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Showing posts with label are. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How dangerous are male genital infections?

How dangerous are male genital infections?

Genital burning in men can be caused by anything from a simple allergic reaction to a serious sexually transmitted disease. In some cases, the genitals may also burn due to urinary infection.

If there is no serious problem but it just itches, then it can also be caused by underwear. Especially in the summer season, the inner clothes become wet and damp with sweat. As a result, the rash becomes infected and causes itching, burning and peeling of the skin.

The risk of infection is also higher in those who wear 'synthetic fabric' underwear.

what to do

- Cotton should be used for inner clothes. Cotton cloth can keep the genitals dry for hours by easily removing the moisture and sweat from the genitals.

- Changing underwear daily.

- You can sleep without underwear at night. By doing this, if there is a problem of burning and itching, it will give relief to some extent.

Allergic reaction

Sometimes the use of moisturizers, gels or soaps can also cause allergies. The chemicals in these products can cause itching and burning.

Therefore, if this problem occurs, it is advisable to stop these products for a few days or consult a doctor.

what to do

- If it is a chemical reaction, then the genitals and its surroundings should be thoroughly washed with warm water twice a day.

- After that, wipe with a cotton cloth and put on a cotton inner garment.

Genital dryness during intercourse

Not only underwear, genitals can also burn during sexual intercourse. This problem bothers most men who experience intense burning.

This problem can be due to lack of lubricant. It can cause not only burning but also genital pain and red spots.

what to do

- If a condom is not used during intercourse, a safe type of lubricant can be used.

- Attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the genitals.

- If there is a problem with burning even after three days, it is advisable to see a urologist.

sexually transmitted disease

Sexually transmitted infections are also a common cause of male genital burning. This problem is seen as a symptom in sexually transmitted diseases like herpes, ringworm, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

To guess that it may be a sexually transmitted disease, symptoms such as reddening, soreness, discharge of pus, pain during intercourse are seen along with burning of the penis.

The main cause of sexually transmitted infections in men is having too many sexual partners and not using a condom during intercourse.

what to do

- If you suspect the symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, you can see a sexologist or a urologist.

- Timely identification of sexually transmitted diseases and drug treatment according to the problem is possible.

Fungal infection

Symptoms such as burning, white blisters, and frequent itching are seen even when there is growth of fungus (thrush) on the penis. However, this problem is less common in men than in women.

But lack of attention to hygiene, not changing underwear daily, wearing cold underwear and having unprotected sex with a sexually infected partner can cause fungal infection.

what to do

- If there is an infection, if antifungal medicine is used, the infection will gradually disappear along with the symptoms. But the medicine should be taken only on the advice of a doctor.

- Regardless of whether there is a problem or not, you should always pay attention to hygiene and make a habit of having sex in a safe manner.

Urinary tract infection

In case of urine infection, it can be easily recognized as the symptoms are clear. Burning when urinating, feeling full in the bladder and frequent urination are the main symptoms of urinary infection.

what to do

- Antibiotics are used in its treatment. If you take the medicine recommended by the doctor after looking at the condition, you will recover quickly.

Eczema or psoriasis

Skin problems like eczema or psoriasis can also make the penis and the area around it dry. Due to this, there are problems like itching, burning, swelling of the skin.

what to do

- Dermatologist or urologist can give some medicine depending on the condition.

- Do not bathe with hot water in this condition. And don't rub it on the skin. It can cause more problems by creating wounds on the skin.

Kidney stones

Kidney stones are small lumps or clusters made of minerals and salts that can form anywhere in the urinary tract.

Its causes are low fluid intake and frequent urinary infections, low citrate in urine, bowel problems, taking HIV antiviral drugs and scoliosis drugs, increased uric acid levels, and in some cases, stones can also occur due to low water intake.

Because of this, there is excessive burning during the discharge of urine from the urethra. Also, symptoms like lower back pain and fever are seen.

what to do

- There are different methods of treatment according to the type, size, location and structure of stones. Small stones can be treated with medication.

- If the stones are small, the patient is made to increase the amount of medicine and water. Because of this, the stones are easily washed away with the urine.

- In case of very large kidney stones, surgery or laser treatment may be recommended to remove them.

Problems with the prostate gland

Even if there is a problem with the prostate gland, there may be an intense burning sensation in the penis. Its size increases with age. When the number of cells in the prostate gland increases, the size and weight of the gland increases.

The cover or shell of the prostate gland is not so flexible. As the flexibility of the prostate gland is limited, when this gland grows, the urethra begins to be pressed, so the urine does not get an easy passage.

As the gland enlarges, the urethra becomes narrower and longer  It happens. The symptoms of which are burning urine, pain, blood in urine and delayed urination.

what to do

- According to the doctor's advice, treatment according to the symptoms, use of drugs, use of alpha blockers and other drugs that dry the prostate gland can be very effective.

- If it has been a long time and the medicine stops working effectively, or if the size of the prostate gland is very large, surgery is necessary.

- Surgery is now possible through binoculars and laser technology. So that the complexity is less.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Why are X-rays done?

 Why are X-rays done?

At one point or another, most of us have had an X-ray of some part of the body. Everyone has heard about this test since childhood.

As soon as the word X-ray comes to our mind, a black picture comes in front of us, in which the image of bones is visible. But its function is not only to show pictures, there are many others. Few people know the real information.

What is X-ray?

An X-ray is a type of imaging test. which creates a picture of your bones and other organs attached to them. An X-ray machine uses a safe amount of radiation to make this picture. From the picture prepared through X-ray, the doctor makes a plan about the treatment and what kind of treatment is needed.

