat is dear to others, paneer is to vegetarians. It is a must-have dish in vegetarian kitchens during festivals.

Eating paneer is not only delicious but also beneficial for health. Because it contains nutrients like fat, protein, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium that the body needs.

Considering that it is good for health and sweet in terms of taste, many people eat paneer a lot, but because it is beneficial, you should not eat more than necessary. Because eating too much cheese increases the level of 'bad cholesterol' which harms the body.


Due to the high content of fat and protein in paneer, it takes time to digest compared to other vegetables. On top of that, it is customary to grate the paneer and add ghee and twelve spices to eat it. Eating high protein and spicy food on top of that also increases calories.

Therefore, if you eat a lot of cheese dishes, it constantly burdens the digestive power and as a result, problems arise in the digestive process.

If there is no physical exercise, it accumulates in the body and gradually narrows the blood vessels. If the blood vessel shrinks, the cholesterol level will increase, blood pressure may also increase.

Similarly, Bazariya Paneer also contains salt. Which increases sodium consumption. High sodium also increases blood pressure.

If you already have high blood pressure and diabetes, you should not eat more cheese than your body needs. It increases the risk of cholesterol.

An article published in the British Heart Foundation also mentions that cheese is high in saturated fat and salt, which increases cholesterol and blood pressure.

As the level of both of these increases, heart disease can also increase, so the foundation recommends that cheese should be cooked in a healthy way and eaten in limited quantities.

So what are the limitations of cheese?

Food that benefits our body does not have to be eaten full. Even if you eat a little, you will get enough nutrition.

Be it cheese or other protein foods, if we eat as much as we do, we do physical activity accordingly, then the food will be digested. But if we don't work, we eat a lot, even limited food can cause digestive problems.

Generally, a healthy person can eat 200 grams of paneer daily for nutrition. If you eat this much, your body will get the same amount of protein as meat.

Nutrients found in paneer

Lactose is less in paneer. It is rich in fat, protein, calcium, vitamins, phosphorus and minerals.

Apart from this, vitamins A, B12, B9, B7, B6, B5, B3, B2 can also be found in some amount of cheese.

You also need to know how to eat

Paneer is high in protein so it can be eaten in the morning and afternoon. It is advisable not to include protein in dinner as much as possible. As the evening progresses, the digestive capacity of the body slows down and it becomes difficult for the stomach to digest heavy food.

As far as how to eat? It is said that, instead of grating the cheese, it can be cooked fresh by mixing it with vegetables or other vegetables with less spices or putting it inside roti, paratha.

Many people may not know that cheese is delicious and healthy when grated into a salad or eaten with two or three pieces of cheese mixed with lemon and salt according to taste.

Not only cholesterol, other health problems also appear if you eat more than the limit.

Kidney stones

Paneer is rich in calcium. Which is beneficial for bones. But if you eat too much, it can cause kidney stones. The National Kidney Foundation recommends not eating more than 1,000 to 1,200 grams of calcium a day.


If you eat more cheese than you need, you will not be able to digest it. Since paneer contains a lot of protein, if it takes time to digest, its consumption may cause flatulence or acidity.

Constipation and diarrhea

Constipation or diarrhea may occur if you eat too much cheese. Eating spicy paneer in the evening can cause diarrhea because digestion cannot work.

Which foods contain vitamin A, what are the benefits?

Vitamins and minerals are essential elements for the human body. These elements benefit the body.

Vitamin A strengthens bones, heals wounds and increases immunity and keeps skin healthy. Also, it converts food into energy and keeps the cells healthy.

In general, vitamin A works to keep the body active and healthy. The human body needs vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin D and vitamin B.

Due to lack of vitamin A, various problems can appear in the body. Vitamin A can be obtained through food. Vitamin A helps keep the heart, lungs, and kidneys healthy.

Types of Vitamin A

There are two types of vitamin A, 'active vitamin A' and 'beta carotene'. Active vitamin A is also known as retinal. The second vitamin, pro-vitamin A, is found in fruits and vegetables. Which is called carotenoid.

Vitamin A use

Vitamin A is essential for good health. Vitamin A increases the strength of the eyes and keeps the muscles in the eyes healthy. It is also beneficial for fertility and fetal development.

Vitamin A helps to maintain calcium levels in the blood, strengthen bones, and make teeth healthy and strong. In addition, vitamin A also provides energy to the body.

What happens with vitamin A deficiency?

