Showing posts with label control. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Obesity increases during the festival, how to control it?

 Obesity increases during the festival, how to control it?

During festivals like Dashain, people eat and drink to their heart's content. Let's not talk about others, health-conscious people are also saying - 'It's fun to eat during the festival, it's fun!'

Its results start to be seen after the end of the festival. Body weight increases, diabetes makes you lose weight, cholesterol makes you sad. Then they start saying, 'What should we do now?'

Carelessness during the festival

During the festival, we eat with our heart rather than our body. We eat with our heart, we eat to keep our heart. When we start cooking sweet and savory food at home, we can't stop ourselves, we eat it to our heart's content. He goes to relatives, friends. Food is served there to welcome us. We can't turn away the food that has been cooked with heartiness for the guests. Even if the stomach is full, we eat to keep our mind. On top of that - meat, paneer, fried, fried, spicy food. How can the body tolerate such food?

And obesity increases

During festivals like Dashain, there is a widespread custom of eating sweets, freezing in the form of tas, and consuming meat and alcohol. Some people stay quiet, some people start raving. Excess calories accumulated in the body while eating and sitting cannot be spent.

It is eaten from morning till late at night. It is difficult for our body to digest food late at night. On the other hand, sleep is not coordinated. The direct effect of excessive food is on the stomach. The stomach cannot digest it and stores it as fat.

After gaining fat, the weight will increase. Anxiety also increases with weight gain. Because the uncontrolled weight of the body also brings other problems. Like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol etc. Many people must have experienced that after Dashain they usually gain four to five kg.

Other problems with obesity

Most of the problems during Dashain are for those who have chronic diseases. Patients with uric acid, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol should pay the most attention to obesity, diet, sleep and medicine.

All these things are not in balance due to the excitement and wandering of Dashain. If you eat too much meat as well as alcohol, this chronic disease may cause heart problems and cause a heart attack and you may need to be taken to the hospital immediately.

More problems in men

In Dashain, most of the problems are comparatively seen in men. Because women are also doing physical exercise by working in the kitchen, room and yard for cooking, worship, and cleaning. However, in the case of men, sitting in one place after sitting down to play Tas, eating in the same place and not caring how much they have eaten, causes back pain, obesity, insomnia, and indigestion.

what to do

Control your diet as much as possible

Even if you eat sweets and fried, burnt food during the festival, you should reduce the quantity. For that, along with meat dishes, fresh fruits, salads, green vegetables and protein rich items should also be kept on the plate. And, when eating food, you should start with green vegetables and fruits. If you start like this, you will lose your appetite to eat heavy food. And, the amount of meat is also less. Foods with more fiber than meat also help in digesting food such as meat.

Place food on a small plate and eat slowly

Eating on a small plate automatically reduces the amount of food. Even if you take it on a small plate and eat it slowly, you will avoid unnecessary eating. After adding once, you should try to reduce the habit of adding.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body. Which also makes you less hungry. Make a habit of drinking water 30 minutes before or 40 minutes after eating. It will not only keep the metabolism fast, but also help you eat less.

physical activity

The most necessary exercise is during a long festival like Dashain. Don't be fooled by the fact that gyms and yoga halls are closed during this time.

Exercising for 15 to 20 minutes at home is also beneficial. If there are guests in the house or if the mood is not right, you can exercise and walk in the morning or evening.

Eat on time

During the festival we often forget the regular meal times. Eating at irregular times has a negative effect on metabolism and increases the possibility of weight gain.

So, you can eat twice a day and have a light snack in between. It is better to eat meat dishes in the morning than in the evening. It is advisable to eat light food in the evening and sleep three hours after eating.

enough sleep

Lack of sleep can also be a major cause of weight gain. During festivals, due to feasting and other activities, sleep is reduced, which reduces the body's energy and also affects the metabolism. Be it a festival or a normal day, you should try to sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

 Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

If you have diabetes then summer season can be a challenging season for you. Learn how you can control your diabetes during this time.

If your insulin level or blood sugar level (Blood Sugar Level) is not controlled properly in the summer season, then diabetes patients are at the highest risk in this season. If your blood sugar is too high then it can be more serious in these summers. Depending on your activities, low blood sugar can also become a concern and not only this, diabetes can damage your sweat glands. Due to which you don't even sweat properly. All this is due to the increase in temperature in the outdoor weather. Rising temperatures can also damage your medications and testing equipment. So you have to keep your medicines safe with you. Before going out in the summer, it is important that you keep your blood sugar under control.

What do experts say?