Usually, in the case of broken bones, due to an accidental accident, the bones of any part of the body have been broken and the diseases related to it are checked. X-rays are a safe and effective way to assess bone health.

Why do X-rays?

- To identify broken bones

- To determine the cause of pain and swelling symptoms

-To identify other foreign objects in the body

-To detect structural problems of bones, joints or soft tissue attached to joints

- And, regular examination may be necessary for cancer and other diseases as well.

Types of X-rays

X-ray is not only for one part of the body. There are many parts. According to which there are types of X-ray tests.

Abdominal X-ray: This X-ray takes pictures of the kidneys, stomach, liver and bladder. Which helps to identify kidney and bladder stones. It consists of a special type of abdominal X-ray. It is called barium enema, which helps to use the digestive system.

X-ray of bones: X-rays are also used to see the condition of broken bones, disorganized joints and lumps. Bone infection and cancer can also be identified through this.

Chest X-ray: This test helps to detect pneumonia, heart, lung and chest bone problems.

Dental X-ray: Dental X-ray helps to check the health condition of teeth and gums.

Fluoroscopy: Fluoroscopy shows images of soft tissues such as organs and intestines. The X-ray also detects the movement of the organs on the screen like a film.

Fluoroscopy is often used in x-rays of the digestive system.


A CT scan is also a radiology study. Which shows a picture of the condition of bones, organs and tissues through a monitor. This machine looks like a donut shape.

Mammograms: Providers use mammograms to take X-ray pictures of breast tissue, evaluate breast lumps, and diagnose breast cancer. From which breast lumps can be evaluated and breast cancer can be identified.

How does X-ray work?

X-rays send radiation through the body. The light of that radiation is invisible. which cannot be experienced. The beam is passed through the body and an image is formed on the X-ray detector located near it. Bones, cells, tissues and other structures absorb the radiation as it passes through the body. That's why it looks like a bright white color on X-ray. But soft tissue does not absorb radiation easily. That's why X-ray shows gray color.

How to prepare for X-ray?

-Inform your health care provider or examiner about your health history, allergies, and any medications you are taking.

- In general, no special preparation is required to prepare for a bone X-ray. For other types of X-rays, the examiner may give some preparation instructions.

- Do not use lotion, cream or perfume when preparing for any type of X-ray.

-Metal objects such as jewellery, hairpins or hearing aids cannot be used. You should wear comfortable clothes before the X-ray.

X-ray exposure

In general, X-rays are safe and effective for people of all ages.

If there is a possibility of pregnancy, you may need to tell the doctor before taking the X-ray. Because X-ray radiation can harm the fetus. If you are pregnant, if there is less harm, the doctor suggests to do MRI or ultrasound.

When will the X-ray results be available?

Bone X-ray results are usually ready immediately. After the X-ray, the doctor will advise you about the results. Apart from that, it may take a long time to get the results of the X-ray test.

Side effects of x-rays

Some people may be allergic after X-ray. Symptoms may appear a day or two after the X-ray. If you experience headache, skin rash, itching, vomiting or nausea and difficulty breathing, you should contact your doctor immediately. But these symptoms are seen only by few.

Monday, June 17, 2024

How healthy are you? It can be detected by the color of urine

 How healthy are you? It can be detected by the color of urine

Red, yellow, pink and green. Sometimes the color of urine can be like a rainbow. It can also be purple, orange or blue in color. Many such changes in the color of urine cannot be considered a normal condition.

Our body removes waste through urine. It also flushes out the nitrogenous wastes that are formed by mixing proteins, muscles and red blood cells in the body.

In addition, many other substances such as vitamins and medicines that we eat are excreted from the body through urine.

There are some elements which should not be present in urine. So, when you have a health problem, the question that the doctor often asks is, 'What is the color of your urine?'

From the answer to this question, what is the health condition of the doctor and what kind of treatment can be given? It is easy to guess roughly.

red color

If the color of the urine is red, it indicates that there is blood in it. It can cause problems in any part of the body related to the urinary system. If there is blood in the kidney, bladder, prostate or any tube connected to the ureter, the urine may be red.

Similarly, how blood is excreted through urine depends on many physical conditions. For example, what is the amount of blood in the urine? Looking at how fresh? And, are there other problems while urinating?

If there is a lot of bleeding, the color of the urine looks like 'red wine'.

Such bleeding can be due to many reasons. For example, kidney stones, cancer, trauma, any infection in the urinary tract. Even if you eat beetroot more than necessary, the color of urine can be red.

Under normal conditions, our urine looks like yellow color and orange color. It also depends on how much water we drink.

As water becomes less, the color of urine becomes dark yellow and sometimes orange in color.

If you drink enough fluids, the color of urine will be thin and pale yellow. The substance that makes urine yellow is called 'urobilin'.

Its production process begins with the breakdown of old red blood cells in the body. Those blood cells that are not in good shape need to be removed from the body system.

In this process, a compound called bilirubin is formed. It exits the body to some extent through the urinary tract and to some extent through the intestines. Bilirubin is used in our liver to produce bile that is released when we eat. This pitta is important for digestion and helps break down fat in the body.

Bile stays in the intestines and passes out through the stool. Due to this pitta, the stool looks brown in color. Bile can also be unable to reach the intestine, which indicates gallstones or cancer blocking the bile ducts. In this case, bilirubin returns to the bloodstream. And it comes out through urine.

Therefore, the color starts to darken, appearing orange or brown. If the amount of bilirubin increases, the color of the skin also starts to turn yellow. This condition of the body is called 'obstructive jaundice' i.e. a type of jaundice.

In this case, if the amount of bilirubin increases, the color of the face becomes yellow. Some medications, including the antibiotic rifampicin, can cause orange urine.

