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Showing posts with label to. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

 Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

Starting the day with a sip of sweet tea is a common practice in South Asian countries including Nepal and India. Drinking tea is very common in these countries. There are also different ways of making tea according to geography and climate. Every person makes tea according to his taste and enjoys it.

According to an article published in Navbharat Times, every house in India makes a lot of milk tea. The same applies to Nepal. Most people follow this one method of making tea, steeping the tea leaves in water and boiling them for a long time.

Many people think that if tea is boiled for a long time, its taste will be sweet. Some people also boil milk and tea leaves together. But many people do not know that boiling tea for a long time is harmful to health.

According to Indian nutritionist Shikha Aggarwal Sharma, there are many benefits of properly brewing tea. Drinking properly brewed tea helps to increase immunity, reduce weight, and control blood sugar levels. But since tea leaves contain caffeine, boiling them for a long time is harmful, says nutritionist Agarwal.

Risk of cancer

According to experts, tannins are abundant in tea. It is a group of polyphenolic biomolecules, which are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine and tea. Tannin is a molecule that is abundant in tea and coffee. It binds together protein, cellulose, starch and minerals. As a result, the body becomes deficient in iron. Boiling tea for more than four minutes increases the amount of tannin, which inhibits iron absorption. In addition, if the tea is boiled too much, the nutrients in the tea will also decrease. Tea cooked in this way increases acidity in the body. If you drink too much of this tea, it also causes the risk of cancer.

Nutrients are low

Nutrients and minerals are found in tea leaves. It contains flavonoids, catechins, polyphenols, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium and fluoride. According to experts, boiling tea for a long time reduces the nutrients found in tea leaves and milk. Vitamin B12 and C found in it are also low.

Inhibits iron absorption

According to experts, if the tea is boiled for a long time, the tannin content in it is reduced. This element is found in some fruits, vegetables and nuts. Boiling tea for a long time will hinder the absorption of iron. Which can reduce the amount of blood in the body.

Stomach problems

Boiling tea leaves and milk for a long time destroys the protein found in milk. Because of this, due to problems in digesting milk, stomach ache, acidity problem, flatulence, gas filling may occur. After boiling the tea with milk for a long time, it will smell bitter even after drinking it.

Too much boiling of tea leaves and milk together is harmful

At high temperature, a chemical reaction takes place with milk's lactose protein. If you drink it in excess, it will produce harmful substances in the body. If these two are mixed and boiled for a long time, a substance called acrylamide can be formed in milk. It is high in carbohydrates. Acrylamide can also cause cancer.

So what is the right way to make tea?

According to experts, boiling tea leaves in high-temperature water for two minutes increases the amount of polyphenols found in them. Boiling more than this will make the quality of the tea worse.

There is no benefit to over-boiling, it makes the tea taste bitter. To increase the taste and benefits of tea, it is important to follow the right method of making tea.

The right way to make tea

– Boil a pan of water and again turn off the gas (any means of fire).

- Put a teaspoon of tea leaves in it and cover it for three to four minutes.

- Now add a little milk and sugar according to your taste and enjoy the tea.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

 Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

If you have diabetes then summer season can be a challenging season for you. Learn how you can control your diabetes during this time.

If your insulin level or blood sugar level (Blood Sugar Level) is not controlled properly in the summer season, then diabetes patients are at the highest risk in this season. If your blood sugar is too high then it can be more serious in these summers. Depending on your activities, low blood sugar can also become a concern and not only this, diabetes can damage your sweat glands. Due to which you don't even sweat properly. All this is due to the increase in temperature in the outdoor weather. Rising temperatures can also damage your medications and testing equipment. So you have to keep your medicines safe with you. Before going out in the summer, it is important that you keep your blood sugar under control.

What do experts say?

Our expert Dr. Vinay Bhatt, General Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad says that heat mostly affects your blood sugar level. How much it affects you depends on how hydrated you are, how active you are, and what you eat and drink. If you are sweating profusely then it may be because you are getting dehydrated and your blood glucose level is increasing. Due to this, you can urinate again and again due to which you will get more dehydration and your sugar level can also increase more. Your medicines can also break down on their own due to high temperatures, so keep them in a cool place.

How to control diabetes in summer?

1. Adjust insulin (Adjust Insulin Level)

Be sure to ask your doctor how you can adjust your insulin level before exercising so that it does not increase your sugar and glucose levels. Many doctors will give you these tips that how you can control your blood sugar level in summer.

2. Drink More Water

The main cause of blood sugar increase is dehydration and to avoid this you should drink more water so that your body can stay hydrated.

3. Keep checking the blood sugar level (Check Your Sugar)

The temperature outside in summer can increase or decrease your blood sugar, so it is a good idea to keep checking your sugar level frequently. You can try to control your diabetes only according to your sugar level.

4. Stop Getting Dehydrated

Keep a bottle of water or liquids with you that do not increase your sugar and if you are going out, drink a little water all the time so that you can avoid dehydration in diabetes.

5. Fix blood sugar (Keep Glucagon Kit)

In summer, not only your blood sugar (Blood Sugar) may increase but also decrease. Which in itself is a concern and for this you should always keep your glucose tablets with you.

6. Avoid Sunburn

If you stay in the sun too much, you may get sunburn and it may increase blood sugar, so protect yourself from sunburn.

7. Keep Healthy Snacks With You

If you want to control your sugar then some snacks can also replace your meal.

If you have diabetes, you have to make more efforts to protect yourself and your medicines during the summer season, so avoid going out too much.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Nutrition during pregnancy: what to eat, what not to eat?

 Nutrition during pregnancy: what to eat, what not to eat?

Pregnancy women experience physical and emotional changes. During these changes, nutrition is the most essential element for the development of the mother and the baby growing in the womb. Because, the nutritious food consumed by the mother during pregnancy determines the physical condition of the baby.

Why is nutrition necessary during pregnancy?

Overall development of the child: From the shape of the child, the development of all the organs is due to the mother's diet. In this case, pregnant women need elements like folic acid, iron, calcium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids to play a role in the overall development of the child.

These foods help reduce the risk of health problems during pregnancy and after delivery, such as anemia, constipation, high blood pressure and diabetes.

'Even desire can interfere with a healthy diet'

Even though women are aware of the importance of nutrition during pregnancy, hormonal changes can interfere with eating.

Nausea: For some women, early morning vomiting during pregnancy can make it difficult.

