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Sunday, January 21, 2024

What is mode of production. Compare and contrast economic features of feudal and capitalist mode of production.

 What is mode of production. Compare and contrast economic features of feudal and capitalist mode of production.

**Mode of Production:**

The mode of production refers to the way in which a society organizes and carries out economic activities, including how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed. It involves the relationships between the means of production (such as land, labor, and capital) and the social relations of production (such as the organization of labor and the distribution of resources). Marx identified different historical modes of production, each characterized by distinct economic structures and class relations.

**Feudal Mode of Production:**

1. **Economic Structure:**

   - Land is the primary means of production in feudalism. The feudal lord owns the land and grants portions to vassals (nobles) in exchange for loyalty and services.

   - Agricultural production is central, and the majority of the population works as peasants on the lord's land.

2. **Class Relations:**

   - Feudal society is characterized by a hierarchical structure. The king or monarch is at the top, followed by nobles and vassals, with peasants forming the majority.

   - Serfs, tied to the land, provide labor in exchange for protection from the lord.

3. **Surplus Extraction:**

   - Surplus extraction occurs primarily through direct control of land. Lords extract surplus through a portion of the agricultural produce produced by peasants.

4. **Economic Dynamics:**

   - The feudal system is static, with limited social mobility. Social status and economic roles are largely determined by birth.

**Capitalist Mode of Production:**

1. **Economic Structure:**

   - Capitalism is characterized by private ownership of the means of production, such as land and factories.

   - Wage labor becomes a central feature, with workers selling their labor power to capitalists (owners) in exchange for wages.

2. **Class Relations:**

   - Capitalist society is marked by a class division between the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and the proletariat (working class).

   - The bourgeoisie owns the means of production, while the proletariat sells their labor to survive.

3. **Surplus Extraction:**

   - Surplus extraction occurs through the production process. Capitalists accumulate surplus value by paying workers less than the value produced by their labor.

4. **Economic Dynamics:**

   - Capitalism is characterized by dynamic economic growth, technological advancements, and constant innovation.

   - Social mobility is theoretically possible, as individuals can accumulate wealth and change their class position.


1. **Ownership of Means of Production:**

   - Feudalism: Means of production, especially land, are owned by the feudal lords.

   - Capitalism: Means of production, including land and factories, are privately owned by individuals or corporations.

2. **Labor Relations:**

   - Feudalism: Serfs provide labor in exchange for protection, and there is limited mobility.

   - Capitalism: Workers sell their labor power for wages, and social mobility is theoretically possible.

3. **Role of Surplus Extraction:**

   - Feudalism: Surplus extraction is mainly through control of land and agricultural produce.

   - Capitalism: Surplus extraction occurs within the production process through wage labor.

4. **Social Mobility:**

   - Feudalism: Social mobility is restricted, and social roles are often determined by birth.

   - Capitalism: Social mobility is theoretically possible, allowing for the accumulation of wealth and change in class position.

5. **Economic Dynamics:**

   - Feudalism: Economic activity is relatively static, with limited technological progress.

   - Capitalism: Dynamic economic growth, technological innovation, and constant change characterize capitalist economies.

In summary, the feudal and capitalist modes of production represent distinct economic structures with different ownership relations, labor dynamics, and mechanisms of surplus extraction. The transition from feudalism to capitalism marked a significant shift in societal organization and economic relations.

Class and class struggle.

In the context of Marxist theory, a class is a social group characterized by its relationship to the means of production. The two primary classes in capitalist societies, as identified by Karl Marx, are the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

- **Bourgeoisie:** The capitalist class, or owners of the means of production (factories, land, resources). They derive profit from the labor of the proletariat.

- **Proletariat:** The working class, those who sell their labor power to the bourgeoisie. They do not own the means of production and are dependent on wages for their livelihood.

**Class Struggle:**
Class struggle refers to the ongoing conflict and tension between social classes, particularly between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Marx argued that this struggle is intrinsic to capitalist societies and is rooted in the fundamental economic relations of production.

- **Nature of Class Struggle:**
  - **Economic Exploitation:** The primary source of class struggle is the exploitation of the proletariat by the bourgeoisie. The capitalist system relies on extracting surplus value from the labor of workers.

  - **Conflicts of Interest:** The interests of the bourgeoisie and proletariat are inherently conflicting. While the bourgeoisie seeks to maximize profits, the proletariat aims to improve working conditions, wages, and gain control over their labor.

- **Forms of Class Struggle:**
  - **Economic Strikes:** Workers may engage in strikes to demand better wages, improved working conditions, or protest against unfair labor practices.

  - **Political Movements:** Class struggle can manifest in political movements advocating for workers' rights, social equality, and sometimes revolutionary change.

  - **Unionization:** Formation of labor unions is a way for the proletariat to collectively negotiate with the bourgeoisie for better terms of employment.

- **Historical Materialism:**
  - Marx's historical materialism asserts that the dynamics of class struggle drive historical change. Transitions from one mode of production to another (e.g., feudalism to capitalism) are propelled by class conflicts.

- **Role of Class Consciousness:**
  - Class consciousness refers to the awareness among the proletariat of their common interests and collective identity. Marx argued that the development of class consciousness is crucial for effective class struggle.

**Critiques and Developments:**
- Some critics argue that the modern working class may not align precisely with Marx's industrial proletariat, leading to challenges in applying traditional Marxist class analysis.
- Contemporary Marxist scholars explore intersections of class with other social categories, such as race and gender, acknowledging the complexities of identity and inequality.

In summary, class and class struggle are foundational concepts in Marxist theory, providing a lens to understand the dynamics of power, exploitation, and societal change within capitalist systems.

Historical marerialism.

**Historical Materialism:**

Historical materialism is a key concept in Marxist theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is a methodological approach to understanding societal development and change, emphasizing the role of material conditions in shaping historical processes. The central tenets of historical materialism include:

1. **Primacy of Material Conditions:**
   - Historical materialism posits that the material or economic structure of a society—specifically, the mode of production—forms the foundation upon which all other social, political, and cultural structures are built.

2. **Modes of Production:**
   - Societies are characterized by distinct modes of production, each with its specific relations of production and means of production. Marx identified historical epochs, such as feudalism, capitalism, and socialism, as different modes of production.

3. **Dialectical Change:**
   - Historical materialism employs a dialectical approach, drawing inspiration from Hegelian dialectics. It sees historical development as a process involving contradictions, conflicts, and transformations. Changes in material conditions lead to social conflicts and, eventually, new social structures.

4. **Class Struggle:**
   - Class struggle is a central dynamic in historical materialism. Changes in the mode of production often arise from conflicts between social classes. For example, the transition from feudalism to capitalism is characterized by the struggle between feudal lords and emerging capitalist classes.

5. **Base and Superstructure:**
   - The economic base, encompassing the relations and means of production, influences the superstructure, which includes cultural, legal, political, and ideological institutions. Changes in the base drive changes in the superstructure.

6. **Revolutionary Change:**
   - Historical materialism suggests that significant societal transformations often require revolutionary change, particularly changes in the mode of production. For Marx, the transition from capitalism to socialism would involve a proletarian revolution.