Lack of vitamin A can cause loss of eyesight. Its deficiency can cause problems such as dry eyes, dry hair, dry skin, colds, fatigue, insomnia, weight loss and pneumonia. It is appropriate to use vitamin A to overcome such health problems.

How much vitamin A to take?

Eating any food in excess will affect your health. When eating food or taking nutrients, it is important to pay attention to its quantity.

When the amount of vitamin A is high, problems such as headache, eye pain, frequent fatigue, hair loss, skin problems and joint pain may appear. Therefore, when using vitamin A, it should be taken in the right amount.

A source of vitamin A

Beetroot, Greens, Broccoli, Whole grains, Paneer, Nuts, Butter, Carrots, Chilli, Dairy products, Rajma, Mutton, Mango, Spinach, Peas, Parsley, Red chilli, Seafood, Turnip, Tomato, Sugarcane, Watermelon, Corn kernels, yellow or orange fruits are sources of vitamin A.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Causes and treatment of mania

 Causes and treatment of mania

Mental and physical hyperactivity, disordered behavior and excessive increase in thinking is mania or frenzy. It is a type of mental illness, which is classified under anxiety and depression. After getting this disease, a person's feelings and emotions change abnormally and the person's behavior, thinking, sleep and social interactions start to look unbalanced.

Depression is despair, while mania is the opposite of excitement and happiness. In this disease, people like to be happy, laugh, talk a lot, dance and sing songs for no reason. Similarly, symptoms such as sudden anger, impatience and increased sexual desire also appear. This happens in all people, like mood swings or excessive liking. If it does not have any negative impact on daily life, it can be taken as normal, but if it has affected personal and professional life for at least 6 months, then it is considered as mental illness.

Symptoms seen in mania

- Frequent high self-esteem and ambitious thinking, but not working hard to achieve goals

- Sudden impulse

- Being abnormal in sexual behavior

- I have such thoughts and ideas that I either do not sleep or do not sleep much

- Talking abnormally (slurring)

- Playing a lot of things in the mind

- Being impatient, talking big but unable to do anything in essence. If due to depression i.e. mania bipolar, a person can reach severe mental illness (psychotic). Therefore, it is necessary to treat it on time.

How is mania?

It is caused by biological, genetic and psychosocial reasons.

Biological causes: Biological causes include imbalanced neurotransmitter chemistry in the brain. It appears that mania occurs when there is a problem in the hypothalamus of the brain. It is also called the center of satisfaction. When there is a disturbance in it, one cannot be satisfied and at this time the dopamine neurotransmitter is released in the brain, while the level of serotonin is low, which makes one want to do the same thing again and again and enjoy it. Even if someone in the family has a history of mania, other members of that family are at risk of developing mania.

Psychosocial cause: People with bipolar tend to get this disease. Similarly, people with seasonal mood disorders, people with dementia, sudden death of a close relative, passing away, physical and mental trauma, brain injury can get this disease.

Types of mania

There are many types of mania, among which hypomania, delusional mania and delusional mania are the main ones. Hypomania: This is a condition where the person seems to adjust their daily and professional routines. In this situation, a person may feel that something has changed in his thinking and behavior.

Delirious Mania: In this condition, the person looks very ambivalent. In this case, immediate treatment is needed.

Delusional Mania: In this condition, the person is very delusional. As a result, his social relationships deteriorate one after the other, problems arise in family and marital relationships, if something is shown to be wrong, he gets angry if it is not true, does not accept and does not scare others by saying that 'only I have extraordinary abilities', stays in his own world. .


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to treat mania. It helps to control the patient's depression and excitement. Similarly, in some cases, self-care and family medicine should also be adopted.

Who is at risk?

This mental problem can start at any stage and age. This problem is especially common among people aged 15 to 25 years. The problem of mania is very visible in teenagers.

Will it heal completely?

If it is normal type of mania, it will be cured within 6 months to 3 years. But there is also the possibility of returning again. The disease can be prevented by taking into account the person, his environment (family, profession), but if there is any disharmony, there is a possibility of reoccurrence.

Mental Health: 11 Myths and Truths

Many misconceptions about mental health have been around for centuries. Some associate it with the effects of ghosts and ghosts or the fruits of previous births, while others call mental illness insanity.

What this situation shows is that people are not so aware of the problems related to mental health. For this reason, many people do not like to tell anyone about their health problems such as stress or depression. Instead, they keep it hidden.

What are the illusions?

Myth: People with mental health problems are mentally weak and cannot work.

