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Showing posts with label in. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

In what condition is endoscopy done?

 In what condition is endoscopy done?

Endoscopy is a name that many people are hearing. It is a Greek word, which means to look within. Endo means within, and scope means to examine or see.

Endoscopy is the process of examining the inside of the body without making a wound. In which an endoscope (instrument) is used to closely observe the condition of the internal part of the body. This device consists of a long, thin flexible tube. Light and camera are connected to the tube. After injecting it through the mouth, what has happened in the esophagus, stomach, etc. can be clearly seen on the monitor.

Types of endoscopy

Endoscopy can be done in different parts of the body. Endoscopy is named after the organs.

Gastroscopy: Gastroscopy quickly detects diseases of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. It detects swelling, ulcers and tumors in these organs.

Colonoscopy: Colonoscopy identifies rectal disease problems. Colonoscopy is a method of checking the internal condition of the anus and the condition of the large intestine by inserting a tube through the anus.

(Colonoscopy examines the lower part of the stomach, while endoscopy examines the upper part of the stomach. Both of these procedures are the same, but the name and the part of the body to be checked are different.)

Bronchoscopy: It detects problems in the lungs. It identifies various respiratory system and other lung-related problems such as tumors, infections, and breathing problems.

Cytoscopy: It detects urinary problems like urinary tract, blood in urine and infection.

Neuroendoscopy: It detects brain and spine problems such as hydrocephalus, tumors, and various neurological problems.

In what cases is it recommended?

Endoscopy is recommended for two reasons. One is to check based on the symptoms reported by the patient and the other is to see during surgery.

When there is a problem in swallowing food, when there is pain in the stomach for a long time, when there is frequent vomiting and when there is blood in the stool and urine, endoscopy is advised to find out the cause.

Endoscopy is also used in the process of removing bleeding ulcers, tumors or cancer.

Endoscopy is done as needed even if no organ is clearly reported on X-ray.

Diagnosis according to disease

-Gastroesophageal reflux: This is a chronic disease, in which stomach acid reaches the esophagus and damages the inner layer. The condition of the esophagus can be known through endoscopy.

- Nodule: There is a lump around the stomach or esophagus. And, if such a lump grows, it can be seen through endoscopy. It can be understood whether there is a risk of cancer or not by its size. According to which the treatment is decided.

— Esophageal swelling: If the esophageal vessels are larger than normal and swollen, endoscopy helps to see the enlarged vessels, assess their size and severity.

- Abdominal swelling: Causes of abdominal swelling can be seen through endoscopy. Based on this insight, a treatment plan for the swelling can be made.

Stomach ulcer: Stomach ulcer is also known as peptic ulcer. Endoscopy helps in the diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcers.

-Gastroesophageal stricture: The esophagus or the inside of the stomach becomes narrow for some reason. Endoscopy aids in diagnosis by imaging the gastroesophageal site.

How is it done?

- In this process, it is done in Khalipet. At first, the patient is placed on a bed.

— A monitor is attached to monitor blood pressure and heart rate.

- Then local anesthesia is given. Anesthesia can be given in the mouth to numb the throat for endoscopy. (A camera and light are attached to the tip of the endoscope.)

After that, the endoscope is placed in the mouth and swallowed. A slight pressure may be felt during this process. At this time the breathing process does not stop. And, they are made to sit without speaking.

- While the endoscopy is going down the esophagus to the intestine, the digestion condition is viewed directly from the monitor through the camera.

- After the examination or the necessary procedure is completed, if the meat has grown, the surgical instrument to remove it is inserted through endoscopy. If cancer is suspected, a small piece is taken for biopsy.

After this, the endoscope is gradually removed from the mouth.

Is there pain in this process?

There is no pain due to local anesthesia. However, some may feel bearable pain.

Also, it takes up to 3 minutes from start to identify the problem. If surgery is to be done together, then it should be done after observing the condition for half an hour.


- Flatulence.

- Light bleeding.

- There may be an infection in the part where it is done.

- A hole in the stomach, esophagus or intestine,

If you see these symptoms, you should go to the hospital immediately.

How much does it cost?

5 to 6 thousand for endoscopy and 7 to 9 thousand for colonoscopy in government hospitals. Fees may vary depending on the hospital.

Similarly, an average of 2,000 for endoscopy and 4,000 for colonoscopy in government hospitals.


— The camera used in endoscopy takes a clear picture of the internal organs.

- Detects internal organ problems without pain without making a big incision.

- Surgery and biopsy of suspected cancer can be done at the same time.

Is eating too many eggs a problem in summer?

 Is eating too many eggs a problem in summer?

Eggs are high protein and nutrient rich foods. Eggs are an indispensable diet for gym or physical exercisers. But doctors say that eating too many eggs in summer can be harmful to health.

As egg is a natural heat enhancer, it can also cause digestive problems. Therefore, excessive consumption of eggs in the summer season can also cause heat stroke. Eggs contain protein, vitamins B and D and other important nutrients, so eating one or two eggs in summer is enough.

By eating two eggs with the yolk part, the body gets the necessary nutrition. But since you have a habit of eating a lot of eggs every morning, you must be careful. Eating too many eggs has a negative effect on health.

Increases heat

Since eggs are high in protein, they heat naturally. Therefore, eating eggs in hot weather makes you feel more hot. Excessive consumption of eggs in summer can lead to heat stroke as well as bleeding from the nose.

Digestive problems

Eating more eggs can also affect the digestive process. Because of this, indigestion, stomach upset and gas can be a problem. Some people may have problems such as stomach ache, vomiting.

Dehydration problems

In summer, the body also feels lack of water. Eating eggs can increase the problem of dehydration. After eating eggs, as the body temperature increases, sweat is produced more. Due to this, the problem of dehydration can increase.

May be allergic

Eating too many eggs in the summer can cause allergy problems in some people. Due to which the skin can also cause various itching diseases.

Cholesterol may increase

Egg yolk contains high amount of cholesterol. Patients with already high cholesterol should not eat eggs. It can also increase the risk of heart disease.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

4 causes and prevention of dry throat or mouth in diabetes

 4 causes and prevention of dry throat or mouth in diabetes

If a person feels dryness in the throat or mouth during diabetes, there may be many reasons behind it. Know about its protection...

When the amount of sugar in the blood starts to increase, that condition is called diabetes. There are mainly two types of diabetes – type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, the production of insulin in the body is less than required. While patients suffering from type 2 diabetes cannot fully use insulin. In this condition, insulin is produced but it does not work well. When the level of glucose in the body starts to increase, the body feels extremely tired. Apart from this, the symptoms include weight gain or loss, vomiting, dry mouth, itchy skin, excessive urination, excessive appetite, excessive thirst, rapid healing of wounds, and lack of water in the body. etc. Today we are talking about dry mouth and throat. When a person urinates in excess, he feels thirsty again and again, so the body begins to lack water and he feels dry throat or mouth. Today we will tell you through this article what are the reasons behind dry mouth or throat in diabetes. You will also know the solution. Read more...

Dry mouth or throat in diabetes

1 - Due to diabetes medication

Diabetic patients are sometimes advised to take such medicines, which keep diabetes under control, but their side effects include dry throat or dry mouth.

2 - Due to the condition of the kidneys

Diabetes weakens the body as it ages. In this case, high blood sugar can also cause kidney problems and dry mouth or dry throat can be seen as symptoms.

3 - Due to lack of water

As we have told earlier that a person urinates frequently due to which the person's body may lack water. Thirst also increases in this condition. In this way, he always feels dry mouth or dry throat.

4 - Caused by hyperglycemia

When the blood sugar level increases too much, the condition is called hyperglycemia. As its symptoms, both the throat and the mouth of the person start to dry.

Along with dry mouth and dry throat, some other symptoms such as pain in the mouth, dry tongue, difficulty in eating, difficulty in speaking, difficulty in chewing, blurred vision etc. can be seen in the body of the person.

Prevention of dryness of throat and mouth

If a person's dry throat or dry mouth is caused by any medicine, tell the doctor immediately.

Do not consume excessively spicy or salty food.

Consume water slowly during the day.

If you feel difficulty in swallowing food, drink water during meals.

Do not consume tobacco or alcohol.

Do not consume caffeinated beverages.

Chew sugar-free candy to stimulate saliva production.

Note - The points mentioned above show that dry throat or dry mouth are common symptoms in diabetic patients. But the following reasons may be behind it. In such a case, timely treatment is necessary and if the problem does not go away even after adopting the above-mentioned prevention, then contact the doctor.

Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

 Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

If you have diabetes then summer season can be a challenging season for you. Learn how you can control your diabetes during this time.

If your insulin level or blood sugar level (Blood Sugar Level) is not controlled properly in the summer season, then diabetes patients are at the highest risk in this season. If your blood sugar is too high then it can be more serious in these summers. Depending on your activities, low blood sugar can also become a concern and not only this, diabetes can damage your sweat glands. Due to which you don't even sweat properly. All this is due to the increase in temperature in the outdoor weather. Rising temperatures can also damage your medications and testing equipment. So you have to keep your medicines safe with you. Before going out in the summer, it is important that you keep your blood sugar under control.

What do experts say?

Our expert Dr. Vinay Bhatt, General Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad says that heat mostly affects your blood sugar level. How much it affects you depends on how hydrated you are, how active you are, and what you eat and drink. If you are sweating profusely then it may be because you are getting dehydrated and your blood glucose level is increasing. Due to this, you can urinate again and again due to which you will get more dehydration and your sugar level can also increase more. Your medicines can also break down on their own due to high temperatures, so keep them in a cool place.

How to control diabetes in summer?

1. Adjust insulin (Adjust Insulin Level)

Be sure to ask your doctor how you can adjust your insulin level before exercising so that it does not increase your sugar and glucose levels. Many doctors will give you these tips that how you can control your blood sugar level in summer.

2. Drink More Water

The main cause of blood sugar increase is dehydration and to avoid this you should drink more water so that your body can stay hydrated.

3. Keep checking the blood sugar level (Check Your Sugar)

The temperature outside in summer can increase or decrease your blood sugar, so it is a good idea to keep checking your sugar level frequently. You can try to control your diabetes only according to your sugar level.

4. Stop Getting Dehydrated

Keep a bottle of water or liquids with you that do not increase your sugar and if you are going out, drink a little water all the time so that you can avoid dehydration in diabetes.

5. Fix blood sugar (Keep Glucagon Kit)

In summer, not only your blood sugar (Blood Sugar) may increase but also decrease. Which in itself is a concern and for this you should always keep your glucose tablets with you.

6. Avoid Sunburn

If you stay in the sun too much, you may get sunburn and it may increase blood sugar, so protect yourself from sunburn.

7. Keep Healthy Snacks With You

If you want to control your sugar then some snacks can also replace your meal.

If you have diabetes, you have to make more efforts to protect yourself and your medicines during the summer season, so avoid going out too much.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

What happens in a person's mind before death?

 What happens in a person's mind before death?

Neurologist Dr. Himo Borhin discovered almost exactly what happens in the brain when a person dies.

Himo said, 'We were experimenting on rats, after the surgery something came out of their brains, we were also studying that. Suddenly two mice died. Because of this, we got the opportunity to monitor the process of death in the brain of those mice.

Serotonin is a chemical that controls the mood of living beings. After seeing the amount of serotonin in the brain of that dead rat, Dr. Many questions arose in Himo's mind.

Then Himo began to do more research on the information she already had. She thought that there must be some reason behind the leakage of serotonin.

Dr. Himo Borheen is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular and Inquiring Physiology and Neurology at the University of Michigan, USA. While investigating the death of mice. Himo began to study what happens in the brain when people die. She said that the understanding and knowledge about the death that she found during the investigation was different.


If a pulse is not detected after a prolonged heart attack, it is considered dead in the eyes of the doctor. In this process, emphasis is placed on the heart. It is called a heart attack, not a brain attack.

Himo says, "According to scientists, it seems that there is nothing going on in the brain of a dead person." Because dead people can neither speak nor move their bodies.

The brain needs a lot of oxygen to function. If the brain does not pump blood, oxygen does not reach the brain. "Generally all symptoms indicate that the brain is not working or is in a dormant state," she says.

But Dr. From the research of Himo and his team, completely different information has come.

The brain is moving very fast

In a 2013 study of mice, when their hearts stopped working, there was increased activity in many neurons in their brains.

"The release of serotonin in the brains of the dead rats increased 60 times and the release of the feel-good chemical dopamine also increased 40 to 60 times," says Dimo, "at the same time, the amount of norepinephrine, the chemical that makes living animals more alert, increased up to 100 times."

She says that it would be impossible for an animal to have such a large amount of these chemicals in its brain while alive. In 2015, the team published the results of another study in the brains of dying mice. It is almost impossible for an animal to have such a high concentration of these chemicals in its brain.

In both cases, 100 percent of the animals recorded significant brain activity. At the time of death, the brain was very active,” she says.

gamma wave

In 2023, Himo and his team published another research paper. The research was conducted on four people who were in a coma and were dependent on life support systems for their heartbeats. These patients were given electrodes or plates for electroencephalography. So that their brain activity can be recorded.

Those four were close to death. The doctor and his family members decided that they could not be saved in any way. Therefore, efforts to save their lives should be abandoned.

With the permission of relatives, ventilator support was removed from those four people. During this time, the researchers noticed that the brains of the two patients were very active. It revealed cognitive activity in the brain.

Gamma waves were also recorded in their brains during this period, which is said to be the fastest brain wave. Gamma waves are part of the complex process of information and memory processing in the human brain.

During the monitoring of another patient's brain, very intense activity was observed in the temporal lobe of his brain, i.e. the part of the brain behind both ears.

Himo says, 'The part of the human brain behind the right ear is considered very important for empathy. Those who have survived a heart attack, those who have experienced death up close. They have made themselves better people with that experience and have started to feel more empathy towards others.'

A near death experience

Some people who have returned from the face of death have said that the picture of their life flashed before their eyes or they remembered many important moments of their life at that time.

Many people reported seeing a bright light during their death. Some people have claimed that they felt that they had come out of their body and were watching everything from a distance. Extreme activity of the brain, hyperactivity, is the reason why people standing on the verge of death have such a terrible experience?

Dr. About 20 to 25 percent of heart attack victims report seeing white lights, saying they saw something strange, says Hema. Of course, the image making part of their brain was activated.

After removing the ventilator, the researchers say about the two patients who showed very fast activity in the brain.

This means, they must have experienced seeing something like this. Dr. Himo said the study involved very few people and that more research is needed to understand what happens in the brain when a person dies.

But after more than 10 years of research on this matter, Dr. One thing has become clear to Himo During a heart attack, the brain does not rest, it becomes very active.

Himo says, 'We are still trying to understand this. Not much information is available on this.

Referring to the state of hibernation, she says, "All animals, including mice and humans, have different mechanisms to cope with the lack of oxygen." Until now, it was believed that when the heart stops working, the mind becomes silent and watches everything as a spectator. This means that the heart stops working, the brain shuts down.

But the brain does not give up easily. Himo says. "Just as our mind fights against every difficult situation, it also fights against death. The brain has enough capacity to face the challenge of lack of oxygen. But more research is yet to be done on this,” she says.

There is still much to discover

Dr. What Himo and his team discovered is just a small piece of information. Much remains to be discovered about this.

There are mechanisms in the brain that deal with lack of oxygen, which we do not understand. People whose heart stops working have this unique and different kind of experience. Statistics show that this is due to brain activity," she says.

Now the question arises, why is there so much activity in the dying brain?

Dr. Himo says, 'All of us should change our understanding about this. If you study it and research it, you can get answers to these questions. Because millions of people are believed to be dead before their actual death. Because we do not fully understand the entire process of death.

What happens inside the head?

Every day half a liter of water is produced in the head and the body is irrigated. Doctors have called this water 'holy water'. Because it plays a key role in the functioning of the brain.

What happens inside the head?

Kathmandu. Focus on yourself for a moment, how can a mobile phone in the palm of your hand transmit what is said from one hemisphere of the earth to another geography correctly and immediately? How can the previous laptop complete your digital work in minutes?

How can a heavy or heavy airplane fly in the open sky carrying hundreds of people comfortably? How can effective results on the earth be obtained by mathematically estimating the movement of planets and constellations? How can his family tree be found by keeping a microscopic part of the body in the laboratory?

When we are still and thinking for a moment, our mind is spinning. While all these miracles are the product of that mind.

The miracle of making Einstein a scientist, Socrates a philosopher, Siddhartha Gautama a Buddha belongs to that mind. The same mind, which has solved innumerable questions about the universe. Result - From the evolution of life to the human body, from the origin of the earth to the subsoil, from the celestial bodies to the planets and constellations, people are capable of making dreams come true.

How is that mind that works so great and magical?

Without being able to see this thing inside our own head, our life is the rest. What a surprise!

