Showing posts with label sugar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sugar. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Does sugar cause cancer?

 Does sugar cause cancer?

 The news that eating too much sugar causes cancer is now being heard on social media. Experts also suggest not to mix sugar in food as much as possible.

Does sugar really cause cancer? And does sugar help cancer cells grow?

First let's understand about sugar.

According to nutritionist Pratima Sen, there are different types of sugar. Types of sugar include glucose, lactose, sucrose and fructose.

Dr. Sen says, 'Fruits contain more glucose and fructose. Lactose is found in dairy products like milk and cheese. Honey and fruits contain glucose and it is not harmful. But if you eat more processed sugar i.e. food with sucrose, it will harm the body.

Pratima KC, Nutritionist

Sugar and Cancer

Sugar increases obesity. And obesity is a risk factor for diabetes. There is no doubt about it. Because if the amount of sugar increases in the body, it remains in the body as unnecessary fat. And, it brings obesity.

But science has not been able to make a clear conclusion about how it causes cancer or how it causes cancer.

What does the study say?

Last year, a study by French scientists found that sugar increases the risk of cancer. According to the study, if you drink an additional 100 milliliters of such sugary products every day, the risk of cancer increases by 18 percent.

This news created waves in the public mind. Mice were used in that study. But it was not tested on humans. They argue that more studies are yet to be done for this. Even some studies have not been able to say that it has been clearly confirmed.

Some experts believe that obesity can cause cancer even though there is no evidence that sugar is directly linked to cancer. Every cell in the body is used for blood sugar (glucose). Glucose brings energy to the body.

But cancer cells use about 200 times more energy than normal cells. The tumor grows thinner and wider, which requires more and more glucose from the lungs to grow. What this shows is that glucose also helps in the formation of cancer cells.

The American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute also do not say that sugar causes cancer.

Fat cells secrete inflammatory proteins called adipokines. These elements can damage human DNA and cause tumors. The more fat cells accumulate, the more deadly protein remains in the body. Obesity increases the risk of 13 types of cancer, including breast cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer.

According to the American Cancer Society and National Cancer Institute, sugar does not contain carcinogenic elements that cause cancer. However, eating too much sugar can increase the risk of obesity and cancer. But there is no evidence that cancer cells cause cancer by multiplying rapidly.

The rumor that sugar causes cancer

Dr. Arun Shahi, Oncologist

It is not true that the sugar we eat causes cancer. No matter how many studies and researches have been done on this, no concrete evidence has been found. There has not been a comprehensive study on this.

It can be seen that some people believe such rumours, and give up sugary foods at once, which is not considered good in terms of health. There are as many foods as we eat. Protein, carbohydrates and fat are made from it.

Dr. Arun Shahi

Sometimes, the diet is not good and after prolonged starvation, protein and fat are also converted into glucose. What this means is that we need glucose for energy. But too much can promote obesity and diabetes.

If obesity is not controlled or diabetes has reached 10 to 15 years, stomach cancer can occur. Cancer is the uncontrolled division of cells. These divided cells also need glucose to grow. Which is obtained more from carbohydrates and sugar products.

Therefore, glucose is the basic fuel that powers each of our cells. If we eat or drink foods that contain a lot of glucose, it is absorbed directly into the blood, where it is ready to be used by the cells.

If you look at it this way, sugary foods do not directly affect you, but if you have obesity and diabetes and if you do not control it, if you eat too much processed sugary foods, there is definitely a risk of cancer.

How is sugar made?

To make sugar, the sugarcane must first be cut after it is ripe. Then cut the sugarcane into small pieces. The cut sugarcane should be washed so that it is clean and the juice should be extracted from it. Then it is cleaned by dissolving it in lime and sulphur. By doing this, mud and dirt are removed. And sugar grains are made by cooking in different stages.

Even if you don't eat sugar?

According to nutritionist Pratima Sen KC, sugar candies are eaten for taste. It is a source of carbohydrates. Rice, wheat, like the food we eat, is also a source of carbohydrates, when we eat these foods, they are also converted into sugar. That's why doctors say that even if we don't eat extra sugar, we can get the sugar our body needs from other foods as well," she says.

According to the American Heart Association, a man should not eat more than 36 grams or 150 calories of sugar per day. Women should not eat more than 25 grams or 100 calories of sugar.

What can be eaten instead of sugar?