In this case, you may not feel like eating food, but you should not stop eating. The amount of food is less than other times but can be eaten frequently. And food should be digestible. Nutrients such as fiber, protein and carbohydrates should be eaten in that food. Which provides energy and helps reduce vomiting.

Wanting to overeat some food and not wanting to look at anything

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the mouth to water at the thought of food and headache after seeing a food. In this case, eating too much food that you like to eat and not eating food that contains nutrients can affect the balance of nutritious food.

Mandatory food

One of the reasons for preterm birth in this situation is vitamin D deficiency. To supplement it, you can eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, almonds, fish and olive oil.

Another is to eat enough omega fatty acids. Babies of women who take omega supplements have better visual and sensory development up to one year old.

Folic acid should be taken not only during pregnancy but also three months before conception. Folic acid is a B vitamin. Which helps to make the baby's DNA and cells.

Green vegetables: Green vegetables, cabbage and broccoli can be beneficial during pregnancy. In this case, raw vegetables can be harmful.

Dairy products: Dairy products including milk, curd, curd and ghee are essential for pregnant women. Which provides protein and calcium for the development of the child during pregnancy.

Fruits: Fresh fruits keep both mother and baby healthy during pregnancy. Apples, melons, pomegranates and other seasonal fruits are beneficial.

Dry fruits: Eating dry fruits during pregnancy is very beneficial. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and other foods are rich in various vitamins, calories, fiber and omega three fatty acids. It is necessary for both mother and child.

Egg: Egg is a nutritious food. Eggs contain high amounts of protein, cholesterol, vitamin D and antioxidants, which are essential for pregnant women.

Whole grains: Pregnant women can include whole grains like oats, brown rice in their diet.

Plenty of water: Drink at least four liters of water a day. Which does not allow the mother to be dehydrated. It keeps the body healthy and removes toxins from the body.

How can vegetarian pregnant women complete their nutrients?

Vegetarian pregnant women can also meet their nutritional needs without eating meat. But iron, vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acid they may be relatively low.

It is fulfilled by supplements and some foods.

For protein, you can eat foods such as lentils, tofu, almonds and parsley seeds. Walnuts, flaxseeds, canola oil, avocados are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These foods should also be eaten daily.

How much to eat?

Iron: 40 grams

Protein: 65 grams

Calcium: One thousand milligrams

Folic acid: 400 micrograms

Special attention should be paid to certain things during pregnancy.

- In this case, do not take any medicine on the advice of a doctor. In case of any health problem, medicine should be taken only after the doctor's advice and examination.

- Pregnant women are advised to stay away from tea, junk food, chocolate, cigarettes and coffee.

- Alcohol, smoking and caffeinated drinks and foods affect the development of the fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage.

- During pregnancy, it is recommended that the amount of alcohol is zero and the amount of caffeine is 200 milligrams per day.

- Pregnant women should not consume raw fruit. It contains chemicals that harm the fetus.

- Don't eat stale food. Because there are bacteria like salmonella, listeria and e-coli, due to which women can get food poisoning.

Normal vaginal bleeding: No need to clean frequently

 Normal vaginal bleeding: No need to clean frequently

Genital hygiene is very important during menstruation, pregnancy and sexual intercourse. Because if there is no proper hygiene in the genitals, the risk of infection is high.

Due to the fear of infection, some people take special care in cleaning it. They clean and wipe after going to the toilet. This is not quite right. If there is abnormal discharge from the genitals, then cleaning is necessary. But normal vaginal discharge is not only natural but also necessary.

Normal vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge) protects the genitals from external infections. Prevents the fear of infection from external germs.

Vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge) and its function

Vaginal discharge is the discharge of liquid from the vagina. It is usually composed of cells and bacteria. Which helps to clean the vagina, make it soft to maintain sexual relations and also helps to fight external bad bacteria and infections.

Vaginal discharge is a natural and normal process. So it is normal to have some amount of discharge every day. But if there is excessive fluid flow daily, it should be seen by the doctor.

Most women or teenagers have a little discharge daily, but during ovulation, its amount is more than at other times. Which is sticky white discharge which is natural. Some women may experience changes in discharge due to infection or sexually transmitted diseases, which is known as abnormal discharge.

How to recognize normal vaginal discharge?

The color of normal vaginal discharge is light white or white. It has no bad smell. But its color is different and if it has a smell, it may be due to an infection or disease. For example, yellow, brown or green discharge indicates bacterial or sexually transmitted infections. If it appears white but thicker than normal, it may be due to a fungal infection, which will clear up after treatment.

It is not necessary to clean as soon as it is 'discharged'

It is not necessary to clean it as soon as it is 'discharged' as its job is to prevent any kind of infection. This is a normal procedure, but if there is an excessive amount, a panty liner can be applied. Vagina is cleaned naturally with the help of healthy bacteria and those bacteria prevent some infections, so it is not necessary to clean it frequently. Special care should be taken as too much cleaning will have more negative effects.

How to clean?

The vagina should not be cleaned frequently. To clean the vagina once or twice a day, you can clean it with 'Bhivas' which is easily available in the market. Even clean water can be used to clean the vagina once a day and after urinating, tissue paper can be used to dry the vagina. When cleaning with excessive amounts of water, there is a possibility that the bacteria in the external water will also reach the inside.

Most of them clean it as soon as they have vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge). But vaginal cleansing also protects the vagina from infection to some extent, so it should not be cleaned immediately.

How to keep vagina healthy

-Women should change clean cotton panties daily. Wearing synthetic panties cannot absorb fluids, which increases the risk of infection.

- Take a daily bath. While bathing, the vagina should be cleaned only with Bhivas.

- Do not use scented soap, gel or other feminine products.

- Do not wear tight underwear or sweaty clothes for a long time.

-Wipe the vagina from front to back. It prevents bacteria from entering the vagina from the anus.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Drinking too much cold coffee is harmful to health

 Drinking too much cold coffee is harmful to health

It is very hot time now. The body and face are sweaty. In this case, the mind looks for a cold drink. Lassi and juice are preferred by many in cold drinks.

Cold coffee is also the choice of many people these days. Connoisseurs of cold coffee consume it four to five times a day. That's why many people have this addiction.

In this case, the question arises, can it be safe to drink too much sweet coffee in summer?

If you have the habit of drinking cold coffee daily and drinking it several times a day, it is not considered good for your health. It contains excessive amounts of caffeine and sugar. Due to this, drinking more in hot weather can lead to dehydration, digestive problems and increased sugar levels.

