Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

Google's AI technology in Bihar to give flood alert from Nepal

Google's AI technology in Bihar to give flood alert from Nepal

India is the second-most populous country in the world. More than 20 percent of the world's flood deaths each year are in India.

Floods destroy tens of thousands of homes every year. With that in mind, Google volunteers have been working to help flood victims in India for the past two years.

In 2018, the company launched the Pilot Initiative for flood forecasting in Patna, the capital of Bihar. Bihar is one of the most flood-prone states in India for a long time.

Where more than a hundred people lose their lives every year. Google was trying to provide them with accurate flood forecasts in real-time.

The company's AI model analyzes the historical data of many river basins in different parts of the world for accurate forecasting. Google is not alone in this project.

Instead, it is cooperating with the Central Water Commission of India, the Israeli Institute of Technology, and the University of Barisan. The company is also working with the Indian government on how New Delhi is compiling water level data to improve its efforts.

They have installed a new electronic sensor, which automatically transmits data to bodies working in the water sector. Two years later, Google on Tuesday announced that its 'Flood Forecasting Initiatives' would cover the whole of India.

The company is also cooperating with the Water Development Board of Bangladesh. Bangladesh, India's neighbor, has more floods than any other country in the world. At the same time, Bangladesh has become the first country outside India to launch Google's service.

Google's efforts are likely to make a huge difference in the lives of people in India and Bangladesh. The company has so far sent more than 30 million notifications to flood-affected areas in India.

He said his efforts have helped 200 million people in an area of ​​250,000 square kilometers. In Bangladesh, Google's model has managed to reach 40 million people and work is underway to expand it nationwide.

‘We are providing people with information on when and how much flood water will rise. We have been sharing in-depth maps of the flood-prone areas and sharing detailed information about the user's village and region, "said Yossi Matisse, Google's engineering VP and head of Crisis Response.

In this context, the company is also working with Yale and there is a need for further improvement in the service. This year, Google will make the alert more accessible and effective.

For that, Hindi, Bengali, and seven other local languages ​​have been added and the messaging alerts will be customized in the coming days. The company has also rolled out a new forecasting model.

Which has doubled its alert warning time?, a philanthropic arm of the company, has also partnered with the International Red Cross Federation and the Red Cross Society to build local networks and provide alerts directly to those without a smartphone.

"It simply came to our notice then. Much work needs to be done in the coming days to improve the system to expand the flood-affected area to more people. To that end, we are working with our partners around the world. "

"We will continue to develop, manage, and further improve the technology. The project's digital tools will help save communities and lives, "said Mattis.

Here's how to put one together for use with block-chain technology

Here's how to put one together for use with blockchain technology

 You may have been hearing about blockchain. But very little is known about it. Blockchain is basically a kind of technology that helps to move Bitcoin and other basic services from one person to another.

It can also be called a cryptocurrency wallet. It also provides data charts and market information for Bitcoin. For example, if a person wants to send money from Nepal to another person in London, a trusted third party is required, e.g. Bank, Western Union, Paypal, etc.

Also, some amount may be charged. But with blockchain technology, anyone can send money in a matter of minutes. And the transaction fee is also very low.

Blockchain was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. He invented it for the Bitcoin service. Blockchain is a technology that can be used to transfer money from anywhere in the world to anyone without using a bank or payment service.

Blockchain was first introduced for Bitcoin. But now many other alternative coins have also come under it. Blockchain is an open laser. In this, all the people in any one network know who is paying whom and how much.

Also, the members of the network can decide whether the transaction is valid or not. The database of your transactions is stored on thousands of computers.

Blockchain is hard to hack. For this, the hacker has to hack several computers at once. That is why blockchain is considered safe.

Blockchain was first used in 2008 when the digital currency Bitcoin was invented. It is a decentralized cryptocurrency. Which is not under the control of any country or bank.

The use of blockchain began with cryptocurrency. However, preparations are being made to use it in public and government bodies as well. Since the blockchain will be public, there is no possibility of scam in it and since it will be fault-tolerant, there is no fear of losing data from it.

If the hard disk or RAM of the computer is bad, nothing will work. But with blockchain technology running on multiple computers at once, a business can never stop. Today, cryptocurrency is working on blockchain technology.

In the coming days, the banking sector will also work on blockchain technology because it is easy and secure. Blockchain technology is a distributor database. These data do not reside in one or two computers. These thousands, millions live on computers.

Each blockchain computer keeps track of the history of each business and is completely confidential. Setting a new record requires the approval of many partners. It is used to secure any digital information.

Now all the departments are gradually starting to use this technology. Whether it is a university degree or a passport, no one can hack or copy it.

If according to the government's scheme, any poor person has to be given money or someone has to be given relief, it can be delivered directly through mobile through blockchain without the help of any third party.

- With the help of the agency

The brain-computer interface

The brain-computer interface, through which the brain will now directly control the electronic device

It may seem strange to you that in the future you will be able to control any device including mobile, computer, laptop directly from your mind without touching it. Of course, you may have seen Dr. Octopus in the movie. In the film, there are many hands of Dr. Octos's machine.

Dr. Octopus controls the hands of these machines with his brain. You may not believe that all this is possible even in real life.

But it is really possible. Brain-computer interface technology now makes it possible to control electronic devices.

After all, what is this brain-computer interface?

Today we are going to tell you what is this brain-computer interface and how it works. You will also find information on its usefulness.

The brain-computer interface is easy to understand if it is a kind of machine or a kind of system. Which connects our brain to the computer and sends the brain's instructions to the computer.

We can even recognize it by another name NCI. Whose full name is Neural Control Interface? To make it easier to understand, such a machine or system, through which the information of our brain can be displayed on the screen of a computer or electronic device. In fact, the system allows you to communicate or give instructions directly to the commuter.

Knowing this, you must have found it interesting and unique. Now let's talk about how it works. To understand the brain interface commuter interface, let's take an example from real life.

Most people know how our brains work. If you know that, you can easily understand this brain-computer. In particular, our brain uses electric pulses to exchange information and instructions with different parts of the body.

This is what we can think with the help of electric pulse and signal. Can work We can dream In this way our brain can do different kinds of things.

Similarly, if you have a general knowledge of computers, the computer also works on the basis of electric signals. From which the computer works based on the instructions we give you.

The electrical signals that work on a computer are zero and one digit in binary form. Now the thing to understand here is that the commuter also works from the electric signal and the brain also uses a kind of electric signal.

Now, in this case, we can make a connection between the two. This means that if we can transmit the kind of electrical signal emanating from our brain to a computer through a system or machine, then the computer can understand the language of our brain.

How much fun would it be to have this very interesting topic in real life? Scientists have completed various tests. The first test was performed on a monkey.

In which some pins were attached to the monkey's head and it was connected with a wire. In this test, the monkey was found to be able to control the robotic arm.

This is exactly what you are looking for in a Doctor Octopus movie. He can move the hands as he pleases without speaking the hands of the machine attached to it.

Now the brain-computer interface technology has become not just a fictional story of the film, but a real-life experiment. In the days to come, this technology will definitely be developed to a more advanced level.

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