Looking for the answer to that mystery, we reached Veer Hospital, Prof. Dr. To meet Rajeev Jha. Dr. Jha has performed more than 19,000 head surgeries. We decided to study the structure of the brain through his eyes.

How is that brain that works so big and magical?

Without being able to see this thing inside our own head, our life is the rest. What a surprise!

When we dig our heads

What does it look like with open eyes? Before answering this, let's talk about some amazing and strange facts about head and brain.

Every day half a liter of water is produced in the head and the body is irrigated. Doctors have called this water 'holy water'. Because it plays a key role in the functioning of the brain.

Dr. Rajeev Jha

An adult human body has a head of about five kilograms. On that head is the brain carefully held by a bone cover like a crow. The average weight of the brain is 1.4 kg when it is in a flat state like frozen curd. Such a small brain rules the whole body.

65 percent of brain composition is fat. The rest is protein. It is solid but it is water soluble in between.

Men's brain size is 200 grams larger than that of women. This does not mean that men have more brains than women. Only structurally the size is big.

Numerous nerves are connected to the brain, which are working in different ways. Thinking, imagining, creating, evaluating, reasoning, alerting, fearing, feeling sad, happy, proud, excited, all the emotional activities are done by those different mechanisms of the brain.

Most of the blood consumed by the organs of the body is done by the brain. The brain size of boys and girls is different. Boys are bigger by 200 grams.

A brain wired like an electric wire

The brain is in the shape of a shriveled, sometimes swollen pattern, just like when you crack open a walnut. It is carefully kept covered with a letter like a bone cover. This letter of bone consists of three layers. In this way, nature has kept the brain with utmost protection. The brain has two layers, the upper one is slightly darker and the inner one is completely white.

Although it looks like a lump at a glance, it is basically divided into two parts, right and left. There is another connector connecting these two parts, which is called the corpus callosum. It establishes communication between two separate parts of the brain. It also has various glands. There are thalamus, hypothalamus, pons, medulla, pituitary and pineal gland.

The right-left, front-back parts of the brain are separate and all these have different tasks.

How does the brain think, hear, smell and see?

The front part, which is called the cerebrum. Cerebrum ie frontal lobe is related to human nature, tendency, reaction, evaluation, behavior.

The upper layer of the brain, i.e. the parietal lobe, which makes people feel taste, touch, and temperature. That is why it makes you feel that it is cold or hot, painful, something is broken. It is also related to hearing. It does the work of hearing or understanding any sound. On the right is the temporal lobe, which is related to human memory. It also works for hearing ability.

The occipital lobe, which is in the upper part, has a special relationship with our vision. After we look at any object, it is the task of distinguishing and identifying its shape.

The two parts at the back of the brain are called the cerebellum. Its job is to balance our senses. When you want to walk, your legs move, when you need to pick something, your hand moves forward, when you want to see something, you look at it with your eyes. This is why the combination of touching this, bringing this, and doing this is done. It is the cerebellum that balances all these functions.

The brain stem connects all these parts of the brain. There are basically 12 cranial nerves in the brain. All parts of the body This is what keeps the company running.

Most of the blood consumed by the organs of the body is done by the brain. The brain size of boys and girls is different. Boys are bigger by 200 grams.

Brain like a lake

Looking at the brain from another point of view, it looks like a huge reservoir. We call it ventricles. Half a liter of water is being produced here daily.

It is like lees in that part of the brain. That's why water comes out. Because the brain needs water and fat. This is brain food.

In this way, the nutritious water released from something like lye gets irrigated at the upper, middle and lower levels of the brain and reaches the body and is released through various channels. When there is an obstacle in the way of this water coming out, the water freezes on the head. This is a very bad situation.

Therefore, the said water should have its own speed and rhythm. We call it 'holy water'.

In two parts of the throat, there is a large tube, through which blood is supplied to the brain. Along with this, the brain receives blood through two other means. 20-22 percent of the blood in the body is consumed by the brain.

The brain secretes many different chemicals for different functions.

The Amazing 'Master Gland'

In the middle of the brain, there is a gland the size of a grain of rice, which is called the pituitary gland. Nine hormones are secreted from this gland.

This hormone does everything like control of urination, menstrual discharge in women, milk flow, body growth. If there is an imbalance in this, there will be no menstruation, no urinary retention, no milk, short or too tall, too fat or thin. These hormones have a special role to make the body perform according to the correct standards.

There is also a certain time for the secretion of these hormones. Some hormones are secreted the most at eight o'clock in the morning and some at night. That is, hormones are not being secreted for 24 hours. Such hormones are secreted to match the rhythm of the body with nature.

Friday, December 22, 2023

New variant of Korana also found in Noida, JN.1 variant has raised concern

 New variant of Korana also found in Noida, JN.1 variant has raised concern

Covid-19 JN.1 Variant Updates: According to the data released by the Ministry of Health, 594 new cases of Corona have been registered in the country in the last 24 hours.

Covid-19 JN.1 Variant Updates: The cases of corona virus in the country have started increasing again. According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry on Thursday, 594 new cases of Corona have been registered in the country in the last 24 hours. More new cases of corona are coming from states like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu. After the increase in new cases of Corona in the country, the number of active cases has increased to 2669. The government is also on alert due to the rapidly increasing cases of Corona. Let us tell you that for the past few days, cases of the new variant of Corona, JN.1, are also coming to the fore in the country. This new variant is spreading rapidly in countries like China, America and Singapore.

A case of Corona found in Noida

A new case of Corona has also been found in Noida (Gautam Budh Nagar), which is adjacent to the capital Delhi, after many months. A 54-year-old man working in a multinational company in Gurugram has been found corona positive. The local health department is now taking the history of the patient. Instructions have been given to test the people who come in contact with the patient. The sample of the corona positive person has been sent to a lab in Delhi for genome sequencing. The local health department has come into alert mode due to the first case of corona in Noida after months.

Guidelines for screening patients with viral and influenza

The government is working in action mode after a new case of Corona was found in Noida. The order from the government is that the examination of patients with symptoms of viral infection, respiratory tract infection and influenza should be a priority. Patients who have symptoms of the new variant JN.1 should also be screened after their contacts have been taken.

JN.1 Variant Symptoms - JN.1 Variant Symptoms

These symptoms are seen in patients infected with JN.1 variant-

Symptoms of influenza illness

High fever and headache

Muscle pain

sore throat

Physical weakness

runny nose

sore throat

Gastrointestinal problems

Fatigue and muscle weakness

The JN.1 variant, which has been spreading in America and China since September this year, is being said to be more dangerous than the previously found variant. This variant is formed after a mutation in the BA.2.86 variant and Pirola's spike protein. Let us tell you that the spike protein is a part of the virus, which attacks human cells. In this new variant, the ability to dodge the immune system is more than the previously found variant.

These symptoms are seen when infected with the JN.1 variant, warned the former WHO scientist

JN.1 Variant Signs and Symptoms: The JN.1 variant is composed of the BA.2.86 variant and a mutation in Pirola's spike protein.

JN.1 Variant Signs And Symptoms: For the past 3 years, the corona virus epidemic has been a headache for the whole world. In the past few days, the new variant of Corona JN.1 is spreading rapidly all over the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called the new JN.1 variant of Corona a 'variant of interest'. Cases of JN.1 variant are also increasing in India. Earlier, the JN.1 variant was confirmed in China, Singapore and the US. The symptoms seen in patients infected with this new JN.1 variant of Corona are not recognized at the beginning. This is the reason why patients can be identified after some time after being infected. Experts believe that the infection capacity of this variant is much higher than the previously found variant and if its infection is not controlled, it can infect many people. Let us know in detail in this article the symptoms and prevention of the new JN.1 variant of Corona.

Symptoms and signs of JN.1 variants

The JN.1 variant, which has been spreading in America and China since September this year, is being said to be more dangerous than the previously found variant. This variant is formed after a mutation in the BA.2.86 variant and Pirola's spike protein. Let us tell you that the spike protein is a part of the virus, which attacks human cells. In this new variant, the ability to dodge the immune system is more than the previously found variant.

When infected with the JN.1 variant, the patient shows these symptoms-

High fever and headache

Symptoms of influenza illness

sore throat

Muscle pain

Physical weakness

runny nose

sore throat

Gastrointestinal problems

Fatigue and muscle weakness

Former scientist of WHO said this - Dr Soumya Swaminathan on The New Covid Variant

Soumya Swaminathan, the former chief scientist of the World Health Organization, said in a conversation with a TV channel that, "It would be a big mistake to think of Covid as a common cold. The risk of mental problems increases." He further said that India is now fully prepared to fight such an infection. In order to avoid infection, special attention should be paid to the immunity of children and the elderly, and masks should be worn in public places.