-Drinking very cold coffee makes you urinate more. As a result, the body lacks water and may suffer from dehydration. Because coffee contains too much caffeine.

- On the one hand, caffeine and the extreme cold of the refrigerator can cause digestive problems.

Also read this

What are the health problems of drinking too much tea and coffee?

- If sugar is used in cold coffee, it increases blood sugar and affects the weight of the person.

- In summer, the temperature increases and sleep becomes less. In this case, drinking cold coffee keeps the brain stimulated by the caffeine in it. Therefore

It can also be difficult to sleep at night.

- If you have high blood pressure, it is better not to drink it. Because drinking too much also affects the blood pressure level.

- Some iced coffees contain high-calorie cream, milk and other flavors. Eating too much of it can lead to weight gain and digestive problems.

The right way to drink cold coffee

- Drink only once or twice a day.

-Drink it before evening and put little or no sugar in it.

- Drink water one hour before drinking coffee.

Coffee: Friend of loneliness

It is continuously raining. The weather is cold. How about drinking hot coffee right now?

There is a mood of escaping from the crowd, noise, family, work and dealings and being absorbed in oneself. How about sitting in a secluded place and enjoying coffee?

Coffee is not only a drink that quenches thirst. It is also a friend of loneliness. when you are alone There are no friends to gossip, no relatives to gossip about. There is no work to be done immediately. What do you do now? He sits sipping hot coffee. Whether it is to kill time or to take a break from the hectic daily life, you sip coffee.

In bygone days it was a favorite drink of the elite. But now coffee is for everyone. This is a drink easily available in most kitchens. Also, coffee culture is also very popular in the city now. Coffee houses are operating in places. Coffee connoisseurs are also increasing.

There are not few people who drink coffee regularly, not only occasionally. There is not a small group of people who get excited when they say coffee. Some of them are not even in the mood to work without drinking coffee.

According to a study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the amount of caffeine in coffee is high. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. As a result, it helps fight fatigue and increase energy levels. That's why some people feel a different energy in their body after drinking coffee. However, too much caffeine is harmful to the body.

Neurologist Dr. According to Ram Koirala, certain elements in coffee help the brain to concentrate. That's why many poets, writers, thinkers have made it like a friend. "The antioxidants present in it benefit the brain," he said.

"Coffee is high in antioxidants," says nutritionist Uma Koirala, "so drinking coffee in limited quantities is said to be beneficial."

According to a report published by a nutritionist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, drinking coffee in limited amounts is beneficial for the body. Some elements found in coffee help to reduce liver, heart and skin problems. It is also said to protect against the possible risk of Alzheimer's.

It has been written in various medical journals that drinking coffee regularly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Consuming coffee in the right amount is said to protect against the risk of colon cancer. It is also specified how much coffee to drink daily, according to which it is mentioned that it is appropriate to drink up to two cups of coffee a day.

"But since there is a problem with diabetes, it is better to drink it after consulting a doctor," says nutritionist Uma.

Drinking too much is harmful

There is a proverb in Nepali, if there is too much, even nectar becomes poison. Nutritionists say the same about coffee. There are some elements in coffee which are beneficial for health. However, drinking too much coffee does more harm than good, they said.

They say that especially if the amount of caffeine in coffee is high, it will cause harm. It is said that those who have a chronic illness or are undergoing treatment for any disease should only drink coffee after consulting a doctor. Drinking too much coffee can cause problems like insomnia, anxiety, heartburn.

Who is not suitable for?

Nutritionist Koirala says that people with high cholesterol, people with heart disease, and people with heartburn should avoid coffee as much as possible. He says that anxiety patients and people with stomach related problems like gastric should not eat it.

It is better not to eat coffee because some people get headaches, while some people get more headaches, vomiting, and diarrhea. Similarly, doctors advise pregnant women not to drink coffee.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nutrition during pregnancy: what to eat, what not to eat?

 Nutrition during pregnancy: what to eat, what not to eat?

Pregnancy women experience physical and emotional changes. During these changes, nutrition is the most essential element for the development of the mother and the baby growing in the womb. Because, the nutritious food consumed by the mother during pregnancy determines the physical condition of the baby.

Why is nutrition necessary during pregnancy?

Overall development of the child: From the shape of the child, the development of all the organs is due to the mother's diet. In this case, pregnant women need elements like folic acid, iron, calcium, iodine and omega-3 fatty acids to play a role in the overall development of the child.

These foods help reduce the risk of health problems during pregnancy and after delivery, such as anemia, constipation, high blood pressure and diabetes.

'Even desire can interfere with a healthy diet'

Even though women are aware of the importance of nutrition during pregnancy, hormonal changes can interfere with eating.

Nausea: For some women, early morning vomiting during pregnancy can make it difficult.

In this case, you may not feel like eating food, but you should not stop eating. The amount of food is less than other times but can be eaten frequently. And food should be digestible. Nutrients such as fiber, protein and carbohydrates should be eaten in that food. Which provides energy and helps reduce vomiting.

Wanting to overeat some food and not wanting to look at anything

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause the mouth to water at the thought of food and headache after seeing a food. In this case, eating too much food that you like to eat and not eating food that contains nutrients can affect the balance of nutritious food.

Also read this

Pregnancy: I feel nauseous, I don't like food, what should I do?

Must eat food

One of the causes of preterm birth in this situation is vitamin D deficiency. To supplement it, you can eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, almonds, fish and olive oil.

Another is to eat enough omega fatty acids. Babies of women who take omega supplements have better visual and sensory development up to one year.

Folic acid should be taken not only during pregnancy but also three months before conception. Folic acid is a B vitamin. Which helps to make the baby's DNA and cells.

Green vegetables: Green vegetables, cabbage and broccoli can be beneficial during pregnancy. In this case, raw vegetables can be harmful.

Dairy products: Dairy products including milk, curd, curd and ghee are essential for pregnant women. Which provides protein and calcium for the development of the child during pregnancy.

Fruits: Fresh fruits keep both mother and baby healthy during pregnancy. Apples, melons, pomegranates and other seasonal fruits are beneficial.

Dry fruits: Eating dry fruits during pregnancy is very beneficial. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and other foods are rich in various vitamins, calories, fiber and omega three fatty acids. It is necessary for both mother and child.

Egg: Egg is a nutritious food. Eggs contain high amounts of protein, cholesterol, vitamin D and antioxidants, which are essential for pregnant women.

Whole grains: Pregnant women can include whole grains like oats, brown rice in their diet.