Some people use Misri, Sakhar's Q. as a substitute for sugar They do yoga. But this is not a good option, because the amount of carbohydrates and glycemic index is the same in Misri and Sugar, says Casey.

"It is better not to use corn and sugar as a substitute for sugar," she says, "We can use natural sugar as a substitute for sugar." For example, fruits, chickpeas, raisins, etc. are sources of natural sugar.

Is it better to stop eating salt and sugar?

 Don't eat too much junk food, it contains a lot of salt. Cold drink should not be drunk, it has a lot of sugar.

This is what we hear a lot. Sugar and salt seem to be blamed for diseases ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes. Are sugar and salt really the enemy of health? What happens when you give up salt and sugar?

Nutritionist Ujjwal Rayamazhi says that the role of both salt and sugar is important for the body to function in a healthy manner. Consuming too much salt and sugar has a negative effect on health. But using limited amounts of salt and sugar in daily food does not make much difference,” he says.

Salt is made up of sodium and chlorine. which is necessary to maintain fluid level balance and control muscle contractions. Also, sugar is a form of carbohydrate and is a good source of energy for our daily activities, says Rayamazhi.

What happens when you use too much?

If you use too much salt and sugar, you can get many types of diseases. According to nutritionist Rayamazhi, excessive use of it leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems and kidney problems.

"For some time now, the use of food available in the market has increased rapidly. Most of these foods available in the market are high in salt and sugar. Such food also increases the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes and also increases obesity, he says.

The role of salt-sugar in weight gain

Carbohydrates are high in sugar. Therefore, consuming too much can lead to obesity. "But if it is used in a very small amount, it can help in weight control," says Rayamazhi.

The sodium in salt increases hunger hormones, leading to overeating and weight gain. Similarly, Raimajhi suggests that reducing the amount of salt will reduce the risk of high blood pressure and obesity.

Eating foods that are high in salt increases the amount of sodium in the body. When the amount of sodium increases, the body reduces the production of urine, increases thirst and the body stores more water. Which increases the weight of water in the body," he says.

What happens when you give up salt and sugar?

Food without salt and sugar can hardly be imagined, we have become accustomed to it. Rayamazhi says, "Therefore, if you leave it suddenly, the body may lack micronutrients." Hormones can be unbalanced, so it should be reduced gradually rather than quitting suddenly.

Sodium is needed to control the amount of water in the body. Sodium plays an important role in exchanging information from the brain to other parts of the body. Salt is its main source. Also, sodium is needed to keep the muscles active. Therefore, it is better to reduce the quantity than to quit suddenly,” says Rayamazhi.

Carbohydrates are needed for daily energy which is found in sugar. Rayamazhi says, "But since we get carbohydrates from other food sources, it is appropriate to consume them in a very small amount."

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

 Does your sugar level increase in summer? Learn how to control diabetes in this season

If you have diabetes then summer season can be a challenging season for you. Learn how you can control your diabetes during this time.

If your insulin level or blood sugar level (Blood Sugar Level) is not controlled properly in the summer season, then diabetes patients are at the highest risk in this season. If your blood sugar is too high then it can be more serious in these summers. Depending on your activities, low blood sugar can also become a concern and not only this, diabetes can damage your sweat glands. Due to which you don't even sweat properly. All this is due to the increase in temperature in the outdoor weather. Rising temperatures can also damage your medications and testing equipment. So you have to keep your medicines safe with you. Before going out in the summer, it is important that you keep your blood sugar under control.

What do experts say?

Our expert Dr. Vinay Bhatt, General Medicine, Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad says that heat mostly affects your blood sugar level. How much it affects you depends on how hydrated you are, how active you are, and what you eat and drink. If you are sweating profusely then it may be because you are getting dehydrated and your blood glucose level is increasing. Due to this, you can urinate again and again due to which you will get more dehydration and your sugar level can also increase more. Your medicines can also break down on their own due to high temperatures, so keep them in a cool place.

How to control diabetes in summer?

1. Adjust insulin (Adjust Insulin Level)

Be sure to ask your doctor how you can adjust your insulin level before exercising so that it does not increase your sugar and glucose levels. Many doctors will give you these tips that how you can control your blood sugar level in summer.

2. Drink More Water

The main cause of blood sugar increase is dehydration and to avoid this you should drink more water so that your body can stay hydrated.