7. **Human Agency and Consciousness:**
   - While material conditions shape societal structures, historical materialism recognizes the role of human agency. People act within the constraints of their material conditions but can also influence and transform those conditions. Class consciousness, or awareness of one's social class and interests, is crucial for social change.

**Application to History:**

1. **Feudalism to Capitalism:**
   - Marx applied historical materialism to explain the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Changes in agricultural technology, property relations, and the rise of merchant capitalism played pivotal roles in this historical process.

2. **Capitalism to Socialism:**
   - Marx envisioned the proletarian revolution as the next stage in historical development, leading to the establishment of socialism. The transition involves the collective ownership of the means of production and the abolition of class distinctions.

3. **Global Application:**
   - Historical materialism has been used to analyze the development of various societies worldwide, accounting for differences in historical trajectories based on economic structures.

**Critiques and Developments:**

1. **Non-economic Factors:**
   - Critics argue that historical materialism may oversimplify complex historical processes by reducing them solely to economic factors, neglecting the influence of culture, ideas, and non-material forces.

2. **Intersectionality:**
   - Contemporary scholars have expanded historical materialism to consider intersections with race, gender, and other social categories, recognizing that class is just one dimension of social hierarchy.

3. **Adaptability:**
   - Some argue that historical materialism is adaptable and can be applied to understand various forms of societal development beyond the classic capitalist framework.

Historical materialism remains a foundational concept in Marxist thought, providing a framework for analyzing the historical development of societies and the interconnectedness of economic, social, and political structures.

Marxist notion of consciousness.

The Marxist notion of consciousness is a critical aspect of Karl Marx's philosophical and sociological framework. In Marxist theory, consciousness refers to the awareness, beliefs, and ideas that individuals hold about themselves, society, and their position within the social structure. Key components of the Marxist notion of consciousness include:

1. **Base and Superstructure:**
   - Marx proposed the concept of the base and superstructure to explain the relationship between the economic structure of society (base) and the cultural, political, and ideological elements (superstructure). Consciousness is seen as part of the superstructure and is influenced by the underlying economic conditions.

2. **False Consciousness:**
   - Marx introduced the concept of false consciousness to describe a situation where individuals hold beliefs and ideas that are contrary to their own class interests. This occurs when the dominant ideas in society, often shaped by the ruling class, mislead individuals into accepting and supporting the existing social order.

3. **Class Consciousness:**
   - Class consciousness is a crucial concept in Marxist theory. It refers to the awareness that individuals have of their membership in a particular social class and their understanding of the shared interests and goals of that class. For the proletariat, developing class consciousness is seen as a precursor to revolutionary action.

4. **Ideological State Apparatuses:**
   - Louis Althusser, influenced by Marxist thought, introduced the concept of Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs). These are institutions like schools, media, and religious organizations that disseminate ideological messages reinforcing the existing social order. They play a role in shaping and maintaining the consciousness of individuals.

5. **Role in Social Change:**
   - Marx believed that changes in the economic base of society would eventually lead to changes in consciousness. As the material conditions of production change, individuals' awareness and understanding of their place in society are expected to evolve, potentially leading to shifts in political and social structures.

6. **Revolutionary Consciousness:**
   - Marx envisioned a process where the proletariat, through developing class consciousness, would achieve revolutionary consciousness. This involves an understanding of the need to overthrow the existing capitalist system and replace it with a socialist or communist society.

7. **Materialism and Consciousness:**
   - Central to Marxist philosophy is historical materialism, emphasizing the material conditions of society as the driving force behind historical development. Consciousness, according to Marx, is rooted in these material conditions, and changes in the mode of production can influence ideological shifts.

8. **Critique of Religion:**
   - Marx famously described religion as the "opium of the people," suggesting that religious beliefs often serve to mask the harsh realities of class-based exploitation. He argued that changes in economic conditions would lead to a transformation in religious and ideological consciousness.

In summary, the Marxist notion of consciousness is intricately linked to the social and economic structures of a given society. It encompasses ideas of false consciousness, class consciousness, and the potential for revolutionary transformation based on shifts in material conditions and individuals' awareness of their social roles.

Monday, December 18, 2023

How safe is it to have sexual intercourse during menstruation?

 How safe is it to have sexual intercourse during menstruation?

If you do not plan to conceive, you should use safe methods while having sex. Because if the menstrual cycle is regular, there is a high chance of pregnancy if you have sex on the 10th to 22nd day of the period. Therefore, it is considered safe to have sex before and for a few days after menstruation, even without the use of any means.

However, is it okay to have sex during menstruation or not? This question should be asked in two ways. One is the hygiene of the genitals and the other is the condition of not being pregnant.

The couple is ambivalent about this. But if both partners want to have sex during menstruation, there is no problem. However, during menstruation, the possibility of sexually transmitted diseases is higher than at other times, so temporary means should be used.

What is the probability of pregnancy?

A woman who has regular periods does not get pregnant if she has sex at that time. But if there is irregular menstruation and a short menstrual cycle, there is a risk of pregnancy in women. For example, a woman who has regular periods may become pregnant if she has intercourse during that period thinking that it is menstruation when she bleeds after a long time. When having sex, one should be sure that the menstrual cycle is not regular.

Similarly, if a woman's menstrual cycle is short, i.e. 28 days, ovulation can occur even in seven days. As a result, even if you have sex on the fourth or fifth day of your period, you can still get pregnant. If menstruation happens in 30 days, the ovulation becomes delayed, so even if you maintain intercourse after 6-7 days of menstruation, the chances of pregnancy are less.

Even if regular contraceptive medication is continued during menstruation, there is no chance of getting pregnant. The pill does not stop working whether you are menstruating or not. It is safe to use a condom or birth control pills if you have sex while you are menstruating.

Is there a risk of infection?

Having sex during menstruation increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections. Because viruses live in blood and sexually transmitted diseases can spread through contact with blood. Using a condom during sexual intercourse can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

A woman's body undergoes many changes during menstruation. Various studies have shown that lubrication is not necessary if the relationship is established in that order. Also, by establishing a relationship during this period, the menstrual effect migraines and headaches caused by some women are reduced.

Something to note

Most women have a disease or infection and if intercourse hurts, it is better not to have intercourse as much as possible. If you have a stomach ache or are physically weak, not having sex can cause more problems. If the woman is ready for sex and the man is also ready to take precautions, then sex can be done. Before starting a relationship, you should start a relationship only if your partner also wants it. If there is bleeding, intercourse should be done only after cleaning. Wash your private parts thoroughly before and after intercourse. If a woman is wearing a tampon during her period, she should remove it.

Does green tea really control obesity and blood pressure?

The practice of drinking green tea as a health-enhancing drink is increasing, even in Nepali society. Consumers have been drinking it saying 'for health rather than taste'.

On the other hand, manufacturers and sellers have been claiming that green tea is a very beneficial drink. The use of green tea has increased not only in Nepal, but all over the world.

Some drink it as 'to reduce obesity', while others drink it as 'to control blood pressure and diabetes'. Some drink green tea as a 'anti-cancer' drink and some as a 'skin brightening' drink.

Is green tea really beneficial?