Plenty of water: Drink at least four liters of water a day. which does not allow the mother to become dehydrated. It keeps the body healthy and removes toxins from the body.

Also read this

Pregnancy: Eight Myths and Truths

How can vegetarian pregnant women complete the nutrients?

Vegetarian pregnant women can also meet their nutritional needs without eating meat. But iron, vitamin B12 and omega 3 fatty acid they may be relatively low.

It is fulfilled by supplements and some foods.

For protein, you can eat foods such as lentils, tofu, almonds and parsley seeds. Walnuts, flaxseeds, canola oil, avocados are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These foods should also be eaten daily.

How much to eat?

Iron: 40 grams

Protein: 65 grams

Calcium: One thousand milligrams

Folic Acid: 400 micrograms

Special attention should be paid to certain things during pregnancy.

- In this case, do not take any medicine on the advice of the doctor. In case of any health problem, medicine should be taken only after the doctor's advice and examination.

Pregnant women are advised to stay away from tea, junk food, chocolate, cigarettes and coffee.

- Alcohol, smoking and caffeinated drinks and foods affect the development of the fetus and increase the risk of miscarriage.

- During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume zero amount of alcohol and 200 mg of caffeine per day.

- Pregnant women should not consume raw fruit. It contains chemicals that harm the fetus.

- Don't eat stale food. Because there are bacteria like salmonella, listeria and e-coli, due to which women can get food poisoning.

- Daily light exercise is necessary. 

Monday, March 4, 2024

How to resolve the conflict between the couple?

 How to resolve the conflict between the couple?

There is no couple in the world who want to fight with each other. But it is said that not everything is in our hands. It is exactly the same in the relationship between husband and wife. Sometimes, even if you don't want to, the situation is such that a fight takes place.

However, in every married relationship there are minor conflicts and the couple resolves them and moves on. But sometimes even small quarrels take a big form and the matter reaches divorce. If so, what should be done to prevent the fight from getting bigger? What kind of habits can escalate the dispute with the spouse?

Loud voice while speaking

When both of them say such things, problems start to arise. Which is not easy for both of them to bear. He is not paying attention when he gets angry with his partner about something. Because of this, most of them come in a rage and speak in a loud voice. They start yelling to prove their point. Sometimes foul language is also used in anger.

This not only spoils the relationship, but can even lead to divorce. In such a situation, the problem should be resolved in a peaceful manner as possible.

A relationship does not end if there is a fight. But it is not right to blame each other after a fight. If you have a habit of fighting over small things, it can bring coldness in your relationship. During this period, instead of counting each other's mistakes, it is better to calm things down by showing understanding.

Leaving things unfinished

Someone's habit is to start an argument about something and then suddenly become silent. But silence is not the solution. It turns out to be like adding ghee to a burning fire. If you do this, your partner may feel like you are running away. Such behavior does not only increase the problem. The relationship will not be the same as before.

Treat each other as enemies

Unnecessary fights between husband and wife weaken their relationship. But after a fight, when they consider each other as enemies, a bigger problem arises. In the process, he forgets that he is under the same roof. If even one of them gets hurt, it will have a big impact on their married life. Therefore, when they are against each other, no problem is solved, it becomes more complicated. By doing this, the relationship can become dark and everything can get out of hand.

How to solve?

How to stop a fight once it starts? It can be difficult to know. Conflict may seem impossible to stop. Disputes can range from household chores or minor disagreements, doubts or financial transactions to major disputes. It is important to identify what kind of disagreement there is. Because it will help determine the best way to stop the argument.

One way to prevent conflict in a relationship is to take a break for both of you after the conflict is heated up. This gives each person time to reflect on the situation before continuing the conversation.

There are also some effective phrases that can be said when there is a dispute. Which calms the heated atmosphere.

'Let me think about it'

After saying this, both of them remained calm for some time. In this case, the pattern indicates that the idea is taken care of. If you take time to think, the solution to the problem will surely come out.

"You may be right"

This sentence shows the willingness to make a positive compromise on the disputed matter. This hint is enough to soften the mood for most people. And, it forces them to think about taking a step back.

"I understand"

These are powerful words. Conflicts happen when feelings and situations are not understood. If you listen well and say you understand, it shows sympathy. Understanding does not mean agreeing with something wrong. Understanding does not necessarily mean solving the problem. But if you make a mistake by listening, it helps to remember calmly.

"forgive me"

Many people hesitate to apologize because they think that admitting their mistakes will make them feel small. But sometimes apologizing in a dispute shows sympathy. It can kill the feeling of anger in an instant.

How to make sex life easier for people with high blood pressure and heart disease?

 How to make sex life easier for people with high blood pressure and heart disease?

Sex is a natural need. However, many people with heart problems may have a question - doesn't sexual activity put the heart at greater risk?

It is natural to have this dilemma. Because as much as other health problems are openly discussed, not so much is discussed about sex. Patients do not openly ask questions about this due to hesitation with doctors. So that it may be affecting the sex life directly and indirectly.

Does having heart problems affect your sex life?

Factors such as physical and mental condition, appropriate person and environment can make a difference in the outcome of sex. But sex is a basic need and it is not considered a taboo subject even in any disease.

It is considered safe to have sex even in people with heart problems. According to a journal published in the Johns Hopkins Medicine Organization, cohabitation is considered safe for people with heart and high blood pressure who have no problem climbing stairs, walking and running for some distance. If there are no symptoms, there is no objection to intercourse.

But during the extreme stimulation of sexual intercourse, heart rate increases and blood pressure also increases, so the heart may be under more pressure. For this reason, it is necessary to take some precautions in people with heart artery disease. But it is not necessary to stay away from sexual contact.

If the chest becomes heavy during normal swaying or climbing stairs, there may be some risk of heart attack during sexual intercourse. In such a case, after examining a cardiologist, proper treatment can be given and sexual activity can be done after consulting about precautionary measures.

Post-heart attack condition

It is not good to do too much physical activity for the first two weeks after a heart attack. After that, when the chest is not heavy while swinging and it is easy to do moderate physical activity, then it is possible to have sex. But the condition of being able to have sex and not being able to have sex may differ from person to person.

How to facilitate sex life after a heart attack?

- Husband and wife should talk about their interests and situation without keeping any distance between them.

- A healthy person between husband and wife should help each other by understanding each other's situation.

- Do not have sex immediately after eating.

- Fear should be removed from the mind. Sometimes you can't enjoy sex if you are afraid of having heart problems during intercourse.