Green and blue

Green and blue colors are rarely seen. If the color of the urine is green or blue while urinating in the toilet, the person may be surprised.

If green or blue dyes are used to color any food, the color of urine may be green or blue. Eating such foods in excess can cause such urine.

Taking some medicines like anesthetics, vitamins, antihistamines can also cause the color of urine to be green or blue. Some bacteria also make compounds, which are green in color.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria produce blue and green colored pyocyanin.

Urinary tract infection can be seen in rare cases. In such a situation, urinating may cause burning and pain.

female stomachache because poisonous food


This situation is also rare. One possible cause of this is porphyria. It is a genetic disease that affects the skin and nervous system.

The second reason for this is a rare disease called Purple Urine Bag Syndrome. Which is due to urinary tract infection.

In this case, using a catheter (a device used medically to remove urine from the body) also makes the urine purple.


A small amount of beetroot can cause the color of urine to be pink instead of dark red. In such cases, urologists compare it to red wine.

There may be other colors of urine, which are not part of the rainbow. Some are dark in color. Usually brown or black. When this happens, doctors may compare it to Coca-Cola.

other diseases

The color of the urine can be brown or black, which the doctor can compare to Coca-Cola. Sometimes this color appears when muscles are broken down and converted into a compound called myoglobin. Which is a sign of a serious disease called rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, excessive exertion or the use of some medicines may be necessary.

Similarly, bilirubin can also cause black and gray color. Bilirubin makes the urine so dark that it appears both black and brown in color.

Kidney swelling

This color can also be seen in acne (glomerulonephritis). Due to this, when passing through the urinary tract, the urine changes from red to brown in color and sometimes the urine can be colorless.

Urine should not be dark yellow in color. Likewise, a large amount of thin urine can also indicate some diseases. Whether it is due to diabetes or excessive alcohol consumption.

It shows how many different colors our urine can be and how many different problems it can indicate. And, this is by no means a list of every problem.

But understanding the reason for the change in urine color will help you decide whether to drink water or see a doctor.

Is frequent urination at night a sign of diabetes?

A night's sleep acts as a medicine for the tiredness of the day. If something disturbs the sleep, there will be many problems. Frequent urination at night is one of the reasons that disrupts sleep.

If you have to go through this problem every day, it is not normal. This problem is related to diet and lifestyle, Dr. Veer Hospital's chief consultant Eurosurgeon. Ravin Bahadur Basnet says.

"Frequent urination at night can also indicate diabetes, urinary tract infection or prostate disease," he says.

Drinking a lot of water makes you urinate frequently?

Many people think that because they drink a lot of water before going to bed, it is normal to urinate a lot at night. But it doesn't always happen. This can be a symptom of diabetes and other serious problems. Vinay Bhattarai says.

If you drink a lot of water before going to bed, sometimes you may urinate frequently at night. But if there is a problem of frequent urination at night, drinking water before going to sleep or drinking too much water may not be the reason, he says.

Dr. Bhattarai continues, “Diabetes increases blood sugar levels, which puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys and they cannot absorb the extra sugar completely. As a result, excess sugar is excreted through urine, but at this time, a large amount of water is also absorbed from the body. As a result, more urine starts coming out. In such a situation, when you feel very thirsty, the amount of water increases and you urinate frequently.

In diabetes, there is frequent urination not only at night but also during the day. If there is a problem of dry mouth and frequent urination, Bhattarai suggests getting diabetes checked.

Other causes of frequent urination

Dr. If you do not urinate frequently during the day, but you have to urinate frequently at night, it may also be due to heart problems. Basnet says. "If the heart is not working properly during the day, water accumulates in the lower part of the leg while standing and sitting," he says. Makes and may urinate frequently at night.'

Frequent urination in men can be a symptom of prostate problems. As the age increases, the prostate gland increases and frequent urination occurs not only at night but also during the day.

"Urinary tract infection (UTI) due to the infection of the urinary tract, the problem of frequent urination at night also appears," said Dr. Bhattarai says, "Even if there is an infection in the kidneys, urine can come many times during the night."

He says that a woman's frequent urination at night is also a common early sign of pregnancy. He says that this problem appears when the growing fetus puts pressure on the bladder.

If you urinate frequently at night, you should first have a urine test to identify whether there is any health problem. If there is no identification from that, other tests such as ultrasound should be done," said Dr. Bhattarai says, "We find out whether there is any problem in the test. If a problem appears, it should be treated on the advice of a doctor.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

If a child has a brain tumor, what are the symptoms?

 If a child has a brain tumor, what are the symptoms?

I wish that children would not get 'brain tumor'. Because after having a brain tumor, the risk is very high for them. One is that the treatment is not easy, the other is less chance of recovery.

I have a complaint to God, why send a child with such a tumor at birth?

However, contrary to our wishes, there are many cases of tumor in children. Especially this problem has come from birth. Why is this happening? It cannot be answered exactly. Because there have been countless researches on cancer so far. However, such a great achievement has not been achieved.

Usually, the most common cause of tumor is a malfunction of Jin. Why is gin bad? The exact reason for this has not been discovered. However, there is a problem when Jin does not develop as it should in general. Gin also has its own 'coding'. Sometimes abnormal cells develop due to mismatched coding. The same cell can grow and become a tumor. And, it can take the form of cancer.

Another thing is that it is said that such a disease is passed on to one's generation by inheritance. But, if that is the case, one person has four children. Only four people do not have tumors. Maybe in one person. Why not the other three?

There is no single concrete reason or answer for this tumor to develop and become cancer. Various things may have influenced it. First a tumor was visible. Now different sub-types (sub-types) of the same started appearing. Some are cured by the same treatment, some are not.

