Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2024

What kind of diet for those with heart problems?

What kind of diet for those with heart problems?

Food plays an important role in keeping the heart healthy. It is said that healthy food is the basis of a healthy body and unhealthy food is the home of disease. Various scientists have proven that bad diet affects cholesterol, weight gain and blood pressure.

When you eat unhealthy food, unhealthy fats start accumulating in the veins of the body, due to which blood cannot reach the heart. As a result, the risk of heart disease may increase. In this case, since you already have a heart problem, you should pay special attention to your diet.

What to eat for heart problems?

In case of any heart related problem, it is advised to include the following foods in your diet.

Fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables play a major role in keeping the heart healthy. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which help reduce fat, calories, sodium, and cholesterol, and eating them naturally is more beneficial than drinking fruit juice.

Dry fruits: Dry fruits contain monounsaturated fat, which is related to the body's nerves. If the patient eats a handful daily, the risk of heart disease is reduced by almost 30 percent.

Healthy Protein: Good sources of protein, B vitamins, iron and other vitamins and minerals like meat, pulses, seafood, eggs etc. should be included in your diet.

Whole grains: Whole grains are good sources of fiber. It also contains many other nutrients, due to which the blood pressure is also controlled. The body utilizes the high amount of fiber, vitamins, minerals, etc. found in whole grains. Regular consumption of whole grains reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Foods rich in vitamin C: According to a research, vitamin C helps control blood pressure. Eating foods rich in vitamin C also reduces the risk of heart disease. Vitamin C is found in foods like amla, orange, lemon.

What kind of food to eat less?

If you have heart disease, it is better to eat less of these foods.

Red meat: Although red meat is rich in protein, many people include it in their diet, but heart patients should eat very little red meat. Because it also contains a lot of fat. Instead of red meat, fish and chicken can be eaten.

Egg Yolk: Eggs are considered a good source of protein for going to the gym. But the amount of saturated fat in egg yolk is high, so its intake should be reduced.

Trans fat: Trans fat damages the heart. Processed products are high in trans fat. To avoid this, read the label on the back of any item while purchasing it.

Sugar and salt: Excessive consumption of any food has a negative effect on the body. Excessive consumption of sugar and salt increases the taste and also causes diabetes and high blood pressure. Therefore, the use of salt and sugar in food should be reduced.

Something to note

Do not consume tobacco products: Tobacco products increase the risk of heart disease and heart attack. This affects the nerves of the body, which is the main cause of triglycerides and heart attacks. In addition, nicotine can increase blood pressure. Therefore, do not consume tobacco products.

Avoid drinking alcohol: Alcohol increases the problem of high blood pressure, which ultimately promotes heart disease. Excessive consumption of alcohol makes the nerves of the body stiff. Therefore, people with heart problems should not consume alcohol.

Reduce obesity: Excess fat in the body increases the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. It also causes high blood pressure and diabetes. Therefore, weight should be controlled to avoid heart problems and to avoid complications when the problem occurs.

Exercise: Lack of physical activity is like inviting heart disease. Obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and increased sugar levels are the cause of a comfortable lifestyle. So you should exercise daily. But those who have experienced heart problems should consult their doctor about what kind of exercise to do.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Can high blood pressure be controlled by diet?

 Can high blood pressure be controlled by diet?

There are various reasons behind high blood pressure. Like, hereditary, kidney and heart problems, stress etc. Along with that, the main responsible food is also considered in this.

The World Health Organization has also recommended the 'Dash Diet' diet plan to control high blood pressure. Which suggests how high blood pressure can be controlled with the help of diet.

The Dash Diet recommends eating whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.

Recently, doctors also say that the problem of high blood pressure has increased due to diet. There are some foods that we eat, which increase blood pressure. But the problem can be controlled if the quantity and balance is eaten. You should eat in such a way that you get nutrition and not disorder. In this case, diet plays an important role in increasing and controlling high blood pressure.

These foods play a role in increasing blood pressure

Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure. As soon as there is a lack of magnesium, an increase in calcium increases the blood pressure by narrowing the blood vessels.

If more salt is used, the sodium present in it increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Generally speaking, the more sodium in the blood, the more water it draws into the blood vessels.

It increases blood pressure and then increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Excessively greasy, fried food can also cause obesity and high blood pressure. Alcohol, cigarettes, packaged foods also increase the risk of high blood pressure.

Obesity can also be a cause of high blood pressure. Obesity is an increase in body fat, when body fat increases, it narrows the blood vessels. When the veins are narrowed, it becomes difficult for the heart to work. As a result, blood pressure may increase.

Foods that control high blood pressure

Since potassium reduces the effect of sodium, you should eat more potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. Milk, curd and mohi contain calcium which helps in controlling blood pressure. Do not skip the salt. Many people eat vegetables without salt after high blood pressure, which is wrong. People with high blood pressure also need salt, so salt should be eaten but its quantity should be reduced.

Blood pressure can be controlled by consuming foods rich in magnesium which causes blood pressure problems due to lack of magnesium. We get magnesium through food. Bananas, broccoli, beans, cashews, almonds, avocados, fish, walnuts, green vegetables, legumes, parsley seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, and tofu are the main sources of magnesium.

Bitter foods like green tea and bitter gourd also help in controlling blood pressure. Bitter foods contain potassium and magnesium. Potassium removes sodium from the body through water as urine. By reducing the amount of blood in the body, it reduces the pressure on the artery walls. The effect of which is only for some time. Similarly, magnesium makes blood vessels flexible and wide and lowers blood pressure. But before eating, you should consult a doctor.

If the doctor has advised you to take medicine, you should take it regularly. Blood pressure can be brought under control by staying away from alcohol and smoking, controlling anger, incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily routine, staying busy, walking, not letting stress dominate you, and making a regular schedule of meals.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Do the keto diet control diabetes and high blood pressure?

Do the keto diet control diabetes and high blood pressure?

How to reduce soiling, how to control diabetes, how to control high blood pressure? Now, with the search for these questions, the trend of 'keto diet' has increased widely. Especially urban people have adopted such a diet plan for a disease-free life.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

Liver is the largest organ of the human body. The liver has a special role in the digestive system. The liver has to do a lot of work to make the body healthy.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Premature Menarche: Effects of Diet, Stress, and Climate Change

Premature Menarche: Effects of Diet, Stress, and Climate Change

In the past, menstruation started in teenage girls. But now this age has reduced to 8-9. In other words, the menstrual cycle has started in the girl before reaching the age. This is exactly the age when they are very ignorant about sexual and reproductive health.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

How to reduce the amount of sodium in food?

How to reduce the amount of sodium in food?

Think about it, what foods are high in sodium? French fries, chips, mum, pizza, chowmein and other fast food, processed food, and various foods found in restaurants?

Not only that, but the pieces of bread consumed by the westerners also contain a lot of sodium, which may surprise anyone.

However, such high sodium foods are also high in calories. As it is easy to cook and easily available, people have to choose such food. So, if your diet includes chips, snacks, bread, fried food, processed food, restaurant food, etc., understand that you are not only eating salt, you are also increasing the number of calories in the body.

Surprisingly, the relationship between sodium and weight is not limited to this. There are many other things where sodium not only makes people hungry, it also increases their ability to eat food.

Sodium also makes people feel thirsty faster. As a result, people drink a lot of soft drinks, including soda and beer. That's why people at the bar offer free popcorn and pints in front of your table in the hope of consuming more beer or other liquor. So it is not uncommon for a person who eats high-sodium foods to gain weight.

A 2015 study also found that eating a high-sodium diet can lead to weight gain and a larger waist. Besides, other studies have shown a strong link between high sodium consumption and body weight.

Eating high sodium foods can lead to high blood pressure. It also proves that high sodium foods can cause high blood pressure by increasing the amount of water retained in the body.

Various studies and research are being done on how to reduce the amount of sodium in food. But for now, it is important to understand that weight loss can be controlled by reducing sodium intake. Reducing the intake of high sodium foods can also reduce the intake of high-calorie junk food.

For this, it is not necessary to completely ban high sodium foods. Sodium levels can also be controlled by paying close attention to food and reducing the intake of processed foods and junk food. With the help of which blood pressure is reduced and weight is also controlled.