Monday, March 4, 2024

What makes people attractive?

 What makes people attractive?

There is a saying in English 'First impression is the last impression.'

This means that the impression you leave when you meet someone for the first time will be remembered for a long time.

How you presented yourself in the first meeting with someone, how you looked, your cover will be remembered by the second person. Besides, what can you say that touches the hearts of others? Is it attractive to others?

What is the common understanding that the beginning of a love relationship is how you looked at first sight?

However, a person can look attractive due to some other qualities. Are you acceptable? how do you speak How are you presented? How do you behave?

A survey was conducted on this serofero in America. A common question was asked in it, 'What other qualities are attractive to a person apart from his looks?'

The participants were of the opinion that material success like house, car is the lowest quality among the things that attract them. Rather, they said that qualities such as agreeing with their partner, speaking openly, and being intelligent are in a higher category than physical attractiveness.

How important is the cover?

Commenting on this survey, Greg Webster, a professor of psychology at the University of Florida, USA, says, 'In this kind of survey, people try to answer in such a way that others consider it good. Therefore, such a survey may not reveal the real truth.

So, in reality, people value the cover of others?

Psychologist Dr. Pooja Shivam Jaitley says, 'The initial attraction lies in the person's cover. However, there is a difference in the look of this person.

How do you look? That may be the first point that someone makes an impression on you. But one's beauty or cover cannot remain attractive for a long time.

It is determined by your personality, your needs and how you see the world. You may have liked it at first glance, but if there is no communication between you at that time, then the same thing may lead to differences. Listening to your partner and coming to an agreement is an important condition for any relationship to last.

You may have liked someone because of their cover or beauty. But if she doesn't care about you, will you still like her?

Measuring the personality of any person is not an easy task. For decades, psychometric tests have asked people many such questions in order to gain more information about their personality.

How to evaluate someone's personality?

How to evaluate the personality of a person in ordinary life?

Behavior expert and life coach Aastha Dewan says, 'A person's personality is made up of a few things. How easy is it to communicate with you? This is important.

Do you let the second person speak when you are having a conversation? What is your interest, what is your opinion, what is the value of life, what is your confidence? All these things are an important part of personality.

You may also have heard that 'opposites attract' when two people who are completely different from each other are attracted to each other. Because differences in personality also attract people.

Then a person is looking for such a friend, who is already familiar with him. Whose personality, lifestyle and social group match. This is the basic principle of attraction.

Aastha Dewan's comment on this is, 'Sometimes a person looks for his equal friend. Sometimes it looks different from itself. This is a human tendency.

Especially if there is similarity in your thoughts, qualities, preferences, you will connect with each other immediately.

In order to sustain any relationship, it is necessary to be compatible to be able to show your own values while staying together.

It is not that people always look for their equality. Sometimes he likes a personality very different from himself. If both fulfill each other's needs.

Dr. According to Aastha Dewan, attraction is more often with the opposite person than friendship. Friendship also happens quickly between two completely different people.

She says, "How many times a person looks for what he lacks in his partner. And together with each other, they make up for that deficiency.

It is very important for the relationship to agree on the attractiveness of the other person. Greg Webster, along with social psychologists Angela Bryan and Amanda Mahaffey, researched three personality traits.

These three qualities were being physically attracted to people. Second, to be economically influential. Third, to make mutual agreement.

In this study, it was found that these three qualities attract people to themselves?

Because each property fulfills basic needs like safety and food in one way or another. But dominance can be anything, good or bad.

Whether people are in a relationship or not, people want their partner to be socially, physically and financially dominant. But most people do not accept this. That dominance also becomes a problem in their relationship.

If a person also has the quality of establishing dominance as well as making mutual consent, it adds to the attraction.

In essence, Webster says, "The quality we have of getting along with everyone is the best of our personality traits."

How to resolve the conflict between the couple?

 How to resolve the conflict between the couple?

There is no couple in the world who want to fight with each other. But it is said that not everything is in our hands. It is exactly the same in the relationship between husband and wife. Sometimes, even if you don't want to, the situation is such that a fight takes place.

However, in every married relationship there are minor conflicts and the couple resolves them and moves on. But sometimes even small quarrels take a big form and the matter reaches divorce. If so, what should be done to prevent the fight from getting bigger? What kind of habits can escalate the dispute with the spouse?

Loud voice while speaking

When both of them say such things, problems start to arise. Which is not easy for both of them to bear. He is not paying attention when he gets angry with his partner about something. Because of this, most of them come in a rage and speak in a loud voice. They start yelling to prove their point. Sometimes foul language is also used in anger.

This not only spoils the relationship, but can even lead to divorce. In such a situation, the problem should be resolved in a peaceful manner as possible.

A relationship does not end if there is a fight. But it is not right to blame each other after a fight. If you have a habit of fighting over small things, it can bring coldness in your relationship. During this period, instead of counting each other's mistakes, it is better to calm things down by showing understanding.