Increased risk of tumors in children

A child's brain tumor is more risky than an adult's. There are many reasons for this. On the one hand, the child cannot express what is happening to him. The child does not say that the head is aching, the eyes are getting weak, and the hearing ability is decreasing.

If there is a child under the age of one year, the speech will not come at all. Other children also do not get the melomeso to express the bad changes that are happening in their body. That is why when they are brought to the hospital, the problem becomes complicated. The tumor has grown.

Small head, big tumor. Complex treatment, weak body. It is difficult for the child's body to tolerate tumor surgery. Again, what has been seen so far is that the tumor on the child's head is in a very awkward place. Basically three types of tumors are seen in them, which are very bad tumors.

Now the tumor is surgically removed. However, if cancer has already occurred, further treatment is uncomfortable. It is difficult to give them chemotherapy, even radiotherapy.

Are there any symptoms of brain tumor in children?

All diseases have symptoms, but how many are known, and how many are not known. Similarly, some symptoms are compatible with other diseases. So the symptoms can sometimes be confusing.

If there is any problem in the brain or the brain, the child cannot hold its head up. We keep the head upright on the strength of the neck and turn it around. However, if there is a problem in the brain, the head can be tilted. Slowly the throat can't take it. Children become weak and small.

Likewise, the child's head may grow. We don't pay much attention to how a small child's head is growing. If it is growing unnaturally, there may be a problem.

Similarly, another clear symptom is that the baby's palate is open when it is small. It is sticky or flexible. It should be covered later. Generally, the palate should start covering when the baby is three months old, and the rostrum should be completely covered by one-and-a-half years. If an infant's palate does not cover or remains open, it should be suspected that they have a head problem. Initiatives should be taken for testing and treatment.

It is important for parents to be aware of whether their child is normal or not. Why are they crying? Why are they not accepting to eat milk? Why are they not seen as normal?

What is the treatment?

Abroad, especially in developed countries, the health of the baby is checked during pregnancy. It is also seen in the mother's womb whether there is a tumor or not. If there is a tumor, what kind is it? The first or second stage tumors can be treated with surgery. Therefore, the baby's tumor is surgically removed while remaining in the mother's womb. However, if it has reached the third and fourth stage, the doctor gives advice to the parents to avoid giving birth to the baby.

However, we do not have such technology or system. Therefore, some diseases are detected only after birth. That too only after the symptoms started to appear. By the time symptoms begin to appear, treatment may be too late.

Let's say we have a brain tumor in an infant or child, the treatment is very uncomfortable and risky. It cannot be said that good results will come even after treatment.

Then what to do to prevent such a problem in the child? There is no exact answer to this either. We have also mentioned above that, despite many research studies, the root cause of cancer has not been found. However, risk factors can be reduced.

For example, if the mother smokes cigarettes, drinks alcohol, or takes drugs during pregnancy, it seems that such problems are more common in their children. So you should stay away from these things as much as possible during pregnancy. Also, is the baby or child growing naturally, growing or not? Parents should take careful care of this. Any abnormal situation in the child should be immediately alerted.

What are the medicinal properties of garlic?

 What are the medicinal properties of garlic?

There is no need to say much about the taste of garlic. It tastes bitter when eaten raw. When it is mixed with pulses, vegetables, the taste changes.

Basically, garlic is used in Nepali cuisine for flavor. However, it is also considered full of medicinal properties. That is why garlic has been used as medicine since ancient times. Garlic is called 'Rason' in Sanskrit. Because out of the 6 juices on earth (bitter, bitter, salty, tart, sour, sweet), garlic has five juices. Garlic does not have only 'sour' juice.

It is called 'Rasone' because 'Ras Un' means one less juice. In Ayurveda, garlic is classified as a pain reliever.

History of Garlic

Garlic has been used for thousands of years in China and Egypt. In 1325 BC, garlic was placed in the tomb of the Egyptian emperor Tutankhamun to preserve the body. At that time, the inhabitants of Egypt used to put garlic in the grave after someone's death. It was believed that when a person reaches the next world after death, he should not be afflicted with diseases.

Similarly, the soldiers going on a long journey also used to carry garlic, so that if there was any problem, they could use it as a medicine.

With the migration of people, the use of garlic became widespread. It is mentioned in history that garlic has entered China and India in the sixth century BC. At that time it was used only for treatment. After that, garlic was gradually used not only in treatment but also in daily life.

The importance of garlic is also mentioned in mythology. According to the story, when Lord Indra took the nectar and brought it to the earth, garlic was born from the drops of nectar that fell.

What can be inferred from these stories is that garlic has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries.

What happens in garlic?

According to medical research, a compound called allicin is mainly found in raw garlic. This is the same element, which has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Also, garlic is rich in salts like phosphorus, zinc, potassium and magnesium. The smell of garlic is pungent because it contains sulphur.

What does garlic do?

Also, garlic is still being used in pulses and vegetables, which may have direct-indirect benefits. Apart from that, eating two to four cloves of garlic on an empty stomach in the morning is beneficial. The 'Allicin' element in garlic helps to protect against various types of infections. It does not allow typhoid, fever, allergy infection.

Garlic is also used to reduce pain in the body. Garlic can be placed on the swollen or painful area and massaged with heated oil. Raw garlic contains the antioxidant sulfhydryl substance, which helps in removing toxins from the body.

Regular use of garlic removes bad cholesterol accumulated in blood vessels. It reduces the risk of heart attack. Consuming garlic in proper amount reduces the pressure on the blood vessels. Garlic is also considered useful for regulating blood pressure. Garlic can be used for some skin problems.

Who should not eat?