- Having problems with mental health does not mean that a person's intellectual ability decreases or that he has a dull intellect. Having a mental problem does not mean that a person cannot make his place in society. The reality of this is that even if a particular person has some kind of mental health problem, he can lead a normal life.

Until this problem becomes serious, daily and family life can be easily lived.

Delusion: Mental illness is seen only in certain people.

- This is also not true. Studies on mental health have concluded that one in five people may experience mental illness at some point in their lives.

So it seems that anyone can have mental health problems in one way or another.

Delusion: Mental problems cannot be cured once they are seen.

- Mental problems can appear in different ways depending on the person. One is that mental problems are not caused by one cause and one disease. Mental problems have stages. Which may return to normal with time.

In most cases, drug treatment, various types of therapy can be cured or controlled.

Misconception: People with mental problems will be cured by behavior after marriage.

Truth: This is a misunderstanding. Brain-related problems can be treated with a skilled doctor, proper medication and a positive environment.

If he gets married after leaving the treatment, not only his condition but also that of his spouse may deteriorate.

Myth: All people with mental problems are violent and aggressive.

- There is no complete truth in this statement. People with mental health problems are themselves at risk of violence and assault.

According to the data of the World Health Organization, 9 out of every 10 people with mental problems are victims of human rights violations in one way or another.

They have as much anger as a healthy person. But in some serious cases, if there is no treatment or there is an imbalance in the amount of medicine being used, they may sometimes appear like Hrinsak.

Myth: Children and adolescents do not have mental health problems.

- More than 50 percent of mental health problems begin before the age of 14. Childhood abuse, poverty, accidents, bullying, sexual abuse, domestic strife, trauma after someone's untimely death in the family, etc. can be the causes of mental problems in children.

WHO has also stated that 1 in every 5 children and adolescents have some kind of mental health problem.

Myth: Mental health problems are caused by personal weaknesses.

- Mental health problems can develop due to biological, environmental, social and psychological reasons.

Therefore, it cannot be said that the problem is caused by a person's personal weakness or lack of self-strength.

Myth: People with mental health problems cannot be helped.

- If you can provide emotional support to people with mental problems, their health will gradually improve. The more they live alone, the more they are at risk of negative thoughts.

Therefore, sitting with them and listening carefully to what they want to express can help such a person a lot.

It seems that people with mental problems are called crazy in the society, which is wrong. It is everyone's duty to respect them and protect them as much as possible.

Illusion: Being mentally ill, they pretend to get attention from others.

- In diseases like mental illnesses, anxiety and 'bio polar disorder', behaviors such as trembling, crying, and convulsions can be seen. In such a situation, some may perceive it as a witch or a deity or pretending to attract the attention of others, which is wrong. These are symptoms of mental problems. The identification and successful treatment of which can lead to proper management.

Delusion: People with mental problems have low will power.

- In our society, there is a misconception that only people with low willpower can suffer from mental illness or that people with mental problems do not have willpower. But this is not true, because mental illness affects the mind and not the strength of the person.

Misconception: As soon as you have a mental illness, you should be admitted to a mental hospital.

- It is not necessary to be hospitalized as soon as a mental illness occurs. In some cases, they need to go to the hospital for treatment and follow-up. But you don't have to stay in the hospital for a long time.

Their successful treatment is more important than how well the family members are able to care for them.

How healthy are you? It can be detected by the color of urine

 How healthy are you? It can be detected by the color of urine

Red, yellow, pink and green. Sometimes the color of urine can be like a rainbow. It can also be purple, orange or blue in color. Many such changes in the color of urine cannot be considered a normal condition.

Our body removes waste through urine. It also flushes out the nitrogenous wastes that are formed by mixing proteins, muscles and red blood cells in the body.

In addition, many other substances such as vitamins and medicines that we eat are excreted from the body through urine.

There are some elements which should not be present in urine. So, when you have a health problem, the question that the doctor often asks is, 'What is the color of your urine?'

From the answer to this question, what is the health condition of the doctor and what kind of treatment can be given? It is easy to guess roughly.

red color

If the color of the urine is red, it indicates that there is blood in it. It can cause problems in any part of the body related to the urinary system. If there is blood in the kidney, bladder, prostate or any tube connected to the ureter, the urine may be red.

Similarly, how blood is excreted through urine depends on many physical conditions. For example, what is the amount of blood in the urine? Looking at how fresh? And, are there other problems while urinating?

If there is a lot of bleeding, the color of the urine looks like 'red wine'.

