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Let's understand in detail, what is Viagra, a drug that increases sexual performance?

Let's understand in detail, what is Viagra, a drug that increases sexual performance?

The name of Viagra is very famous. Many people know that this drug of Viagra brand increases sexual performance. But few know that it has its own quantity. Which should be used in case of lack of sexual ability only on the advice of the doctor considering the body condition and age.

In this way, cases of death due to eating randomly and regularly are heard from time to time.

What kind of medicine is this?

Viagra is a brand of Sildenafil Citrate drug. which belongs to the group of prostaglandin inhibitors. It temporarily activates the sexual potential of men.

The American Pfizer company invented this medicine in 1998 and named the brand 'Viagra'. Due to the fact that the old medicine released in the beginning and the response in the market was also positive, this medicine gained popularity. And, from that time until today, its demand is increasing. The medicine is famous by the name of Viagra.

In what situation is it used?

As a medicine to increase sexual desire, this medicine cannot be taken as such. Doctors recommend this medicine only to those who have problems with sexual impotence.

Sexual impotence is the inability of the penis to become hard during sexual intercourse or to be unable to maintain it for a long time. Because of this, sex cannot happen even if you want to. If there is such a problem, this medicine works.

How does this medicine work?

When thinking about or wanting to have sex, the brain produces a chemical called nitric oxide. It activates different bio chemicals in the body. Some of these chemicals are gradually destroyed by prostaglandin and five hormones. So after some time the excitement disappears.

This medicine works to block that breaking process. This drug increases the amount of nitric oxide in the body of a person with sexual impotence. And, makes the arteries loose. As a result, blood flow temporarily increases in the penis. As soon as the blood flows, the penis becomes hard. And, sexual ability increases temporarily.

When and how to use this medicine?

Viagra is available in 25 mg to 200 mg. How many milligrams to give depends on the condition of the affected person.

As far as the use of the medicine is concerned, this medicine should be taken 20-25 minutes before sexual intercourse. If a large meal is consumed, it will take some time to show its effect. The dose of this medicine can last for 4 to 5 hours.

But if one medicine doesn't work, don't take another tablet. Sometimes stress or other reasons can cause sexual arousal.


It may cause some temporary side-effects. In which side-effects can be seen such as headache, skin redness, stomach problems, vision problems, nasal congestion, fever and muscle pain.

Viagra stimulates blood vessels in the muscles. In such a situation, the blood flow to the muscles is accelerated.

If you experience symptoms of chest pain, vision problems, breathing problems, swelling of the eyes and face due to its consumption, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Who should not eat?

- Viagra should not be taken even if you have heart problems and are taking nitrate group drugs. It increases the pressure on the heart. If you have to eat it, you should eat it only on the advice of a doctor.

- If a person experiences chest pain with slight exertion and his breathing rate increases, he should not use Viagra.

- If there is a heart attack or a stroke, the use of Viagra can be dangerous.

- Those who take blood pressure medicine and diabetes medicine should not use it either.

- Even if you have a kidney problem, it should not be used without a doctor's advice.

- HIV patients should not use Viagra even if they are taking Ritonavir.

Don't use it randomly

Today, even young, energetic young men use Viagra without a doctor's advice to indulge in sexual activity for a long time, to increase their virility or to be embarrassed in front of their partner.

Long-term use of this drug affects thinking and confidence. Some users are addicted to it. That's why they use it excessively thinking that it is not possible without sex.

Its side-effects can sometimes be very dangerous. Excessive use of it can make a person blind forever. People don't even know this.

Sometimes its use lasts for a long time, which is not good. If stimulation is continued for longer than necessary, it can become a problem.

Interesting history

In 1989, a team of the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer was working on making a drug to treat angina, that is, heart disease. Angina is a condition in which the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrowed, causing chest pain and shortness of breath.

In this effort, Pfizer created a new ingredient, Sildenafil, and tested it on some men. Sildenafil failed to relieve heart pain in clinical trials. But the effort was not wasted. Most of the men who participated in the trial felt sexually stimulated by this drug. It has been confirmed that it has improved the sex life of many.

In other words, the medicine that Pfizer made for the proper flow of blood in the heart, that medicine worked for the veins of the penis. Then Pfizer started experimenting to solve the problem of sexual impotence.

