Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Obesity increases during the festival, how to control it?

 Obesity increases during the festival, how to control it?

During festivals like Dashain, people eat and drink to their heart's content. Let's not talk about others, health-conscious people are also saying - 'It's fun to eat during the festival, it's fun!'

Its results start to be seen after the end of the festival. Body weight increases, diabetes makes you lose weight, cholesterol makes you sad. Then they start saying, 'What should we do now?'

Carelessness during the festival

During the festival, we eat with our heart rather than our body. We eat with our heart, we eat to keep our heart. When we start cooking sweet and savory food at home, we can't stop ourselves, we eat it to our heart's content. He goes to relatives, friends. Food is served there to welcome us. We can't turn away the food that has been cooked with heartiness for the guests. Even if the stomach is full, we eat to keep our mind. On top of that - meat, paneer, fried, fried, spicy food. How can the body tolerate such food?

And obesity increases

During festivals like Dashain, there is a widespread custom of eating sweets, freezing in the form of tas, and consuming meat and alcohol. Some people stay quiet, some people start raving. Excess calories accumulated in the body while eating and sitting cannot be spent.

It is eaten from morning till late at night. It is difficult for our body to digest food late at night. On the other hand, sleep is not coordinated. The direct effect of excessive food is on the stomach. The stomach cannot digest it and stores it as fat.

After gaining fat, the weight will increase. Anxiety also increases with weight gain. Because the uncontrolled weight of the body also brings other problems. Like diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol etc. Many people must have experienced that after Dashain they usually gain four to five kg.

Other problems with obesity

Most of the problems during Dashain are for those who have chronic diseases. Patients with uric acid, diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol should pay the most attention to obesity, diet, sleep and medicine.

All these things are not in balance due to the excitement and wandering of Dashain. If you eat too much meat as well as alcohol, this chronic disease may cause heart problems and cause a heart attack and you may need to be taken to the hospital immediately.

More problems in men

In Dashain, most of the problems are comparatively seen in men. Because women are also doing physical exercise by working in the kitchen, room and yard for cooking, worship, and cleaning. However, in the case of men, sitting in one place after sitting down to play Tas, eating in the same place and not caring how much they have eaten, causes back pain, obesity, insomnia, and indigestion.

what to do

Control your diet as much as possible

Even if you eat sweets and fried, burnt food during the festival, you should reduce the quantity. For that, along with meat dishes, fresh fruits, salads, green vegetables and protein rich items should also be kept on the plate. And, when eating food, you should start with green vegetables and fruits. If you start like this, you will lose your appetite to eat heavy food. And, the amount of meat is also less. Foods with more fiber than meat also help in digesting food such as meat.

Place food on a small plate and eat slowly

Eating on a small plate automatically reduces the amount of food. Even if you take it on a small plate and eat it slowly, you will avoid unnecessary eating. After adding once, you should try to reduce the habit of adding.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins from the body. Which also makes you less hungry. Make a habit of drinking water 30 minutes before or 40 minutes after eating. It will not only keep the metabolism fast, but also help you eat less.

physical activity

The most necessary exercise is during a long festival like Dashain. Don't be fooled by the fact that gyms and yoga halls are closed during this time.

Exercising for 15 to 20 minutes at home is also beneficial. If there are guests in the house or if the mood is not right, you can exercise and walk in the morning or evening.

Eat on time

During the festival we often forget the regular meal times. Eating at irregular times has a negative effect on metabolism and increases the possibility of weight gain.

So, you can eat twice a day and have a light snack in between. It is better to eat meat dishes in the morning than in the evening. It is advisable to eat light food in the evening and sleep three hours after eating.

enough sleep

Lack of sleep can also be a major cause of weight gain. During festivals, due to feasting and other activities, sleep is reduced, which reduces the body's energy and also affects the metabolism. Be it a festival or a normal day, you should try to sleep for 7 to 8 hours daily.

Tortured transportation of animals from the front of the quarantine

 Tortured transportation of animals from the front of the quarantine

An excessive amount of animals are brought in for meat on the occasion of Dashain. Especially, there is a rush of vehicles carrying buffaloes and goats.

These are the sources of meat that we eat according to taste. But if you see the condition of these animals, you and I will be shocked. My heart cries. Because these Awadh animals are tortured in a very cruel manner and dragged in the car. The cruelty is also such that, as if they are heinous criminals.

Buffaloes are transported by tying their trunks, natris and tails in one truck so that they cannot sit at all. That too is more than capacity. Don't let him eat the grain. Not for one day, but for four or five days.

When brought to Kathmandu, these animals are already weak, sick and injured. There are wounds on their bodies. Nathri's rope is tightened and her head is cut off. The tail is swollen.