- If the chest becomes heavy during intercourse, it may be necessary to stop the activity immediately and take medicine of the "nitrate" group. What the doctor may have said during the consultation.

- If you feel uncomfortable, you should consult a doctor.

Effects of sex on hypertension and cardiovascular disease

In people with high blood pressure and heart disease, the interest in sex is low and the male sex is not stimulated, it takes more time to get excited, and the excitement may not last for a long time. Women may also experience less interest and vaginal dryness and more pain.

the reason

Just as fatty substances accumulate in the blood vessels of the heart and brain and become narrowed, the blood vessels of the penis and vagina also become narrowed when the blood pressure increases. And, the blood flow decreases, which can decrease sexual interest in both.

Sometimes, heart and high blood pressure patients think they are weak without any reason and weaken their self-esteem, so they don't show priority in sex and cannot get full satisfaction. A condition that requires psychological counseling.

Similarly, some medicines related to heart and high blood pressure also affect sexual function. Medicines of the 'thiazide' and 'beta blocker' group used for high blood pressure can reduce sexual interest, lack of extreme pleasure, and decrease in sexual stimulation.

Studies have shown that about 10 percent of young and old people taking these drugs have this effect. Similarly, drugs such as digoxin and sparonolactone, which are used for heart disease, can also reduce sexual desire and cause pain and swelling in men's breasts.

Those with heart rhythm problems may also experience lack of sexual desire and sexual satisfaction. In addition, sexual desire can decrease in diseases such as high blood pressure, various hormone-related conditions, kidney disease, and long-standing uncontrolled diabetes.

What is the solution?

Medicines such as Viagra can be taken to increase sexual arousal. But before taking this medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Alternative medicines can be used on the advice of a doctor, depending on the age and condition of the person, instead of the drugs of the 'thiazide' and 'beta blocker' group used for high blood pressure and the drugs like 'digoxin' and 'sparonolactone' used for heart disease.

Taking Viagra can be fatal for people who are taking drugs from the 'nitrate' group. Apart from that, people with very high or low blood pressure, recent heart attack patients, kidney and liver diseases should not take Viagra.

Monday, December 18, 2023

How safe is it to have sexual intercourse during menstruation?

 How safe is it to have sexual intercourse during menstruation?

If you do not plan to conceive, you should use safe methods while having sex. Because if the menstrual cycle is regular, there is a high chance of pregnancy if you have sex on the 10th to 22nd day of the period. Therefore, it is considered safe to have sex before and for a few days after menstruation, even without the use of any means.

However, is it okay to have sex during menstruation or not? This question should be asked in two ways. One is the hygiene of the genitals and the other is the condition of not being pregnant.

The couple is ambivalent about this. But if both partners want to have sex during menstruation, there is no problem. However, during menstruation, the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases is higher than at other times, so temporary means should be used.

What is the probability of pregnancy?

A woman who has regular periods does not get pregnant if she has sex at that time. But if there is irregular menstruation and a short menstrual cycle, there is a risk of pregnancy in women. For example, a woman who has regular periods may become pregnant if she has intercourse during that period thinking that it is menstruation when she bleeds after a long time. When having sex, one should be sure that the menstrual cycle is not regular.

Similarly, if a woman's menstrual cycle is short, i.e. 28 days, ovulation can occur even in seven days. As a result, even if you have sex on the fourth or fifth day of your period, you can still get pregnant. If menstruation happens in 30 days, the ovulation becomes delayed, so even if you maintain intercourse after 6-7 days of menstruation, the chances of pregnancy are less.

Even if regular contraceptive medication is continued during menstruation, there is no chance of getting pregnant. The pill does not stop working whether you are menstruating or not. It is safe to use a condom or birth control pills if you have sex while you are menstruating.

Is there a risk of infection?

Having sex during menstruation increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Because viruses live in blood and sexually transmitted diseases can spread through contact with blood. Using a condom during sexual intercourse can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

A woman's body undergoes many changes during menstruation. Various studies have shown that lubrication is not necessary if the relationship is established in that order. Also, by establishing a relationship during this period, the menstrual effect migraines and headaches caused by some women are reduced.

Something to note

Most women have a disease or infection and if intercourse hurts, it is better not to have intercourse as much as possible. If you have a stomach ache or are physically weak, not having sex can cause more problems. If the woman is ready for sex and the man is also ready to take precautions, then sex can be done. Before starting a relationship, you should start a relationship only if your partner also wants it. If there is bleeding, intercourse should be done only after cleaning. Wash your private parts thoroughly before and after intercourse. If a woman is wearing a tampon during her period, she should remove it.

Does green tea really control obesity and blood pressure?

The practice of drinking green tea as a health-enhancing drink is increasing, even in Nepali society. Consumers have been drinking it saying 'for health rather than taste'.

On the other hand, manufacturers and sellers have been claiming that green tea is a very beneficial drink. The use of green tea has increased not only in Nepal, but all over the world.

Some drink it as 'to reduce obesity', while others drink it as 'to control blood pressure and diabetes'. Some drink green tea as a 'anti-cancer' drink and some as a 'skin brightening' drink.

Is green tea really beneficial?

What is the ingredient in green tea, which reduces the risk of cancer from lowering blood pressure, obesity?

There have been different studies on this at the international level. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, green tea has properties ranging from obesity control to anti-cancer properties. A report by Time magazine mentions that green tea naturally reduces high blood pressure.

Anti-cancer agent

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant of the flavonoid family. It prevents damage caused by free radicals in our body. Free radicals are the ones that destroy body cells and increase the risk of cancer.

In a report published in The Medical Today, it is claimed that the rates of some cancers are lower in countries that consume green tea. Based on more than 100 studies reviewed in 2020, green tea has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of cancer.

Cancer specialist Dr. working in Patan Hospital. Arun Shahi also agrees with this. He says, 'Since it contains abundant anti-oxidants, it fights free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer.' He says that green tea works well to prevent cancer-causing elements from dominating.

Controls blood pressure

Working in Om Hospital Dr. Kamal Sharma Lamsal says, 'The polyphenols found in it reduce high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Also, by breaking down the fatty substances accumulated in the blood vessels, it facilitates the functioning of the heart and brain.

A study conducted by the British Heart Foundation also found that drinking green tea every day makes the arteries of the heart open and soft. As a result, it reduces the risk of heart attack.