The company got the patent for this medicine in 1996. On March 27, 1998, the FDA approved a drug called sildenafil for medical use. The brand name of sildenafil is Viagra.


Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

 Why is it harmful to drink tea that has been boiled for a long time?

Starting the day with a sip of sweet tea is a common practice in South Asian countries including Nepal and India. Drinking tea is very common in these countries. There are also different ways of making tea according to geography and climate. Every person makes tea according to his taste and enjoys it.

According to an article published in Navbharat Times, every house in India makes a lot of milk tea. The same applies to Nepal. Most people follow this one method of making tea, steeping the tea leaves in water and boiling them for a long time.

Many people think that if tea is boiled for a long time, its taste will be sweet. Some people also boil milk and tea leaves together. But many people do not know that boiling tea for a long time is harmful to health.

According to Indian nutritionist Shikha Aggarwal Sharma, there are many benefits of properly brewing tea. Drinking properly brewed tea helps to increase immunity, reduce weight, and control blood sugar levels. But since tea leaves contain caffeine, boiling them for a long time is harmful, says nutritionist Agarwal.

Risk of cancer

According to experts, tannins are abundant in tea. It is a group of polyphenolic biomolecules, which are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, wine and tea. Tannin is a molecule that is abundant in tea and coffee. It binds together protein, cellulose, starch and minerals. As a result, the body becomes deficient in iron. Boiling tea for more than four minutes increases the amount of tannin, which inhibits iron absorption. In addition, if the tea is boiled too much, the nutrients in the tea will also decrease. Tea cooked in this way increases acidity in the body. If you drink too much of this tea, it also causes the risk of cancer.

Nutrients are low

Nutrients and minerals are found in tea leaves. It contains flavonoids, catechins, polyphenols, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, calcium and fluoride. According to experts, boiling tea for a long time reduces the nutrients found in tea leaves and milk. Vitamin B12 and C found in it are also low.

Inhibits iron absorption

According to experts, if the tea is boiled for a long time, the tannin content in it is reduced. This element is found in some fruits, vegetables and nuts. Boiling tea for a long time will hinder the absorption of iron. Which can reduce the amount of blood in the body.

Stomach problems

Boiling tea leaves and milk for a long time destroys the protein found in milk. Because of this, due to problems in digesting milk, stomach ache, acidity problem, flatulence, gas filling may occur. After boiling the tea with milk for a long time, it will smell bitter even after drinking it.

Too much boiling of tea leaves and milk together is harmful

At high temperature, a chemical reaction takes place with milk's lactose protein. If you drink it in excess, it will produce harmful substances in the body. If these two are mixed and boiled for a long time, a substance called acrylamide can be formed in milk. It is high in carbohydrates. Acrylamide can also cause cancer.

So what is the right way to make tea?

According to experts, boiling tea leaves in high-temperature water for two minutes increases the amount of polyphenols found in them. Boiling more than this will make the quality of the tea worse.

There is no benefit to over-boiling, it makes the tea taste bitter. To increase the taste and benefits of tea, it is important to follow the right method of making tea.

The right way to make tea

– Boil a pan of water and again turn off the gas (any means of fire).

- Put a teaspoon of tea leaves in it and cover it for three to four minutes.

- Now add a little milk and sugar according to your taste and enjoy the tea.

Five standards, which show that a child is developing correctly

 Five standards, which show that a child is developing correctly

The dimensions of the child's development are mainly of five types. Anil Ojha says.

He says, 'The first basis to see whether a child's development has taken place in the right way or not is his physical development. At what age does the child sit, at what age does it start walking etc. A child had to start walking in one year. There was no problem when I started walking after two or four months. However, if he does not start walking even after that, the parents should be aware that his development has not taken place properly.

The development of another language is equally important. Children start speaking from the age of one year. Ojha says that if they give examples of mother, father or any other word, it should be understood that their language has developed well. He says, "If a child does not speak even until the age of two, and even when speaking, they do not make clear examples of words, then it should be understood that their language development has not been done properly."

According to Ojha, a child's social and emotional development should also be accompanied by age. Like a one-year-old child should be loved by the mother rather than kissing the child on the cheek. I had to clap instead of clapping.

