Showing posts with label treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treatment. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

Breast cancer causes and treatment

 Breast cancer causes and treatment

Recently, the problem of breast cancer in women is increasing. The exact cause of breast cancer cannot be said. 5 to 10 percent of these are also hereditary.

The Nepal Health Research Council conducted a study on breast cancer in seven districts of Nepal, out of which the number of women with breast cancer was very high in five districts.

Various studies have shown that women between the ages of 50 and 60 are more prone to breast cancer than others. In Nepal, breast cancer is more common among women in the age group of 40 to 50 years.


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The main symptom of breast cancer is swelling in the breast. Such a girkha is painless and grows. There are problems such as burying of nipples, discoloration, thickening of the skin, pus or blood flowing from nipples, and non-healing of wounds.


Symptoms of breast cancer can appear very late. Therefore, if you want to detect breast cancer in time, you should not wait for the symptoms. Women over 40 should have a mammogram once a year. If mammogram is not available, then ultrasound should be done.

Women over the age of 20 should have a breast exam every year. If you do the examination in this way, it can be detected before it occurs and timely treatment can be provided.

If the disease is diagnosed at the last stage or if there is a complicated type of cancer, the patient may die during the treatment.


All cancer hospitals in Nepal provide primary treatment for breast cancer. But serious treatment is only available in some hospitals.

Earlier, in case of breast cancer, surgery was done by cutting off the breast, but now, in hospitals including Nepal Cancer Hospital, treatment is done by preserving the breast as much as possible. Which is called brace conserved surgery in medical language. 40 to 50 percent of patients are operated on with breast preservation. Apart from that, breast cancer should also be treated. Sentinel biopsy is done by giving a small amount of medicine to remove the cyst. It is checked whether it has spread to other parts of the body.

But if there is more than one girkha in the breast, then the breast should be cut off and thrown away. Similarly, in case of inflammatory breast cancer (a rare and complicated cancer), even if the disease is complicated and the skin has been eaten away, the breast must be removed. In this way, even if the breast is cut out, tissue can be brought from other parts of the body and placed in the cut place.

After treatment, patients can return to normal life

Cancer is not the end of life, it is the beginning of a new life. Many women who have recovered from cancer are living normal lives.

Five to 10 percent of breast cancer patients have a chance of recurrence after treatment. Therefore, you should not be confident that the treatment has been done. After the treatment of cancer, breast examination should be done every 3 months for two years and every 6 months after the next two years. From this, it can be seen whether there is a possibility of the disease reoccurring.

How much does the treatment cost?

Breast cancer screening does not cost much. The government pays for the treatment. If cancer target (targeted) therapy has to be done, the treatment costs will increase.

This increases the cost of using proteins that control how cancer cells grow, divide, and spread, and when the cured cancer comes back.

"Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

 "Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

Cancer has become a rapidly growing health problem. It causes loss of people as well as wealth. Cancer can be completely cured if detected early. But in the case of Nepal, due to the practice of going to the hospital late, the number of deaths in a short period of time is increasing due to the delay in identification and treatment.

This experience is no less than a trauma for the victim and his family. Therefore, if you can pay attention to the root of the problem, you can avoid this disease. Experts are suggesting important changes in lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.

The most important part of lifestyle is physical exercise. Cancer specialist Dr. Vivek Acharya says. Some chemicals produced during exercise prevent or reduce the risk of cancer in the body. Therefore, all age groups should do regular exercise, Dr. Acharya suggests.

According to a study published in JAMA Oncology, just two minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, such as running, climbing stairs, doing housework and playing with children, can reduce the risk of cancer by 32 percent.

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Cancer specialist Dr. Arun Shahi also says that cancer can be avoided if daily exercise is included in the daily routine. He says that not only cancer but also other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be avoided.

Dr. Arun Shahi

But he says that excessive exercise can prove fatal. Balanced exercise should be done. Do not do any exercise less. And don't do too much. "There are many cases of death due to the body not being able to cope with too much exercise," he says.

Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer worldwide. If there is more obesity, the fund can grow uncontrollably. Weight gain is associated with breast, colon, kidney, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and other cancers. Exercise burns body fat. And he says that it strengthens the muscles.