Such bleeding can be due to many reasons. For example, kidney stones, cancer, trauma, any infection in the urinary tract. Even if you eat beetroot more than necessary, the color of urine can be red.

Under normal conditions, our urine looks like yellow color and orange color. It also depends on how much water we drink.

As water becomes less, the color of urine becomes dark yellow and sometimes orange in color.

If you drink enough fluids, the color of urine will be thin and pale yellow. The substance that makes urine yellow is called 'urobilin'.

Its production process begins with the breakdown of old red blood cells in the body. Those blood cells that are not in good shape need to be removed from the body system.

In this process, a compound called bilirubin is formed. It exits the body to some extent through the urinary tract and to some extent through the intestines. Bilirubin is used in our liver to produce bile that is released when we eat. This pitta is important for digestion and helps break down fat in the body.

Bile stays in the intestines and passes out through the stool. Due to this pitta, the stool looks brown in color. Bile can also be unable to reach the intestine, which indicates gallstones or cancer blocking the bile ducts. In this case, bilirubin returns to the bloodstream. And it comes out through urine.

Therefore, the color starts to darken, appearing orange or brown. If the amount of bilirubin increases, the color of the skin also starts to turn yellow. This condition of the body is called 'obstructive jaundice' i.e. a type of jaundice.

In this case, if the amount of bilirubin increases, the color of the face becomes yellow. Some medications, including the antibiotic rifampicin, can cause orange urine.

Green and blue

Green and blue colors are rarely seen. If the color of the urine is green or blue while urinating in the toilet, the person may be surprised.

If green or blue dyes are used to color any food, the color of urine may be green or blue. Eating such foods in excess can cause such urine.

Taking some medicines like anesthetics, vitamins, antihistamines can also cause the color of urine to be green or blue. Some bacteria also make compounds, which are green in color.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria produce blue and green colored pyocyanin.

Urinary tract infection can be seen in rare cases. In such a situation, urinating may cause burning and pain.

female stomachache because poisonous food


This situation is also rare. One possible cause of this is porphyria. It is a genetic disease that affects the skin and nervous system.

The second reason for this is a rare disease called Purple Urine Bag Syndrome. Which is due to urinary tract infection.

In this case, using a catheter (a device used medically to remove urine from the body) also makes the urine purple.


A small amount of beetroot can cause the color of urine to be pink instead of dark red. In such cases, urologists compare it to red wine.

There may be other colors of urine, which are not part of the rainbow. Some are dark in color. Usually brown or black. When this happens, doctors may compare it to Coca-Cola.

other diseases

The color of the urine can be brown or black, which the doctor can compare to Coca-Cola. Sometimes this color appears when muscles are broken down and converted into a compound called myoglobin. Which is a sign of a serious disease called rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, excessive exertion or the use of some medicines may be necessary.

Similarly, bilirubin can also cause black and gray color. Bilirubin makes the urine so dark that it appears both black and brown in color.

Kidney swelling

This color can also be seen in acne (glomerulonephritis). Due to this, when passing through the urinary tract, the urine changes from red to brown in color and sometimes the urine can be colorless.

Urine should not be dark yellow in color. Likewise, a large amount of thin urine can also indicate some diseases. Whether it is due to diabetes or excessive alcohol consumption.

It shows how many different colors our urine can be and how many different problems it can indicate. And, this is by no means a list of every problem.

But understanding the reason for the change in urine color will help you decide whether to drink water or see a doctor.

Is frequent urination at night a sign of diabetes?

A night's sleep acts as a medicine for the tiredness of the day. If something disturbs the sleep, there will be many problems. Frequent urination at night is one of the reasons that disrupts sleep.

If you have to go through this problem every day, it is not normal. This problem is related to diet and lifestyle, Dr. Veer Hospital's chief consultant Eurosurgeon. Ravin Bahadur Basnet says.

"Frequent urination at night can also indicate diabetes, urinary tract infection or prostate disease," he says.

Drinking a lot of water makes you urinate frequently?

Many people think that because they drink a lot of water before going to bed, it is normal to urinate a lot at night. But it doesn't always happen. This can be a symptom of diabetes and other serious problems. Vinay Bhattarai says.

If you drink a lot of water before going to bed, sometimes you may urinate frequently at night. But if there is a problem of frequent urination at night, drinking water before going to sleep or drinking too much water may not be the reason, he says.

Dr. Bhattarai continues, “Diabetes increases blood sugar levels, which puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys and they cannot absorb the extra sugar completely. As a result, excess sugar is excreted through urine, but at this time, a large amount of water is also absorbed from the body. As a result, more urine starts coming out. In such a situation, when you feel very thirsty, the amount of water increases and you urinate frequently.