On the other hand, according to Forbes Health, there were 9 different studies on this topic in 2016. Analyzing the study, it was found that drinking three cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Obesity control

In a report of Medical News Today, the fact that green tea reduces obesity has been presented. Accordingly, green tea makes the metabolism more effective. Metabolism is the process of converting any food we eat into energy. Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, which help in digesting food.

A review published in 2010 noted that green tea can help control weight. Certain compounds present in green tea break down body fat. What was found in an eight-week study is that if you drink green tea and exercise at the same time, you burn fat faster.

"Beneficial if you drink it properly": Dietitian Dr. Raju Adhikari

Green tea is a healthy drink. It has many benefits such as reducing obesity, controlling blood pressure, improving heart and brain function. There have been many studies around the world on how green tea works. And it has been used for centuries.

It is a rich source of antioxidants. Due to this property, green tea plays a role from benefiting the heart to reducing the risk of cancer. Apart from that, green tea contains micronutrients like potassium, magnesium, vitamin B-2.

Green tea also acts as an anti-aging agent and maintains the glow in the skin of the body. The amino acid L-theanine found in it produces hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, which keep the brain excited and happy.

There is no doubt that green tea is very beneficial. However, it is not a medicine that has an immediate effect. The effect of green tea is gradual in the body. It benefits those who drink regularly.

It also affects the physical condition of the person, lifestyle etc. If you eat right, exercise, green tea will benefit your body more. However, on the contrary, if your lifestyle is bad, green tea will not cure any disease.

There is a saying in Nepali, too much causes damage. The same should be said in the case of green tea. It is best to drink three to four glasses (of medium size) of green tea a day.

Likewise, green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach. Pregnant women, those with low blood pressure should also not drink green tea. Those who are undergoing treatment for a disease or taking medication should consult a doctor before drinking green tea.

What is the correct way to drink gin tea?

How much, how and when to drink green tea determines how effective it is.

how much to drink

Drink three or four cups (medium cup) a day.

What time to drink?

Green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, with or after meals. It is best to drink green tea 30 to 45 minutes before and after meals.

How to prepare?

Green tea does not need to be brewed like other teas. Put green tea in a cup and pour hot water over it. Two or three Cover the minutes. Then you can drink green tea.

What kind of green tea to drink?

There are many green teas in the market. It is useful to take open green tea as much as possible. After soaking in water, tea leaves look green again. It is important to understand whether the tea is certified organic or not.

Is turmeric anti-cancer?

  Turmeric not only makes vegetables look attractive but it is also beneficial for health. Turmeric is rich in calories, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Various studies have been done on turmeric around the world.

Curcumin is a medicinal substance found in turmeric. It is considered useful and effective for cancer patients. Oncologist Prof. Dr. Vivek Acharya says, 'There is no fact or research that turmeric does not cause cancer, but the curcumin content found in it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It kills cancer cells in the body and prevents others from growing.

But curcumin is extracted from powdered turmeric available in the market. It does not matter who eats turmeric or not. Therefore, if possible, curcumin content can be replenished by producing it at home and eating turmeric powder.

It is beneficial for health if you take half a teaspoon in the morning or evening or a small teaspoon at a time. Acharya says.

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Puneshwar Keshari says that since turmeric contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and immunomodulation properties in abundance, it protects the cells in the body from infection and increases immunity. It kills cancer cells and prevents them from growing.

Curcumin, the active ingredient found in turmeric, dissolves easily in fats and oils. But it is insoluble in water," Dr. Keshari says, 'Therefore, if turmeric is to be used, it can be mixed with milk like fatty foods. When eaten in this way, the substances found in turmeric are easily absorbed by the body. But if you mix turmeric with water and eat it, it is not as effective as milk.

Turmeric is used both externally and internally. For external use, applying turmeric paste on the skin helps to protect against skin allergies, wounds, sores, warts. Similarly, mixing some herbs with turmeric and applying it on the skin makes the skin soft, smooth and shiny.

When and how much to eat?

Turmeric can be consumed daily in the morning and evening. Because it dissolves in milk, it is very beneficial to put turmeric in milk after eating. It is also called Golden milk. During the corona epidemic, golden milk i.e. turmeric-infused milk was widely used.

According to doctors, you can eat up to 12 grams of turmeric in a day. Do not eat more than this. It can cause disadvantages instead of advantages. Two to four grams can be mixed with milk and eaten.

According to doctors, research has shown that diabetic patients get good benefits by mixing equal amounts of amla and turmeric powder in milk. Eating 6 grams in the morning and in the evening after eating helps to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Under what circumstances should you not eat turmeric?

Dr. Ayurvedic doctor, who can sometimes have negative effects with this beneficial turmeric. Keshari says. The use of turmeric is not suitable if you are taking allopathic medicines, i.e. blood thinners. It thins the blood and causes bleeding. Similarly, if you have undergone surgery for any disease, then it is better not to use turmeric. Turmeric should not be used as a medicine by people suffering from hemophilia, i.e. long-term bleeding due to injury.

Similarly, if you have other bleeding diseases, you should not consume turmeric. This can lead to complications instead of benefits. Turmeric helps in immunomodulation and increases immunity.

How can you distinguish the purity of turmeric?

Turmeric is considered health promoting for the body. How pure is the turmeric that we are using daily? It also depends on that. Because the turmeric available in the market now has various chemicals or powder mixed in it. Therefore, it is necessary to check whether the turmeric used in the kitchen is pure or not. Ayurvedic doctor Keshari says that the purity of turmeric can be checked at home.

How to check

Pour clean water in a glass, add the turmeric powder bought from the market and dissolve it and then leave it for a while.

Turmeric is mixed with some powder in a glass of water. Which means that turmeric has been adulterated. If there is no adulteration, it dissolves in water and floats on top. Hydrochloric acid is also used to measure purity. Mix turmeric powder in hydrochloric acid. Mix it well, enough foam will come out. Similarly, if the color of turmeric turns pink or purple, it may be adulterated.

Turmeric used in every dish is not necessarily pure. A chemical called Metanil Yellow is added to the turmeric that is bought from the market and used. While it can also cause a terrible disease like cancer.

There has been an experimental study to see if curcumin extract from turmeric is useful for cancer, Dr. Puneshwar Keshari says, 'Until now, no study has been done on cancer patients.'

This is beneficial

With the help of turmeric and its main component curcumin, childhood leukemia, i.e. blood cancer, can be prevented. It helps to detoxify the liver, which reduces the risk of cirrhosis and jaundice. It keeps all parts of the body healthy and free from toxins.