What is the ingredient in green tea, which reduces the risk of cancer from lowering blood pressure, obesity?

There have been different studies on this at the international level. According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, green tea has properties ranging from obesity control to anti-cancer properties. A report by Time magazine mentions that green tea naturally reduces high blood pressure.

Anti-cancer agent

Green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant of the flavonoid family. It prevents damage caused by free radicals in our body. Free radicals are the ones that destroy body cells and increase the risk of cancer.

In a report published in The Medical Today, it is claimed that the rates of some cancers are lower in countries that consume green tea. Based on more than 100 studies reviewed in 2020, green tea has been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of cancer.

Cancer specialist Dr. working in Patan Hospital. Arun Shahi also agrees with this. He says, 'Since it contains abundant anti-oxidants, it fights free radicals and reduces the risk of cancer.' He says that green tea works well to prevent cancer-causing elements from dominating.

Controls blood pressure

Working in Om Hospital Dr. Kamal Sharma Lamsal says, 'The polyphenols found in it reduce high blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Also, by breaking down the fatty substances accumulated in the blood vessels, it facilitates the functioning of the heart and brain.

A study conducted by the British Heart Foundation also found that drinking green tea every day makes the arteries of the heart open and soft. As a result, it reduces the risk of heart attack.

On the other hand, according to Forbes Health, there were 9 different studies on this topic in 2016. Analyzing the study, it was found that drinking three cups of green tea daily reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Obesity control

In a report of Medical News Today, the fact that green tea reduces obesity has been presented. Accordingly, green tea makes the metabolism more effective. Metabolism is the process of converting any food we eat into energy. Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, which help in digesting food.

A review published in 2010 noted that green tea can help control weight. Certain compounds present in green tea break down body fat. What was found in an eight-week study is that if you drink green tea and exercise at the same time, you burn fat faster.

"Beneficial if you drink it properly": Dietitian Dr. Raju Adhikari

Green tea is a healthy drink. It has many benefits such as reducing obesity, controlling blood pressure, improving heart and brain function. There have been many studies around the world on how green tea works. And it has been used for centuries.

It is a rich source of antioxidants. Due to this property, green tea plays a role from benefiting the heart to reducing the risk of cancer. Apart from that, green tea contains micronutrients like potassium, magnesium, vitamin B-2.

Green tea also acts as an anti-aging agent and maintains the glow in the skin of the body. The amino acid L-theanine found in it produces hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, which keep the brain excited and happy.

There is no doubt that green tea is very beneficial. However, it is not a medicine that has an immediate effect. The effect of green tea is gradual in the body. It benefits those who drink regularly.

It also affects the physical condition of the person, lifestyle etc. If you eat right, exercise, green tea will benefit your body more. However, on the contrary, if your lifestyle is bad, green tea will not cure any disease.

There is a saying in Nepali, too much causes damage. The same should be said in the case of green tea. It is best to drink three to four glasses (of medium size) of green tea a day.

Likewise, green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach. Pregnant women, those with low blood pressure should also not drink green tea. Those who are undergoing treatment for a disease or taking medication should consult a doctor before drinking green tea.

What is the correct way to drink gin tea?

How much, how and when to drink green tea determines how effective it is.

how much to drink

Drink three or four cups (medium cup) a day.

What time to drink?

Green tea should not be drunk on an empty stomach, with or after meals. It is best to drink green tea 30 to 45 minutes before and after meals.

How to prepare?

Green tea does not need to be brewed like other teas. Put green tea in a cup and pour hot water over it. Two or three Cover the minutes. Then you can drink green tea.

What kind of green tea to drink?

There are many green teas in the market. It is useful to take open green tea as much as possible. After soaking in water, tea leaves look green again. It is important to understand whether the tea is certified organic or not.

Is turmeric anti-cancer?

  Turmeric not only makes vegetables look attractive but it is also beneficial for health. Turmeric is rich in calories, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Various studies have been done on turmeric around the world.

Curcumin is a medicinal substance found in turmeric. It is considered useful and effective for cancer patients. Oncologist Prof. Dr. Vivek Acharya says, 'There is no fact or research that turmeric does not cause cancer, but the curcumin content found in it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It kills cancer cells in the body and prevents others from growing.

But curcumin is extracted from powdered turmeric available in the market. It does not matter who eats turmeric or not. Therefore, if possible, curcumin content can be replenished by producing it at home and eating turmeric powder.

It is beneficial for health if you take half a teaspoon in the morning or evening or a small teaspoon at a time. Acharya says.

Ayurvedic doctor Dr. Puneshwar Keshari says that since turmeric contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and immunomodulation properties in abundance, it protects the cells in the body from infection and increases immunity. It kills cancer cells and prevents them from growing.

Curcumin, the active ingredient found in turmeric, dissolves easily in fats and oils. But it is insoluble in water," Dr. Keshari says, 'Therefore, if turmeric is to be used, it can be mixed with milk like fatty foods. When eaten in this way, the substances found in turmeric are easily absorbed by the body. But if you mix turmeric with water and eat it, it is not as effective as milk.

Turmeric is used both externally and internally. For external use, applying turmeric paste on the skin helps to protect against skin allergies, wounds, sores, warts. Similarly, mixing some herbs with turmeric and applying it on the skin makes the skin soft, smooth and shiny.

When and how much to eat?

Turmeric can be consumed daily in the morning and evening. Because it dissolves in milk, it is very beneficial to put turmeric in milk after eating. It is also called Golden milk. During the corona epidemic, golden milk i.e. turmeric-infused milk was widely used.

According to doctors, you can eat up to 12 grams of turmeric in a day. Do not eat more than this. It can cause disadvantages instead of advantages. Two to four grams can be mixed with milk and eaten.

According to doctors, research has shown that diabetic patients get good benefits by mixing equal amounts of amla and turmeric powder in milk. Eating 6 grams in the morning and in the evening after eating helps to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Under what circumstances should you not eat turmeric?

Dr. Ayurvedic doctor, who can sometimes have negative effects with this beneficial turmeric. Keshari says. The use of turmeric is not suitable if you are taking allopathic medicines, i.e. blood thinners. It thins the blood and causes bleeding. Similarly, if you have undergone surgery for any disease, then it is better not to use turmeric. Turmeric should not be used as a medicine by people suffering from hemophilia, i.e. long-term bleeding due to injury.

Similarly, if you have other bleeding diseases, you should not consume turmeric. This can lead to complications instead of benefits. Turmeric helps in immunomodulation and increases immunity.

How can you distinguish the purity of turmeric?

Turmeric is considered health promoting for the body. How pure is the turmeric that we are using daily? It also depends on that. Because the turmeric available in the market now has various chemicals or powder mixed in it. Therefore, it is necessary to check whether the turmeric used in the kitchen is pure or not. Ayurvedic doctor Keshari says that the purity of turmeric can be checked at home.

How to check

Pour clean water in a glass, add the turmeric powder bought from the market and dissolve it and then leave it for a while.