The link between exercise and cancer

Dr. According to Shahi, during exercise, toxins in our body are released through sweat. Blood circulation is fast and efficient. As a result, the body's metabolism is balanced.

A balanced metabolism means that the heart carries good blood to the cells. Oxygen purifies the bad blood by bringing it to the lungs. Exercise activates blood circulation. Exercising does not interfere with blood circulation. Which can't cause major diseases like cancer due to obesity. Reduces the amount of fat in the body and strengthens the muscles. If the muscles that pump the heart and lungs are strengthened, the body will be healthy when the oxygen and blood flow in the body is good.

If you pay attention to exercise, diet and weight, 90 to 95 percent of cancer can be avoided. Shahi says.

Diet is also a factor in cancer

The current eating style promotes cancer. Shahi says. Rice contains carbohydrates, pulses contain protein, vegetables contain fiber and fish contains fat. Daily pulses, rice and vegetables are digestible. But now, the habit of eating fish and meat on a daily basis increases body weight and stomach related diseases, he says.

Not only these foods, now everyone's choice is fast food. Fast food increases obesity and increases unnecessary calories. Now a small happy news is celebrated and most of the celebrations are meat dishes and alcohol consumption. This also causes the risk of cancer over time. Shahi says.

In a survey conducted by the Oncology Department of Patan Health Science Academy last year on 256 people aged 30 to 80 years old, people who eat stale rotten food, fast food, red meat, fatty food and a history of Hpylori infection on a daily basis showed a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Every year 25 thousand cancer patients are added in Nepal

About 25 thousand cancer patients are added every year in Nepal. Of which 70 percent die every year. The reason is the lack of quick identification, late arrival at the hospital and the lack of cancer treatment hospitals. Acharya says.

It is also more common to go to the pharmacy and take medicine without testing to cure symptoms of cancer such as stomach ache, ringworm and fever. "It is too late to guess the signs and take medicine and wait and see," he says.

Dr. According to Shahi, Nepal has the highest number of lung cancer patients. In the second place, cervical cancer patients have been seen, followed by breast cancer, stomach cancer, large intestine and rectal cancer patients.

Similarly, lung cancer is most common in men.

The situation is different in villages and cities

Cervical cancer is more common among women in rural and remote areas. Dr. Shahi says, 'Human papilloma virus infection, which is transmitted through unprotected sex, is more common there. Also, there is a tradition of not practicing condoms, not cleaning, getting married early and having children early, having many children. Unprotected sex is rare in the city. When condoms are practiced and cleanliness is taken care of, cervical cancer is comparatively less.

Fast food, less physical activity, excessive consumption of alcohol in the city has increased the problem of obesity. Due to obesity, the risk of breast cancer will increase. Shahi says.

If we look at men, lung cancer is more common in rural and urban areas due to the higher number of smokers in both proportions.

"Treatment is better than chronic disease if detected in time"

If it is detected in the early stages, cancer can be treated better than chronic diseases. Shahi says. If you have sugar and blood pressure, you will not be cured even if you take regular medicine. But if the cancer is detected in the early stages, the cancer will be eradicated completely, he says.

How to stay away from the risk of cancer?

Dr. Shahi has suggested to take care of the following to avoid the risk of cancer.

1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, which may cause cancer.

2. Do not eat rotten, processed food, junk food.

3. Exercise regularly to make you sweat.

4. If there is an unnecessary lump in the body, if the color has changed, then the test should be done immediately.

  5. Women may occasionally undergo a mammogram for breast cancer and a pap test for the cervix, and be vaccinated against cervical cancer.

6. In case of hereditary cancer, cancer screening should be done once a year.

7. Do not have unprotected sex.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

What is chiropractic treatment?

What is chiropractic treatment?

Chiropractic is a commonly used method of treatment for muscle pain, joint pain and sports injuries. It is considered as complementary and alternative medicine.

It does not use scientifically proven methods like medicine. Instead, chiropractic treatment involves manual therapy, in which the chiropractor uses his hands to move different parts of the body. This treatment method is more popular in developed countries.