Garlic allergy, blood deficiency and if the patient is taking blood thinners, it is advisable not to consume garlic. Because if you consume garlic in such a situation, other problems may increase. Even if you have an ulcer, its consumption is appropriate.

If you are taking any medication or undergoing treatment while using garlic as a medicine, you should consult a doctor.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Are you inactive? You may have such a serious illness

 Are you inactive? You may have such a serious illness

"There is a greater risk of cancer to those who smoke a single cigarette every day, than there is a greater risk to those who avoid work, exercise and hard work and lead an inactive life."

A lazy and inactive lifestyle along with the use of comforts and facilities is making our society sick. Go to everyone's house now, you will find someone suffering from diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, uric acid, varicose veins, osteoporosis.

To get rid of such a problem, we must promote physical activity like labor, exercise, sports in our daily routine.

What can be done?

Going for a morning walk, jogging, skipping rope, playing the beat, running the treadmill, playing sports, swimming, hiking, dancing, yoga, aerobics, zumba, ballet, salsa, hiking, walking Riding a bicycle, riding a static bicycle, going to the gym, climbing stairs, jogging, playing wushu, sailing a boat, doing water exercises, gardening or gardening.

What should be the exercise?

The World Health Organization has considered the following features as indispensable in scientific exercise for health protection:

1. Intensity – Exercise should be intense enough to increase the heart and breathing rate and break a sweat once.

2. Duration (prolonged) – Exercise should be done continuously for at least 15 to 30 minutes without stopping.

3. Regular: Exercise should be repeated at least 3 times a week.

As indicated by Eastern health science, the inclusion of the following dimensions in scientific exercise is considered indispensable –

1. During exercise, the heart rate and breathing rate should increase as well as sweating profusely.

2. All the joints of the body should be moved once.

3. Exercise should not only affect the muscles and bones, but also affect the soft organs in the body, such as the intestines, kidneys, liver, liver, lungs, heart and brain.

How to exercise

1. Exercise should not be started randomly. It should also be prepared beforehand. A place full of natural beauty, pollution-free, with sufficient air play and light should be selected.

2. Half an hour before the start, you should drink two glasses of water enough and right before the start, but you should not drink water immediately after the exercise.

3. Patients with special diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure should not exercise randomly and only exercise as prescribed by the doctor.

4. Exercise should only be done to the best of one's ability, one should not come to the competition and try to do it haphazardly. Before starting, warm-up (up and relaxation-loosening) exercises should be done.

5. Exercise-specific clothes, such as shoes, belts, t-shirts, if any, should be worn only. Also, it is very important that these materials are comfortable.

6. You should not be nervous or stressed while exercising. Be sure to set a certain time regularly and relax for a while after exercising.

Benefits –

1. Exercise helps to maintain a balanced body weight. By exercising regularly, fat people lose weight and thin people gain weight.

2. Exercise helps keep the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs healthy. Regular exercise has been found to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart and blood vessel diseases. Exercise helps to reduce high blood pressure and increase low blood pressure, while exercise also plays an important role in controlling diabetes.

3. Exercise plays a big role in stress management. Mental problems like anxiety, depression, fear and depression can be curbed by exercising. After exercising, the mood is refreshed, confidence and creativity increase, mental processes such as memory, rhythm, attention and concentration are strengthened. Exercising for a long time does not reduce the cognitive ability of the brain.

4. Strengthens muscles, skeleton and nervous system. Purifies the blood. Increases digestive capacity. It helps to solve problems like indigestion, indigestion, gastric acidity, constipation.

5. Exercise also helps to get rid of the kulat.

6. Exercising habit increases physical, mental and sexual ability.

7. Exercise also helps to increase resistance to cancer.

8. It helps a lot in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

9. It is especially beneficial for those with insomnia.

10. Does not allow you to grow old quickly.

The author Yogi Narharinath is the Medical Director of Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital Bharatpur-1, Wageshwari, Devghatdham, Chitwan.

What are the benefits of consuming Chyawanprash in winter?

 What are the benefits of consuming Chyawanprash in winter?

Chyawanprash is considered nutritious for people of all age groups. Ayurveda says that Chyawanprash helps to increase the resistance to disease in the human body.

Currently, the multinational companies Dabur, Patanjali, Multani, Java and other companies are producing and selling Chyawanprash in the market. Among those companies, Dabur Chyawanprash, which is made by mixing various herbs, ghee, sesame oil and honey, is considered to be the leader.

The word Chyavanaprash from Sanskrit is a formula created with the ancient Indian knowledge of Ayurveda and modern science. Chyawanprash is a nutritious jam, which plays a role in making our health healthy and fit.

Ghee, sesame oil and honey act as stimulating agents to take the herbs deep into the cells. While honey helps to neutralize and protect the effects of other major elements. Chyawanprash helps to make muscles strong, supple and strong.

If you consume Chyawanprash, the skin becomes soft and shiny. Consuming Chyawanprash is also beneficial in reducing the signs of aging with increasing age. Similarly, Chyawanprash is considered beneficial for increasing memory and digestive system.

The company claims that Dabur Chyawanprash contains a mixture of various herbs, amla, ghee, sesame oil and honey.

How to use Chyawanprash?

Chyawanprash can be consumed at any time rather than at a specific time. Even in the winter season, consuming it is more beneficial to the body. Chyawanprash can also be consumed directly, but it is more useful if consumed with warm milk or warm water.

For adults, use one spoon twice a day, one spoon in the morning on an empty stomach, one spoon before breakfast and 30 minutes before dinner. For children between 3 and 12 years of age, half a teaspoon should be given twice a day.