Turmeric is mixed with some powder in a glass of water. Which means that turmeric has been adulterated. If there is no adulteration, it dissolves in water and floats on top. Hydrochloric acid is also used to measure purity. Mix turmeric powder in hydrochloric acid. Mix it well, enough foam will come out. Similarly, if the color of turmeric turns pink or purple, it may be adulterated.

Turmeric used in every dish is not necessarily pure. A chemical called Metanil Yellow is added to the turmeric that is bought from the market and used. While it can also cause a terrible disease like cancer.

There has been an experimental study to see if curcumin extract from turmeric is useful for cancer, Dr. Puneshwar Keshari says, 'Until now, no study has been done on cancer patients.'

This is beneficial

With the help of turmeric and its main component curcumin, childhood leukemia, i.e. blood cancer, can be prevented. It helps to detoxify the liver, which reduces the risk of cirrhosis and jaundice. It keeps all parts of the body healthy and free from toxins.

It reduces factors like digestion, gas and bloating to reduce weight, fat may Helps activate metabolism. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties as well as antibacterial properties. Therefore, turmeric works as a cure for all types of diseases.

Turmeric strengthens the immune system thanks to its strong antioxidant activity, which fights free radical attacks on the system. Its strong anti-inflammatory properties are also effective against the development of rheumatoid arthritis. If taken as a supplement, turmeric pills help in reducing joint pain.

Regulates homocysteine levels and controls cholesterol levels. It also helps prevent heart attacks. Regulates insulin levels and thus has a limited effect on diabetes control.

In the latest research on turmeric on Imri Day Health News Portal, turmeric has a long history in Asia as a treatment for all kinds of health problems, including digestive problems. A recent study found that the bright-yellow spice and its active ingredient, curcumin, may be as good at fighting indigestion as the over-the-counter drug omeprazole (Prilosec).

According to a study published in BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, scientists randomly assigned 151 adults with indigestion to one of three diets. Participants took two 250 milligram (mg) capsules of curcumin. 20 mg tablets four times daily or both treatments combined. The researchers asked participants about the severity of indigestion symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain at the beginning of the study on days 28 and 56, and again later.

According to study results, participants reported a reduction in symptoms in all three treatment groups.

Is it safe to take curcumin supplements for indigestion?

Although the study did not identify any serious side effects with curcumin or omeprazole (stomach acid-reducing drugs), laboratory tests showed that curcumin could cause liver damage in some overweight people.

Furthermore, the quality and quantity of curcumin in supplements may vary. Yuying Luo, assistant professor of gastroenterology at the Icahn School of Medicine, says, "Turmeric itself has been linked to liver injury, and when mixed with other substances, such as black pepper, it increases blood levels of curcumin."

Participants in the study consumed a total of two grams of curcumin daily and experienced no side effects. It is not associated with liver problems at doses up to 6 grams daily,' says Dr Luo. But she suggests reading the label of any supplement carefully and consulting with your doctor.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Five standards, which show that a child is developing correctly

 Five standards, which show that a child is developing correctly

The dimensions of the child's development are mainly of five types. Anil Ojha says.

He says, 'The first basis to see whether a child's development has taken place in the right way or not is his physical development. At what age does the child sit, at what age does it start walking etc. A child had to start walking in one year. There was no problem when I started walking after two or four months. However, if he does not start walking even after that, the parents should be aware that his development has not taken place properly.

The development of another language is equally important. Children start speaking from the age of one year. Ojha says that if they give examples of mother, father or any other word, it should be understood that their language has developed well. He says, "If a child does not speak even until the age of two, and even when speaking, they do not make clear examples of words, then it should be understood that their language development has not been done properly."

According to Ojha, a child's social and emotional development should also be accompanied by age. Like a one-year-old child should be loved by the mother rather than kissing the child on the cheek. I had to clap instead of clapping.

If a child uses his hands, fingers, wrists and muscles to grasp something, it is called 'fine motor skill'. Through these skills, children learn to coordinate their eyes, hands, fingers and wrists. This is important for two- to five-year-old children, says Ojha. This skill should be developed at the age of 2 to 5 years. With its help, children learn to hold things, write, understand etc.'

The intellectual development of a child according to age is equally important. A one-year-old child starts looking for hidden things. If he shows curiosity about something, it should be understood that his intellectual development is also going well. However, Ojha said that if these five skills are not developed in a child, then his development is considered to be delayed.

What should be the weight and height according to the child's age?

If the weight and height of the children are according to their age, it can be understood that the child is healthy and the diet they are getting is good. Developmental pediatrician Dr. Ojha says that age and weight gain is a normal and necessary process as children grow.

He says that a child's weight at birth is 3 kg, but at 6 months, his weight doubles to 6 kg. When a child is born, its height is about 50 cm, and in one year it is 75 cm.

A 5-year-old child should weigh around 17.9 kg. He said that at this age, it is considered healthy for a child to have an average height of 42.5 inches.

If children's height and weight are not developing according to their age, then it should be understood that something is lacking somewhere. A doctor's advice should be taken for this.'' says Ojha.

Until what age does the child's physical development accelerate?

In the first year, the child's physical development is very rapid. Ojha said that physical development happens with the age of the child. However, even in a year, the speed will decrease. The child's mental development is very rapid in the first two to three years.

Special attention should be paid to the diet of the child during this age period

Special attention should be paid to the diet of children in the age group of two to three years. Proper nutrition is a solid foundation for a child's good health and development. Ojha said that children who have good nutrition can learn and grow well.

"Even if only mother's milk is enough for 6 months, from 6 months, you should start eating semi-solid foods such as pulses, jalous, fruit juice, litho." It should be taken.'

If the child is not growing properly, is under-age or abnormally large, the cause should be sought

If the child is not growing properly for its age, is small or abnormally large, it may be due to genetics. Some children look young till 11-12 years old but can grow rapidly in adulthood. Even if the child lacks nutrition, the growth and development of the child will not be done properly. Ojha said that due to some health problem, the child may look younger or older than his age.

He suggested that if children's development is not according to their age, they should seek the help of a doctor to find out the reason.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Eye exercise is essential

 Eye exercise is essential

We are talking about diet and exercise to make different parts of the body healthy. But we don't pay much attention to the eyes that work regularly other than during sleep.

To keep the eyes healthy, one should pay attention to everything from exercise to hygiene. Then how to exercise the eyes?

Eyes should be cleaned before doing eye exercises. Close the eyes and wash them with clean water. After that, the water that has been boiled in a pot should be placed in an eye cleaning pot, a cup or in the hand and the eyes should blink. If you want to do it with Aywas cup, you can put it in your eyes and blink once with your head looking towards the sky and blink again while looking away. It helps to flush out the debris and dirt stuck in the eyes.

These 7 exercises can be done after doing Aivasa.

Eye opening

After cleaning the eyes, close and open the eyes once. This should be done as soon as possible. In the same way, one should squint the eyes, grind the teeth and shake the head. Both these exercises can be repeated five to ten times.

Turn the eyes downwards

To keep the eyes healthy, you can do the exercise of looking at the pupil upside down. Keeping the head straight, the pupil of the eye should be raised without bending the forehead. It should be done once by looking at the sky and the next time by looking at the ground. This exercise can also be done as fast as possible for five to 10 times. With this kind of eye exercise, the nerves and muscles of the eyes are strengthened, which does not reduce the brightness of the eyes.