Leaving things unfinished

Someone's habit is to start an argument about something and then suddenly become silent. But silence is not the solution. It turns out to be like adding ghee to a burning fire. If you do this, your partner may feel like you are running away. Such behavior does not only increase the problem. The relationship will not be the same as before.

Treat each other as enemies

Unnecessary fights between husband and wife weaken their relationship. But after a fight, when they consider each other as enemies, a bigger problem arises. In the process, he forgets that he is under the same roof. If even one of them gets hurt, it will have a big impact on their married life. Therefore, when they are against each other, no problem is solved, it becomes more complicated. By doing this, the relationship can become dark and everything can get out of hand.

How to solve?

How to stop a fight once it starts? It can be difficult to know. Conflict may seem impossible to stop. Disputes can range from household chores or minor disagreements, doubts or financial transactions to major disputes. It is important to identify what kind of disagreement there is. Because it will help determine the best way to stop the argument.

One way to prevent conflict in a relationship is to take a break for both of you after the conflict is heated up. This gives each person time to reflect on the situation before continuing the conversation.

There are also some effective phrases that can be said when there is a dispute. Which calms the heated atmosphere.

'Let me think about it'

After saying this, both of them remained calm for some time. In this case, the pattern indicates that the idea is taken care of. If you take time to think, the solution to the problem will surely come out.

"You may be right"

This sentence shows the willingness to make a positive compromise on the disputed matter. This hint is enough to soften the mood for most people. And, it forces them to think about taking a step back.

"I understand"

These are powerful words. Conflicts happen when feelings and situations are not understood. If you listen well and say you understand, it shows sympathy. Understanding does not mean agreeing with something wrong. Understanding does not necessarily mean solving the problem. But if you make a mistake by listening, it helps to remember calmly.

"forgive me"

Many people hesitate to apologize because they think that admitting their mistakes will make them feel small. But sometimes apologizing in a dispute shows sympathy. It can kill the feeling of anger in an instant.

How to make sex life easier for people with high blood pressure and heart disease?

 How to make sex life easier for people with high blood pressure and heart disease?

Sex is a natural need. However, many people with heart problems may have a question - doesn't sexual activity put the heart at greater risk?

It is natural to have this dilemma. Because as much as other health problems are openly discussed, not so much is discussed about sex. Patients do not openly ask questions about this due to hesitation with doctors. So that it may be affecting the sex life directly and indirectly.

Does having heart problems affect your sex life?

Factors such as physical and mental condition, appropriate person and environment can make a difference in the outcome of sex. But sex is a basic need and it is not considered a taboo subject even in any disease.

It is considered safe to have sex even in people with heart problems. According to a journal published in the Johns Hopkins Medicine Organization, cohabitation is considered safe for people with heart and high blood pressure who have no problem climbing stairs, walking and running for some distance. If there are no symptoms, there is no objection to intercourse.

But during the extreme stimulation of sexual intercourse, heart rate increases and blood pressure also increases, so the heart may be under more pressure. For this reason, it is necessary to take some precautions in people with heart artery disease. But it is not necessary to stay away from sexual contact.

If the chest becomes heavy during normal swaying or climbing stairs, there may be some risk of heart attack during sexual intercourse. In such a case, after examining a cardiologist, proper treatment can be given and sexual activity can be done after consulting about precautionary measures.

Post-heart attack condition

It is not good to do too much physical activity for the first two weeks after a heart attack. After that, when the chest is not heavy while swinging and it is easy to do moderate physical activity, then it is possible to have sex. But the condition of being able to have sex and not being able to have sex may differ from person to person.

How to facilitate sex life after a heart attack?

- Husband and wife should talk about their interests and situation without keeping any distance between them.

- A healthy person between husband and wife should help each other by understanding each other's situation.

- Do not have sex immediately after eating.

- Fear should be removed from the mind. Sometimes you can't enjoy sex if you are afraid of having heart problems during intercourse.

- If the chest becomes heavy during intercourse, it may be necessary to stop the activity immediately and take medicine of the "nitrate" group. What the doctor may have said during the consultation.

- If you feel uncomfortable, you should consult a doctor.

Effects of sex on hypertension and cardiovascular disease

In people with high blood pressure and heart disease, the interest in sex is low and the male sex is not stimulated, it takes more time to get excited, and the excitement may not last for a long time. Women may also experience less interest and vaginal dryness and more pain.

the reason

Just as fatty substances accumulate in the blood vessels of the heart and brain and become narrowed, the blood vessels of the penis and vagina also become narrowed when the blood pressure increases. And, the blood flow decreases, which can decrease sexual interest in both.

Sometimes, heart and high blood pressure patients think they are weak without any reason and weaken their self-esteem, so they don't show priority in sex and cannot get full satisfaction. A condition that requires psychological counseling.

Similarly, some medicines related to heart and high blood pressure also affect sexual function. Medicines of the 'thiazide' and 'beta blocker' group used for high blood pressure can reduce sexual interest, lack of extreme pleasure, and decrease in sexual stimulation.