358 new cases have come in the last 24 hours - Latest Covid Cases in India

According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry, 358 new cases of Corona have been registered in India in the last 24 hours. 84 percent of these cases are from Kerala alone. 300 new cases of corona have been found in Kerala during the last 24 hours. Apart from this, 3 patients have died due to corona virus infection in the country in the last 24 hours, these three deaths are in Kerala. After the registration of new cases, the number of active patients of Kovid in the country has increased to 2,669.

Corona's new variant JN.1 has appeared, know how dangerous it is compared to other variants?

Recently a new variant of Corona JN.1 has come out. According to scientists, it can prove to be more contagious than other variants.

The case of Corona has not completely stopped yet, so new variants of Kovid are being seen. Recently, a new variant of Corona, JN.1, has come out, which has increased the concern of scientists. According to scientists, it is more contagious than other variants. Not only this, it can also be harmful to the immune system.

This variant is found in many countries

According to scientists, it has also been found in England, Iceland and France. This variant was first spotted in Luxembourg on 25 August 2023. However, the good thing is that not a single case of the JN.1 variant has been confirmed in India yet. According to scientists, it is different from JN.1, XBB.1.5 and HV.1 variants. This variant can also trick the immune system. So far 10 mutations have been observed in XBB.1.5 and HV.1. At the same time, 41 changes have been made in the JN.1 variant compared to the XBB.1.5.

Characteristics of the JN.1 variant

The symptoms of this variant may also be similar to the old variants of Kovid.

Exposure to this variant may cause body fatigue and breathing difficulties.

In this situation, along with muscle pain, headache can also occur.

In such a case, along with the problems related to the stomach, the problem of phlegm can also occur.

Exposure to this variant may cause problems with taste or smell.

How important it is to take the vaccine to avoid corona

According to health experts, it is very important to get vaccinated to avoid this variant of Corona. You can avoid damage to the immune system through the vaccine. Some time ago, the updated vaccines of Corona have also become available in India. After which the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised people to get a new booster dose vaccine to avoid corona infection.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Cervical cancer kills 500,000 people every year, fear is not checked in time

 Cervical cancer kills 500,000 people every year, fear is not checked in time

Everyone has a mother, sister-in-law, brother-in-law in their house. They may have looked healthy. However, in reality, they are always at risk of a fatal disease. That is - cervical cancer. Every woman between 30 and 60 years of age is at risk of this disease.

Women who are married at a young age, have many children, have sexual relations with many people, and take family planning pills for a long time are at high risk of cervical cancer. Women who have sex only once in their life are equally at risk of this disease.

Because of this danger, it is in the first place among the cancers that occur in women. After this disease, the treatment is expensive and complicated. "That's why it's better not to get sick", said Dr. Sarita Ghimire says, 'And, that can be done easily.'

Expert experience

Gynecologist and oncologist Sarita Ghimire, who has permanent residence in Ramechhap, is an MBBS and MD from the Institute of Medical Studies (IOM).

When he got his MD in 2004 in Gynecology and Obstetrics, cancer hospitals were just starting to open in Nepal. Along with this, the number of cancer patients was increasing rapidly.

Dr. is looking at that situation. Ghimire went to Bharatpur Cancer Hospital and took special training related to cancer. After that, she also went to Pakistan and UK for specialist training. Since then, it has been 15 years since he worked in the prevention of cervical cancer.

Dr. is currently working as a chief consultant at Talchikhel Cancer Care Foundation in Lalitpur. Ghimire's emphasis is on early disease detection. For this purpose, she reaches district after district to raise public awareness. In his experience, 6 to 8 out of 100 people who come to the hospital for cervical check-up have already reached the transition stage of cancer. Dr. Ghimire says, 'This data shows the benefits of raising public awareness.'

When she joined Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital, she became more active in running camps in the districts. In those camps, information was given about various cancers including cervical cancer, breast cancer. Women have more cervical cancer, but since it can be prevented, the number of people who come to the hospital for examination has increased. There is an experience of wandering. And, it has given him professional satisfaction.

In the camps, she used to keep scary photos, afraid to go to the hospital for an examination. It is human nature not to take anything seriously and not to change habits until fear arises in the mind, Dr. Ghimire says, 'which will become fatal itself tomorrow.'

According to him, around 528,000 women in the world suffer from cervical cancer every year. What is the situation in Nepal? "In Nepal, 20-22 percent of women who come to the hospital for cancer treatment suffer from cervical cancer", Dr. Ghimire says, 'Detailed study is yet to be done on this.'

There are no symptoms at first

After the cancer of the cervix has increased a lot, foul-smelling and blood-tinged water starts to flow. The appearance of blood even when there is no menstruation or the appearance of blood again in women who have dried up their periods is also a sign of cervical cancer. When this cancer spreads a lot, it causes bloating, leg swelling, waist and back pain, and problems with defecation and urination.

To avoid this, women who have reached the age of 30 and who have had sex, even if it is only once in their life, should be examined by a trained health worker at least once every three to five years. Ghimire suggests. She says, 'Women who have dry periods and who have undergone surgery due to the possibility of cancer should also undergo regular examination of the uterus.'

During the examination, the health workers put medicine in the mouth of the uterus and check the visual inspection with acetic acid (VREA). Earlier, Pap Smear Test (PST) was used to detect the presence of cancer infection in the mouth of the cervix or not. VREA is more of a scientific method than that.

Infection can be prevented if known

Cervical cancer is caused by infection with a virus called human papilloma. This virus takes the form of cancer after 15 to 20 years of infection. Dr. According to Ghimire, the human papilloma virus can survive for 15-20 years. If the immunity is high, the body can even eliminate it. In those with low immunity, it causes subtle changes and causes cancer.

Cervical cancer can be prevented by knowing before regular check-up. Ghimire says. "However, our women are so involved in household responsibilities that they don't even have time to think of a hospital until the illness takes a serious form."

What are the benefits of consuming Chyawanprash in winter?

 What are the benefits of consuming Chyawanprash in winter?

Chyawanprash is considered nutritious for people of all age groups. Ayurveda says that Chyawanprash helps to increase the resistance to disease in the human body.

Currently, the multinational companies Dabur, Patanjali, Multani, Java and other companies are producing and selling Chyawanprash in the market. Among those companies, Dabur Chyawanprash, which is made by mixing various herbs, ghee, sesame oil and honey, is considered to be the leader.

The word Chyavanaprash from Sanskrit is a formula created with the ancient Indian knowledge of Ayurveda and modern science. Chyawanprash is a nutritious jam, which plays a role in making our health healthy and fit.

Ghee, sesame oil and honey act as stimulating agents to take the herbs deep into the cells. While honey helps to neutralize and protect the effects of other major elements. Chyawanprash helps to make muscles strong, supple and strong.

If you consume Chyawanprash, the skin becomes soft and shiny. Consuming Chyawanprash is also beneficial in reducing the signs of aging with increasing age. Similarly, Chyawanprash is considered beneficial for increasing memory and digestive system.

The company claims that Dabur Chyawanprash contains a mixture of various herbs, amla, ghee, sesame oil and honey.

How to use Chyawanprash?

Chyawanprash can be consumed at any time rather than at a specific time. Even in the winter season, consuming it is more beneficial to the body. Chyawanprash can also be consumed directly, but it is more useful if consumed with warm milk or warm water.

For adults, use one spoon twice a day, one spoon in the morning on an empty stomach, one spoon before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner. For children between 3 and 12 years of age, half a teaspoon should be given twice a day.

Benefits of Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash helps to increase immunity. It is beneficial in cough and cold caused by dust and change of weather. It also helps to increase vigor and vigor in the body.

Consuming Chyawanprash is also said to help fight against malnutrition caused by lack of nutrients and wrong digestive system. Companies claim that Chyawanprash also works against various types of infections as it contains various chemical herbicides.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Mobile phone addiction and junk food can cause serious health problems in children

 Mobile phone addiction and junk food can cause serious health problems in children

A bad lifestyle increases the risk of many diseases. Due to bad lifestyle, not only old people, but also young people are falling prey to various diseases these days. Not only adults, but also small children are suffering from many diseases due to wrong lifestyle and diet.

Recently, children are more at risk of diseases than adults, because children prefer to eat outside the home, they prefer to play mobile games than to go out to play. If parents do not pay attention to their children's lifestyle and diet, then the children may face many health problems in the future.

Bad lifestyle and diet can cause such health problems

Foods like junk food and packet food outside can cause malnutrition in children due to lack of nutrition. Artificial colors, sugar, fatty substances, sodium etc. are mixed, which causes the problem of increasing obesity. There is a problem like tonsils after eating cold ice cream juices.

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Consuming such food can lead to problems like stomach problems, obesity and later heart problems, diabetes and cancer.

Children use mobile phones a lot and are not physically active. Problems such as eye problems and virtual autism have also appeared due to using too many mobile phones. Special attention should be paid to these two things to save children from various health problems.

Give home cooked food

Junk food is becoming a headache for children's health. Children are more attracted to junk food and packet food available in the market than home made food. Junk food itself is not a fresh, nutritious and balanced meal. Artificial colors, sugar, fatty substances, sodium etc. are mixed in such foods, which can cause many diseases from obesity.

After filling their stomach with junk food, children do not eat other nutritious food. This causes them to lack nutrition. Therefore, children should be allowed to eat fresh home-made food rather than market food. Therefore, it is possible to prepare food for the children at home and arrange the time.

Send the children outside to play

Today's children have started spending more time on mobiles, tabloids and laptops. It has also become a good excuse for parents to deceive their children. But children should be encouraged to play more outdoor games, where their bodies are active. It increases physical activity. Good returns on overall health.

Physical fitness is necessary for a child's mental development. If the body is strong, healthy, fit, they can easily accept what they hear and see.

Physical fitness is also important for intellectual development. Therefore, exercise is essential for physical fitness. If children are used to outdoor games, they get physical exercise. They play with their friends, run and jump. It is a good physical exercise.

"Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

 "Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

Cancer has become a rapidly growing health problem. It causes loss of people as well as wealth. Cancer can be completely cured if detected early. But in the case of Nepal, due to the practice of going to the hospital late, the number of deaths in a short period of time is increasing due to the delay in identification and treatment.

This experience is no less than a trauma for the victim and his family. Therefore, if you can pay attention to the root of the problem, you can avoid this disease. Experts are suggesting important changes in lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.

The most important part of lifestyle is physical exercise. Cancer specialist Dr. Vivek Acharya says. Some chemicals produced during exercise prevent or reduce the risk of cancer in the body. Therefore, all age groups should do regular exercise, Dr. Acharya suggests.

According to a study published in JAMA Oncology, just two minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, such as running, climbing stairs, doing housework and playing with children, can reduce the risk of cancer by 32 percent.

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Cancer specialist Dr. Arun Shahi also says that cancer can be avoided if daily exercise is included in the daily routine. He says that not only cancer but also other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be avoided.

Dr. Arun Shahi

But he says that excessive exercise can prove fatal. Balanced exercise should be done. Do not do any exercise less. And don't do too much. "There are many cases of death due to the body not being able to cope with too much exercise," he says.

Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer worldwide. If there is more obesity, the fund can grow uncontrollably. Weight gain is associated with breast, colon, kidney, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and other cancers. Exercise burns body fat. And he says that it strengthens the muscles.

The link between exercise and cancer

Dr. According to Shahi, during exercise, toxins in our body are released through sweat. Blood circulation is fast and efficient. As a result, the body's metabolism is balanced.

A balanced metabolism means that the heart carries good blood to the cells. Oxygen purifies the bad blood by bringing it to the lungs. Exercise activates blood circulation. Exercising does not interfere with blood circulation. Which can't cause major diseases like cancer due to obesity. Reduces the amount of fat in the body and strengthens the muscles. If the muscles that pump the heart and lungs are strengthened, the body will be healthy when the oxygen and blood flow in the body is good.

If you pay attention to exercise, diet and weight, 90 to 95 percent of cancer can be avoided. Shahi says.

Diet is also a factor in cancer

The current eating style promotes cancer. Shahi says. Rice contains carbohydrates, pulses contain protein, vegetables contain fiber and fish contains fat. Daily pulses, rice and vegetables are digestible. But now, the habit of eating fish and meat on a daily basis increases body weight and stomach related diseases, he says.

Not only these foods, now everyone's choice is fast food. Fast food increases obesity and increases unnecessary calories. Now a small happy news is celebrated and most of the celebrations are meat dishes and alcohol consumption. This also causes the risk of cancer over time. Shahi says.

In a survey conducted by the Oncology Department of Patan Health Science Academy last year on 256 people aged 30 to 80 years old, people who eat stale rotten food, fast food, red meat, fatty food and a history of Hpylori infection on a daily basis showed a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Every year 25 thousand cancer patients are added in Nepal

About 25 thousand cancer patients are added every year in Nepal. Of which 70 percent die every year. The reason is the lack of quick identification, late arrival at the hospital and the lack of cancer treatment hospitals. Acharya says.

It is also more common to go to the pharmacy and take medicine without testing to cure symptoms of cancer such as stomach ache, ringworm and fever. "It is too late to guess the signs and take medicine and wait and see," he says.

Dr. According to Shahi, Nepal has the highest number of lung cancer patients. In the second place, cervical cancer patients have been seen, followed by breast cancer, stomach cancer, large intestine and rectal cancer patients.

Similarly, lung cancer is most common in men.

The situation is different in villages and cities

Cervical cancer is more common among women in rural and remote areas. Dr. Shahi says, 'Human papilloma virus infection, which is transmitted through unprotected sex, is more common there. Also, there is a tradition of not practicing condoms, not cleaning, getting married early and having children early, having many children. Unprotected sex is rare in the city. When condoms are practiced and cleanliness is taken care of, cervical cancer is comparatively less.

Fast food, less physical activity, excessive consumption of alcohol in the city has increased the problem of obesity. Due to obesity, the risk of breast cancer will increase. Shahi says.

If we look at men, lung cancer is more common in rural and urban areas due to the higher number of smokers in both proportions.

"Treatment is better than chronic disease if detected in time"

If it is detected in the early stages, cancer can be treated better than chronic diseases. Shahi says. If you have sugar and blood pressure, you will not be cured even if you take regular medicine. But if the cancer is detected in the early stages, the cancer will be eradicated completely, he says.

How to stay away from the risk of cancer?

Dr. Shahi has suggested to take care of the following to avoid the risk of cancer.

1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, which may cause cancer.

2. Do not eat rotten, processed food, junk food.

3. Exercise regularly to make you sweat.

4. If there is an unnecessary lump in the body, if the color has changed, then the test should be done immediately.

  5. Women may occasionally undergo a mammogram for breast cancer and a pap test for the cervix, and be vaccinated against cervical cancer.

6. In case of hereditary cancer, cancer screening should be done once a year.

7. Do not have unprotected sex.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

What should you pay attention to in the ninth month of pregnancy?

 What should you pay attention to in the ninth month of pregnancy?

The ninth month of pregnancy is the month when the baby is born. Therefore, by the time it reaches the ninth month, a lot of changes have taken place in the body of a pregnant woman.

At this time, health problems such as stomach ache, sometimes the stomach feels like a hard rock, even after drinking a little water, there is a sudden urge to urinate, but little urine comes out. Similarly, the movement of the baby inside the stomach is a little less than before.

Pregnant women may have different problems at this time. But usually in the ninth month, the problem of back pain due to the big stomach, difficulty in walking due to the baby's head coming down, lack of appetite, stomach cramps even after eating a little.

Things pregnant women should be aware of

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Especially at this time, if water flows from the genitals, blood appears along with the water, and the movement in the baby's stomach is very low, you should see a doctor immediately.

Is it necessary to take any medicine at this time or not?

Iron and calcium supplements should be taken regularly during pregnancy. In addition, the doctor prescribes other medicines after looking at the condition of the pregnant woman.

What women who are taking medication for chronic diseases should pay attention to

Especially at this time, medicine should be taken under the supervision of a doctor. Do not self-medicate. Because the dose of chronic disease medicine may need to be increased or changed according to the condition of the pregnant woman.

Taking chronic medicine does not have any negative effect on the unborn child. Because doctors have classified drugs as A, B, C, D and E according to the condition and disease of pregnant women. Medicines are given accordingly. Similarly, some people have high blood pressure before, while some people have it after pregnancy.

What should you pay attention to when taking long-term medicine during pregnancy?

Pregnant women who are taking medication for chronic diseases should take the medication under the supervision of a doctor. Because some chronic disease drugs have many side effects and some drugs have less side effects. Likewise, if a pregnant woman has diabetes, eating less sugary, greasy, and bitter foods along with medication, and eating little by little but in short bursts can keep diabetes in balance.

What medicine should not be taken during pregnancy?

There is no drug that should not be taken during pregnancy. Rather, it is about what medicine to take and how much to take for what purpose. But you should take the doctor's advice while taking medicine. Self-medication can be dangerous.

What to do if you are constipated during pregnancy?

Constipation can occur due to diet, lack of water in the body during pregnancy. At this time, as the body's hormones are changing, as well as having to take iron and calcium medicine regularly, constipation can be a problem.

In such a situation, you can eat plenty of green vegetables, vegetables, fruits, pulses, eat plenty of fiber foods, exercise regularly, and drink at least two liters of water every day with meals. In the same way, instead of lying on your back, if you are careful not to stand for a long time, you can use medicine if constipation is not cured.

It is better to avoid constipation during pregnancy as much as possible. For that, you can avoid eating greasy, bitter, sour food, not consuming junk food, drinking plenty of water, and eating plenty of fiber-rich foods.

Why are there more urinary tract infections in women?

 Why are there more urinary tract infections in women?

According to a study, about one and a half million people in America suffer from urinary problems every year. Around one and a half million people worldwide are treated for it every year.

Bladder swelling is called 'cystitis' in medical language. It is called Urinary Tract Infection or UTI, which in most cases is caused by bacterial infection. This happens when the bladder (urethra) and its pipe (tract) become infected.

UTI is a common disease. It can affect people of any age, from newborns to the elderly. The study concluded that UTI is more common in women than in men. In women, the probability of infection is 60 percent, while in men, it is only 13 percent.

A housewife said that she could not pay attention to her health due to housework. Because of this, she says that she has been facing the problem of burning urine frequently. She said that after taking the medicine, she seemed to be cured for about a month and then relapsed again. After doing yoga and pranayama, he has experienced relief.

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The 37-year-old teacher said that she has been suffering from burning urine frequently. She narrates that she had to face such problems due to the lack of good toilet facilities in the school and the lack of an environment to pay attention to cleanliness. At that time, she said that she had a little stomach ache at first and then it started to hurt a lot. It is his experience that he got relief after taking a half holiday from school and getting checked and taking antibiotics.

Reasons why UTIs are more common in women

Bacterial infection in the urinary tract or bladder causes UTI. It can happen to both men and women.

According to Tanuj Lawania, senior registered doctor of Sharda Medical College Greater Noida, it is more likely to develop cystitis in women than in men. A woman's urethra is smaller than a man's. About 20 cm, Dr. Lavania says, 'When a woman is infected with bacteria, there is a greater chance that the bacteria will enter through the bladder. Therefore, 10 percent of women have at least one sinusitis. Most of them are recurring problems.

"If a UTI is left untreated, the infection can spread to the kidneys," says Jennifer Rohn, head of the Center for Urological Biology at University College London. UTIs are usually e. It is caused by an infection with coli bacteria, although many other bacteria can also cause the infection.

Symptoms of a UTI

Dr. According to Tanuj, women can have many symptoms. Frequent urination, burning sensation or pain while urinating, feeling of burning on the skin of the vulva while urinating, blood in the urine, if these symptoms are ignored for a long time, women may have high fever symptoms.

What does the doctor test?

Dr. Tanuj says, 'In such a clinical inquiry, if there is a suspicion of UTI, we initially make the woman undergo a urine test. In which urine microscopy and culture tests are performed.

In which the cause of the infection is seen through a routine microscope. It is known whether it is caused by bacteria or fungus. While through culture it is known which bacteria it is from so that the medicine related to it can be given.

Dr. Tanuj Lawania

Other causes of infection in women

Dr. Tanuj adds, "Though UTI can be seen in all age groups, it is more common in married women. Similarly, women who drink less water and urinate for a long time are more at risk. Because it gives a chance for bacteria to accumulate. Besides, those who use more jet sprays, use chemicals for cleaning, don't change undergarments frequently, and those who don't take full care of cleanliness may be more likely.

The risk of UTI infection is higher in pregnant women and women with diabetes. It can also happen after menopause because the number of friendly bacteria in the vagina decreases.

If you have frequent UTI infections

Dr. Tanuj says, "In case of repeated UTI infection, ultrasound examination of women is done. In this, the kidney and the kidney tube (ureter) are checked to see if they are okay. If there are stones in kidney or bladder, urine infection also occurs.

What problems does UTI cause in the elderly?

Around one and a half million people in the world get UTI infection every year. Most of them are old men. "After increasing age, there are common symptoms such as burning while urinating, fever, pain in the lower back, smell of urine," said Dr. Tanuj says, 'If the size of the prostate gland in men increases, it puts pressure on the urinary bladder. It reduces the flow of urine. Because of this, they are likely to get UTI.

She says that UTIs in men are more serious than in women. In this case, you may need to be admitted to the hospital. If such symptoms are observed, the medicine should be taken only after checking with the doctor. She says that medicine should not be taken without a doctor's advice.

What to do to prevent UTI?

To prevent UTI infection, pay attention to diet, take measures to strengthen immunity, do not use antibiotics without the advice of a doctor, drink plenty of water, drink at least two to three liters of water daily.

Likewise, use a condom during sexual intercourse, if there is no condition to use a condom, a woman should urinate immediately after sexual intercourse and wash her genitals with water. The toilet pan should be cleaned with water before using the public toilet. 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Master's Degree in sociology

Master's Degree in sociology

Obtaining a Master's Degree in Sociology can be a rewarding and intellectually stimulating endeavor. Sociology is the scientific study of society, human behavior, and social interactions. Pursuing a Master's Degree in Sociology can lead to various career opportunities in research, academia, policy analysis, social services, and more. Here's some general information about pursuing a Master's Degree in Sociology:

**Program Overview:**

- A Master's Degree in Sociology typically takes 1 to 2 years of full-time study to complete, depending on the program and whether you're pursuing it on a part-time or full-time basis.


**Admission Requirements:**

- Admission requirements vary by institution, but they often include a completed application form, transcripts from your previous academic studies (usually a Bachelor's degree), letters of recommendation, a statement of purpose, and sometimes GRE (Graduate Record Examination) scores.



- The curriculum for a Master's Degree in Sociology can cover a wide range of topics, including sociological theory, research methods, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, social inequality, gender studies, race and ethnicity, globalization, social institutions, and more. Some programs might also offer specialized tracks or concentrations.

**Thesis or Non-Thesis Option:**

- Some Master's programs require students to complete a thesis, which is a research project that contributes to the field of sociology. Others may offer a non-thesis option where students complete coursework and exams without the research-intensive thesis.

**Career Opportunities:**

- Graduates with a Master's Degree in Sociology can work in various fields, such as academia, research institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, consulting firms, and more.


**Doctoral Studies:**

- Some students use a Master's Degree in Sociology as a stepping stone to pursue a Ph.D. in Sociology or related fields, which can lead to more advanced research opportunities and academic careers.

**Job Roles:**

- Sociologist

- Researcher

- Policy Analyst

- Data Analyst

- Social Services Manager

- Market Research Analyst

- Human Resources Specialist

- Non-profit Program Manager

- Community Organizer



- When choosing a program, consider factors such as faculty expertise, research opportunities, program reputation, location, and available financial aid.

It's important to research specific programs you're interested in to understand their requirements, curriculum, faculty expertise, and available resources. Additionally, networking with professionals in the field, attending conferences, and engaging in relevant research can greatly enhance your experience and career prospects in the field of sociology.

Describe the various  sources of primary and secondary data. 

In sociology, primary and secondary data are crucial for conducting research and gaining insights into various social phenomena. Let's explore the sources of primary and secondary data:

**Primary Data:**

Primary data refers to information collected directly from original sources for the specific purpose of research. Researchers gather primary data to answer their research questions or test hypotheses. Here are some common sources of primary data in sociology:

1. **Surveys and Questionnaires:** Researchers design surveys or questionnaires to gather information directly from individuals. These can be administered in person, via mail, online, or over the phone.

2. **Interviews:** In-depth interviews involve face-to-face or virtual interactions between researchers and respondents. Researchers can explore complex topics and gain detailed insights through interviews.

3. **Observations:** Researchers engage in systematic observation of social behavior and interactions in real-life settings. This can be participant observation (where the researcher actively participates) or non-participant observation.

4. **Experiments:** Experiments involve manipulating variables to observe their effects on social behavior. Laboratory experiments and field experiments are common approaches.

5. **Content Analysis:** Researchers analyze written, visual, or audio materials (such as texts, media content, speeches, etc.) to identify patterns and trends in social communication.

**Secondary Data:**

Secondary data refers to information that has been collected by someone else for a purpose other than your current research. Researchers analyze secondary data to draw conclusions or insights for their own studies. Here are some sources of secondary data:

1. **Official Statistics:** Government agencies collect and publish data on various social, economic, and demographic aspects. Examples include census data, crime statistics, employment figures, and more.

2. **Published Studies and Research Reports:** Academic journals, books, and research reports produced by other researchers are valuable sources of secondary data. They often contain data collected for previous research studies.

3. **Archives and Historical Documents:** Historical records, newspapers, diaries, and letters can provide insights into past social behaviors and events.

4. **Online Databases:** Online platforms offer access to a wealth of secondary data, including survey datasets, economic indicators, and social media content.

5. **Media and Mass Communication:** Print and digital media sources, such as newspapers, magazines, and online news articles, can offer insights into prevailing societal attitudes, events, and trends.

6. **Institutional Records:** Records from organizations, institutions, and businesses can provide information about various aspects of society, such as employment patterns, organizational practices, and more.

When conducting sociological research, researchers often use a combination of primary and secondary data sources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the social phenomena they are studying. The choice between primary and secondary data sources depends on the research questions, the scope of the study, and the availability of relevant data.

What do you mean by social research ? How can we make our research sociological ? (Chaitanya Mishra) 

**Social Research:**

Social research refers to the systematic and methodical investigation of social phenomena, behaviors, interactions, and structures in order to gain a deeper understanding of society. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to answer research questions or to explore social issues and trends. Social research aims to contribute to our knowledge of how societies function, evolve, and change over time.

**Making Research Sociological:**

To make your research sociological, you need to approach your study with the principles, methods, and theories of sociology. Here are some key steps to ensure your research is sociological in nature:

1. **Select a Sociological Research Question:** Start by formulating a research question that is grounded in sociological concepts. Consider questions related to social interactions, institutions, inequalities, cultural norms, power dynamics, or social change.

2. **Theoretical Framework:** Choose a sociological theory or framework that aligns with your research question. The theory will provide a lens through which you can analyze and interpret your data.

3. **Methodology:** Select appropriate research methods that fit your research question and theoretical framework. Common sociological research methods include surveys, interviews, observations, content analysis, and experiments. The choice of method should be guided by the nature of your research question and the type of data you need to collect.

4. **Sampling:** Decide on the population or group you want to study. Ensure your sample is representative of the larger population and that your findings can be generalized to a broader context.

5. **Data Collection:** Collect data using your chosen methods. If conducting interviews, design questions that delve into social behaviors, attitudes, and experiences. If using observations, carefully document social interactions and behaviors.

6. **Data Analysis:** Analyze your data using appropriate techniques. Quantitative data may involve statistical analysis, while qualitative data may involve thematic analysis or content analysis. The goal is to uncover patterns, relationships, and insights that address your research question.

7. **Interpretation:** Interpret your findings within the context of sociological theories and concepts. Discuss how your results relate to existing sociological literature and contribute to the understanding of broader societal issues.

8. **Contextualization:** Situate your research within the broader social, historical, and cultural context. Consider how societal factors may have influenced your findings.

9. **Ethical Considerations:** Ensure that your research adheres to ethical guidelines, respects the rights and privacy of participants, and avoids harm.

10. **Conclusion and Implications:** Conclude your research by summarizing your findings and discussing their implications for the field of sociology. Consider how your research contributes to existing knowledge and what future research directions it suggests.

Remember that making your research sociological involves more than just applying sociological methods—it requires a deep understanding of sociological theories, concepts, and perspectives. By integrating these elements into your research process, you can produce work that contributes to the understanding of social phenomena and their impact on society.

What is different between the scope and limitations of the study? Give examples with your favorite topic. 

**Scope of the Study:**

The scope of a study refers to the boundaries and parameters that define the extent and depth of the research. It outlines what aspects of the topic will be covered, the specific objectives of the study, and the depth of analysis. The scope sets the framework for the study and determines the boundaries within which the research will be conducted.

**Example (Favorite Topic: Social Media and Mental Health):**

Let's say the research topic is "The Impact of Social Media Usage on Mental Health among Adolescents." The scope of the study might include:

1. **Specific Focus:** The study will focus on adolescents (age group 13-19) and their use of social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.


2. **Geographic Scope:** The study will be conducted in a specific city or region, such as a particular urban area.

3. **Variables:** The study will investigate the relationship between social media usage patterns (frequency, duration, types of content) and mental health indicators (depression, anxiety, self-esteem).

4. **Research Methods:** The study will use a combination of surveys and interviews to collect data from adolescents about their social media habits and mental well-being.

5. **Time Frame:** The study will cover a period of six months to assess changes in social media usage and mental health outcomes.

**Limitations of the Study:**

Limitations refer to the factors that might constrain the study's design, implementation, and interpretation of results. They are factors that researchers need to acknowledge and consider when evaluating the significance and generalizability of their findings.

**Example (Favorite Topic: Social Media and Mental Health):**

The limitations of the study might include:

1. **Sampling Bias:** The study might use a convenience sampling method, which could lead to a non-representative sample of adolescents. This might limit the generalizability of the findings to a broader population.

2. **Self-Report Bias:** Data collected through surveys and interviews might be subject to self-report bias, as participants might underreport sensitive issues related to mental health.

3. **Causation vs. Correlation:** The study's cross-sectional design might make it difficult to establish a causal relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes. Correlations might exist, but causation cannot be definitively proven.

4. **External Factors:** The study might not account for external factors such as family dynamics, school environment, or socioeconomic status, which could also influence adolescents' mental health.

5. **Limited Time Frame:** A six-month time frame might not capture long-term effects of social media usage on mental health, especially considering potential delayed effects.

Understanding the scope and limitations of a study is crucial for both researchers and readers. It helps researchers set realistic expectations and design their study effectively, while readers can assess the validity and applicability of the study's findings to broader contexts.

Briefly mention the meaning and types of research variables. 

**Research Variables:**

Research variables are characteristics, attributes, or properties that can vary and are used to measure, analyze, and understand the relationships between different elements in a research study. Variables are the building blocks of research, as they allow researchers to quantify and study different aspects of the phenomenon they are investigating.

**Types of Research Variables:**

Research variables can be categorized into different types based on their characteristics and roles in the research process:

1. **Independent Variable (IV):** The independent variable is the variable that researchers manipulate or control in an experiment or study. It is the potential cause that is hypothesized to influence the dependent variable. For example, in a study on the effect of exercise on weight loss, the amount of exercise would be the independent variable.

2. **Dependent Variable (DV):** The dependent variable is the outcome or response that researchers measure to assess the effect of the independent variable. It is the variable that researchers are interested in understanding or explaining. In the exercise and weight loss study, weight loss would be the dependent variable.

3. **Control Variables:** Control variables are variables that researchers keep constant or control for in a study to ensure that the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is not influenced by other factors. For instance, in the exercise and weight loss study, factors like diet, age, and gender could be controlled to isolate the effect of exercise.

4. **Moderating Variables:** Moderating variables are factors that influence the strength or direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. They indicate when and for whom a relationship might be stronger or weaker. For example, the relationship between stress (independent variable) and performance (dependent variable) might be moderated by the level of social support.

5. **Mediating Variables:** Mediating variables help explain the process or mechanism through which the independent variable affects the dependent variable. They provide insight into the "why" or "how" of a relationship. In the context of the exercise and weight loss study, improved metabolism could be a mediating variable between exercise and weight loss.

6. **Categorical Variables:** Categorical variables are qualitative variables that represent categories or groups. They can be nominal (unordered categories) or ordinal (ordered categories). Examples include gender, ethnicity, educational level, and Likert scale responses.

7. **Continuous Variables:** Continuous variables are quantitative variables that can take any value within a certain range. Examples include age, weight, height, temperature, and income.

8. **Discrete Variables:** Discrete variables are quantitative variables that can only take specific, separate values. Examples include the number of siblings, the number of cars in a household, and the number of customers in a store.

Understanding the types and roles of variables is crucial for designing research studies, selecting appropriate research methods, and interpreting the results accurately. Researchers need to carefully define and operationalize variables to ensure the validity and reliability of their findings.

What do you mean by significance of the study in academic research? 

The significance of a study in academic research refers to the importance, relevance, and potential impact of the research on the field of study, the broader academic community, and sometimes even society as a whole. It highlights why the research is worth conducting and how it contributes to existing knowledge, addresses gaps in understanding, or addresses pressing issues.

Here are key aspects that contribute to the significance of a study in academic research:

1. **Filling a Knowledge Gap:** Significance often arises from identifying a gap in the current body of knowledge within a particular field. If your research addresses a topic that has not been extensively studied or explores a new angle on a well-studied topic, it has the potential to contribute valuable insights.

