Sugar can also be eaten in diabetes, these are the options

Sugar can also be eaten in diabetes, these are the options

According to the International Diabetes Federation, 425 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. Diabetes is a non-communicable disease. However, this disease can be a cause of various diseases. Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases are said to be at high risk of coronavirus. Due to which many people are considered to be aware of the long-term effects of diabetes.

Diabetes is also called diabetes in the village. Doctors recommend not eating sugary foods, especially if you have diabetes. However, you can taste the sweetness through other means. There are many options.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos returns from space, how was the 10-minute journey?

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos returns from space, how was the 10-minute journey?

Jeff Bezos, the world's number one billionaire and founder of Amazon, successfully flew into space on Tuesday.

Along with three other passengers, Bezos completed a 10-minute space journey in a New Shepherd rocket built by his own company, Blue Origin, and landed safely.

Bezos was joined on the trip by his brother Mark Bezos, an 82-year-old former pilot and former member of the US space program Wally Funk, and an 18-year-old student, Oliver Dyman. The four returned to Earth by parachute 10 minutes and 10 seconds after taking off.

General rules to protect the kidneys

General rules to protect the kidneys

The function of the kidneys is to purify the blood in the body. When the kidneys fail, the body becomes toxic. One load after another is added. Eventually, the whole body becomes weak and sick.

Treatment of kidney disease is cumbersome. Not only cumbersome but also expensive. Not only expensive but in some cases even impossible.

Doctors say that our bad habits cause kidney disease. Our diet is the cause of kidney disease. Some people have congenital kidney disease, while others have kidney disease due to external causes.

Tooth decay problems and treatment

Tooth decay problems and treatment

There are about 700 types of bacteria in the mouth, numbering in the tens of millions. This bacterium protects against dental and oral problems. If the mouth, teeth, and tongue are not cleaned properly, the bacteria can damage the teeth and gums.

In particular, pyrexia can cause problems with the gums that support the teeth. If there is pyrexia, the gums of the teeth become yellow and bad and blood starts coming out from it.

How are children being deprived of social life?

How are children being deprived of social life?

It is our natural nature to live by sharing our sorrows, exchanging support, celebrating, mutual harmony, and cooperation, but now the new generation is being alienated from social life.

Many are now raising single children at home. Raising, raising, and educating many children is relatively expensive and cumbersome. While raising a child does not cost the parents much. Not burdensome. But, from a child's point of view, it's not good. Because, if there is only one child in the house, they are alone. They don't have playmates. When they are not equal friends, they are lonely.

Probiotics are essential for the digestive system

Probiotics are essential for the digestive system

Our body's immune system is very strong. There are more than 500 good bacteria in the stomach. These are the same bacteria that fight against the bad bacteria that grow in the body. Their job is to digest the food we eat and that is why our immune system is strong.

When bad bacteria start to grow in our digestive system, we feel like vomiting. It can also cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. The growth of bad bacteria can sometimes have the effect of a cleansing effect or an antibiotic. This activates the bad bacteria and starts destroying the outer layer of the intestine. That is why we sometimes get serious stomach ailments.

Blood Donation: How Beneficial?

Blood Donation: How Beneficial?

'Blood donation'. The easiest thing we can do for philanthropy is to keep our bodies intact, donating blood. It is also called 'Mahadan'. Because when we donate blood, it can give new life to other patients. One unit of blood can save someone's life.

However, people are not as aware of the importance and necessity of donating blood. Blood donation campaigns are run in different places, but people are not ready to donate blood. One of the reasons for this is people's misconception about blood donation.

Is honey really a priceless gift of nature?

Is honey really a priceless gift of nature?

Honey is considered to be not only delicious and juicy but also full of health benefits. Honey has been used as a home remedy for centuries. In the past, beehives were built in houses, and honey was eaten. It was also used for long time storage. Even if kept for a long time, its properties are not destroyed.

How to prevent food from rotting, decaying, and spoiling for years?

How to prevent food from rotting, decaying, and spoiling for years?

Most foods cannot be stored and stored for long periods of time. Because after a certain period of time, the food goes into the process of decay. So we are not able to store many kinds of food in our food store.

Of course, our ancestors developed a method of preparing certain foods correctly and keeping them for a long time. For example, radish or greens can be kept for a long time and eaten by making gundruk or sinki. The taste of the tongue could be changed from time to time by making such meat as sukuti (dry meat). Soybeans can be bought (an original dish of the Limbu caste) and kept for months.

The correct method and procedure of exercise

The correct method and procedure of exercise

There are many types of exercise. So you have to keep an eye on what kind of exercise is beneficial. You need to make sure that all types of exercise are suitable for you. Because in some cases exercise can be harmful. Exercising indiscriminately and voluntarily does not benefit the body, but harms it.

We are now health-conscious. We are aware. That's why we want to exercise regularly, even if we have time. Morning is the best time to exercise. Of course, you can exercise at other times as well. However, other times are not as favorable as in the morning. One thing to keep in mind while exercising is to wear comfortable clothes and do it in a comfortable place. It is best to exercise in the open or fresh air.

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