Showing posts with label has. Show all posts
Showing posts with label has. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

 Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

Starting the day with a sip of sweet tea is a common practice in South Asian countries including Nepal and India. Drinking tea is very common in these countries. There are also different ways of making tea according to geography and climate. Every person makes tea according to his taste and enjoys it.

According to an article published in Navbharat Times, every house in India makes a lot of milk tea. The same applies to Nepal. Most people follow this one method of making tea, steeping the tea leaves in water and boiling them for a long time.

Many people think that if tea is boiled for a long time, its taste will be sweet. Some people also boil milk and tea leaves together. But many people do not know that boiling tea for a long time is harmful to health.

According to Indian nutritionist Shikha Aggarwal Sharma, there are many benefits of properly brewing tea. Drinking properly brewed tea helps to increase immunity, reduce weight, and control blood sugar levels. But since tea leaves contain caffeine, boiling them for a long time is harmful, says nutritionist Agarwal.

Risk of cancer

According to experts, tannins are abundant in tea. It is a group of polyphenolic biomolecules, which are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine and tea. Tannin is a molecule that is abundant in tea and coffee. It binds together protein, cellulose, starch and minerals. As a result, the body becomes deficient in iron. Boiling tea for more than four minutes increases the amount of tannin, which inhibits iron absorption. In addition, if the tea is boiled too much, the nutrients in the tea will also decrease. Tea cooked in this way increases acidity in the body. If you drink too much of this tea, it also causes the risk of cancer.

Nutrients are low

Nutrients and minerals are found in tea leaves. It contains flavonoids, catechins, polyphenols, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium and fluoride. According to experts, boiling tea for a long time reduces the nutrients found in tea leaves and milk. Vitamin B12 and C found in it are also low.

Inhibits iron absorption

According to experts, if the tea is boiled for a long time, the tannin content in it is reduced. This element is found in some fruits, vegetables and nuts. Boiling tea for a long time will hinder the absorption of iron. Which can reduce the amount of blood in the body.

Stomach problems

Boiling tea leaves and milk for a long time destroys the protein found in milk. Because of this, due to problems in digesting milk, stomach ache, acidity problem, flatulence, gas filling may occur. After boiling the tea with milk for a long time, it will smell bitter even after drinking it.

Too much boiling of tea leaves and milk together is harmful

At high temperature, a chemical reaction takes place with milk's lactose protein. If you drink it in excess, it will produce harmful substances in the body. If these two are mixed and boiled for a long time, a substance called acrylamide can be formed in milk. It is high in carbohydrates. Acrylamide can also cause cancer.

So what is the right way to make tea?

According to experts, boiling tea leaves in high-temperature water for two minutes increases the amount of polyphenols found in them. Boiling more than this will make the quality of the tea worse.

There is no benefit to over-boiling, it makes the tea taste bitter. To increase the taste and benefits of tea, it is important to follow the right method of making tea.

The right way to make tea

– Boil a pan of water and again turn off the gas (any means of fire).

- Put a teaspoon of tea leaves in it and cover it for three to four minutes.

- Now add a little milk and sugar according to your taste and enjoy the tea.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

If a child has a brain tumor, what are the symptoms?

 If a child has a brain tumor, what are the symptoms?

I wish that children would not get 'brain tumor'. Because after having a brain tumor, the risk is very high for them. One is that the treatment is not easy, the other is less chance of recovery.

I have a complaint to God, why send a child with such a tumor at birth?

However, contrary to our wishes, there are many cases of tumor in children. Especially this problem has come from birth. Why is this happening? It cannot be answered exactly. Because there have been countless researches on cancer so far. However, such a great achievement has not been achieved.

Usually, the most common cause of tumor is a malfunction of Jin. Why is gin bad? The exact reason for this has not been discovered. However, there is a problem when Jin does not develop as it should in general. Gin also has its own 'coding'. Sometimes abnormal cells develop due to mismatched coding. The same cell can grow and become a tumor. And, it can take the form of cancer.

Another thing is that it is said that such a disease is passed on to one's generation by inheritance. But, if that is the case, one person has four children. Only four people do not have tumors. Maybe in one person. Why not the other three?

There is no single concrete reason or answer for this tumor to develop and become cancer. Various things may have influenced it. First a tumor was visible. Now different sub-types (sub-types) of the same started appearing. Some are cured by the same treatment, some are not.

Increased risk of tumors in children

A child's brain tumor is more risky than an adult's. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, the child cannot express what is happening to him. The child does not say that the head is aching, the eyes are getting weak, and the hearing ability is decreasing.