2. **Advancing Theory:** Research that provides new insights, challenges existing theories, or proposes novel frameworks can significantly advance the theoretical foundations of a field.

3. **Addressing Real-World Issues:** Studies that tackle relevant and pressing real-world issues, such as social problems, health concerns, policy challenges, or technological advancements, have a strong societal significance.

4. **Implications for Practice:** If your research has direct applications in professional fields, industries, policy-making, or other practical contexts, its findings can influence how professionals operate and make decisions.

5. **Methodological Innovation:** Introducing new research methodologies or adapting existing ones to better address certain research questions can contribute to the methodological toolkit of a field.

6. **Replication and Validation:** Replication studies that confirm or extend the findings of previous research are also significant. They contribute to the reliability of results and help establish the robustness of certain findings.

7. **Potential for Future Research:** Research that generates new research questions or suggests avenues for further exploration adds to the ongoing dialogue and growth of the field.

8. **Educational Value:** Research that enhances understanding and knowledge within the academic community and contributes to teaching materials can have educational significance.

9. **Contribution to Interdisciplinary Discourse:** Studies that bridge multiple disciplines or provide insights relevant to different fields contribute to the cross-fertilization of ideas.

10. **Cultural and Historical Context:** Research that sheds light on cultural, historical, or societal aspects can enrich our understanding of human experiences and social dynamics.

In academic writing, the significance of the study is often stated in the introduction or background section of a research paper, thesis, or dissertation. This section outlines why the research question is important, what gap it addresses, and how its findings are expected to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Clearly articulating the significance helps readers understand the context and motivation behind the research.

Mention the process of literature review (Ranjeet Kumar)

The literature review is a critical component of the research process that involves systematically reviewing and analyzing existing scholarly works, research articles, books, and other relevant sources related to your research topic. The literature review serves to provide context, establish the theoretical framework, identify gaps in knowledge, and highlight the significance of your own research. Here's a step-by-step process for conducting a literature review:

1. **Define Your Research Focus:**

   Clearly define your research question or topic of interest. What specific aspect of the field are you investigating? What are the key concepts you want to explore?

2. **Conduct Initial Search:**

   Begin with a preliminary search using academic databases, library catalogs, and relevant online repositories. This will help you identify the range of available literature on your topic.

3. **Select Relevant Sources:**

   Evaluate the search results and select sources that are directly related to your research question. These may include scholarly articles, books, conference papers, reports, and theses.

4. **Read and Summarize:**

   Read through the selected sources and take notes. Summarize each source's main findings, key arguments, methodologies used, and relevance to your research.

5. **Identify Themes and Patterns:**

   As you review multiple sources, look for common themes, patterns, and debates within the literature. Identify areas of consensus and areas where researchers disagree.

6. **Organize the Literature:**

   Organize your notes and summaries by grouping them into themes, concepts, or subtopics. This will help you structure your literature review logically.

7. **Develop a Conceptual Framework:**

   Based on the themes and patterns you've identified, start to develop a conceptual framework that outlines the theoretical underpinnings of your research and how the existing literature fits into it.

8. **Critically Analyze Sources:**

   Evaluate the quality and credibility of each source. Consider factors such as the author's qualifications, the publication venue, the research methods used, and the overall reliability of the information.

9. **Identify Gaps and Contradictions:**

   Analyze the literature to identify gaps or areas where more research is needed. Also, note any contradictions or unresolved questions within the existing research.

10. **Write the Literature Review:**

    Begin writing your literature review section, following a logical structure. Start with an introduction that provides an overview of the review's purpose. Then, discuss the themes and patterns you've identified, providing summaries and critical analyses of each source.

11. **Synthesize and Integrate:**

    Synthesize the information from different sources by discussing how they relate to one another and contribute to your research's context and theoretical framework.

12. **Highlight the Significance:**

    Conclude the literature review by highlighting the significance of your research in relation to the existing literature. Discuss how your research addresses gaps, extends current knowledge, or offers new insights.

13. **Cite Sources Properly:**

    Ensure you properly cite all the sources you've referenced in your literature review using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

14. **Revise and Edit:**

    After writing the initial draft, revise and edit your literature review for clarity, coherence, and accuracy.

Remember that a well-structured literature review demonstrates your understanding of the existing research landscape and sets the stage for your own research by positioning it within the broader scholarly conversation.

What are the major differences between qualitative and quantitative research? (Denzin and Lincoln) 

Denzin and Lincoln are prominent figures in qualitative research, known for their contributions to qualitative research methodologies and theories. The major differences between qualitative and quantitative research are rooted in their approaches, methodologies, and goals. Here's a breakdown of the key distinctions:

**Qualitative Research:**

1. **Approach:**

   Qualitative research aims to explore and understand complex phenomena within their natural contexts. It seeks to uncover the depth and richness of human experiences, behaviors, and meanings.

2. **Data Collection:**

   Qualitative research collects data in the form of detailed descriptions, narratives, observations, and non-numerical information. Methods include interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and content analysis.

3. **Sample Size:**

   Qualitative studies often involve smaller sample sizes that allow for in-depth exploration of individual cases or contexts. The emphasis is on quality over quantity.

4. **Data Analysis:**

   Qualitative data analysis involves interpreting and making sense of textual or visual data. Researchers use techniques like coding, thematic analysis, content analysis, and narrative analysis to identify patterns and themes.

5. **Contextual Understanding:**

   Qualitative research provides insights into the social and cultural context in which phenomena occur. It delves into the why and how behind behaviors, beliefs, and experiences.

6. **Subjectivity:**

   Qualitative research acknowledges the role of the researcher's subjectivity in shaping the interpretation of data. Reflexivity is important in understanding the researcher's biases and perspectives.

7. **Flexibility:**

   Qualitative researchers often adapt their methods and research questions as they gather data. This flexibility allows for the exploration of emergent themes and unexpected insights.

**Quantitative Research:**

1. **Approach:**

   Quantitative research seeks to quantify and measure phenomena using numerical data. It aims to establish patterns, correlations, and causal relationships through structured and standardized methods.

2. **Data Collection:**

   Quantitative research collects data in the form of numerical values. Surveys, questionnaires, experiments, and statistical analysis are common methods used to gather quantitative data.

3. **Sample Size:**

   Quantitative studies typically involve larger sample sizes to ensure statistical significance and generalizability of findings to a larger population.

4. **Data Analysis:**

   Quantitative data analysis involves statistical techniques to analyze data, establish patterns, and test hypotheses. Methods include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and correlations.

5. **Generalizability:**

   Quantitative research aims to generalize findings to a larger population. The focus is on making objective and generalizable claims based on the collected data.

6. **Objectivity:**

   Quantitative research strives for objectivity and aims to minimize the influence of the researcher's personal biases and interpretations.

7. **Structured Design:**

   Quantitative research often follows a structured and pre-determined research design. The methodology is planned in advance, including the choice of variables, measurements, and data analysis techniques.

In summary, qualitative research emphasizes understanding the depth and complexity of human experiences and contexts, while quantitative research focuses on quantifying relationships, patterns, and making generalizable claims based on numerical data. Both approaches offer valuable insights and contribute to the broader understanding of various research topics.

**a) Metatheory in Research:**

Metatheory refers to the overarching theoretical framework that guides and influences a researcher's approach to understanding and studying a particular phenomenon. It's a level of theory that helps researchers make sense of multiple theoretical perspectives, assumptions, and paradigms within a field of study. Metatheories often shape research questions, methodologies, and the interpretation of findings. They provide a lens through which researchers view and engage with their chosen topic. Examples of metatheories include positivism, interpretivism, critical theory, and constructivism.

**b) Interview Method:**

The interview method is a qualitative research technique that involves direct interaction between a researcher and participants to gather in-depth information about their experiences, thoughts, opinions, and perspectives. Interviews can be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. Structured interviews follow a predetermined set of questions, while semi-structured interviews allow for flexibility and probing. Unstructured interviews provide participants more freedom to express themselves. Interviews are valuable for exploring complex issues, understanding personal narratives, and obtaining rich qualitative data.

**c) Topic Selection:**

Topic selection is a crucial initial step in the research process. It involves identifying a specific area of interest that aligns with the researcher's expertise, goals, and the gaps in existing literature. When selecting a topic, consider its significance, feasibility, research question clarity, and relevance to the field. A well-chosen topic should be researchable, engaging, and able to contribute meaningfully to the broader academic or practical discussions. It's important to assess available resources, access to data, and the potential impact of the research when deciding on a topic.