Showing posts with label couple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label couple. Show all posts

How to resolve the conflict between the couple?

 How to resolve the conflict between the couple?

There is no couple in the world who want to fight with each other. But it is said that not everything is in our hands. It is exactly the same in the relationship between husband and wife. Sometimes, even if you don't want to, the situation is such that a fight takes place.

However, in every married relationship there are minor conflicts and the couple resolves them and moves on. But sometimes even small quarrels take a big form and the matter reaches divorce. If so, what should be done to prevent the fight from getting bigger? What kind of habits can escalate the dispute with the spouse?

Loud voice while speaking

When both of them say such things, problems start to arise. Which is not easy for both of them to bear. He is not paying attention when he gets angry with his partner about something. Because of this, most of them come in a rage and speak in a loud voice. They start yelling to prove their point. Sometimes foul language is also used in anger.

This not only spoils the relationship, but can even lead to divorce. In such a situation, the problem should be resolved in a peaceful manner as possible.

A relationship does not end if there is a fight. But it is not right to blame each other after a fight. If you have a habit of fighting over small things, it can bring coldness in your relationship. During this period, instead of counting each other's mistakes, it is better to calm things down by showing understanding.

Leaving things unfinished

Someone's habit is to start an argument about something and then suddenly become silent. But silence is not the solution. It turns out to be like adding ghee to a burning fire. If you do this, your partner may feel like you are running away. Such behavior does not only increase the problem. The relationship will not be the same as before.

Treat each other as enemies

Unnecessary fights between husband and wife weaken their relationship. But after a fight, when they consider each other as enemies, a bigger problem arises. In the process, he forgets that he is under the same roof. If even one of them gets hurt, it will have a big impact on their married life. Therefore, when they are against each other, no problem is solved, it becomes more complicated. By doing this, the relationship can become dark and everything can get out of hand.

How to solve?

How to stop a fight once it starts? It can be difficult to know. Conflict may seem impossible to stop. Disputes can range from household chores or minor disagreements, doubts or financial transactions to major disputes. It is important to identify what kind of disagreement there is. Because it will help determine the best way to stop the argument.

One way to prevent conflict in a relationship is to take a break for both of you after the conflict is heated up. This gives each person time to reflect on the situation before continuing the conversation.

There are also some effective phrases that can be said when there is a dispute. Which calms the heated atmosphere.

'Let me think about it'

After saying this, both of them remained calm for some time. In this case, the pattern indicates that the idea is taken care of. If you take time to think, the solution to the problem will surely come out.

"You may be right"

This sentence shows the willingness to make a positive compromise on the disputed matter. This hint is enough to soften the mood for most people. And, it forces them to think about taking a step back.

"I understand"

These are powerful words. Conflicts happen when feelings and situations are not understood. If you listen well and say you understand, it shows sympathy. Understanding does not mean agreeing with something wrong. Understanding does not necessarily mean solving the problem. But if you make a mistake by listening, it helps to remember calmly.

"forgive me"

Many people hesitate to apologize because they think that admitting their mistakes will make them feel small. But sometimes apologizing in a dispute shows sympathy. It can kill the feeling of anger in an instant.

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