Why is the world worried about sleep? When people sleep less, the country's economy loses up to 4 billion dollars!

Why is the world worried about sleep? When people sleep less, the country's economy loses up to 4 billion dollars!

There are many things to do even when not at work. Had to get a job. Those who do not work (especially women) have a house and children. Where is the happiness for those who work? Both husband and wife are busy with their jobs and it is difficult to spare a few minutes a day even for themselves.

Sometimes meeting with friend Bhai Ishtamitra. And sometimes wander around. Technology has become an integral part of life. Mobile, TV. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. YouTube, Netflix what - what is what - what. It is not possible to count the things that eat up our time and leisure.

The fast-paced life sometimes feels like I'm running on a treadmill. In this race to always do something, meet something, get something, one thing is constantly falling. That is - our sleep. When you wake up in the morning you feel tired. Ask your friends and yourself, how are you feeling? Most of them say that they are feeling tired.

Lack of sleep is a worldwide concern. One study showed that the American economy loses about 4 trillion dollars annually due to lack of sleep. In the 1940s, people averaged a little more than 8 hours of sleep each night. In the modern era, our sleep has decreased to 6.7/8 hours. Over the course of 70 years, sleep has decreased by about 20 percent. There is a controversy about how many hours a person should sleep.

Forest people slept for 9 to 16 hours. People should sleep 10.3 hours in 24 hours, says Debdy Samson, associate professor at the University of Toronto. But we sleep an average of 6/7 hours. There are many types of deep sleep. It strengthens our memory. Samson says that it also helps to overcome emotions. He says that although humans sleep less than great apes, they have more deep sleep.

This change happened 1.8 million years after our ancestors came down from the trees and started living on the ground. Sleeping less at that time left enough time to do other things. To understand the sleep patterns of our ancestors, Samson strapped Fitbit monitors to the arms of a tribe of people in Tanzania. Most of them used to sleep for 7 hours at night and also during the day.

When Samson asked if they had any trouble sleeping, their answer was no. He also studied the farmers of Madagascar. Most of them slept for seven hours. But there, about 60 percent had sleep problems.

Industrialization has affected people's sleep. The way we sleep now, people used to sleep like this in the past. In other words, the sleep would be complete in one go. But the study also revealed other things. Falling asleep after sleeping and waking up in between. And keep playing things in your mind, thinking about dreams or some other things. During the study, professor of history at Virginia Tech, Roger Ekerch, found many things about the sleep that is completed by waking up several times.

From Charles Dickens to Tolstoy, almost all European novelists have mentioned this trend of sleep. Sleeping in this way does not kill fatigue. It was also found that the problem of sleep fragmentation is not solved due to the problems related to the disease and the environment. Sleep became a little better in the 19th century. People's habits have changed. With the Industrial Revolution, time became as valuable as money. Work capacity and production started to be given importance.

A campaign to get up early was launched. A wake-up call was made. Many other methods were also adopted. In today's age, there are many things that disturb our sleep. Coffee, tea, wine. Another problem is central heating and central air conditioning. The impact of technology is also the same. Artificial light, all appliances. One of these is an LED screen that produces blue light. This blue light blocks the release of a protein called melatonin at night. This protein tells us when to sleep.

Sometimes there is pressure to improve the economic and social status by suffering more than what is possible. University of California professor Matthew Walker says that the effects of sleeping less than seven hours a day can be seen in health. According to Walker, every major disease that kills people in recent times, such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, anxiety, depression, and suicidal tendencies, has a direct and strong connection with lack of sleep.

Even if you do a survey among yourself, more than half the number of people who want to sleep more is found. In the 1980s, the number of such respondents was not even 30 percent. This has also happened because people nowadays sleep less than they did then. Now dreams are disappearing along with our sleep. There are also those who say that it would have happened if it had not happened at night. In the US military, coffee and drugs are used to induce sleep. If sleep had no meaning, it would have been the biggest mistake of human development.

Those who want to sleep less time should increase deep sleep. Some research has shown that meditation can quickly induce deep sleep in people. There are also ways to improve sleep. Now let's talk again, about the relationship between fatigue and our sleep. We have 24 hours in a day. There are countless things to do.

And reduce the time in what? Killing sleep love? We always sacrifice our sleep for other things. Technology and social changes have also affected our traditional way of sleeping. Its effect is seen in our body, fatigue. Therefore, it is important to rest the body and get enough sleep.

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