Our expert Dr. Vinay Bhatt, General Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad says that heat mostly affects your blood sugar level. How much it affects you depends on how hydrated you are, how active you are, and what you eat and drink. If you are sweating profusely then it may be because you are getting dehydrated and your blood glucose level is increasing. Due to this, you can urinate again and again due to which you will get more dehydration and your sugar level can also increase more. Your medicines can also break down on their own due to high temperatures, so keep them in a cool place.

How to control diabetes in summer?

1. Adjust insulin (Adjust Insulin Level)

Be sure to ask your doctor how you can adjust your insulin level before exercising so that it does not increase your sugar and glucose levels. Many doctors will give you these tips that how you can control your blood sugar level in summer.

2. Drink More Water

The main cause of blood sugar increase is dehydration and to avoid this you should drink more water so that your body can stay hydrated.

3. Keep checking the blood sugar level (Check Your Sugar)

The temperature outside in summer can increase or decrease your blood sugar, so it is a good idea to keep checking your sugar level frequently. You can try to control your diabetes only according to your sugar level.

4. Stop Getting Dehydrated

Keep a bottle of water or liquids with you that do not increase your sugar and if you are going out, drink a little water all the time so that you can avoid dehydration in diabetes.

5. Fix blood sugar (Keep Glucagon Kit)

In summer, not only your blood sugar (Blood Sugar) may increase but also decrease. Which in itself is a concern and for this you should always keep your glucose tablets with you.

6. Avoid Sunburn

If you stay in the sun too much, you may get sunburn and it may increase blood sugar, so protect yourself from sunburn.

7. Keep Healthy Snacks With You

If you want to control your sugar then some snacks can also replace your meal.

If you have diabetes, you have to make more efforts to protect yourself and your medicines during the summer season, so avoid going out too much.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Do the keto diet control diabetes and high blood pressure?

Do the keto diet control diabetes and high blood pressure?

How to reduce soiling, how to control diabetes, how to control high blood pressure? Now, with the search for these questions, the trend of 'keto diet' has increased widely. Especially urban people have adopted such a diet plan for a disease-free life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Is there a natural way to control high blood pressure?

Is there a natural way to control high blood pressure?

Senior Cardiologist Dr. Rajendra Koju says, ‘Depending on the condition of high blood pressure, it is decided whether to take medicine or change the lifestyle to control it. However, after taking the medicine, you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle. '

According to him, the first thing to do is to find out the cause of high blood pressure. Just like blood pressure is caused by various other diseases, it is also cured automatically after the related health problem is cured. About 10 percent of such causes of high blood pressure.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Problems swallowing food: How to swallow, how to control?

Problems swallowing food: How to swallow, how to control?

Sometimes we have problems swallowing not only when eating but also when drinking water. We don't take medicine but in a short time, it heals on its own. However, some have expressed concern that this is not a sign of a long-term health problem.

Having trouble swallowing food is a condition in which there is some obstruction in the tube that swallows food or liquids easily. This makes it difficult to swallow when eating or drinking water.

The condition in which something is difficult to swallow is called dysphagia in medical language. This symptom is not a permanent or long-term medical condition. It lasts for a while and heals on its own. So there is no need to be afraid of such problems.

There are several reasons why swallowing an object can be a problem. This problem is usually caused by damage to the esophagus or when the muscles or nerves that control the esophagus do not work properly. Which falls into the problem of recurrence.

The problem of swallowing food can also be divided into two parts. Such a problem with the mouth or throat is called oropharyngeal dysphagia. There is a tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. The problem is called the esophagus. In these two cases, it is difficult to swallow anything.

Symptoms of swallowing problems

The condition of dysphagia can be seen again and again and over time it also gets better. Having trouble swallowing any food or salivating has the following symptoms.

- Throat blockage, coughing, etc. occur when swallowing any food.

- Swallowed food to come out again through the mouth or nose

Feeling as if some part of food or water is stuck in your throat or chest

- Lose weight because you are not able to consume enough food or fluids.

- Feeling of pain while swallowing any food

- Feeling of chest pain or pressure.

- Speech obstruction

- Refusing to eat certain types of food in children

- Going out to eat while eating

Why does this problem occur?

Nerve damage can cause problems in that nerve. Who controls when they eat anything. There are even some neurological causes of dyspepsia. They are as follows.

- Stroke

- A neurological condition that can damage the brain and nerves over time. These include Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, and dementia.

- Tumors in the brain

How to avoid this problem?

Prevention of dysphagia is possible only then. Whenever such a barrier can be opened. This problem can be seen in many chronic neuromuscular conditions. If this happens then it is not possible to prevent it. It tends to heal on its own.

Besides, drugs can be used to reduce or prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease.