Breast cancer causes and treatment

 Breast cancer causes and treatment

Recently, the problem of breast cancer in women is increasing. The exact cause of breast cancer cannot be said. 5 to 10 percent of these are also hereditary.

The Nepal Health Research Council conducted a study on breast cancer in seven districts of Nepal, out of which the number of women with breast cancer was very high in five districts.

Various studies have shown that women between the ages of 50 and 60 are more prone to breast cancer than others. In Nepal, breast cancer is more common among women in the age group of 40 to 50 years.


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The main symptom of breast cancer is swelling in the breast. Such a girkha is painless and grows. There are problems such as burying of nipples, discoloration, thickening of the skin, pus or blood flowing from nipples, and non-healing of wounds.


Symptoms of breast cancer can appear very late. Therefore, if you want to detect breast cancer in time, you should not wait for the symptoms. Women over 40 should have a mammogram once a year. If mammogram is not available, then ultrasound should be done.

Women over the age of 20 should have a breast exam every year. If you do the examination in this way, it can be detected before it occurs and timely treatment can be provided.

If the disease is diagnosed at the last stage or if there is a complicated type of cancer, the patient may die during the treatment.


All cancer hospitals in Nepal provide primary treatment for breast cancer. But serious treatment is only available in some hospitals.

Earlier, in case of breast cancer, surgery was done by cutting off the breast, but now, in hospitals including Nepal Cancer Hospital, treatment is done by preserving the breast as much as possible. Which is called brace conserved surgery in medical language. 40 to 50 percent of patients are operated on with breast preservation. Apart from that, breast cancer should also be treated. Sentinel biopsy is done by giving a small amount of medicine to remove the cyst. It is checked whether it has spread to other parts of the body.

But if there is more than one girkha in the breast, then the breast should be cut off and thrown away. Similarly, in case of inflammatory breast cancer (a rare and complicated cancer), even if the disease is complicated and the skin has been eaten away, the breast must be removed. In this way, even if the breast is cut out, tissue can be brought from other parts of the body and placed in the cut place.

After treatment, patients can return to normal life

Cancer is not the end of life, it is the beginning of a new life. Many women who have recovered from cancer are living normal lives.

Five to 10 percent of breast cancer patients have a chance of recurrence after treatment. Therefore, you should not be confident that the treatment has been done. After the treatment of cancer, breast examination should be done every 3 months for two years and every 6 months after the next two years. From this, it can be seen whether there is a possibility of the disease reoccurring.

How much does the treatment cost?

Breast cancer screening does not cost much. The government pays for the treatment. If cancer target (targeted) therapy has to be done, the treatment costs will increase.

This increases the cost of using proteins that control how cancer cells grow, divide, and spread, and when the cured cancer comes back.

Mobile phone addiction and junk food can cause serious health problems in children

 Mobile phone addiction and junk food can cause serious health problems in children

A bad lifestyle increases the risk of many diseases. Due to bad lifestyle, not only old people, but also young people are falling prey to various diseases these days. Not only adults, but also small children are suffering from many diseases due to wrong lifestyle and diet.

Recently, children are more at risk of diseases than adults, because children prefer to eat outside the home, they prefer to play mobile games than to go out to play. If parents do not pay attention to their children's lifestyle and diet, then the children may face many health problems in the future.

Bad lifestyle and diet can cause such health problems

Foods like junk food and packet food outside can cause malnutrition in children due to lack of nutrition. Artificial colors, sugar, fatty substances, sodium etc. are mixed, which causes the problem of increasing obesity. There is a problem like tonsils after eating cold ice cream juices.

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Consuming such food can lead to problems like stomach problems, obesity and later heart problems, diabetes and cancer.

Children use mobile phones a lot and are not physically active. Problems such as eye problems and virtual autism have also appeared due to using too many mobile phones. Special attention should be paid to these two things to save children from various health problems.

Give home cooked food

Junk food is becoming a headache for children's health. Children are more attracted to junk food and packet food available in the market than home made food. Junk food itself is not a fresh, nutritious and balanced meal. Artificial colors, sugar, fatty substances, sodium etc. are mixed in such foods, which can cause many diseases from obesity.

After filling their stomach with junk food, children do not eat other nutritious food. This causes them to lack nutrition. Therefore, children should be allowed to eat fresh home-made food rather than market food. Therefore, it is possible to prepare food for the children at home and arrange the time.

Send the children outside to play

Today's children have started spending more time on mobiles, tabloids and laptops. It has also become a good excuse for parents to deceive their children. But children should be encouraged to play more outdoor games, where their bodies are active. It increases physical activity. Good returns on overall health.

Physical fitness is necessary for a child's mental development. If the body is strong, healthy, fit, they can easily accept what they hear and see.

Physical fitness is also important for intellectual development. Therefore, exercise is essential for physical fitness. If children are used to outdoor games, they get physical exercise. They play with their friends, run and jump. It is a good physical exercise.

Therefore, dalmoth and bhujia are harmful

 Therefore, dalmoth and bhujia are harmful

Dalmoth and bhujia are often used as snacks at home. Dalmoth and bhujia are always served during festivals, gatherings and gatherings. It is preferred by children to old people.

Be it with tea or with cold drinks or with alcohol, dalmoth and bhujia are considered as snacks. It does not need to be cooked, it is also sweet so it is easy to eat immediately.

But despite consuming so much of it, the common people do not pay attention to the effect it has on their health. Dalmoth and Bhujia only harm the body, they do nothing good. Because it does not contain any type of nutrients required by the body. It contains trans fats, high calories, and excessive amounts of sodium, which are harmful to the body.

The trans fat in it is simply bad fat. It has a negative effect on the inside of the arteries and narrows the arteries. This causes blockage of blood circulation and increases the chances of blood clotting, which increases the chances of heart attack and stroke.

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It increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. This increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and breast cancer in women. According to the World Health Organization, it has been proven that about 540,000 deaths are caused by trans fats every year.

Another is that it is high in calories. Which gives more energy even if you eat little. But the body does not have the required protein. As a result, consuming more high-calorie foods increases obesity due to lack of protein, but there is a risk of malnutrition. Similarly, the amount of sodium in dalmoth or bhujia is high. It affects the brain, arteries and heart.

Eating too much Dalmod and Bhujia can cause swelling of the knees and limbs, risk of kidney stones, high blood pressure, heart problems, stomach ulcers, damage to the arteries and other serious problems. This may also cause memory loss in old age. There can also be a problem of water freezing in various organs. Consuming food that is high in salt causes the body to retain more water than it needs. As a result, various health problems appear. Apart from this, there are problems such as abdominal pain, flatulence, gastric, diarrhea and constipation.

Do not eat if you have high blood pressure, constipation, ulcers or any stomach related problems, if you have undergone surgery or if you have any complicated disease. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, i.e. constipation and diarrhea at the same time, it is better not to eat these things. Because it can make the disease more complicated.

If you have to eat dalmoth and bhujia, it is better to mix it with other nutritious and fiber rich foods.

"Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

 "Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

Cancer has become a rapidly growing health problem. It causes loss of people as well as wealth. Cancer can be completely cured if detected early. But in the case of Nepal, due to the practice of going to the hospital late, the number of deaths in a short period of time is increasing due to the delay in identification and treatment.

This experience is no less than a trauma for the victim and his family. Therefore, if you can pay attention to the root of the problem, you can avoid this disease. Experts are suggesting important changes in lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.

The most important part of lifestyle is physical exercise. Cancer specialist Dr. Vivek Acharya says. Some chemicals produced during exercise prevent or reduce the risk of cancer in the body. Therefore, all age groups should do regular exercise, Dr. Acharya suggests.

According to a study published in JAMA Oncology, just two minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, such as running, climbing stairs, doing housework and playing with children, can reduce the risk of cancer by 32 percent.

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Cancer specialist Dr. Arun Shahi also says that cancer can be avoided if daily exercise is included in the daily routine. He says that not only cancer but also other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be avoided.

Dr. Arun Shahi

But he says that excessive exercise can prove fatal. Balanced exercise should be done. Do not do any exercise less. And don't do too much. "There are many cases of death due to the body not being able to cope with too much exercise," he says.

Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer worldwide. If there is more obesity, the fund can grow uncontrollably. Weight gain is associated with breast, colon, kidney, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and other cancers. Exercise burns body fat. And he says that it strengthens the muscles.

The link between exercise and cancer

Dr. According to Shahi, during exercise, toxins in our body are released through sweat. Blood circulation is fast and efficient. As a result, the body's metabolism is balanced.

A balanced metabolism means that the heart carries good blood to the cells. Oxygen purifies the bad blood by bringing it to the lungs. Exercise activates blood circulation. Exercising does not interfere with blood circulation. Which can't cause major diseases like cancer due to obesity. Reduces the amount of fat in the body and strengthens the muscles. If the muscles that pump the heart and lungs are strengthened, the body will be healthy when the oxygen and blood flow in the body is good.

If you pay attention to exercise, diet and weight, 90 to 95 percent of cancer can be avoided. Shahi says.

Diet is also a factor in cancer

The current eating style promotes cancer. Shahi says. Rice contains carbohydrates, pulses contain protein, vegetables contain fiber and fish contains fat. Daily pulses, rice and vegetables are digestible. But now, the habit of eating fish and meat on a daily basis increases body weight and stomach related diseases, he says.

Not only these foods, now everyone's choice is fast food. Fast food increases obesity and increases unnecessary calories. Now a small happy news is celebrated and most of the celebrations are meat dishes and alcohol consumption. This also causes the risk of cancer over time. Shahi says.

In a survey conducted by the Oncology Department of Patan Health Science Academy last year on 256 people aged 30 to 80 years old, people who eat stale rotten food, fast food, red meat, fatty food and a history of Hpylori infection on a daily basis showed a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Every year 25 thousand cancer patients are added in Nepal

About 25 thousand cancer patients are added every year in Nepal. Of which 70 percent die every year. The reason is the lack of quick identification, late arrival at the hospital and the lack of cancer treatment hospitals. Acharya says.

It is also more common to go to the pharmacy and take medicine without testing to cure symptoms of cancer such as stomach ache, ringworm and fever. "It is too late to guess the signs and take medicine and wait and see," he says.

Dr. According to Shahi, Nepal has the highest number of lung cancer patients. In the second place, cervical cancer patients have been seen, followed by breast cancer, stomach cancer, large intestine and rectal cancer patients.

Similarly, lung cancer is most common in men.

The situation is different in villages and cities

Cervical cancer is more common among women in rural and remote areas. Dr. Shahi says, 'Human papilloma virus infection, which is transmitted through unprotected sex, is more common there. Also, there is a tradition of not practicing condoms, not cleaning, getting married early and having children early, having many children. Unprotected sex is rare in the city. When condoms are practiced and cleanliness is taken care of, cervical cancer is comparatively less.

Fast food, less physical activity, excessive consumption of alcohol in the city has increased the problem of obesity. Due to obesity, the risk of breast cancer will increase. Shahi says.

If we look at men, lung cancer is more common in rural and urban areas due to the higher number of smokers in both proportions.

"Treatment is better than chronic disease if detected in time"

If it is detected in the early stages, cancer can be treated better than chronic diseases. Shahi says. If you have sugar and blood pressure, you will not be cured even if you take regular medicine. But if the cancer is detected in the early stages, the cancer will be eradicated completely, he says.

How to stay away from the risk of cancer?

Dr. Shahi has suggested to take care of the following to avoid the risk of cancer.

1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, which may cause cancer.

2. Do not eat rotten, processed food, junk food.

3. Exercise regularly to make you sweat.

4. If there is an unnecessary lump in the body, if the color has changed, then the test should be done immediately.

  5. Women may occasionally undergo a mammogram for breast cancer and a pap test for the cervix, and be vaccinated against cervical cancer.

6. In case of hereditary cancer, cancer screening should be done once a year.

7. Do not have unprotected sex.

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