It reduces factors like digestion, gas and bloating to reduce weight, fat may Helps activate metabolism. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties as well as antibacterial properties. Therefore, turmeric works as a cure for all types of diseases.

Turmeric strengthens the immune system thanks to its strong antioxidant activity, which fights free radical attacks on the system. Its strong anti-inflammatory properties are also effective against the development of rheumatoid arthritis. If taken as a supplement, turmeric pills help in reducing joint pain.

Regulates homocysteine levels and controls cholesterol levels. It also helps prevent heart attacks. Regulates insulin levels and thus has a limited effect on diabetes control.

In the latest research on turmeric on Imri Day Health News Portal, turmeric has a long history in Asia as a treatment for all kinds of health problems, including digestive problems. A recent study found that the bright-yellow spice and its active ingredient, curcumin, may be as good at fighting indigestion as the over-the-counter drug omeprazole (Prilosec).

According to a study published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, scientists randomly assigned 151 adults with indigestion to one of three diets. Participants took two 250 milligram (mg) capsules of curcumin. 20 mg tablets four times daily or both treatments combined. The researchers asked participants about the severity of indigestion symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain at the beginning of the study on days 28 and 56, and again later.

According to study results, participants reported a reduction in symptoms in all three treatment groups.

Is it safe to take curcumin supplements for indigestion?

Although the study did not identify any serious side effects with curcumin or omeprazole (stomach acid-reducing drugs), laboratory tests showed that curcumin could cause liver damage in some overweight people.

Furthermore, the quality and quantity of curcumin in supplements may vary. Yuying Luo, assistant professor of gastroenterology at the Icahn School of Medicine, says, "Turmeric itself has been linked to liver injury, and when mixed with other substances, such as black pepper, it increases blood levels of curcumin."

Participants in the study consumed a total of two grams of curcumin daily and experienced no side effects. It is not associated with liver problems at doses up to 6 grams daily,' says Dr Luo. But she suggests reading the label of any supplement carefully and consulting with your doctor.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

5 things to teach children to develop leadership qualities

 5 things to teach children to develop leadership qualities

All parents want to teach their children useful things. They want to develop their personality well so that they can achieve success when they grow up.

To achieve success in life, parents should also develop leadership qualities in their children. Developing leadership qualities in children means building their confidence and encouraging their growth on a personal, professional level.

If a child has leadership qualities, he can do excellent work in his field of interest. There is a thought in the society that politics means leadership. But leadership is necessary not only in politics, but also in family and society. Therefore, the child should be taught what leadership development is.

Children can achieve success in their field if leadership qualities are developed during their physical, emotional, intellectual and mental development.

The best way to develop leadership qualities in a child is by showing something. Communicating with the child should be done effectively in a way that reflects responsibility and empathy. A child also learns a lot from parents who are leading in the work field and in society. The child remembers and follows what the parents do. Seeing leadership skills in the behavior of parents, children also start to adopt it.

As much as parents play an important role in developing leadership qualities in children, school teachers also play an important role. Therefore, to develop leadership qualities in children, teachers and parents should teach the child mainly these five things.

Communication skills

This is a skill that every child should have. Communication skills can help every person to move forward in life. It is said that 'the flour of those who speak is sold, even the rice of those who do not speak is not sold'. Therefore, the child should be taught to speak openly and clearly in front of others. If children grow up and want to make a career in media, politics, marketing, then 'communication skills' are very useful for them.

Nowadays, there is a trend of taking various trainings to improve communication skills. But if parents encourage the child to talk to everyone from an early age, it will be beneficial for them.

to admit defeat

Children of parents who adopt a positive attitude towards difficulties and mistakes have the ability to learn new things. Children participate in many activities but can become frustrated if they lose. Don't stop trying even if you lose. Children should be taught that they will succeed if they keep trying. It should be explained to the child that both victory and defeat must be accepted in life. If the habit of accepting defeat is developed in children, this quality is helpful for leadership development.

To participate in social events

Leadership qualities can be developed in children only when children actively participate in social work. Children should be encouraged to participate in social programs to develop these qualities. By participating in social events, they learn to cooperate with others. It also enhances their leadership qualities.

To participate in sports

Sports are not only important for physical activity, but also for mental health. Children involved in games or sports can solve their own problems. Such children often focus on problem solving. Which also develops leadership qualities in them.

Helping to increase confidence

You should help your children to increase their confidence from childhood. To increase self-confidence, the child should be encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities, school functions and social events etc. Such activities increase children's confidence. A confident child often does not hesitate to try new things. This is one of the most important qualities for leadership.

Why don't children like to go to school?

 Why don't children like to go to school?

A child who always goes to school sometimes suddenly refuses to go. They are afraid to go to school, cry, shout, fight. In front of such stubbornness of children, even the parents are helpless and do not send them to school according to their wishes. If such a situation occurs sometimes, it is not serious.

But in some cases children do not agree to go to school even for a long time. Parents' efforts to send the child to school are failing. There is a situation where it is difficult to send someone, who is sent soon, comes back again and sends it the next day.

In such a situation, some parents who are fed up with this behavior of children, instead of understanding the reason why the child does not go to school, think that the child is lying or making excuses and send him to school by beating him. Which is absolutely wrong.

They may not want to go to school because of the school environment, friends or teachers. In this case, instead of beating them, it is important to understand why they don't want to go.

Bullying from peers

School is also a place where friends gather. Most of the children have formed a group in school among their age group and close friend group. Some children may feel isolated because they cannot fit into an already established group. Not only that, sometimes there may be bullying from friends at school. At school, the actions of his friends like teasing, teasing, bullying, teasing and bullying by his friends can make him unable to say anything and fear can gradually settle in the child's heart. Because of that fear, hearing the name of the school can cause a headache for the child.

Consider yourself weak

In school, a child has to compete with his friends in everything. If he is weak in studies like other classmates or is repeatedly told by others, he will consider himself weak and lose confidence, who may not go to school. Furthermore, if a child takes longer to learn than other children, they may become more anxious and have trouble concentrating.

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Fear of being different

If he takes more time to learn than other children, if he cannot answer any question in class, his deficiency is seen as a joke in school. When unable to answer the question, the teacher reprimands the children, compares them with others, friends also tease them, so the children start looking for excuses to hide their weakness. It reduces the morale of children.

Failure to complete tasks on time

In school, teachers not only make them practice in school, but also give them homework to complete at home. In such a situation, some children do not understand the concept of practice or are afraid of being scolded by the teacher when they cannot complete their class work and homework. In such a situation, they think that the best way to avoid this abuse is not to go to school. So they make excuses not to go to school.