Crossing the eyes

The pupil of the eye can be exercised by first crossing the right top left bottom, then the left top right bottom. It should be done as soon as possible.

Roll the eyes around

Another exercise on the eyes, in which the eyes should be rotated all around. Both the eyes should be rotated once up right down left and then the exact opposite from left to right should be rotated at least 10 times. Then close your eyes for two minutes and relax. Then it should be repeated again.

Practice looking at the line

In this, the thief finger of the right hand should be kept in line with the eyes. Look carefully at the fine line visible on the upper tip of the finger, take that finger away from the eyes once and bring it close to the nose once. This should be repeated five to ten times.

Eye strain

The eyes should be adjusted to keep them sharp. Heat your palms by rubbing them together and close your eyes. The palm should be kept on the eyelashes for 6 seconds. This process should be repeated up to three times. By doing this, the eyes will get immediate relief.

Tratak method

This is a yoga method. In which one should sit in one of the yoga poses. After that, the light of a candle or a lamp should be placed at eye level at a distance of 5-6 feet. Then you should look at that dim light with tears and close your eyes for a while and meditate.

All these exercises can be done twice a day in the morning and evening.

Benefits of eye exercises

Exercise removes dirt from the eyes, increases light, and improves eyesight. It also helps to get rid of the problem of wearing glasses. It makes the eye veins flexible and flexible.

As exercise balances the eyes, it cures problems such as eye focus out. Eye hygiene and regular exercise can prevent problems such as eye burning, pain, and itching.

But these exercises should not be done if there is an infection in the eyes, redness, or eye diseases. Exercising at this time can cause problems such as eye damage or pain.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

"There is also a need to discuss the mental health of teachers"

"There is also a need to discuss the mental health of teachers"

  Recently, there are many problems related to mental health in school students. This affects their ability to acquire skills and knowledge. At times, public awareness programs on mental health are targeted at students.

But the mental health of the teachers who teach the same children is not given much attention. Teachers may also be stressed by personal problems such as their home affairs and career. The effect of which can be seen in their work. It can have a direct impact on students' teaching and learning.

In this case, don't teachers need training on human health? How important is it to discuss the mental health of teachers? What is the teacher's health condition? In this context, psychiatrist Dr. Edited excerpt of online journalist Manisha Thapa's conversation with Vasudev Karki:

How important is it to discuss the mental health of teachers?

Suzuki Dashain Offer

Children are the foundations of the future. Teachers are the creators of children's future. Therefore, if the creator is not mentally healthy, the society of the future will not be prosperous. Therefore, it is very important to take care of the mental health of both children and teachers.

In the context of Nepal, there are many mental health programs targeting children and students. But by focusing on teachers, the discussion about mental health is reduced.

On the other hand, some time ago in America, there was a survey about the mental health of teachers. According to which 27 percent of the teachers were suffering from depression. In a prosperous country like America, teachers are going through mental problems like depression, but in a country like Nepal, the government has not been able to provide even the necessary services and facilities that teachers should get. It can be attributed to the recent teachers' movement. Even if only the teachers present in the movement are studied, 50 percent of them may have problems like depression.

In this case, if the mental condition of the teacher is not good, how can the children like the little buds get quality education from the education given by them? Therefore, it is very important to discuss the mental health of teachers.

Teachers have their own problems. Family matters, financial matters or various things are also making them stressed. Is the side-effect of such stress in the classroom or not?

If the teacher himself is in a stressful situation, its side-effect is completely falling in the classroom. A person who is mentally stressed may also have anxiety and depression. Due to stress, symptoms such as sleeplessness and dizziness may appear in them. How can he teach in the classroom who has not slept all night? On top of that, a teacher who is going through depression may have anger, impulses, and thoughts playing in his mind, and a teacher who comes to the classroom with a stressed mind either does not want to teach and is forced to teach.

Also, even a small mistake by a student in class can cause anger in the teacher. The result may be activities such as scolding and beating students. There are many examples of incidents of beatings by teachers from time to time. This can affect the mental health of not only the teachers, but also the students studying there. Not only that, the teacher may not be able to share enough knowledge as needed, which affects the students' learning.

How does the mood of teachers affect children?

If someone greets you with a smile when you go somewhere, the atmosphere is different. The same principle applies in the classroom. If the teacher looks cheerful and energetic, then even the students who are sitting in the classroom will get energy and vigor. They can easily absorb what is taught. They do not feel that the class is over.

But there is a lot of stress going on in the teacher's mind. He has no energy, no energy and comes with an angry face. And, if they are always presented in the same way in the class, students may not like to read, find it difficult to concentrate, and may not like to ask questions that they do not understand. Some teachers are kind enough to vent their anger on students due to the personal stress of homework. In this case, students are afraid to even sit in class. The class atmosphere is also negative.

All students consider their teachers as the storehouse of knowledge. Children consider teachers as their role models and they dream of being like teachers. Students follow not only the teacher's teaching but also their behavior. The direct effect on the students' emotional state and learning environment also depends on the teacher's presentation.

Even if the student is not scolded or beaten, some behavior of the teacher has a direct effect, right?


First, it was said that small punishments should be given to the students to make them level and discipline them. If you don't do your homework, if you make noise in the classroom, if you don't obey, you will get beaten up. But now the idea that students should not be beaten will have a more negative impact on children. Most teachers believe that the classroom should be child-friendly. However, activities such as not encouraging, not responding, and discouraging the students for their extracurricular activities in the class can have a negative effect on the student's mentality. Not only that, because stressed teachers cannot teach well, students also cannot learn well.

If the teacher himself is depressed or sad, can he cover it up and teach the students properly?

If the teacher himself is sad, he cannot cover it up. Even if they want to, they cannot teach the students properly. No matter how much the teacher tries to hide his indifference, it can be seen in his behavior.

What kind of mental problems can teachers have?

Depression, anxiety and stress are the most common psychological problems among teachers. Some teachers are not even able to experience that they have mental problems. But in their behavior, the symptoms of mental problems are visible and if the problem becomes dominant, the behavior may change. After which students and colleagues around can also notice.

How to make the teacher mentally healthy and emotionally strong?

In order to make them mentally healthy and emotionally strong, their stress can be reduced by giving them the wages that schools and colleges deserve, understanding the problems of teachers from time to time, not giving them unnecessary pressure from the administration, encouraging them when they have done a good job.

Also, it is important for the teacher to have a discussion program with the counselor at school from time to time, so that they can openly discuss the mental stress they have.

It is necessary for the government to conduct mental health awareness programs in all teaching areas and to train teachers on modern education. This can increase the intellectual capacity of the teachers and can also increase their passion for teaching.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

What is the central thesis of Dumont’s theory of caste?

What is the central thesis of Dumont’s theory of caste? Does this theory capture the dynamics of caste hierarchy and inter-caste relations in contemporary Nepali Society? How?