Chiropractic treatment is an adjustment procedure in which specialists apply controlled force to the joints of the spine using their hands or small instruments. If there is a problem in the joint due to some reason, this treatment method is used more to solve the problem by adjusting the joint. Chiropractic treatment is also known as chiropractic treatment.

In which problems is this treatment useful?

It is especially useful for solving the problems of the nervous system and bones of the body. Also, this method of treatment can be useful in spine pain, back pain, limb pain, knee pain, neck pain and many types of joint pain.

The joints of people who sit in a chair for a long time and work are tight due to sticking to the flesh. Chiropractic treatment is also done to open such joints. During the game, sometimes the condition of the joints of the players deteriorates. At that time, this treatment is also done to adjust the joints.

What kind of person can't do it?

In some cases chiropractic is not possible. People with low bone mass density cannot undergo this treatment. Also, people who have problems with blood flow in the joints and the problem of rubbing joints cannot do this. It has to be checked to see if it can be treated or not.

Something to note

Chiropractic should always be done by skilled personnel only. While getting a haircut, massage is also done to stretch the neck, that is not chiropractic.

Today, social media shows people who can't walk after chiropractic treatment standing up and walking. However, this is not magic. As shown in Tiktok, a person who cannot move should not start walking as soon as it is treated.

Every person's body is different and so is the treatment. Therefore, if chiropractic is performed in a place where there is no expert doctor, other problems may arise. Therefore, chiropractic should be done only after an examination by a qualified doctor.

If you see the chiropractor, he will check and advise you to see another doctor if you need other treatment. They treat only when the problem can be solved by chiropractic.

Monday, February 20, 2023

If there is a problem in the ear, the child does not speak, what is the treatment?

If there is a problem in the ear, the child does not speak, what is the treatment?

Parents want their child to be fine in every way. To be able to walk, play, laugh, speak, see, hear. But as the newborn baby grows up, the developmental response of these things gradually begins to appear. Therefore, parents do not easily know that their baby has a hearing problem.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

What is depression in pregnancy? Know causes, symptoms, and treatment

What is depression in pregnancy? Know causes, symptoms, and treatment

Depression is a problem that anyone can be a victim of. This problem can also be seen during pregnancy. The risk of developing depression in pregnancy is about 4 to 20 percent. This problem can be due to many reasons, which the pregnant and unborn baby can be harmed. Therefore, you must know the important things related to depression in pregnancy. In this article, we are explaining in detail the causes, symptoms, and treatment of depression in pregnancy. Apart from this, other important information related to this will also be shared with you.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Tooth decay problems and treatment

Tooth decay problems and treatment

There are about 700 types of bacteria in the mouth, numbering in the tens of millions. This bacterium protects against dental and oral problems. If the mouth, teeth, and tongue are not cleaned properly, the bacteria can damage the teeth and gums.

In particular, pyrexia can cause problems with the gums that support the teeth. If there is pyrexia, the gums of the teeth become yellow and bad and blood starts coming out from it.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Symptoms and treatment of urinary tract infections

Symptoms and treatment of urinary tract infections

Infections of the urinary system occur for a variety of reasons. This problem is more common in women. 77% of women suffer from urinary problems. Due to negligence and shame, they do not say this openly. Urinary tract infections are caused by not paying attention to genital hygiene.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection

 Irritation during urination.

- Frequent urination.

- Feeling of pain in the back.

-Sometimes bleeding during urination.

- Urine is foul-smelling.

Caution to adopt in this way

1. Do not stop urinating too much

Some people stop urinating for long periods of time, either because of work or because they are lazy. This is a very bad habit. If urine is coming in and is stopped for three to four minutes, the toxin goes back to the kidneys. This is called the retention of urine. If this action is repeated many times, kidney stones will start to freeze. So do not suppress urine to get rid of such problems.

2. Urination after sexual intercourse

It is very important to urinate after sexual intercourse. This causes the bacteria inside to come out. The risk of infection is reduced. Women, in particular, must urinate after sexual intercourse.

3. Do not keep wet

The vagina should not be kept moist. After urinating, the vagina should be thoroughly cleaned. Also, it should be kept dry, so that bacteria do not spread in the urinary tract.