Not only the horned buffalo, but also the khasiboka seems to have the same strangeness. Some are tied to the roof, some are locked in a dinky and transported under torture.

When you reach Nagadhunga at this time, you will be heartbroken by such scenes.

While transporting animals in such a cruel way is considered a crime. Animal transport standards have been made to ensure that they can be easily transported. The state has established animal quarantine in various places to monitor or monitor whether the standard is being followed. Staff have been assigned to quarantine. But there, Awadh animals are transported from the front of the quarantine, as if there is no law and order in the country.

28 buffaloes were brought in a vehicle that came from Rupandehi to Nagadhunga in Kathmandu on Tuesday. They were tied to their tails and brought in such a way that it was difficult for them to turn around. Similarly, they brought 22 goats on the roof of the passenger bus that came to Kathmandu from Sindhuli and on the coach. While animals cannot be transported in passenger vehicles.

The driver of the vehicle says that they do not know that it is not possible to bring goats by placing them on the roof of the passenger car and pulling them in the trunk. "We do not know that it is not possible to bring a goat in a passenger vehicle. He says that there is no information about what are the shipping standards and what kind of fines will be imposed if they are violated.

Even after telling them that bringing animals in this way is against the standard, they did not say that they made a mistake and that they will not bring animals in this way from now on. On the contrary, they began to abuse the animal quarantine that stopped the vehicle, 'This law applies only to farmers and the poor like us, not to the elders. What happens when you carry a little goat during Dashain? Take them to Kathmandu and cut them up and eat them.

The Animal Quarantine asked them to bring another vehicle and take the goat but they refused. Quarantine immediately sent them away after paying a fine.

In this way, quarantine could not have sent those transporting animals against the standard to Kathmandu, but they sent them after paying a fine. If only fines are paid and discounts are given to those who transport animals against the standards, this process will continue continuously. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the Animal Welfare Act as soon as possible.

In Section 290 of the Criminal Code of the Civil Code, there is a provision that cruelty to animals should not be treated and if it is done, it is punishable by imprisonment up to three months or a fine of five thousand rupees or both imprisonment and fine. But neither the standards are followed nor action is taken.

Lakshmi Ghimire, Field Officer of Animal Nepal, also reached Nagadhunga to see if the animal transportation was done according to the standards. "Even though animal rights activists are constantly raising their voice that animal transportation should be in accordance with the standards, it has not been fully implemented," she said.

Ghimire says, 'Animals transported in meat production should be treated according to standards. If the standards are not met, the meat is not healthy. It affects people. Therefore, the issue of animal welfare is directly related to people.

The Animal Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has the first responsibility to monitor whether the animals are being transported in accordance with the standards. Animal department can monitor by keeping quarantine. Also Nepal Police can monitor and control it. Advocate Padam Bahadur Shrestha says that if the standards are not followed, the shipment can be stopped and fined as well.

Also, despite the 17 years since the animal transportation standard was made, its implementation has not been done properly. Due to the non-implementation of this standard, the buffaloes and goats that enter Kathmandu Valley for meat during Dashain are coming back safely.

Animals are being transported in a cruel way because the standards issued in 2064 are limited to paper. Even though the law prohibiting extreme torture of animals has been passed in Nepal many times, it has not been implemented.

According to the standards, every vehicle transporting animals should have a first aid box. Similarly, animals with different physical structure cannot be transported in the same vehicle. Padapadi should not be mixed with buffalo. All buffaloes, chamois must have their heads and faces facing the front of the vehicle towards the driver. Even the nose and tail cannot be tied. 6 inch thick straw, chaff or sotar should be kept in the wagons for keeping buffaloes and buffaloes.

The body of the animal must be foamed on the side of the vehicle that will be hit. Animals should have 0.84 to 1.27 square meters of space inside the vehicle. By doing this, as many as 20 animals are placed in one truck.

If we look at the transportation of animals to the capital Kathmandu via Prithvi Highway and Tribhuvan Rajpath for meat, many examples of non-compliance can be found. This highway Because of this, thousands of buffaloes and goats are brought into the capital every day, and they are transported in a painful way with extreme torture.

How to check fresh meat in Dashain?

 How to check fresh meat in Dashain?

Many meat shops in Nepal are not constructed and operated scientifically. Due to carelessness there is a risk of bacterial infection in the consumer, the larvae of lice entering the body and different types of diseases. Therefore, you have to pay special attention to some things when buying meat.

Everyone should consider the danger of getting disease instead of nutrition from meat if they get spoiled meat while buying meat. Therefore, consumers should be aware of these things for healthy meat.