In diabetes, there is frequent urination not only at night but also during the day. If there is a problem of dry mouth and frequent urination, Bhattarai suggests getting diabetes checked.

Other causes of frequent urination

Dr. If you do not urinate frequently during the day, but you have to urinate frequently at night, it may also be due to heart problems. Basnet says. "If the heart is not working properly during the day, water accumulates in the lower part of the leg while standing and sitting," he says. Makes and may urinate frequently at night.'

Frequent urination in men can be a symptom of prostate problems. As the age increases, the prostate gland increases and frequent urination occurs not only at night but also during the day.

"Urinary tract infection (UTI) due to the infection of the urinary tract, the problem of frequent urination at night also appears," said Dr. Bhattarai says, "Even if there is an infection in the kidneys, urine can come many times during the night."

He says that a woman's frequent urination at night is also a common early sign of pregnancy. He says that this problem appears when the growing fetus puts pressure on the bladder.

If you urinate frequently at night, you should first have a urine test to identify whether there is any health problem. If there is no identification from that, other tests such as ultrasound should be done," said Dr. Bhattarai says, "We find out whether there is any problem in the test. If a problem appears, it should be treated on the advice of a doctor.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nutrition during pregnancy: what to eat, what not to eat?

 Nutrition during pregnancy: what to eat, what not to eat?

Pregnancy women experience physical and emotional changes. During these changes, nutrition is the most essential element for the development of the mother and the baby growing in the womb. Because, the nutritious food consumed by the mother during pregnancy determines the physical condition of the baby.

Why is nutrition necessary during pregnancy?

Overall development of the child: From the shape of the child, the development of all the organs is due to the mother's diet. In this case, pregnant women need elements like folic acid, iron, calcium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids to play a role in the overall development of the child.

These foods help reduce the risk of health problems during pregnancy and after delivery, such as anemia, constipation, high blood pressure and diabetes.

'Even desire can interfere with a healthy diet'

Even though women are aware of the importance of nutrition during pregnancy, hormonal changes can interfere with eating.

Nausea: For some women, early morning vomiting during pregnancy can make it difficult.

In this case, you may not feel like eating food, but you should not stop eating. The amount of food is less than other times but can be eaten frequently. And food should be digestible. Nutrients such as fiber, protein and carbohydrates should be eaten in that food. Which provides energy and helps reduce vomiting.

Wanting to overeat some food and not wanting to look at anything

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the mouth to water at the thought of food and headache after seeing a food. In this case, eating too much food that you like to eat and not eating food that contains nutrients can affect the balance of nutritious food.

Also read this

Pregnancy: I feel nauseous, I don't like food, what should I do?

Must eat food

One of the causes of preterm birth in this situation is vitamin D deficiency. To supplement it, you can eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, almonds, fish and olive oil.

Another is to eat enough omega fatty acids. Babies of women who take omega supplements have better visual and sensory development up to one year.

Folic acid should be taken not only during pregnancy but also three months before conception. Folic acid is a B vitamin. Which helps to make the baby's DNA and cells.

Green vegetables: Green vegetables, cabbage and broccoli can be beneficial during pregnancy. In this case, raw vegetables can be harmful.

Dairy products: Dairy products including milk, curd, curd and ghee are essential for pregnant women. Which provides protein and calcium for the development of the child during pregnancy.

Fruits: Fresh fruits keep both mother and baby healthy during pregnancy. Apples, melons, pomegranates and other seasonal fruits are beneficial.

Dry fruits: Eating dry fruits during pregnancy is very beneficial. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and other foods are rich in various vitamins, calories, fiber and omega three fatty acids. It is necessary for both mother and child.

Egg: Egg is a nutritious food. Eggs contain high amounts of protein, cholesterol, vitamin D and antioxidants, which are essential for pregnant women.

Whole grains: Pregnant women can include whole grains like oats, brown rice in their diet.

Plenty of water: Drink at least four liters of water a day. which does not allow the mother to become dehydrated. It keeps the body healthy and removes toxins from the body.

Also read this

Pregnancy: Eight Myths and Truths

How can vegetarian pregnant women complete the nutrients?

Vegetarian pregnant women can also meet their nutritional needs without eating meat. But iron, vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acid they may be relatively low.

It is fulfilled by supplements and some foods.