Benefits of Chyawanprash

Chyawanprash helps to increase immunity. It is beneficial in cough and cold caused by dust and change of weather. It also helps to increase vigor and vigor in the body.

Consuming Chyawanprash is also said to help fight against malnutrition caused by lack of nutrients and wrong digestive system. Companies claim that Chyawanprash also works against various types of infections as it contains various chemical herbicides.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Why are the voices of boys and girls different?

 Why are the voices of boys and girls different?

Why are the voices of men and women not the same? Why is every person's voice different? How can you identify a person just by hearing the voice?

This is a very interesting topic.

No matter how many people there are in the world, their voices are not uniform. Children born in the same house, from the womb of the same parents, do not have the same voice. There is something different in the voice. Moreover, male and female voices are very different.

Someone's voice is hoarse, someone's voice is melodious. Someone's voice is small, someone's voice is loud. What is the reason for such diversity in voice?

The sound we make or speak comes from the larynx in the throat. The larynx is called the larynx in medical language.

There are two chords in the larynx, between which the voice comes out through the middle of the air. In other words, sound or sound comes from vibration (vibrate) inside the vocal cords in the upper part of the trachea. The tongue and brain play a special role in speaking the voice that comes in this way in an understandable language or in a language that you want to express.

What is the position of the larynx?

The larynx is divided into two parts from the lower part of the throat. There are two vocal cords inside the larynx. Vocal cords are like strings. Sound is produced by the vibration of the vocal cords. It is located between the trachea and esophagus.

Why is the voice of men and women different?

Just as the physical structure of the face is different, the structure of the mechanism of women and men is also different. Women's vocal cords are shorter than men's. As a result, men's voices are usually thick due to long and thick layers. Whereas women's voice is a bit softer or melodious due to their longer larynx.

Likewise, not all men or women have the same voice. Just as the physical structure and face of a person are different, some are soft, some are sharp, some are pale and some are pale. Whatever the tone is, it is not a problem in itself, it is natural.

Why is someone's voice loud, someone's melodious?

If the structure of the larynx and the pressure on the larynx during breathing are high, a loud sound will be heard. If this pressure is low, the sound will be a bit mellow.

We say how melodious or sweet some people's voice is. In this way, their speaking practice is also one. According to the way people speak continuously, their voice may or may not be sweet. Our tongue, throat, facial bones and brain also play an indirect role in this.

Do people who speak loudly have problems with their larynx?

People who speak loudly and speak for a long time may have problems with the larynx.

Because when we speak loudly or for a long time, there is extra pressure on the larynx. Due to continuous friction, the problem of swelling of the flesh and water blisters occurs.

In the same way, talking in a loud voice can cause infection in the larynx.

Monday, October 16, 2023

Therefore, dalmoth and bhujia are harmful

 Therefore, dalmoth and bhujia are harmful

Dalmoth and bhujia are often used as snacks at home. Dalmoth and bhujia are always served during festivals, gatherings and gatherings. It is preferred by children to old people.

Be it with tea or with cold drinks or with alcohol, dalmoth and bhujia are considered as snacks. It does not need to be cooked, it is also sweet so it is easy to eat immediately.

But despite consuming so much of it, the common people do not pay attention to the effect it has on their health. Dalmoth and Bhujia only harm the body, they do nothing good. Because it does not contain any type of nutrients required by the body. It contains trans fats, high calories, and excessive amounts of sodium, which are harmful to the body.

The trans fat in it is simply bad fat. It has a negative effect on the inside of the arteries and narrows the arteries. This causes blockage of blood circulation and increases the chances of blood clotting, which increases the chances of heart attack and stroke.

Suzuki Dashain Offer

It increases the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. This increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and breast cancer in women. According to the World Health Organization, it has been proven that about 540,000 deaths are caused by trans fats every year.

Another is that it is high in calories. Which gives more energy even if you eat little. But the body does not have the required protein. As a result, consuming more high-calorie foods increases obesity due to lack of protein, but there is a risk of malnutrition. Similarly, the amount of sodium in dalmoth or bhujia is high. It affects the brain, arteries and heart.

Eating too much Dalmod and Bhujia can cause swelling of the knees and limbs, risk of kidney stones, high blood pressure, heart problems, stomach ulcers, damage to the arteries and other serious problems. This may also cause memory loss in old age. There can also be a problem of water freezing in various organs. Consuming food that is high in salt causes the body to retain more water than it needs. As a result, various health problems appear. Apart from this, there are problems such as abdominal pain, flatulence, gastric, diarrhea and constipation.

Do not eat if you have high blood pressure, constipation, ulcers or any stomach related problems, if you have undergone surgery or if you have any complicated disease. If you have irritable bowel syndrome, i.e. constipation and diarrhea at the same time, it is better not to eat these things. Because it can make the disease more complicated.

If you have to eat dalmoth and bhujia, it is better to mix it with other nutritious and fiber rich foods.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Why are there more urinary tract infections in women?

 Why are there more urinary tract infections in women?

According to a study, about one and a half million people in America suffer from urinary problems every year. Around one and a half million people worldwide are treated for it every year.

Bladder swelling is called 'cystitis' in medical language. It is called Urinary Tract Infection or UTI, which in most cases is caused by bacterial infection. This happens when the bladder (urethra) and its pipe (tract) become infected.

UTI is a common disease. It can affect people of any age, from newborns to the elderly. The study concluded that UTI is more common in women than in men. In women, the probability of infection is 60 percent, while in men, it is only 13 percent.

A housewife said that she could not pay attention to her health due to housework. Because of this, she says that she has been facing the problem of burning urine frequently. She said that after taking the medicine, she seemed to be cured for about a month and then relapsed again. After doing yoga and pranayama, he has experienced relief.

