Showing posts with label when. Show all posts
Showing posts with label when. Show all posts

How does Pantop work when eaten with gastric?

 How does Pantop work when eaten with gastric?

Acid is produced in the stomach every day, which helps in digesting food. This acid must be released from the stomach for digestion. But sometimes, for some reason, more acid is produced than required. It is called gastric.

Increased acid causes heartburn, heartburn and loss of appetite. In this case, the medicine taken for relief is pentaprazole. Pentaprazole is a proton pump inhibitor drug. This drug is colloquially known as pan top. The proton pump is the digestive juice, which is in the stomach layer. This medicine controls the secretion of digestive juices.

In what situation to use?

- Digestive problems especially when there is too much acid from the stomach or gas

- Gastroesophageal reflux disease (regurgitation after eating)

- In case of swelling in the esophagus, which carries food through the mouth to the stomach. (This problem causes chest burning, discomfort and loss of appetite.)

- Heartburn (For heartburn, medicine should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Because heartburn can sometimes be caused by heart problems.)

- Ulcer problems

- If there is a tumor in the stomach

How does it work?

This drug belongs to proton class. When our stomach produces more acid than necessary, in that case sour belching, stomach ache and reluctance to eat occur. In this case, the work of this drug is to reduce or stop the amount of acid by disrupting the work of cells that produce acid in the stomach. As soon as its quantity decreases, the symptoms related to stomach pain will decrease.

This medicine also prevents the negative effects on the esophagus caused by acid.

How to take this medicine, when to take it?

It is a medicine that is swallowed by keeping it in the mouth with water. It should not be broken or chewed. But while taking medicine, it should not be taken on the basis of Hachuva. It is necessary to consult a doctor before taking any medicine.

This medicine should always be taken on an empty stomach. And, if you take it only occasionally, you should take a small amount.

How much to take depends on the health condition. It is a normal condition, one can be taken in the case of belching and sour water coming into the mouth. In many cases, it may be necessary to take more. Which is determined by the doctor.

In what condition should this medicine not be taken?

Women with liver disease, lack of calcium in the blood, low levels of magnesium, potassium, pregnancy and breastfeeding women should not take this medicine.

Does any medicine interact with this medicine?

People who are taking Atazanavir, Nelfinavir, Amplicin, Delaviserdine, Iron Salt, Ketoconazole should not take this medicine. Because these drugs can react with Pantop drugs and cause other side effects.

Should not be used for a long time?

It doesn't make any difference to eat pantop sometimes. But if you eat more, it can be harmful. Some people have a habit of taking this medicine when they have a stomach ache. If you eat this way continuously, it can cause problems such as weakening of bones, polyps (meat growth) in the stomach.

How fast does it give results?

This medicine starts working two hours after taking it. Its effect lasts for 24 hours. It may take up to four weeks to see its effectiveness and relief from symptoms.

This drug is sold in three forms.

– 20 mg delayed-release oral tablet

– 40 mg delayed-release oral tablet

– 40 mg granules for delayed-release oral suspension

In some cases, this drug is also given through a needle.

How to store?

This medicine should be kept in a very cool, dry and safe place. And, it should be kept away from the reach of children. Also, it should not be kept in the sun and damp places.

What are the side-effects?

Allergic reactions such as itchy skin, swelling of the face, lips, tongue and throat

Kidney injury, decreased urine output, swelling of heels, hands and feet

Magnesium deficiency, muscle and joint pain, rapid heartbeat

Low vitamin B-12 levels, tingling hands and feet, muscle weakness, difficulty concentrating

Diarrhea, fever and vomiting

If these side-effects are observed, the medicine should be stopped immediately and the relevant doctor should be contacted.


Pantoprazole was invented by scientist Bike Gulden in 1980. And the production and sales distribution took place in 1985. This drug was extracted while searching for a cure for ulcer.

What should a single parent pay attention to when raising a child?

 What should a single parent pay attention to when raising a child?

If the husband and wife separate for some reason, the responsibility of the children falls on the shoulders of one of the parents. There are many challenges to face during single parenthood.

The rate of children living with both parents in the US is decreasing every year. About a quarter of the children live there with their mother or father. This trend is not limited to America but is growing all over the world.

The reason for this may be because the mother or father works away from the family, because of family quarrels and divorce. Experts say, single parenthood is not a positive development. Children who live with one parent are more likely to have behavioral problems.

Behavioral problems in children

Children who grow up with a single parent may have behavioral problems and difficulties with emotional self-regulation. Single parents are not able to give enough time to their children. As a result, problems such as irritability, hyperactivity and inability to concentrate may appear in the child.

It also affects the future of children who grow up with single parents

Children who grow up with a single parent receive a lower level of education than other children. Because usually the income of a single parent is not as much as two parents. Therefore, most of the single parents cannot meet the needs of the house.

Due to lack of finances, if they do not get a good education, those children will not be able to get a good income-earning job in the future. In this case, along with their childhood, their future also passes in financial deprivation.

It is beneficial for both parents to be together for the best care of the child

If both parents are together, they get more time and attention to take care of the child. It is beneficial for both the parents to bring up the child together in the physical and mental development of the child. So, whatever the reason, it is better for parents to find effective ways to strengthen their family instead of looking for reasons to stay apart.

Instead of blaming, single parents should be helped

Socially, single parents should be helped instead of being blamed. This will improve the physical and mental health of millions of children.

What is a single parent to do?

Take time for yourself. Let's take care of our children as well as take care of ourselves. Being worried can cause problems in taking care of children.

It is good to have a daily schedule for you and your child. A single parent may face more problems due to wrong lifestyle. So it is better to go according to the schedule.

During single parenthood, you can take help from relatives or someone close to you. In the beginning, you can also take help from your friends. A single parent needs to be a friend to a child. Rather than being a parent, you should listen to the child as a friend. Their problems can be identified and solved only by becoming friends.

Benefits of cucumbers, when is it better to eat them?

 Benefits of cucumbers, when is it better to eat them?

The pleasure of eating cucumbers in hot summer is different. Cucumber, which is mostly eaten as a salad, keeps the body hydrated and also enhances the beauty of the skin. Cucumber does not have any disadvantages, it has advantages.

What happens when there is a lack of vitamin E?

What happens when there is a lack of vitamin E?

Vitamins, nutrients needed by the body, can be obtained from various foods. Generally, we are aware of vitamins A, B, C and D, but not many people pay attention to vitamin E, which is essential for the body.

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What happens when fat accumulates in the liver?

Liver is an important organ of the body, which not only helps to digest food but also helps to remove toxins from the body. The liver also stores energy in the form of glucose.

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Why does heart rate increase when you are scared or anxious?

When we suddenly panic or fear for some reason, then the heart beats faster. We think that the heart will come out.

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What happens when you eat Citamol?

What happens when you eat Citamol?

General Physician Dr. Sunil Adhikari says, 'Cetamol does not require a doctor's prescription. But eating indiscriminately or continuously is harmful.

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