For protein, you can eat foods such as lentils, tofu, almonds and parsley seeds. Walnuts, flaxseeds, canola oil, avocados are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These foods should also be eaten daily.

How much to eat?

Iron: 40 grams

Protein: 65 grams

Calcium: One thousand milligrams

Folic Acid: 400 micrograms

Special attention should be paid to certain things during pregnancy.

- In this case, do not take any medicine on the advice of the doctor. In case of any health problem, medicine should be taken only after the doctor's advice and examination.

Pregnant women are advised to stay away from tea, junk food, chocolate, cigarettes and coffee.

- Alcohol, smoking and caffeinated drinks and foods affect the development of the fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage.

- During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume zero amount of alcohol and 200 mg of caffeine per day.

- Pregnant women should not consume raw fruit. It contains chemicals that harm the fetus.

- Don't eat stale food. Because there are bacteria like salmonella, listeria and e-coli, due to which women can get food poisoning.

- Daily light exercise is necessary. 

Is yogurt the best drink?

 Is yogurt the best drink?

How is curd made? Who learned to make such a best drink? These are interesting questions. Dahi is mentioned in mythological texts. It is mentioned that Lord Krishna stole curd and ate it as a child.

It is mentioned in a BBC report that the trend of curd started from the European country Bulgaria. According to the report, nomadic people learned to make curd four thousand years ago.

At that time they used to raise milk animals. There was no method of storing milk. So the remaining milk was kept at a certain temperature. If kept like this, the milk would turn into curd after some time. According to a BBC report, the seasonal temperature in Bulgaria was very favorable for curdling.

Yogurt making took place at different times in Central Asia and the Middle East. A special strain of bacteria is found in Bulgaria for curdling. Bulgarian scientist Stamen Grigorov was teaching at Geneva University in Switzerland at that time. He researched and studied how yogurt freezes. When milk is kept at a certain temperature for a certain period of time, then bacteria will grow in it. Due to the said bacteria, milk is converted into curd.

What is found in curd?

According to nutritionist Leel Bahadur Nepali, yogurt contains high quality fat, protein, calcium, potassium, water, iron carbohydrates, phosphorus, selenium and various vitamins (vitamins A, B, C, K, B12 and B2).

Similarly, yogurt contains probiotic protein, it keeps the body cool and provides coolness to the body. Also, it increases the ability of digestion and increases immunity.

How is curd made?

After boiling the milk until it thickens well, it should be cooled and stored as needed. After leaving it overnight, curd is ready.

How does curd benefit digestion?

Probiotics in curd activate the good micro-organisms in the body and reduce or inactivate the harmful bacteria and facilitate the digestive process.

At what time is it best to eat?

Morning time: It is considered very good to eat curd in the morning. It strengthens the digestive system and helps to keep the body active and energetic throughout the day.

Afternoon time: Eating curd in lunch is also beneficial. It improves the digestive process and helps digest food. Eating curd in the afternoon in summer cools the body and provides relief from the heat of the sun.

Evening time: It is good to eat curd in the evening too but it is best to have it with a light meal. For example, you can mix it with fruits or eat fruits first and then yogurt. It should be made like a smoothie or juice.

Something to note

Yogurt should not be eaten on an empty stomach. It can cause acidity in the stomach. It should always be taken with or after food.

Sweet curd: If you eat curd mixed with sugar, you should eat it in limited quantities. Too much sweet yogurt can cause weight gain. Yogurt should not be eaten immediately after taking it out of the refrigerator. It should be kept at room temperature for some time.

Why not eat at night?

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. According to Prakash Gyawali, eating curd in the evening increases phlegm in the body. It causes the risk of colds, sore throats, and colds. Therefore, according to the principles of Ayurveda, it is said not to eat curd at night because the body is more likely to get cold.

Is curd fresh or stale?

Even if it is kept for a long time, it does not rot, melt or become stale like other foods. Gyawali says. "But Ekrate Dahi is considered fresh," he says, "as the night progresses, its quality also decreases." But it cannot be called stale.

Use of curd

Traditionally, curd is used as a dessert ie dessert and sagun. Curd helps in enhancing beauty. Therefore, in addition to eating curd, it is applied like a pack on the skin of the mouth, hands and feet. It also makes the sun-burnt skin fair and soft. Lactic acid in curd is naturally anti-fungal. Therefore, this tea is also used to remove hair and it also works as a natural conditioner for hair.

What to eat yogurt with?