If there is a child under the age of one year, the speech will not come at all. Other children also do not get the melomeso to express the bad changes that are happening in their body. That is why when they are brought to the hospital, the problem becomes complicated. The tumor has grown.

Small head, big tumor. Complex treatment, weak body. It is difficult for the child's body to tolerate tumor surgery. Again, what has been seen so far is that the tumor on the child's head is in a very awkward place. Basically three types of tumors are seen in them, which are very bad tumors.

Now the tumor is surgically removed. However, if cancer has already occurred, further treatment is uncomfortable. It is difficult to give them chemotherapy, even radiotherapy.

Are there any symptoms of brain tumor in children?

All diseases have symptoms, but how many are known, and how many are not known. Similarly, some symptoms are compatible with other diseases. So the symptoms can sometimes be confusing.

If there is any problem in the brain or the brain, the child cannot hold its head up. We keep the head upright on the strength of the neck and turn it around. However, if there is a problem in the brain, the head can be tilted. Slowly the throat can't take it. Children become weak and small.

Likewise, the child's head may grow. We don't pay much attention to how a small child's head is growing. If it is growing unnaturally, there may be a problem.

Similarly, another clear symptom is that the baby's palate is open when it is small. It is sticky or flexible. It should be covered later. Generally, the palate should start covering when the baby is three months old, and the rostrum should be completely covered by one-and-a-half years. If an infant's palate does not cover or remains open, it should be suspected that they have a head problem. Initiatives should be taken for testing and treatment.

It is important for parents to be aware of whether their child is normal or not. Why are they crying? Why are they not accepting to eat milk? Why are they not seen as normal?

What is the treatment?

Abroad, especially in developed countries, the health of the baby is checked during pregnancy. It is also seen in the mother's womb whether there is a tumor or not. If there is a tumor, what kind is it? The first or second stage tumors can be treated with surgery. Therefore, the baby's tumor is surgically removed while remaining in the mother's womb. However, if it has reached the third and fourth stage, the doctor gives advice to the parents to avoid giving birth to the baby.

However, we do not have such technology or system. Therefore, some diseases are detected only after birth. That too only after the symptoms started to appear. By the time symptoms begin to appear, treatment may be too late.

Let's say we have a brain tumor in an infant or child, the treatment is very uncomfortable and risky. It cannot be said that good results will come even after treatment.

Then what to do to prevent such a problem in the child? There is no exact answer to this either. We have also mentioned above that, despite many research studies, the root cause of cancer has not been found. However, risk factors can be reduced.

For example, if the mother smokes cigarettes, drinks alcohol, or takes drugs during pregnancy, it seems that such problems are more common in their children. So you should stay away from these things as much as possible during pregnancy. Also, is the baby or child growing naturally, growing or not? Parents should take careful care of this. Any abnormal situation in the child should be immediately alerted.

Friday, December 22, 2023

New variant of Korana also found in Noida, JN.1 variant has raised concern

 New variant of Korana also found in Noida, JN.1 variant has raised concern

Covid-19 JN.1 Variant Updates: According to the data released by the Ministry of Health, 594 new cases of Corona have been registered in the country in the last 24 hours.

Covid-19 JN.1 Variant Updates: The cases of corona virus in the country have started increasing again. According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry on Thursday, 594 new cases of Corona have been registered in the country in the last 24 hours. More new cases of corona are coming from states like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu. After the increase in new cases of Corona in the country, the number of active cases has increased to 2669. The government is also on alert due to the rapidly increasing cases of Corona. Let us tell you that for the past few days, cases of the new variant of Corona, JN.1, are also coming to the fore in the country. This new variant is spreading rapidly in countries like China, America and Singapore.

A case of Corona found in Noida

A new case of Corona has also been found in Noida (Gautam Budh Nagar), which is adjacent to the capital Delhi, after many months. A 54-year-old man working in a multinational company in Gurugram has been found corona positive. The local health department is now taking the history of the patient. Instructions have been given to test the people who come in contact with the patient. The sample of the corona positive person has been sent to a lab in Delhi for genome sequencing. The local health department has come into alert mode due to the first case of corona in Noida after months.

Guidelines for screening patients with viral and influenza

The government is working in action mode after a new case of Corona was found in Noida. The order from the government is that the examination of patients with symptoms of viral infection, respiratory tract infection and influenza should be a priority. Patients who have symptoms of the new variant JN.1 should also be screened after their contacts have been taken.