3. Keep checking the blood sugar level (Check Your Sugar)

The temperature outside in summer can increase or decrease your blood sugar, so it is a good idea to keep checking your sugar level frequently. You can try to control your diabetes only according to your sugar level.

4. Stop Getting Dehydrated

Keep a bottle of water or liquids with you that do not increase your sugar and if you are going out, drink a little water all the time so that you can avoid dehydration in diabetes.

5. Fix blood sugar (Keep Glucagon Kit)

In summer, not only your blood sugar (Blood Sugar) may increase but also decrease. Which in itself is a concern and for this you should always keep your glucose tablets with you.

6. Avoid Sunburn

If you stay in the sun too much, you may get sunburn and it may increase blood sugar, so protect yourself from sunburn.

7. Keep Healthy Snacks With You

If you want to control your sugar then some snacks can also replace your meal.

If you have diabetes, you have to make more efforts to protect yourself and your medicines during the summer season, so avoid going out too much.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Sugar can also be eaten in diabetes, these are the options

Sugar can also be eaten in diabetes, these are the options

According to the International Diabetes Federation, 425 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes. Diabetes is a non-communicable disease. However, this disease can be a cause of various diseases. Patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases are said to be at high risk of coronavirus. Due to which many people are considered to be aware of the long-term effects of diabetes.

Diabetes is also called diabetes in the village. Doctors recommend not eating sugary foods, especially if you have diabetes. However, you can taste the sweetness through other means. There are many options.

Monday, February 15, 2021

The bitter reality of sweet sugar

The bitter reality of sweet sugar

Although sweet in taste, sugar is considered a very bitter food in terms of health. That is why modern nutritionists have put it on the list of things to give up rather than eat. Also, many have begun to give up, but most junk food, fast food, and processed foods contain sugar, so we are unknowingly eating sugar. Sugar is added to most commercial foods as it enhances the taste, attractiveness, age, and texture of the food. There are more disadvantages to sugar than sweet sugar. But when we consume sugar, we do not pay attention to all these facts. As a result, we unknowingly run into many problems. Sugar consumption can lead to the following health problems.

Diseases caused by sugar intake:

1. Heart disease:

Sugar is also a risk factor for heart and vascular disease, which is said to be the number one killer of 17.7 million people in the world every year. Prolonged consumption of sugar can lead to weight gain, swelling of the lining of blood vessels, increase in cholesterol and triglycerides, increase in blood glucose and blood pressure, and increase the risk of heart diseases, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and coronary heart disease. Similarly, high sugar intake or high-fucose-diet can lead to a disease called atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart is called coronary heart disease.

2. Diabetes:

About 450 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, a number that has multiplied in the last 40 years. Thus, the consumption of sugar and processed fats is one of the major factors contributing to the increase of this problem at the rate of twice a day and four times a night. Long-term insulin resistance caused by sugar consumption is the main reason for the development of diabetes, while obesity and stomach problems caused by sugar consumption are considered to be another reason.

3. Insulin resistance: 

Consuming sugar raises our blood glucose levels. At the same time, the blood volume of insulin also increases. If this action is repeated for a long time, it develops insulin resistance. Insulin resistance leads to diabetes.

4. Fatty liver:

The problem of fat accumulation in the liver has become a problem in every household today and the consumption of processed carbohydrates containing sugar and high fructose is the main factor in making this problem so frightening. Consumption of sugar increases the problem of fat accumulation in the liver. This is because sugar contains high levels of fructose. Fructose is a harmful element for the liver. This is because fructose is digested only in the liver while glucose is digested in all the cells of the body. When you consume high amounts of fructose, the liver stores fructose as glycogen, but if it exceeds the limit, this fructose accumulates in the liver in the form of fat, which we call fatty liver disease.

5. High weight and obesity:

Of the 7.8 billion people in the world today, 2 billion (200 million) are overweight. Of those 2 billion, 650 million are obese. Thus, our diet has a major hand in unexpectedly gaining weight and even in food, sugar intake has been taken as a major factor in high weight and obesity. The biggest hand in this is the carbonated drinks like Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Fanta, Mirinda, Dew, soda, bazaar juice, energy drinks, etc., which are sold as soft drinks all over the world. These soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar or high-fucose-corn-syrup or high-fucose-rice-syrup.