Ans: Louis Dumont was a French sociologist, anthropologist, and famous explores of the Hindu caste system. Through intensive and in-depth studies about the Hindu caste system, he authored several books Hierarchy and Marriage Alliance in South Indian Kinship (1954). Homo Hierarchicus (1970). Religion, Politics, and History in India (1970). Essays on Individualism (1986); and "L". Ideologie Allemande (1994) (in French language). Out of these, Home Hierarchicus is considered one of the most renowned and popular texts by him.

Dumont propounded distinguished theory on caste in his book Home Hierarchicus, initially published in French in 1966 and translated into English in 1970. He presented his analysis of the caste system by relating theoretical aspects to real-life situations and behavioral studies of Hindu society. His theory of caste hierarchy is based on the concept of pure and impure, and he argues that this system of pure and impure has been explicitly created from specific from of inequality in Hindu society.

Based on Levi Strauss's prior studies and theoretical concepts, Dumont developed the caste system instead of being pure and impure in the Hindu context. According to Dumont, the division of labor in the caste system is not economy-based but rather on culture. He views and interprets caste from an ideological perspective. He analyzes the caste system not in terms of behavioral or practical reality; instead, he interprets the caste system with an emphasis on both ideological and structural perspectives.

According to Dumont, the caste system plays an integrative role in Hindu society, and it is the unique feature of Hinduism-dominant societies. He views the caste system of Nepal and India as ideas and values. That is, according to Dumont, the caste system is an ideology. The caste system of Hindu society is just the opposite of the Western caste perspective. The Hindu caste system is relatively traditional than that of modern Western ideology. Western caste perspective is based on holistic, but Hindu caste ideology is based on individualistic one.


According to Dumont's theory of caste, hierarchy or superiority/inferiority of several castes is an essential feature of the Hindu caste system. He argues that the hierarchy of caste, ie., superiority or inferiority of caste, implies the superiority or inferiority of prestige, independent of power or ability. Thus, caste hierarchy and classification of pure vs. impure highly influences all social lives of Hindu society. According to Dumont's caste theory, daily life activities of Hindu people, marriage, food provisions, rituals, traditions are all determined in terms of caste hierarchy.

The significant themes or central theses of Dumont's caste theory are as follows:

i. Caste is holistic and hierarchical.

According to Dumont's caste theory, the nature of caste is holistic. Caste system represents a whole highest level or superior system. Both castes are pure and impure in such a system, but each caste maintains its distinguished identity. Caste has a definite name and residential area.

ii. The caste system is inimical to individualism.

According to Dumont's caste theory, whereas the caste system incorporates hierarchy, it also violates individualism. Caste fully controls over all its members. Marriage, food provisions, and several rituals come under caste. No person has individuality because he/she could not marry, select an occupation, and perform rituals beyond the regulations of the caste system.

iii. There are two models of caste.

Commenting on features of the caste system as mentioned by Dumont, some sociologists hypothesize that there are two models of the Hindu caste system. First, varna, and the second, caste. Varna system is a classification of the ancient Vedic age. According to the varna system, each of four varna's castes must follow different occupations. On the other hand, caste is based on endogamy or the assumption that holdsmarriage takes place in own caste.

iv. Attributes of varna and caste

Dumont's caste system pointed to two features of varna. First, prestige, and the second, power. The meaning of prestige is associated with religion and power with ability. Brahmins' prestige is their religion and, Chhetri's and vaishyas' ability are their power. Ideology prevails in religion, and the rest of other falls under the category of ability. According to Dumont, the varna system is not hierarchical. Varna's system does not reflect stratification. All varnas are different, in which brahmins perform their predetermined occupation and vaishya are also involved in their separate works. There is no dependency between varnas. The caste system is different from that of varna. Dumont separates caste and varna, which has three characteristics as follows:




v. Theory of hierarchy: Pure and impure

The theory of hierarchy is an essential theme of Dumont's caste thesis. It is also referred to as the theory of opposition to pure and impure. Before Dumont, the world-renowned French sociologist Emile Durkheim (1912) put sacred and profane ideas to define religion. According to Durkheim, things viewed from honor/respect are considered sacred. Such as God, earth, heaven, and tree. On the other hand, things viewed from utility/use are considered profane-for example, shoes, plows, and clothes. Based on the above ideas on sacred and profane, Dumont analyzes caste hierarchy in pure and impure (or purity and pollution). According to him, works, such as worship, priest, and teaching, are considered sacred. On the other hand, metal works, clothes sewing, and cleaning work are considered profane. Pure is always higher than impure, and impure is lower. It means impure must stay separate from pure.

vi. The accurate comparison is of ideology.

The fundamental unit in comparing either Western or Eastern, caste and an individual, and religion or school is an ideology. To analyzing Dumont's theory on the caste system, it is essential to understand the ideology behind that unit. Here, ideology means a system of values. Values may reflect oppositions and counterarguments. The caste system's hierarchy is also based on the ideology of pure and impure, which is described in classical Hindu texts.

From the above discussion and considerations, it may be concluded that Dumont's theory and theses on the caste system are partially relevant to analyze the nature of caste in Nepal because this theory was developed by Dumont around 50 years ago. During this period. Nepal's social, cultural, educational, economic, and other sectors are changed. Nowadays, the concept of pure and impure is diminished, and occupational barriers in terms of caste seem negligible. Dumont's work on Homo Hierarchicus has been widely acclaimed as the most critical contribution to studying the Hindu caste system. However, his theory has also been one of the most controversial pieces of work. He has been criticized on various grounds. Therefore, I argue that Dumont's theory on the caste system in Nepal's present changing and developing society does not seem relevant to analyzing the nature of caste.

What is the structure of the caste system mentioned in 1854 A.D/ 1910 B.S. Muluki Ain of Nepal?

 Q. What is the structure of the caste system mentioned in 1854 A.D/ 1910 B.S. Muluki Ain of Nepal? 

The Muluki Ain was a legal code introduced during Jung Bahadur Rana's reign in Nepal. It laid down various provisions related to social hierarchy, including the caste system.

The caste system mentioned in the 1854 Muluki Ain divided Nepali society into four main castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Brahmins were considered the highest caste and were accorded the most privileges, followed by Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Within each caste were sub-castes, and the system was based on a hierarchy of purity and pollution.

The Muluki Ain also laid down various provisions related to marriage, inheritance, and property rights linked to an individual's caste status. The system was discriminatory and entrenched in social inequality, with individuals being restricted to certain professions and denied access to education and other opportunities based on their caste.

It is important to note that the Muluki Ain was eventually replaced by the new Civil Code in Nepal in 2017, which removed caste-based discrimination and ensured equal rights for all citizens.

The caste system in Nepal is a hierarchical system of social stratification that has existed in Nepali society for centuries. The 1854 Muluki Ain was a legal code that further entrenched and codified the caste system in Nepal.

The Muluki Ain divided Nepali society into four main castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. The Brahmins were considered the highest caste and were accorded the most privileges, followed by Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Within each caste were sub-castes, and the system was based on a hierarchy of purity and pollution.

The caste system in Nepal was highly discriminatory and entrenched in social inequality. Individuals were restricted to certain professions and denied access to education and other opportunities based on their caste. For example, members of the lower castes were often denied education, and their employment opportunities were limited to menial jobs such as cleaning and farming. In contrast, members of the higher castes were able to access education and had access to a wider range of employment opportunities.