Studies have shown that about 10 percent of young and old people taking these drugs have this effect. Similarly, drugs such as digoxin and sparonolactone, which are used for heart disease, can also reduce sexual desire and cause pain and swelling in men's breasts.

Those with heart rhythm problems may also experience lack of sexual desire and sexual satisfaction. In addition, sexual desire can decrease in diseases such as high blood pressure, various hormone-related conditions, kidney disease, and long-standing uncontrolled diabetes.

What is the solution?

Medicines such as Viagra can be taken to increase sexual arousal. But before taking this medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Alternative medicines can be used on the advice of a doctor, depending on the age and condition of the person, instead of the drugs of the 'thiazide' and 'beta blocker' group used for high blood pressure and the drugs like 'digoxin' and 'sparonolactone' used for heart disease.

Taking Viagra can be fatal for people who are taking drugs from the 'nitrate' group. Apart from that, people with very high or low blood pressure, recent heart attack patients, kidney and liver diseases should not take Viagra.

Some tips for newlyweds about sex life

 Some tips for newlyweds about sex life

When you think of honeymoon, you only think of things related to empty sex, which is wrong. During this period, those who have a love marriage get a chance to understand each other more than those who have a love marriage. If you go somewhere during the honeymoon period, you will have a sweet memory for the rest of your life.

But it is better to know the sexual health problems that occur during the honeymoon and their solutions and safe sex methods. In matters of sex, the newlyweds should not be in a hurry to have sex, especially to show the aggressive behavior of men. It is better to have information about some aspects of sexual stimulation that can be done before sex rather than having sex once a day.

Listening to veg-non-veg jokes and using sexual organs can be done before intercourse. It is good for the couple to consume light alcohol as it helps in sexual performance. But from the point of view of safety, i.e. because you have to provide protection to your wife, you should not drink while drunk. Perfume can be used to remove sweat and body odor.

Since the membrane (hymen) in the vagina can be easily torn while learning to ride a bicycle, ride a bike, or ride a horse in the teenage years, there should not be any disagreement between the couple regarding the issue of virginity being broken depending on whether or not the membrane (hymen) is present in the vagina during the first sexual intercourse. Similarly, some men may have the problem of premature ejaculation, which is called premature ejaculation. This problem may have been due to mental reasons.

As mentioned above, if you do pre-sexual activities, you can increase your confidence and get rid of the problem of premature ejaculation. In addition, one should not dwell on sexual thoughts long before intercourse, stop and start sexual intercourse during intercourse, change posture, hold the bottom of the penis, use a condom, and exercise control of ejaculation by using muscles.

Frequent urinary tract infections are one of the other common problems that appear after starting to have sex. Which is also known as honeymoon cystitis (bladder infection) in medical language. Also, slight bleeding may occur due to injury to the hymen after the initial intercourse.

Among the pleasures or pleasures that a person can get, the extreme pleasure that can be obtained during sexual activity is probably the best category. In men, peak pleasure is achieved a little sooner, while in women, it is achieved only after a long interval. Men should be especially careful about this. Because even though there are still educated and modern girls in Nepal, they hesitate to express that they are not satisfied. If this matter is ignored and taken lightly, mental problems i.e. depression (sadness) may gradually appear in women.

Some couples, especially the female partner, may experience more pain than usual during intercourse. Which is called dyspareunia in medical language. Dyspareunia occurs when there is insufficient production of vaginal fluid, vaginal dryness, muscle contractions around the genitals due to fear or fear of sexual activity, chronic female genital infections, and blood clots around the uterus (endometriosis) after menstruation.

Males with erectile dysfunction can use drugs that increase sexual arousal. But in stressful or fearful situations and places, even if you try to have sex in a hurry, there may be a problem of not stimulating the sex, you should be careful about this. If a child is born within a month or a year of marriage, the happiness of married life may decrease due to additional responsibilities. Therefore, to enjoy marriage for some time, it is better for the couple to have children only after a few years of marriage.

Condom is the proper family planning tool for newly married couples to prevent pregnancy. Care must be taken when using the condom so that it does not break. Condoms can break in stressful or fearful situations and under pressure to demonstrate sexual ability. If the condom breaks, sexual intercourse should be stopped immediately, the penis should be removed, the genitals should be cleaned, and the penis should be changed.

There should be knowledge that pregnancy results from ovum expulsion, ejaculation during sexual intercourse, ovum fertilization, ovum implantation. Therefore, every woman should know the period of pregnancy according to her menstrual cycle. Condoms should be used during this period of pregnancy. During the rest of the time, you can have sexual contact openly without a condom.

Even if both these efforts fail, there is no need to panic, because pills can be used to get rid of emergency pregnancy. For this, four pills should be taken as the first dose within 72 hours of intercourse and the second dose after 12 hours.

Keeping this in mind, progesterone-only pills can be used, while condoms can be used for five days after unprotected intercourse. Even after that, in case of extensive stress, urine test and other safety measures can be adopted after consulting a gynecologist.