Dahi is eaten mixed with chiura, roti, puri and rice. There is a Nepali tradition of serving curd in the form of sagun when going somewhere far away from home. Nutritionist Leel Bahadur Nepali says that it is better to eat curd after eating other foods. "But because curd contains fat, it is appropriate for people with body fat problems not to mix it with other fatty foods as much as possible," he says.

Why is the taste different?

Yogurt is made from milk, but its taste is slightly different, because when the milk is frozen, bacteria are produced in it. Nutritionist Nepali says, 'When curd is made from milk, its shape, color and texture all change. That's why the taste is different.

Similarly, yogurt available in the market is of two types, pure and adulterated. The taste of these two types of yogurt is also different. Pure curd is made from whole milk while others may be mixed with sugar, powder, processed milk. Also, yogurt made from packet or powdered milk is not tasty.

Benefits of eating curd

Yogurt contains probiotics ie good bacteria. It helps to keep the stomach clean by strengthening the digestive system and eating a bowl of curd every day makes the digestive process healthy.

Increases immunity

Probiotics found in curd help to strengthen immunity. This can cause the body to absorb protein. Moreover, curd prevents stomach infections It also keeps it away.

Strengthens bones

Yogurt is the best source of vitamin C and D. It helps to keep bones and teeth strong. Eating curd daily can prevent the disease called osteoporosis.

Weight control

Since curd contains low fat and high protein, its daily consumption helps to avoid obesity.

Keeps skin healthy

Curd helps in keeping the skin shiny and soft in summer. As it contains vitamin E, zinc and phosphorus, it is good for skin color.

Yoghurt eating day

Every year Asar 15 is also celebrated as the day of eating curd. Dahi Chiura is used as a snack in June, which is considered as the month of planting mano. Dahi Chiura is considered the best snack as it is quick sweet, tasty and healthy and does not go stale and does not have to be complicated to cook.

Who should not eat curd?

A person who is allergic to milk or cannot digest lactose and has a cold should not consume any dairy products and even curd. Rheumatoid patients should also not eat it. Because it cools the body.

What not to eat with curd?

Eating cucumber with curd can have side-effects on the body. Similarly, eating curd with greasy food can cause fat in the body, while bananas, fish, and sour fruits mixed with curd can cause harm instead of benefits.

In an article published by writer Narayan Oli, there is a mention about some types of curd popular in Nepal.

1. Ekrate: Yogurt that has been left overnight in the fridge or frozen the previous day is called Ekrate yogurt.

2. Chokra: A lump of curd that does not set well and does not curdle when beaten is called chokra.

3. Juju Dhau: Curd made by adding saffron, sugar etc. to milk after heating for a long time is called Juju Dhau.

4. Lahe Dahi: Well-cured thick curd is called Lahe Dahi.

How is Juju Dhow popular in Kathmandu Valley made?

Juju Dha is made in traditional style. To prepare juju dhow, first of all, chaff is laid in the curd making area as required. The milk brought from the dairy should be boiled in a karahi so that it becomes thick. When boiling milk, at least 40 liters of milk is boiled to 30 liters.

After it boils, it is placed in a clay bowl on the chaff. Milk is kept in the bowl in three stages. In the first stage, only half of the milk is kept. After that, the milk is poured into a bowl from above.

Then at the end, milk is kept to fill it completely. After boiling the milk, the curd is covered with another bowl. It is covered with a thick silk or warm cloth from above. Juju Dha is ready after about four to five hours. But curd that is stored in plastic containers or in the refrigerator is kept for sale after boiling the milk. After that, the milk is filled all at once and placed in a plastic container.

Curd Museum

Curds require bacteria, which were named Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Which was done by a scientist named Stamen Grigorov from Bulgaria. Therefore, in Bulgaria, a curd museum has been built in his name, which is the only curd museum in the world. Which was named Lactobacillus bulgaricus. A type of bacteria is necessary for curdling.

Yogurt is the secret to longevity

Based on Grigorob's research, Eli Mechnikoff, a Russian Nobel Prize-winning biologist, discovered that the daily consumption of yogurt is responsible for the longevity of Bulgarian farmers. Most of the farmers lived there for more than 100 years. After it was known to prolong life, the tradition of eating curd was developed in France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and the UK.

Bacterial vaccine export

Even today, the Bulgarian government company LB Bulgaricom gives licenses for the trade and business of Bulgarian yogurt in its partner countries Japan and South Korea. Therefore, every year bacterial vaccines are exported from Bulgaria to Korea and Japan.

Where did the trend of curd start, why the taste is different?