Can be anxiety

If a child tries to avoid going to school for various reasons, it can have a negative impact on him for life. For example, even after missing 6 months of schooling, it is difficult for children to rejoin the class later. This will put more mental pressure on them.

If there is a stressful environment in the school and it is not resolved in time, the child may develop anxiety. Inability to pay attention to studies, fear of exams, victimization by other children, beatings and torture by teachers may result in health problems in children such as: not wanting to go to school, fear of going to school, heaviness in the head after going to school, stomach ache, sometimes even fever.

Children suffering from such mental problems do not show any kind of physical illness even after a health check-up. In other words, a stressful environment can cause anxiety in them and make them feel uncomfortable physically as a reaction.

How to solve?

Try to find out the reason for not going to school

If such problems appear, first of all, they should find out the reason why such a problem appeared in them and start solving the problem. The first member close to the child is the parent. Parents should gently ask why they are not allowed to go to school. If the child does not speak, it is important to understand if something has happened at school. Because the more this problem is ignored, the more the child's mood deteriorates.

Behaving like a friend

Always talk to your child as a friend. So that he can tell you all his things openly.

After coming from school, you should try to mingle with the child. To begin with, you should tell about your school and the fun moments at school. So that they can be motivated to go to school thinking that it is a very fun place.

Do not scold if you are weak in studies

If the child is weak in studies, you can try to teach and explain to him. Parents or teachers should encourage them to work hard without pretending that they are weak.

Every teacher should patiently explain any topic to a child in a way they can understand. And, even if something goes wrong, they should be told affectionately so that they can take their weaknesses and mistakes and correct them in a positive way.

In children, if there is no improvement even after reprimanding, then medication should also be given in consultation with the relevant doctor.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How to deal with angry children?

 How to deal with angry children?

Children often have tantrums, which is normal. They express their feelings through anger. What they are not able to say openly, they express it through anger.

Usually, children get angry if they want something, if they are sad or in pain, if they cannot eat what they want. When they get angry, they cry, scream, throw hands, jump from high places. Which is also called tantrum in medical language. But this is normal.

This is how children learn to hold their own and behave. But even as you get older, such behavior, such as getting angry, beating someone when you don't understand, it is called unhealthy behavior. These symptoms are not normal but can also be due to mental illness.

Dr. Vijay Gyawali, Psychiatrist

Why do children keep getting angry even as they grow older?

Children get angry for many reasons. Mental health is also one of the reasons. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) also causes children to get angry. Its symptoms include inability to concentrate, impulsiveness, quick decision-making, and repetition.

Children also get angry due to separation anxiety. For example, when returning home from school, getting angry, snapping, and chirping are symptoms of it. They are excited to see their parents after the school holidays. Not knowing how to express that enthusiasm, they get angry and angry.

They get angry because they cannot express their feelings clearly due to family discord, quarrels, when their wishes are not fulfilled and also due to bullying in school.

How to trick children?

Usually, children have a habit of getting angry and upset over small things. At this time, they should not be scolded, beaten and beaten. It can have a bad effect on them mentally. Instead, if they are very angry, you should try to understand their feelings.

Children can be fooled by applying Parent Management Technique (PMT).

At first, they should be taught how to express their feelings. When you get angry, write down what you are angry about, show a red card when you get angry, and sit with both hands tied.

If you don't like something, you can make him take a long breath, close his eyes, and sing a song without showing anger. Which helps to reduce their anger.

A change can be made in the language that deceives them. Like, if you are angry, why are you angry, did you do your homework or not?, isn't it time to go to school? Asking them like this can make them even more angry. Instead of using a different kind of language, children can be told 'I am angry today, you are fooling me'. It learns that when angry, this is how it behaves. Anger is also reduced.

Similarly, it can be taken for a walk or to play inside or outside the house. For example, you can make them play in the sand, play football, run, etc. Which helps to 'release' their angry energy.

6 ways to strengthen children emotionally

 6 ways to strengthen children emotionally

  Nowadays, the competition in every field has increased a lot. In such a situation, it is the responsibility of the parents to make the child physically and emotionally strong. If a child is emotionally strong, he can overcome every difficulty easily.

Being emotionally strong enables the child to face problems. Also, they do not give up even in the face of challenges and failures and continue to strive. It is very important for a child to be emotionally strong. Because children who are not emotionally strong, even if they get low marks in the exam, they think that they have made a big mistake.

In such a situation, it is very important for the parents to strengthen the child emotionally from childhood. For that, parents themselves must be emotionally strong. Because children learn a lot by watching their parents.

How to make the child emotionally strong?

Do not scold the child

The way to make a child emotionally strong is not to scold him for small things. If you scold a child for small mistakes, it makes the child emotionally weak and his confidence starts to decrease.

When a child makes a mistake, he should be encouraged not to make the same mistake again. Also, if the child does not agree to do any work, he should be lovingly reasoned with him.

Create an environment where the child can speak freely

Parents should occasionally talk to their children and listen to them. By doing this, the child can tell the parents that this has affected me physically, mentally and emotionally. Even if the child listens carefully to everything and says we are with you, they are emotionally strong.

When children reach their teenage years, they can be very emotional. Even if they are taught how to control their emotions at that time, they become emotionally strong.

Teaching the child the importance of time

With the passage of time, there is a rapid change in technology. Also, there has been a change in children's behavior and confidence. Nowadays, children learn a lot from a young age. In such a situation, the child should be encouraged to do the right thing at the right time. The importance of time should be explained to them. This will create confidence in the child.

Teaching problem solving skills

Life is full of challenges. So it is necessary to teach the child how to deal with those challenges. They should be included in the decision-making process and should be helped to develop problem-solving skills. Children should be encouraged to think critically and solve everyday problems.

Helping to develop positive thinking

It is also important to develop positive thinking in children. There is a way to overcome every challenge. Therefore, continuous effort, perseverance and the ability to learn from mistakes should be increased. By developing a mindset that accepts challenges as a natural part of the learning process, children develop resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks.

Explain the importance of family

Emotional strength is the cornerstone to building strong, positive relationships. Encourage your child to develop good relationships with family and friends. The child should be told the benefits of building good relationships with others. With the help of family, friends and colleagues, children can easily get out of every difficult situation.

Parents are role models for children. In such a situation, the child should be supported at every step. He should be motivated to do something new. Encourage them to be better people.