If a child uses his hands, fingers, wrists and muscles to grasp something, it is called 'fine motor skill'. Through these skills, children learn to coordinate their eyes, hands, fingers and wrists. This is important for two- to five-year-old children, says Ojha. This skill should be developed at the age of 2 to 5 years. With its help, children learn to hold things, write, understand etc.'

The intellectual development of a child according to age is equally important. A one-year-old child starts looking for hidden things. If he shows curiosity about something, it should be understood that his intellectual development is also going well. However, Ojha said that if these five skills are not developed in a child, then his development is considered to be delayed.

What should be the weight and height according to the child's age?

If the weight and height of the children are according to their age, it can be understood that the child is healthy and the diet they are getting is good. Developmental pediatrician Dr. Ojha says that age and weight gain is a normal and necessary process as children grow.

He says that a child's weight at birth is 3 kg, but at 6 months, his weight doubles to 6 kg. When a child is born, its height is about 50 cm, and in one year it is 75 cm.

A 5-year-old child should weigh around 17.9 kg. He said that at this age, it is considered healthy for a child to have an average height of 42.5 inches.

If children's height and weight are not developing according to their age, then it should be understood that something is lacking somewhere. A doctor's advice should be taken for this.'' says Ojha.

Until what age does the child's physical development accelerate?

In the first year, the child's physical development is very rapid. Ojha said that physical development happens with the age of the child. However, even in a year, the speed will decrease. The child's mental development is very rapid in the first two to three years.

Special attention should be paid to the diet of the child during this age period

Special attention should be paid to the diet of children in the age group of two to three years. Proper nutrition is a solid foundation for a child's good health and development. Ojha said that children who have good nutrition can learn and grow well.

"Even if only mother's milk is enough for 6 months, from 6 months, you should start eating semi-solid foods such as pulses, jalous, fruit juice, litho." It should be taken.'

If the child is not growing properly, is under-age or abnormally large, the cause should be sought

If the child is not growing properly for its age, is small or abnormally large, it may be due to genetics. Some children look young till 11-12 years old but can grow rapidly in adulthood. Even if the child lacks nutrition, the growth and development of the child will not be done properly. Ojha said that due to some health problem, the child may look younger or older than his age.

He suggested that if children's development is not according to their age, they should seek the help of a doctor to find out the reason.

Eight things that teenagers are searching for on Google

Eight things that teenagers are searching for on Google

Today's teenagers do not have to keep things hidden in their hearts. They can easily pour out what is stuck in their heart through some medium. Especially social media or Google is their reliable medium.

There are some things that are uncomfortable to ask others. Many people are looking for answers to such questions on Google. Thus, teenagers are ahead in searching for any answer from Google. Whether it is about their career or interest or about fashion trends, about sex or food, they are searching on Google. After all, teenagers are searching for the most things on Google?

1. A matter of health

At a glance, it seems that they are only searching for entertainment content on Google. However, most of today's teenagers are curious about their health. Especially they are mostly asking about depression, anxiety, fitness.

They are also searching for things like what to eat, how to control obesity on Google. Some people are learning exercise methods from Google.

2. Window shopping

Window shopping is the buzz word now. It indicates online shopping. Window shopping means looking at the details of the necessary equipment from Google without physically being present in any store.

Today's teenagers are getting information about the design and price of clothes, mobiles, laptops, watches, shoes, books, glasses, etc. from Google. According to a study, most of the teenagers find it easy to buy goods online.

3. Relationships and dating

Of course, when you reach the teenage stage, you become more curious about love and sex. They cannot do this openly with their parents or friends. That is why they have lost such questions in themselves.

From how to make a relationship with a boy or a girl, how to love, how to go on a date, they are searching for many questions related to sex on Google.

Google becomes a safe and secret medium for them to satisfy their curiosity.

4. Technology and Gamed

Teenagers are interested in new gadgets. What kind of equipment entered the world market? They are updated as often as possible. Be it mobile or anything else, they are very interested in it. They are also very interested in gaming and gaming devices.

They are looking for new tools on Google. They are asking about the features and price of a new mobile or any device. In the same way, some people have searched on Google about the way of gaming.

5. Educational support

Today's teenagers search for their education or career on Google. They also take the help of Google while doing assignments or preparing for exams.

Now many sources of educational materials can be found on the internet. They also search for things on Google that are not in some textbooks.