JN.1 Variant Symptoms - JN.1 Variant Symptoms

These symptoms are seen in patients infected with JN.1 variant-

Symptoms of influenza illness

High fever and headache

Muscle pain

sore throat

Physical weakness

runny nose

sore throat

Gastrointestinal problems

Fatigue and muscle weakness

The JN.1 variant, which has been spreading in America and China since September this year, is being said to be more dangerous than the previously found variant. This variant is formed after a mutation in the BA.2.86 variant and Pirola's spike protein. Let us tell you that the spike protein is a part of the virus, which attacks human cells. In this new variant, the ability to dodge the immune system is more than the previously found variant.

These symptoms are seen when infected with the JN.1 variant, warned the former WHO scientist

JN.1 Variant Signs and Symptoms: The JN.1 variant is composed of the BA.2.86 variant and a mutation in Pirola's spike protein.

JN.1 Variant Signs And Symptoms: For the past 3 years, the corona virus epidemic has been a headache for the whole world. In the past few days, the new variant of Corona JN.1 is spreading rapidly all over the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has called the new JN.1 variant of Corona a 'variant of interest'. Cases of JN.1 variant are also increasing in India. Earlier, the JN.1 variant was confirmed in China, Singapore and the US. The symptoms seen in patients infected with this new JN.1 variant of Corona are not recognized at the beginning. This is the reason why patients can be identified after some time after being infected. Experts believe that the infection capacity of this variant is much higher than the previously found variant and if its infection is not controlled, it can infect many people. Let us know in detail in this article the symptoms and prevention of the new JN.1 variant of Corona.

Symptoms and signs of JN.1 variants

The JN.1 variant, which has been spreading in America and China since September this year, is being said to be more dangerous than the previously found variant. This variant is formed after a mutation in the BA.2.86 variant and Pirola's spike protein. Let us tell you that the spike protein is a part of the virus, which attacks human cells. In this new variant, the ability to dodge the immune system is more than the previously found variant.

When infected with the JN.1 variant, the patient shows these symptoms-

High fever and headache

Symptoms of influenza illness

sore throat

Muscle pain

Physical weakness

runny nose

sore throat

Gastrointestinal problems

Fatigue and muscle weakness

Former scientist of WHO said this - Dr Soumya Swaminathan on The New Covid Variant

Soumya Swaminathan, the former chief scientist of the World Health Organization, said in a conversation with a TV channel that, "It would be a big mistake to think of Covid as a common cold. The risk of mental problems increases." He further said that India is now fully prepared to fight such an infection. In order to avoid infection, special attention should be paid to the immunity of children and the elderly, and masks should be worn in public places.

358 new cases have come in the last 24 hours - Latest Covid Cases in India

According to the data released by the Union Health Ministry, 358 new cases of Corona have been registered in India in the last 24 hours. 84 percent of these cases are from Kerala alone. 300 new cases of corona have been found in Kerala during the last 24 hours. Apart from this, 3 patients have died due to corona virus infection in the country in the last 24 hours, these three deaths are in Kerala. After the registration of new cases, the number of active patients of Kovid in the country has increased to 2,669.

Corona's new variant JN.1 has appeared, know how dangerous it is compared to other variants?

Recently a new variant of Corona JN.1 has come out. According to scientists, it can prove to be more contagious than other variants.

The case of Corona has not completely stopped yet, so new variants of Kovid are being seen. Recently, a new variant of Corona, JN.1, has come out, which has increased the concern of scientists. According to scientists, it is more contagious than other variants. Not only this, it can also be harmful to the immune system.

This variant is found in many countries

According to scientists, it has also been found in England, Iceland and France. This variant was first spotted in Luxembourg on 25 August 2023. However, the good thing is that not a single case of the JN.1 variant has been confirmed in India yet. According to scientists, it is different from JN.1, XBB.1.5 and HV.1 variants. This variant can also trick the immune system. So far 10 mutations have been observed in XBB.1.5 and HV.1. At the same time, 41 changes have been made in the JN.1 variant compared to the XBB.1.5.

Characteristics of the JN.1 variant

The symptoms of this variant may also be similar to the old variants of Kovid.

Exposure to this variant may cause body fatigue and breathing difficulties.

In this situation, along with muscle pain, headache can also occur.

In such a case, along with the problems related to the stomach, the problem of phlegm can also occur.

Exposure to this variant may cause problems with taste or smell.

How important it is to take the vaccine to avoid corona

According to health experts, it is very important to get vaccinated to avoid this variant of Corona. You can avoid damage to the immune system through the vaccine. Some time ago, the updated vaccines of Corona have also become available in India. After which the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advised people to get a new booster dose vaccine to avoid corona infection.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Cholera becoming a global concern, and the death rate has tripled compared to the previous 5 years | Children are burdened with homework even during the Dashain holidays

Cholera becoming a global concern, and the death rate has tripled compared to the previous 5 years

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Friday that the rise of cholera in the world is "alarming" after years of decline.