4. Cleaning in menstruation

During menstruation, you should pay more attention to the cleanliness of the vagina than at other times. Sanitary pads should be changed every 6 hours.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Aren't you becoming a 'net patient'?

Aren't you becoming a 'net patient'?

Many people now go to the Internet for treatment according to their symptoms and go to the hospital for treatment. They believe more in what they find on the Internet than in consulting a doctor.

In the report, a doctor said, "Some people have been saying that I have cancer. Even doctors don't use the word cancer until they are convinced. '

Today, everyone uses the Internet to learn about the effects and uses of any medicine. No matter what field of the profession they are in, they do not consider themselves inferior to doctors.

The doctor said, "Once my sick relative called and angrily asked, 'Why did you prescribe this medicine?' He worked at the World Bank. He said that it is written on the internet as an anti-depressant drug. I'm not depressed. I reminded her that this medicine is not only anti-depressant but also has other benefits. But, you can't know everything about it by reading on the internet. '

If you search the internet for 'symptoms of brain tumor', it can cause symptoms like headache, vomiting, fainting, and insomnia. Some of the symptoms are similar to other diseases. Similarly, if you search for headaches, you will find many articles, what are the diseases related to headaches. This makes the patient more confused.

A psychiatrist says, ‘If a person searches Google according to his symptoms, he will find another disease that matches his symptoms. Symptoms of common to serious diseases are given on the internet. People are afraid that their symptoms will be associated with a serious illness. '

It increases the negative emotions in their minds. Some patients find information on the Internet about the medication they are taking and read about its side effects. Also, spend money on unnecessary tests. On the one hand, they are mentally harassed and on the other hand, seeking treatment is a waste of time and money.

There is a scene in the Hindi film Three Idiots after watching the video. This kind of practice is not complete in itself. Now, after watching the video, some people adopt the treatment method, which does not give good results.

Doctors say it is objectionable to have surgery after watching the video. Even physicians who have participated in many surgeries are very careful and cautious before performing the operation. Because this is not a normal job.

The sensitivity of any information given on the internet should be taken into consideration while following it in practical life.

Now the question arises, is it wrong to seek treatment for the disease on the internet? Shouldn't such a thing be done?

It is not advisable to seek any treatment or medicine according to the information available on the internet. Because physicians have studied the subject for many years. Information is acquired. Are experienced. So doctors are more reliable than the Internet.

According to doctors, those who seek treatment on the Internet are called 'Net Patients' or 'Google Doctors'.

You don't have to rely on the internet. However, you should not rely on the internet for sensitive issues. Even if you can get general information, you should not make the mistake of taking medicine and treatment based on it. Also, it is not appropriate to resort to the internet to find the disease according to your symptoms. This can lead to unnecessary stress.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Keratin treatment to make hair healthy

Keratin treatment to make hair healthy

Hair is one of the most important parts of beauty. Strong, soft, long, and thick hair is the standard of beauty. In this age of fashion and glamor, the beauty of hair has a special effect on the overall personality. That is why attention has been paid to the proper decoration from hair care.

Haircuts are not just enough to make your hair look attractive, but many other things come along as well. How to strengthen hair? What color to decorate? How to design? These alone are not enough. It is important to style your hair according to your face or overall body. For this, it is important to understand how to style your hair according to your personality. And, in today's world, there is a growing awareness of hair. There are also many facilities now. Hair can be made to suit your taste.

Also, you need to know how to make your hair naturally attractive. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. A good alternative to this is keratin treatment.

What is a keratin treatment?

Keratin is the uppermost layer of our scalp. There are two types of keratin, one is alpha protein and the other is beta keratin. The keratin that is in our skin or hair is called alpha keratin. In keratin treatment, the hair is temporarily straightened. It contains a keratin solution that reaches the inside of the hair. Then a flat iron is used to straighten the hair.

It makes hair naturally strong, soft, thick, and healthy.

Who should do it?

Anyone can do keratin treatment. Keratin treatment is essential for everyone to keep their hair healthy.

Where to do

Keratin treatment can also be done at home. However, it is more effective if it is done by an expert or an expert in related work. So you can go to a reliable parlor and get the keratin treatment. It should be noted that many parlors are open for keratin treatment. But, you have to be able to find a place to treat it properly.