Yogurt is rich in protein and calcium as well as probiotics. Probiotics help produce good bacteria in the body. It also works to convert the food in the stomach into probiotics. Which deactivates the bad bacteria in the body.

Nutritionist Sanjay Maharjan says that curd plays an important role in keeping the digestive system correct and healthy. There are both good and bad bacteria in the body. If the bad bacteria are active, the immune system becomes weak and you fall victim to various diseases,' he says, 'but regular consumption of yogurt helps to increase the number of good bacteria and increase the immune system.'

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats, all the three essential elements of the body are found in curd. Yogurt is also a good source of calcium, vitamins and minerals. Nutritionist Maharjan says that vitamin B6, B12, riboflavin, potassium and magnesium are found in curd.

"In this way, all Hisanb useful curd can be eaten three times a day in the morning, afternoon, evening after eating or with food," he says.

He advises people who are allergic to milk and yogurt, people with gastritis, people who cannot eat protein, people who cannot eat fat, to eat only according to the doctor's advice. In Ayurvedic, it is said that if you don't eat curd in the evening, you will feel cold. But there is no harm in eating in moderation," says Maharjan.

Why is the taste different?

Although curd is made from milk, its taste is slightly different, because when milk is frozen, bacteria are produced in it. Nutritionist Maharjan says, 'When curd is made from milk, its shape, color and texture all change. That's why the taste is different. Similarly, yogurt available in the market is of two types, pure and adulterated. The taste of these two types of yogurt is also different. Pure curd is made from whole milk while others may be mixed with sugar, powder, processed milk.

How healthy is yogurt available in the market?

Mohan Krishna Maharjan, information officer of the Food Technology and Quality Control Department, says that most of the yogurt available in the market is edible. "Because most of the yogurt is being consumed, monitoring is being done every few months, so no inedible yogurt has been found in the monitoring," he says.

What to eat yogurt with?

Dahi is eaten mixed with chiura, roti, puri and rice. There is a tradition of serving curd in the form of sagun when going somewhere far away from home. Nutritionist Leel Bahadur Nepali says that it is better to eat curd after eating other foods. "But because curd contains fat, it is appropriate for people with body fat problems not to mix it with other fatty foods as much as possible," he says.

How did curd start?

In some European countries, it is customary to give yogurt as a gift. In Europe's Bulgaria, any meal is considered incomplete without curd. It is believed that the trend of curd started from Bulgaria. It is said that four thousand years ago, nomadic people discovered a way to freeze curd. They used to migrate from one place to another with their entire families. At the same time, it is believed that they developed a method of curdling and that it spread all over the world. At that time, there was no method of storing milk, so they started making curd by storing milk.

Discovery of curd bacteria

A type of bacteria is necessary for curdling. A scientist named Stamen Grigorov from Bulgaria said that bacteria are needed for curdling. Now a Dahi Museum has been built in his name in Bulgaria, which is the only Dahi Museum in the world. Grigorov studied at the University of Geneva in Switzerland. During that time, he took a curd made in his village and researched it. Bacteria were found to be the main cause of curd formation. Which was named Lactobacillus bulgaricus.

The secret to longevity

Based on Grigorob's research, Russian Nobel Prize-winning biologist Eli Mechnikoff discovered the secret of long life of Bulgarian farmers. He discovered through research that Bulgarian farmers lived longer because they ate more yogurt. Most of the people who lived in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria lived more than a hundred years.

After it was known that people who eat yogurt can live longer, the demand for Bulgarian yogurt increased rapidly in France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and even in the UK. Later, every meal developed as a must-have dish without curd.

Traditional curd making

Until 1949, yogurt was made at home in the traditional way in Bulgaria. But when Bulgarian yogurt started to be in international demand, the government nationalized the dairy industry.

Because the Bulgarian government planned that this would be the right policy to increase relations and increase recognition in other allied countries of the Soviet Union at that time. They went to different places in Bulgaria and started collecting samples of home-made curd. All of them were used to make a lot of curd by giving it a new experience. In this way, a different type of Bulgarian yogurt started to be available in the market. The government also started exporting this brand of curd.

The art of curd making

Even today, the Bulgarian government company LB Bulgaricom has given licenses to trade and deal with Bulgarian yogurt in its partner countries Japan and South Korea. So every year Bulgari From this, bacterial vaccine is exported to Korea and Japan.

There are many types of yogurt in Bulgaria. Even if two people of the same family make curd, its taste is different. Yogurt making is an art form for the people there and this skill is being passed down from one generation to the next.