Also, they take help of Google to learn how to manage time, what should be the study process, how to make notes.

6. entertainment

Today's teenagers also get some information about entertainment from Google. They are getting information about movies, music, artists, events from Google.

Many people are also searching on Google about the famous Korean music band BTS, Black Pink. Similarly, they are very interested in searching for information on Google about the upcoming movies.

7. Searching for a career

This is the stage in adolescence itself, when they start to be interested in career as well as studies. What to do in the future, what to become, how to get a happy and happy life makes them more interested in their career.

That's why they are getting information about the career according to their interest on Google. At the same time, they are also looking for employment opportunities. They are more interested in where and what to do. They are also searching for opportunities on Google about jobs that can be done online.

8. News and Events

What is happening to teenagers in the world? What subject is being debated? There is also an interest in who is reacting to what. They are looking for information about the political and social things happening in the world through Google. Similarly, they are being updated on topics like technology and entertainment.

7 foods that increase good cholesterol in the body

7 foods that increase good cholesterol in the body

A fat-like substance produced by the liver in the body is called cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for vitamin D, digestion and the production of many hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and aldosterone. The amount of cholesterol in the body should be appropriate for various physical activities. Having cholesterol in the body is not dangerous, but increasing bad cholesterol is bad.

Cholesterol is mainly of two types 'HDL' and 'LDL'. High-density lipoprotein or 'HDL' is considered good cholesterol. It is believed to help remove blockages in our arteries and helps flush out bad cholesterol. Another is low-density lipoprotein or 'LDL', the bad cholesterol, which clogs arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, while good cholesterol indirectly protects against the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Why does bad cholesterol increase?

Due to hereditary reasons, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive consumption of processed foods and people with heart disease, obesity, cholesterol can be a problem. A study by the US government agency CDC "Center for Disease Control and Prevention" said that to reduce bad cholesterol, you need to change your diet and lifestyle.

Bad cholesterol is raised by trans fats, which are high in packaged foods. Saturated fat from various animal meats, fried and processed foods etc. increases bad cholesterol. Processed foods, foods high in carbohydrates and snacks eaten while drinking alcohol also increase bad cholesterol.

Foods that increase good cholesterol

Just as diet is responsible for increasing bad cholesterol in the body, food also plays a role in increasing good cholesterol. If the bad cholesterol is reduced, the good cholesterol will automatically increase in our body. Also, good cholesterol can be increased by eating certain foods.

Mainly 6 foods are beneficial to increase good cholesterol. Nuts, almonds, walnuts, almonds, fish, avocados, olive oil and oats help increase good cholesterol.

Business ideas that a new Nepali graduate with no experience and a low budget

Here are a few business ideas that a new Nepali graduate with no experience and a low budget might consider:

Blogging or content creation: If you have strong writing skills and an interest in a particular subject, starting a blog or creating content for social media platforms could be a way to earn money quickly. This could involve creating written, audio, or video content on a specific topic or niche, and monetizing it through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. The advantages of starting a blogging or content creation business include the ability to work from anywhere and the potential to reach a large audience. The disadvantages include the need to be proficient in online marketing and the need to consistently produce high-quality content to attract and retain an audience.

Blogger is a popular blogging platform that is owned by Google.

Blogger is a popular blogging platform that is owned by Google 

Blogger is a popular blogging platform owned by Google that allows users to create and manage blogs. It is a free and easy-to-use platform that offers a range of features and tools for creating and publishing blog posts, such as customizable templates, rich text editing, and the ability to add images and videos.

That's why the World Cup in Qatar cannot be watched from Nepal. | Click here to watch the first match of the World Cup, which is starting in Qatar, for free

That's why the World Cup in Qatar cannot be watched from Nepal.

There is a possibility that Nepali viewers will not be able to watch the live broadcast of the FIFA World Cup, which is about to start in Qatar. With the single bench of the Supreme Court judge Prakashman Singh Raut giving an interim order to keep the World Cup broadcasting as it is, the possibility that Nepalese viewers will not be able to watch it has increased.

These signs show that your heart is healthy, know from the doctor tips to keep the heart healthy

These signs show that your heart is healthy, know from the doctor tips to keep the heart healthy

Whether the heart is healthy or not, many signs and symptoms are seen in our body, know the ways to keep the heart healthy

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