What are the benefits?

Keratin treatment provides essential nutrients to the hair. The keratin in our hair is being destroyed due to various reasons. As the keratin is destroyed, the hair becomes coarse. Therefore, it should be returned naturally from keratin treatment. Keratin makes hair healthy and soft.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Effect of Ayurvedic treatment in Isolation Center

Effect of Ayurvedic treatment in Isolation Center

If you reach the Brahma Muhurat in the morning, the diary of the corona infected people kept at the Ayurveda Research Center in Kirtipur will not only surprise many but may also inspire them not to take the disease seriously. As soon as they wake up in the morning, some of them go to a place where they can do yoga, and those who are interested start enjoying their own kind of dance. Some live as musicians, some as spectators.

Doesn't Corona move from here when you hear it immediately? It may seem that the physical distance is taken into consideration while doing all these activities. Even security guards and nurses assigned to guard the center at a physical distance sometimes participate in such recreational activities.

The isolation of the center, which is kept in the same family environment, has helped the corona infected to recover and return home faster than elsewhere, according to the center officials.

The center has been developed as an isolation center for infecting corona and has been added to the list of centers for better management of isolation. One of the slogans of the center is 'Strength of the patient should be strengthened, not the strength of the disease.' After all, what is the condition of the infected living there and its management?

According to the center, no corona-infected person had to be kept in isolation for more than 10 days until the government decided to keep them in the isolation center for 14 days and send them home without testing. Assistant Medical Specialist of the Center Dr. According to Vikas Raj Ghimire, the center has been able to send people between the ages of 2 and 78 years by releasing corona from isolation.

Chief Training Officer of the Center Dr. According to Nirmal Bhusal, 90 percent of the infected patients have returned home with corona negative within seven days. "Most of the patients return home with a negative corona within seven days," he said. They have returned home in 10 days even though they are late. Due to the patient-friendly environment here, they appear to have been quickly discharged from the corona. '

Bhusal says that not only those who are now in isolation but also those who are in home isolation are constantly seeking advice on Ayurvedic medicine by telephoning. He says, "We have succeeded in dispelling the misconception about Ayurvedic medicine in the society." He said that although Ayurvedic medicine has not been proven to prevent corona, they have succeeded in proving that it helps in boosting the immunity of people.

Regular use of Ayurvedic medicine

No scientific experiment has confirmed the effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine in the prevention of the coronavirus. But in this isolation center, the use of regular ayurvedic medicine helps to increase the immunity of the infected, he said. It belongs to Bhusal.

According to Bhusal, the infected people at the center were allowed to take various Ayurvedic medicines produced by Singha Durbar Vaidyakhana regularly.

According to the center, medicines made by mixing gurgle and author, marij, people, mica ash powder, jethi honey, ashwagandha, etc. are fed daily. "The charming atmosphere of Kirtipur may have helped the patient to recover faster," says Bhusal. "The external and internal management of the isolation ward was our attempt to prevent the patients from feeling that I was sick."

Yoga and recreation

Another important feature of this isolation center is the means of entertainment. The management of the isolation center encourages every infected person to do regular yoga. According to Bhusal, after waking up in the morning at the center, the infected people have been doing various asanas and yoga to suit themselves. Bhusal said that options like lungo and carom board have been provided for entertainment and dance and instrumental music can be used whenever he likes.

20 infected referred to APF hospital

According to the latest statistics, 20 of the patients have been referred to the Armed Police Force Hospital in Balamb. According to Bhusal, he had to undergo an X-ray as the fever was increasing and he had to be kept in the ICU as it became more complicated. "As the problem of pneumonia is on the rise, it has been referred to the ICU as a problem," he told Online News. "We have so far received 20 referrals due to lack of technology to do X-ray and ICU infection in the ICU."

What is the difference between other isolations and here?

There is a lot of difference in this isolation which is usually kept in the Ayurvedic treatment center than in home isolation. The annoying situation of having to live alone at home does not remain in this isolation. If you have any health problems, you can consult a doctor immediately. The difference between it and other isolation centers is that others try to cure the symptoms using modern medicine but the center will try to cure the disease with the help of Ayurvedic medicine and yoga meditation, he said.