Suzuki Dashain Offer

The 37-year-old teacher said that she has been suffering from burning urine frequently. She narrates that she had to face such problems due to the lack of good toilet facilities in the school and the lack of an environment to pay attention to cleanliness. At that time, she said that she had a little stomach ache at first and then it started to hurt a lot. It is his experience that he got relief after taking a half holiday from school and getting checked and taking antibiotics.

Reasons why UTIs are more common in women

Bacterial infection in the urinary tract or bladder causes UTI. It can happen to both men and women.

According to Tanuj Lawania, senior registered doctor of Sharda Medical College Greater Noida, it is more likely to develop cystitis in women than in men. A woman's urethra is smaller than a man's. About 20 cm, Dr. Lavania says, 'When a woman is infected with bacteria, there is a greater chance that the bacteria will enter through the bladder. Therefore, 10 percent of women have at least one sinusitis. Most of them are recurring problems.

"If a UTI is left untreated, the infection can spread to the kidneys," says Jennifer Rohn, head of the Center for Urological Biology at University College London. UTIs are usually e. It is caused by an infection with coli bacteria, although many other bacteria can also cause the infection.

Symptoms of a UTI

Dr. According to Tanuj, women can have many symptoms. Frequent urination, burning sensation or pain while urinating, feeling of burning on the skin of the vulva while urinating, blood in the urine, if these symptoms are ignored for a long time, women may have high fever symptoms.

What does the doctor test?

Dr. Tanuj says, 'In such a clinical inquiry, if there is a suspicion of UTI, we initially make the woman undergo a urine test. In which urine microscopy and culture tests are performed.

In which the cause of the infection is seen through a routine microscope. It is known whether it is caused by bacteria or fungus. While through culture it is known which bacteria it is from so that the medicine related to it can be given.

Dr. Tanuj Lawania

Other causes of infection in women

Dr. Tanuj adds, "Though UTI can be seen in all age groups, it is more common in married women. Similarly, women who drink less water and urinate for a long time are more at risk. Because it gives a chance for bacteria to accumulate. Besides, those who use more jet sprays, use chemicals for cleaning, don't change undergarments frequently, and those who don't take full care of cleanliness may be more likely.

The risk of UTI infection is higher in pregnant women and women with diabetes. It can also happen after menopause because the number of friendly bacteria in the vagina decreases.

If you have frequent UTI infections

Dr. Tanuj says, "In case of repeated UTI infection, ultrasound examination of women is done. In this, the kidney and the kidney tube (ureter) are checked to see if they are okay. If there are stones in kidney or bladder, urine infection also occurs.

What problems does UTI cause in the elderly?

Around one and a half million people in the world get UTI infection every year. Most of them are old men. "After increasing age, there are common symptoms such as burning while urinating, fever, pain in the lower back, smell of urine," said Dr. Tanuj says, 'If the size of the prostate gland in men increases, it puts pressure on the urinary bladder. It reduces the flow of urine. Because of this, they are likely to get UTI.

She says that UTIs in men are more serious than in women. In this case, you may need to be admitted to the hospital. If such symptoms are observed, the medicine should be taken only after checking with the doctor. She says that medicine should not be taken without a doctor's advice.

What to do to prevent UTI?

To prevent UTI infection, pay attention to diet, take measures to strengthen immunity, do not use antibiotics without the advice of a doctor, drink plenty of water, drink at least two to three liters of water daily.

Likewise, use a condom during sexual intercourse, if there is no condition to use a condom, a woman should urinate immediately after sexual intercourse and wash her genitals with water. The toilet pan should be cleaned with water before using the public toilet. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

From fruit to coffee, these foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

From fruit to coffee, these foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, some people have a craving for sweet foods. Some people like to eat sweet and sour, some like sweet. At this time, the brain produces neuropeptide hormones, which work to stimulate hunger.

According to the geography, their choice will be different. Generally, women in western countries like sweet foods like ice cream and cakes. Women in eastern countries like sour, bitter and bitter foods like spicy, turkey.

However, eating fancy foods during pregnancy is not so appropriate.

Because the mother's diet has a direct effect on the child growing in the womb. Therefore, you should be careful about what you eat or what you don't eat at this time.

1. fruit

Fruits should not be eaten during pregnancy. Nuts contain 'benzyl isothiocyanate', due to which excessive consumption can be toxic to the body.

In this case, if a pregnant woman eats the fruit, there may be a risk of miscarriage. Even raw fruit should not be eaten during pregnancy. Enzyme found in raw fruit helps in uterine contraction. Because of this, there is a higher risk of miscarriage.

2. Smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can be a risk for the baby. The chemicals in cigarettes shrink the blood vessels in the uterus, which can cause the baby to be underweight in the womb, cause labor pains before the due date, and hinder the development of the penis.

Drinking alcohol can be even more dangerous. It can lead to mutilation of the body in the womb.

3. Caffeinated foods

Most people prefer to drink coffee, but pregnant women are advised to consume less caffeine. According to health experts, pregnant women should consume less than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day.

Caffeine dissolves quickly in the body and reaches the umbilical cord. A fetus does not have metabolic enzymes due to which it can be harmed. Consuming too much caffeine during pregnancy can hinder the baby's weight and growth.

4. Junk food

During pregnancy, you should eat only foods rich in nutrients for the development of the baby.

You should stay away from junk food during this time. Because junk foods lack nutrients and are high in sugar and calories. Eating junk food leads to nutritional deficiency. Also, weight increases quickly and this can cause many problems during delivery. During pregnancy, your diet should include plenty of fruits, green vegetables, protein, folate and iron.