The Muluki Ain also laid down various provisions related to marriage, inheritance, and property rights linked to an individual's caste status. Inter-caste marriages were discouraged, and inheritance and property rights were determined by an individual's caste. These provisions further entrenched the caste system and ensured that individuals remained trapped within their caste for generations.

Despite efforts to abolish the caste system in Nepal, it still persists in many parts of the country, and discrimination based on caste is still prevalent. However, progress has been made in recent years to promote equality and eliminate discrimination based on caste. The new Civil Code in Nepal, which replaced the Muluki Ain in 2017, removed caste-based discrimination and ensured equal rights for all citizens.

In conclusion, the caste system in Nepal mentioned in the 1854 Muluki Ain was a discriminatory system of social stratification that entrenched social inequality and restricted opportunities for individuals based on their caste. Despite efforts to abolish the caste system, discrimination based on caste still persists in many parts of Nepal. However, progress has been made in recent years, and the new Civil Code in Nepal ensures equal rights for all citizens, regardless of their caste.

Q. Discuss the caste hierarchy of Nepal based on the Muluki Ain of 1854. 

The caste system in Nepal, as codified in the Muluki Ain of 1854, was a hierarchical system of social stratification that divided Nepali society into four main castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. The Brahmins were considered the highest caste and were accorded the most privileges, followed by Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. Within each caste were sub-castes, and the system was based on a hierarchy of purity and pollution.

The Brahmins were at the top of the caste hierarchy and were considered the purest and most learned of all castes. They were responsible for religious rituals, such as conducting pujas and performing other religious ceremonies. The Kshatriyas were the second-highest caste and were traditionally warriors and rulers. They were responsible for defending the country and maintaining law and order.

The Vaishyas were the third-highest caste and were traditionally traders and merchants. They were responsible for economic activities and commerce. The Shudras were at the bottom of the caste hierarchy and were traditionally laborers and servants. They were responsible for menial jobs such as farming, cleaning, and other low-skilled work.

Within each caste, there were sub-castes, which further divided society based on specific occupations or professions. For example, within the Brahmin caste, there were sub-castes such as the Bahun, Chhetri, and Thakuri. Similarly, within the Shudra caste, there were sub-castes such as the Kami, Damai, and Sarki.

The Muluki Ain also laid down various provisions related to marriage, inheritance, and property rights linked to an individual's caste status. Inter-caste marriages were discouraged, and inheritance and property rights were determined by an individual's caste. These provisions further entrenched the caste system and ensured that individuals remained trapped within their caste for generations.

The caste hierarchy in Nepal based on the Muluki Ain of 1854 was a discriminatory system that entrenched social inequality and restricted opportunities for individuals based on their caste. Despite efforts to abolish the caste system in Nepal, discrimination based on caste still persists in many parts of the country. However, progress has been made in recent years to promote equality and eliminate discrimination based on caste. The new Civil Code in Nepal, which replaced the Muluki Ain in 2017, removed caste-based discrimination and ensured equal rights for all citizens.

Q. Marry Cameron argues that Dalit identity politics in Nepal has not paid enough attention to the problem of caste-based discrimination experienced by Dalits in rural areas. What led Cameron to make an argument?

Marry Cameron is a scholar who has conducted extensive research on caste-based discrimination and social exclusion in Nepal. In her research, she argues that Dalit identity politics in Nepal has not paid enough attention to the problem of caste-based discrimination experienced by Dalits in rural areas.

Cameron's argument is based on the observation that much of the Dalit identity politics in Nepal is focused on urban areas, where there is greater awareness of Dalit issues and where Dalits have access to Dalitscation and other opportunities. However, in rural areas, where the majority of Nepal's Dalits live, caste-based discrimination is often more severe and more entrenched.

Cameron contends that the Dalit identity politics in Nepal has not paid enough attention to the specific challenges faced by rural Dalits, such as the lack of access to education and employment opportunities, and the persistence of traditional caste-based practices and beliefs. She argues that the focus on urban areas has led to a neglect of the needs and experiences of rural Dalits.

Furthermore, Cameron argues that there is a need for a more nuanced approach to Dalit identity politics that takes into account the diversity of experiences and challenges faced by Dalits across different regions of Nepal. She suggests that a more inclusive approach to Dalit politics, which includes the voices and perspectives of rural Dalits, is necessary to address the systemic discrimination and social exclusion faced by Dalits in Nepal.

In conclusion, Mary Cameron argues that Dalit identity politics in Nepal has not paid enough attention to the problem of caste-based discrimination experienced by Dalits in rural areas. She suggests that a more inclusive approach that takes into account the specific challenges faced by rural Dalits is necessary to address the systemic discrimination and social exclusion faced by Dalits in Nepal.


1. What is the caste system in Nepal? 

   - The caste system in Nepal is a hierarchical system of social stratification that divides Nepali society into four main castes: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

   - Within each caste, there are sub-castes that further divide society based on specific occupations or professions.

   - The caste system is based on a hierarchy of purity and pollution, with Brahmins at the top and Shudras at the bottom.

2. What is the Muluki Ain of 1854 in Nepal? 


    - The Muluki Ain was introduced in Nepal in 1854.

   - The Muluki Ain was a legal code that laid down various provisions related to caste and social hierarchy in Nepal.

   - It divided Nepali society into four main castes, with Brahmins at the top and Shudras at the bottom.

   - Within each caste, there were sub-castes that further divided society based on specific occupations or professions.

   - The Muluki Ain also laid down various provisions related to marriage, inheritance, and property rights linked to an individual's caste status.

3. Discuss the caste hierarchy of Nepal based on the Muluki Ain of 1854. - The Muluki Ain was introduced in Nepal in 1854.

   - The caste hierarchy in Nepal based on the Muluki Ain of 1854 was a discriminatory system that entrenched social inequality and restricted opportunities for individuals based on their caste.

   - The system divided Nepali society into four main castes, with Brahmins at the top and Shudras at the bottom.

   - Within each caste, there were sub-castes that further divided society based on specific occupations or professions.

   - The Muluki Ain laid down various provisions related to marriage, inheritance, and property rights linked to an individual's caste status.

4. Mary Cameron argues that Dalit identity politics in Nepal has not paid enough attention to the problem of caste-based discrimination experienced by Dalits in rural areas. What led Cameron to make this argument? -

   - Mary Cameron is a scholar who has conducted extensive research on caste-based discrimination and social exclusion in Nepal.

   - She argues that much of the Dalit identity politics in Nepal is focused on urban areas, where there is greater awareness of Dalit issues and where Dalits have access to education and other opportunities.

   - In rural areas, where the majority of Nepal's Dalits live, caste-based discrimination is often more severe and more entrenched.

   - Cameron contends that the Dalit identity politics in Nepal has not paid enough attention to the specific challenges faced by rural Dalits, such as the lack of access to education and employment opportunities, and the persistence of traditional caste-based practices and beliefs.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

What shampoo is good for hair?

What shampoo is good for hair?

Although shampoo is used by everyone, many people do not care about the best shampoo for their hair. There are many types of shampoos available in the market. Shampoo companies often advertise models with beautiful hair to sell their products.