These syrups or sugars produce high levels of fructose after digestion. People tend to gain weight by eating a lot of fucoses, which causes hunger and reduced satisfaction after eating. Similarly, when you consume more fructose than you need, high fructose develops resistance to the hormone satiety called leptin, so people eat more and gain weight. Similarly, eating sugary or high-fructose foods can cause fat to build up in the soft tissues of the body. Gentle body fat is considered to be the causative agent of many diseases.

6. Tea, poto, and anaphora coming:.

Of course, tea leaves and dandiphora come for many reasons. But consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates are the main cause of dandruff. The main reason for this is the high glycemic index of sugar and processed carbohydrates, which increase blood glucose levels when consumed. As blood glucose levels rise, so do blood insulin levels, and as insulin levels rise, blood levels of androgens increase, excess fat is produced, and dandruff occurs.

7. Risk of cancer:

Similarly, long-term consumption of sugar also increases the risk of some cancers. The main reason for this is that long-term consumption of sugar leads to weight gain and development of obesity, unexpected inflammation in the body, development of insulin resistance, and as a result various types of cancers develop.

8. Depression:

Worldwide, 265 million people suffer from depression. If the problem of depression persists for a long time, people's desire for suicide increases. There are also many causes of depression. Consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates is one of the major causes of depression. When we consume sugary tea, soft drinks, bazaar juice, bakery products, junk food, fast food, etc., these foods continue to spoil our mood and eventually people become depressed. Thus, the intake of sugar and processed carbohydrates causes depression, which is the amount of blood-insulin and high blood-insulin androgen hormone that accompanies the increase in blood glucose after sugar consumption. Androgens are also called stress hormones. Similarly, high sugar intake can lead to neurotransmitters, which can lead to depression.

9. Premature ejaculation

Aging is an event that happens in everyone's life. But for many people, premature aging is associated with sugar intake and processed carbohydrates. Symptoms of aging include skin rashes, hair loss, tooth loss, and loss of sensory function, and various health studies have shown that consumption of sugar or refined carbohydrates can help to alleviate these symptoms. Thus, the biochemical called advance-glycation-and-product, which arises from the reaction of sugar and protein after sugar consumption, is responsible for causing aging. Advance-glycation-and-products specifically destroy the collagen and elastin proteins that keep skin tone, complexion, and radiance alive, and the skin looks aging faster.

10. Cellular degradation:

Our body has about 10 blue cells. These cells also have their own age and these cells are also prone to old age and death. The process of shortening the cellular structure called telomerase is responsible for the aging of such cells. Telomeres typically cover every side of the chromosomes and prevent the chromosomes from being distorted by other elements and the chromosomes from merging with each other, but when the telomeres are shortened, the chromosomes deform quickly and the cells age quickly. Various scientific studies have shown that prolonged consumption of sugar or shortening of telomeres causes cells to age faster.

11. Weakness of power:

When you eat foods high in sugar, sugar raises both blood glucose and insulin. Thus, a rise in blood glucose for a few moments after sugar intake also raises energy levels, but this condition does not last long. Therefore, sugar and processed carbohydrates should not be consumed to maintain energy levels for a long time. If you need to eat, you should also eat protein and fiber-rich foods.

12. Kidney damage:

Consumption of sugar also affects the health of the kidneys. In this case, the sugar causes inflammation in the blood vessels and also damages the small blood vessels of the kidneys, which can lead to kidney damage.

13. Tooth decay:

Consumption of sugar and processed carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay. This is because when you eat sugar, it attracts bacteria that are harmful to your teeth. These bacteria produce acid that causes tooth decay and tooth decay.

14. Increased uric acid:

Consumption of high amounts of sugar breaks down sugar into glucose and fructose after digestion. Of the glucose and fructose formed after digestion of sugar, glucose is metabolized in all cells while fructose metabolism occurs only in the liver. In the liver, fructose is converted to fructose 1 phosphate. In this process ATP is used to make ADP and ADP is also converted to AMP and AMP is also converted to inosine to make uric acid. Therefore, the more sugar we consume, the more uric acid we suffer from.

15. Forgetfulness and loss of comprehension

As sugar intake increases blood glucose levels and increases blood glucose levels, so does insulin resistance. Similarly, sugar intake increases the production of amyloid protein in the brain, which can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, consumption of sugar reduces forgetfulness and cognitive ability.