5. Raw eggs and undercooked meat

There are some meat-based foods like kachela, which are not fully cooked. Such foods should not be eaten during pregnancy.

Most of the bacteria are found on the surface of the meat while some are found inside the meat. Therefore, eating raw or undercooked meats is also harmful for pregnant women. Its consumption can cause neurological diseases in the unborn child by infecting many types of bacteria such as Toxoplasma, Listeria and Salmonella.

Similarly, some people also eat raw eggs saying that they are more nutritious. Raw eggs have more nutrients than cooked eggs. However, it is better not to eat raw eggs during pregnancy. Because raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria. Which can cause fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In some cases, this infection can cause uterine cramps, which can lead to premature birth.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Eight things that teenagers are searching for on Google

Eight things that teenagers are searching for on Google

Today's teenagers do not have to keep things hidden in their hearts. They can easily pour out what is stuck in their heart through some medium. Especially social media or Google is their reliable medium.

There are some things that are uncomfortable to ask others. Many people are looking for answers to such questions on Google. Thus, teenagers are ahead in searching for any answer from Google. Whether it is about their career or interest or about fashion trends, about sex or food, they are searching on Google. After all, teenagers are searching for the most things on Google?

1. A matter of health

At a glance, it seems that they are only searching for entertainment content on Google. However, most of today's teenagers are curious about their health. Especially they are mostly asking about depression, anxiety, fitness.

They are also searching for things like what to eat, how to control obesity on Google. Some people are learning exercise methods from Google.

2. Window shopping

Window shopping is the buzz word now. It indicates online shopping. Window shopping means looking at the details of the necessary equipment from Google without physically being present in any store.

Today's teenagers are getting information about the design and price of clothes, mobiles, laptops, watches, shoes, books, glasses, etc. from Google. According to a study, most of the teenagers find it easy to buy goods online.

3. Relationships and dating

Of course, when you reach the teenage stage, you become more curious about love and sex. They cannot do this openly with their parents or friends. That is why they have lost such questions in themselves.

From how to make a relationship with a boy or a girl, how to love, how to go on a date, they are searching for many questions related to sex on Google.

Google becomes a safe and secret medium for them to satisfy their curiosity.

4. Technology and Gamed

Teenagers are interested in new gadgets. What kind of equipment entered the world market? They are updated as often as possible. Be it mobile or anything else, they are very interested in it. They are also very interested in gaming and gaming devices.

They are looking for new tools on Google. They are asking about the features and price of a new mobile or any device. In the same way, some people have searched on Google about the way of gaming.

5. Educational support

Today's teenagers search for their education or career on Google. They also take the help of Google while doing assignments or preparing for exams.

Now many sources of educational materials can be found on the internet. They also search for things on Google that are not in some textbooks.

Also, they take help of Google to learn how to manage time, what should be the study process, how to make notes.

6. entertainment

Today's teenagers also get some information about entertainment from Google. They are getting information about movies, music, artists, events from Google.

Many people are also searching on Google about the famous Korean music band BTS, Black Pink. Similarly, they are very interested in searching for information on Google about the upcoming movies.

7. Searching for a career

This is the stage in adolescence itself, when they start to be interested in career as well as studies. What to do in the future, what to become, how to get a happy and happy life makes them more interested in their career.

That's why they are getting information about the career according to their interest on Google. At the same time, they are also looking for employment opportunities. They are more interested in where and what to do. They are also searching for opportunities on Google about jobs that can be done online.

8. News and Events

What is happening to teenagers in the world? What subject is being debated? There is also an interest in who is reacting to what. They are looking for information about the political and social things happening in the world through Google. Similarly, they are being updated on topics like technology and entertainment.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

What are the 5 components of a research?

 What are the 5 components of a research?

Research components are introduction, literature review, method, results,

discussion, and conclusion

Saturday, March 11, 2023

These are the 5 signs when someone is falling in love

These are the 5 signs when someone is falling in love

Osho, the great interpreter of love, says, "Love has no language." The flower of love blooms in silence. Love is music, love is a melodious echo.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Marital happiness: why women are not sexually active?

Marital happiness: why women are not sexually active?

Often women are not forward for sex. In some cases, they have sex only to satisfy and please their husbands and partners.

Why does heart rate increase when you are scared or anxious?

Why does heart rate increase when you are scared or anxious?

When we suddenly panic or fear for some reason, then the heart beats faster. We think that the heart will come out.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Which medicines are available for free at the health post?

Which medicines are available for free at the health post?

There are some such medicines, which we need in common diseases. Most of these medicines are distributed free of charge. You can go to a government hospital or health post of your choice and get these medicines.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Why eat Chyawanprash in winter? These are the benefits

Why eat Chyawanprash in winter? These are the benefits

Chyawanprash is a unique recipe made based on the knowledge of ancient Eastern Ayurveda. Chyawanprash is a nutritious jam in modern language. It makes our health healthy and fit.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Qatar World Cup: Some are happy, and some object to the prohibition of alcohol consumption in the stadium | Why does Nepal love Argentina?

Qatar World Cup: Some are happy, and some object to the prohibition of alcohol consumption in the stadium

Supporters have expressed their happiness that there is a ban on alcohol in the ongoing World Cup football in Qatar. They said it was the right decision for FIFA to ban the sale and distribution of alcohol while respecting the religion of the Muslim country of Qatar.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Vastu and Architect: Are you building a toilet? | What methods can be used to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

 Vastu and Architect: Are you building a toilet?

When a person builds a house, he spends a lot of money and effort to design it and make it attractive. But they don't work hard when making toilets. Just as you pay attention to the design while making every room of the house, you have to pay attention to some things while making the toilet.