Color: Fresh meat should be dark natural color. For example, beef, pork, and chicken are usually dark red, pink, and white, respectively. However, if the color of the meat is light purple instead of red, it means that it has been exposed to oxygen. But it is not dangerous or harmful.

Smell: This is considered to be the easiest way to check the freshness of meat. Fresh meat does not have any kind of smell. There is no particularly strange smell. Strange odors can often be sour, bleach, ammonia or fishy.

Touch: You can also know the quality of meat by touch. Fresh meat is hard to the touch. To check whether the meat is fresh, you should gently press the meat with your fingers. If the meat is fresh, then after a while the meat will return to its original shape, no fingerprints will remain on the meat. If it is not fresh meat, it will have fingerprints on it. If the meat feels slippery to the touch, it is a sign that the meat is rotten.

Check for excessive 'Drop Loss': Drop loss refers to the liquid material that comes out of the meat due to gravity during storage and handling. If the drop loss of meat is excessive, it indicates that the meat is not fresh.

How to check freshness of fish

Looking at the eyes: The eyes of a fresh fish are clean, shiny and slightly protruding. Stale fish have dull and sunken eyes.

Gills: The gills of fresh fish are dark red or pink in color. It is also non-slippery. If the color of the gills is pale or brown, it is a sign that the fish is old.

Smell: Fresh fish has a slight sea or pond smell. If the fish has a strong smell, it indicates that it is stale.

Vent: The vent of the fish should not protrude. This also indicates that the fish is old.

Meat check: Even fresh fish has tough meat. When it is meat, fingerprints should not remain on it. This also indicates that the fish is stale.

(Rai is a teaching assistant at the Central Technology Campus in Dharan. She has a master's degree in food technology.)

Why do cholesterol patients increase in hospital after Dashain?

Why do cholesterol patients increase in hospital after Dashain?

We understand Dashain as a festival of eating and drinking. That is why Manlagdi is eaten at this time. Fish, meat and alcohol are mandatory during Dashain.

Even those who don't drink at other times drink because it's a festival. Drunkenness was a better excuse. They sit and drink from morning till midnight.

On top of that, Sitan was also wanted. Grilled, fried, spicy, bitter, sour meat. Dalmot, chips. What is the habit of most of them is to take vinegar after drinking alcohol.

Such foods may not have an immediate effect. However, with the onset of winter, the number of patients in the hospital begins to increase. Most of them have cholesterol problems. After all, why did they have bad cholesterol? The uncontrolled eating of the same Dashain is one of the reasons behind this.

What happens when cholesterol increases? Why does it increase? Let's understand it in common language.

Cholesterol is a layer of fat in our body. Cholesterol is necessary for proper blood flow in the blood vessels and the structure of the body's cells. However, if the amount of cholesterol in the blood is more than required, it accumulates in the blood vessels, liver and heart.

Blood collects in the blood vessels and narrows the blood vessels. This is why the blood flow is not good. What this does is increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease.

This problem is mostly seen in people with heart problems and high blood pressure. However, it does not mean that it is not seen in others.

Cholesterol is such a problem, the early signs of which do not match anything. It suddenly causes problems. Its general symptoms can be seen in anyone. Like white spots appearing around the eyes, black spots appearing on the back of the neck. However, in most cases, this problem is not detected without testing.

When the problem increases, it becomes difficult to handle it. Therefore, it is advisable to find preventive measures before such a problem occurs.

What to do now?

Be alert and take necessary precautions before problems occur. For this, some conditions must be followed.

- Reduce the consumption of red meat. Instead of red meat, white meat and fish can be consumed.

- Do not eat too much ghee, butter, cheese and animal fats.

- Cholesterol contains triglycerides. As carbohydrates increase the amount of triglycerides, eat such foods as little as possible.

- Sugary foods are high in carbohydrates, so eat as little as possible.

- In case of heart disease and high cholesterol level, take related medicine regularly.

- Consuming more fruits and green vegetables than meat.

- Eating less fat and skinned meat.

- Full sleep.

- Don't drink alcohol. Even if you do, consume very little.

Consuming high amounts of fibrous and fiber-rich foods.

Along with diet, you should also pay attention to exercise. At least five days a week you should walk briskly for 30 to 45 minutes.

A medical emergency situation

Eating alcohol and meat indiscriminately increases cholesterol. Apart from that, there are also many people who come to the hospital with a bone stuck in their neck. People are not alert and alert when they are drunk. At that time, when they eat bones with meat, there are many cases of them getting stuck in the throat. This is a medical emergency. In such a situation, if not treated immediately, it can lead to death.

Likewise, people with heart problems, high blood pressure, and those taking blood thinners can also be at risk from uncontrolled eating.