But in reality it is not as shown in the advertisement. If you follow the advertisement and use shampoo randomly, it will damage your hair. Shampoo should be used only keeping in mind the nature and temperament of the hair.

Shampoos are usually normal, dry, oily, color resistant and keratin softening. Normally, normal shampoo is used. If it is very dry, dry hair shampoo should be used.

Dry shampoo contains emollients and conditioning agents or moisturizers. It is better to use anti-residue shampoo because of smooth hair type. It helps in removing greasiness from the hair. Anti-dandruff shampoo should be used if there is dandruff in the hair. Color lover shampoo is good for colored hair to help the color last.

Similarly, if there is dandruff in the hair or there is an infection in the scalp, it is best to use a medicated shampoo. Similarly, keratin sulfate free is considered suitable for this.

All these shampoos can be used keeping in mind the texture of the hair. It makes the hair soft, healthy and beautiful. Shampoo can be purchased in the fragrance you like.

Shampoo available in the market

Sunslick, Dove, Livav, Argan, Palet, Pantin, Himalayan, Lolier, Mamaartha, Tresme, Hair and Shoulder, Selson shampoos are very popular. In all of these, Oily, Normal, Dry, Hair Fall Control, Color Love Shampoo, Cellson, Anti-Dandruff, Keratin Hair Mask types are available. Apart from this, keratin shampoos are also available.

Why is shampoo better than soap?

Shampoo is hair friendly but not soapy. Soap contains more harmful chemicals than beneficial ingredients needed by the hair. Similarly, when taking a bath with soap, you have to rub your hair for a long time, due to which the roots of the hair become weak, and the hair may become dry and have problems. But the shampoo is made according to the type, nature and condition of the hair.

Different types of ingredients are mixed in the shampoo. Generally, color, water, fragrance, chemicals, moisturizing agent, serum, conditioning agent, glycerin etc. are mixed. In addition, the agent (moisturizer) that makes the shampoo attractive is also used. Apart from this, lemon, cherry, honey, rose, cucumber, ghee and other hair beneficial plants are mixed in it. Which makes the hair shiny and attractive.

How to use shampoo?

Shampoo can be used every time you take a shower. But if you are in the habit of bathing every day, you can wash your hair with shampoo on the first day and conditioner on the second day and then use shampoo on the lower part of your hair. This reduces the effect of shampoo chemicals on the skin. Similarly, there is no need to keep using shampoo on the hair.

Mix shampoo and water in a bowl as needed before bathing. Only then should you use shampoo. Because when used in this way, the shampoo is not limited to one place but spreads all over the hair. Fizz also comes well. Similarly, the effect of chemicals used in shampoo is also reduced.

In such cases, shampoo should not be used

Do not use if there is any infection on the head, headache or allergy due to the shampoo itself. In such cases, shampoo should be used only after consulting a doctor. Also, do not use expired shampoo.

Meat is nutritious, but it also increases disease

Meat is nutritious, but it also increases disease

Now the community of those who stop eating meat is growing all over the world. According to a report published in the BBC, the number of people giving up meat for the sake of the environment and animal welfare is increasing.

It is written in the BBC, "If we talk about Britain, one third of citizens are claiming that they have stopped eating meat." Even in America, two-thirds of citizens say that they are eating much less meat than in the past.

But even though the number of vegetarians is increasing in the world, the consumption of meat has not decreased. In the last 50 years, meat consumption has been increasing rapidly in the world. In addition, meat production has also increased. There are basically two reasons for the increase in meat consumption, one is population growth. Another thing is people's purchasing power.

The method of meat production is also different in developed countries. Animals are raised there for any purpose. Young and healthy animals are slaughtered with as little pain as possible. The meat produced in this way is stored and sold according to healthy standards.

But we do not have a procedure to check how much meat produced is edible. Nor is the animal's health checked before slaughter. For this reason, doctors here suggest to control the amount of meat as much as possible. A summary of some studies says, "Especially red meat can cause heart disease, heart attack and some types of cancer."

Nutritionist Bhupal Baniyan says that consumers in Nepal are forced to eat low-quality meat because the Meat Inspection Act cannot be implemented effectively. He says, "When businessmen sell and distribute meat without testing, the people here are forced to eat low-quality and unhealthy meat."

The Slaughterhouse Acts have been framed under the Animal Slaughterhouse and Meat Inspection Act-2055. There are many laws such as checking before slaughtering animals, checking the meat of slaughtered animals, marking or marking the meat. If the law is not implemented, there is a provision of a fine ranging from 5 to 20 thousand rupees and imprisonment for up to one month. But all these laws have not been implemented, nor have the relevant agencies monitored whether they have been implemented.

We eat chicken meat because chicken meat is healthier than red meat. But in order to make the chicken marketable quickly, the businessmen use a large amount of different types of antibiotics in the feed,'' he says.

It is not that all businessmen have given antibiotics to chickens beyond the standard. Some have even produced and sold chicken meat according to the standards. An example of that is the Valley Cold Store, said Baniyan.

Baniyan says, "Earlier, Khasiboka was reared in the village. But now, grain is fed to make the chicken grow faster. As a result, it takes a lot of fat. He says, 'The amount of saturated fat in beef is high. As a result, consuming too much beef can cause heart problems.

The raw meat of Ranga contains various types of germs including worms and 'microbacterial contamination'. Baniyan says, 'If this meat is not cooked properly and eaten, it can cause kidney and liver problems in the long run.'

"How to cut meat, how to sell, etc. standards are not only in foreign countries but also in Nepal. But since there is no body to monitor whether that standard is met, Baniyan says that diseased and low-quality meat can cause various diseases.

In this way, eating meat with a lot of antibiotics may not cause any problems, but over time, chronic diseases may increase. Therefore, if any animal's meat is fit to be eaten, the vet doctor advises that it should be sold and distributed only after examining it and saying that it is fit to be eaten.

How edible is the fish?

From the point of view of health, Baniyan says that it is better to eat fish because it contains protein and omega three. "But since the fish produced in Nepal cannot meet the market demand, fish are imported from India and other countries," he says.

Even after bringing it to Nepal, formalin is used to keep it on sale for a long time. Baniyan says that eating fish that has been kept in formalin for a long time can affect the kidneys and liver in the long term. Therefore, he suggests that when buying fish from the market, it is better to bring live fish than dead fish.

What does the food research officer say?

According to Food Research Officer Ujjwal Rayamazhi, protein obtained from meat has more biological value than that obtained from legumes. This means that the protein in the meat can be absorbed and used more by the body. That's why eating meat is good for health, Rayamazhi says, so it is consumed all over the world.

How healthy is the meat found in Nepal? How healthy are the animals used for meat? The relevant agency is responsible for monitoring the matter. But there has not been as much monitoring as there should be," says Rayamazhi.

He says that it is not true that the market is filled with meat that has been used in large amounts of antibiotics. Rayamazhi says. "According to some of our monitoring, many businessmen have worked according to the standards. But in Nepal, cattle rearing for meat and selling meat is done at home. this Some businessmen may have given too many hormones for profit.