Monday, June 17, 2024

Causes and treatment of mania

 Causes and treatment of mania

Mental and physical hyperactivity, disordered behavior and excessive increase in thinking is mania or frenzy. It is a type of mental illness, which is classified under anxiety and depression. After getting this disease, a person's feelings and emotions change abnormally and the person's behavior, thinking, sleep and social interactions start to look unbalanced.

Depression is despair, while mania is the opposite of excitement and happiness. In this disease, people like to be happy, laugh, talk a lot, dance and sing songs for no reason. Similarly, symptoms such as sudden anger, impatience and increased sexual desire also appear. This happens in all people, like mood swings or excessive liking. If it does not have any negative impact on daily life, it can be taken as normal, but if it has affected personal and professional life for at least 6 months, then it is considered as mental illness.

Symptoms seen in mania

- Frequent high self-esteem and ambitious thinking, but not working hard to achieve goals

- Sudden impulse

- Being abnormal in sexual behavior

- I have such thoughts and ideas that I either do not sleep or do not sleep much

- Talking abnormally (slurring)

- Playing a lot of things in the mind

- Being impatient, talking big but unable to do anything in essence. If due to depression i.e. mania bipolar, a person can reach severe mental illness (psychotic). Therefore, it is necessary to treat it on time.

How is mania?

It is caused by biological, genetic and psychosocial reasons.

Biological causes: Biological causes include imbalanced neurotransmitter chemistry in the brain. It appears that mania occurs when there is a problem in the hypothalamus of the brain. It is also called the center of satisfaction. When there is a disturbance in it, one cannot be satisfied and at this time the dopamine neurotransmitter is released in the brain, while the level of serotonin is low, which makes one want to do the same thing again and again and enjoy it. Even if someone in the family has a history of mania, other members of that family are at risk of developing mania.

Psychosocial cause: People with bipolar tend to get this disease. Similarly, people with seasonal mood disorders, people with dementia, sudden death of a close relative, passing away, physical and mental trauma, brain injury can get this disease.

Types of mania

There are many types of mania, among which hypomania, delusional mania and delusional mania are the main ones. Hypomania: This is a condition where the person seems to adjust their daily and professional routines. In this situation, a person may feel that something has changed in his thinking and behavior.

Delirious Mania: In this condition, the person looks very ambivalent. In this case, immediate treatment is needed.

Delusional Mania: In this condition, the person is very delusional. As a result, his social relationships deteriorate one after the other, problems arise in family and marital relationships, if something is shown to be wrong, he gets angry if it is not true, does not accept and does not scare others by saying that 'only I have extraordinary abilities', stays in his own world. .


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is used to treat mania. It helps to control the patient's depression and excitement. Similarly, in some cases, self-care and family medicine should also be adopted.

Who is at risk?

This mental problem can start at any stage and age. This problem is especially common among people aged 15 to 25 years. The problem of mania is very visible in teenagers.

Will it heal completely?

If it is normal type of mania, it will be cured within 6 months to 3 years. But there is also the possibility of returning again. The disease can be prevented by taking into account the person, his environment (family, profession), but if there is any disharmony, there is a possibility of reoccurrence.

Mental Health: 11 Myths and Truths

Many misconceptions about mental health have been around for centuries. Some associate it with the effects of ghosts and ghosts or the fruits of previous births, while others call mental illness insanity.

What this situation shows is that people are not so aware of the problems related to mental health. For this reason, many people do not like to tell anyone about their health problems such as stress or depression. Instead, they keep it hidden.

What are the illusions?

Myth: People with mental health problems are mentally weak and cannot work.

- Having problems with mental health does not mean that a person's intellectual ability decreases or that he has a dull intellect. Having a mental problem does not mean that a person cannot make his place in society. The reality of this is that even if a particular person has some kind of mental health problem, he can lead a normal life.

Until this problem becomes serious, daily and family life can be easily lived.

Delusion: Mental illness is seen only in certain people.

- This is also not true. Studies on mental health have concluded that one in five people may experience mental illness at some point in their lives.

So it seems that anyone can have mental health problems in one way or another.

Delusion: Mental problems cannot be cured once they are seen.

- Mental problems can appear in different ways depending on the person. One is that mental problems are not caused by one cause and one disease. Mental problems have stages. Which may return to normal with time.

In most cases, drug treatment, various types of therapy can be cured or controlled.

Misconception: People with mental problems will be cured by behavior after marriage.

Truth: This is a misunderstanding. Brain-related problems can be treated with a skilled doctor, proper medication and a positive environment.

If he gets married after leaving the treatment, not only his condition but also that of his spouse may deteriorate.

Myth: All people with mental problems are violent and aggressive.

- There is no complete truth in this statement. People with mental health problems are themselves at risk of violence and assault.

According to the data of the World Health Organization, 9 out of every 10 people with mental problems are victims of human rights violations in one way or another.

They have as much anger as a healthy person. But in some serious cases, if there is no treatment or there is an imbalance in the amount of medicine being used, they may sometimes appear like Hrinsak.

Myth: Children and adolescents do not have mental health problems.

- More than 50 percent of mental health problems begin before the age of 14. Childhood abuse, poverty, accidents, bullying, sexual abuse, domestic strife, trauma after someone's untimely death in the family, etc. can be the causes of mental problems in children.

WHO has also stated that 1 in every 5 children and adolescents have some kind of mental health problem.

Myth: Mental health problems are caused by personal weaknesses.

- Mental health problems can develop due to biological, environmental, social and psychological reasons.

Therefore, it cannot be said that the problem is caused by a person's personal weakness or lack of self-strength.

Myth: People with mental health problems cannot be helped.

- If you can provide emotional support to people with mental problems, their health will gradually improve. The more they live alone, the more they are at risk of negative thoughts.

Therefore, sitting with them and listening carefully to what they want to express can help such a person a lot.

It seems that people with mental problems are called crazy in the society, which is wrong. It is everyone's duty to respect them and protect them as much as possible.

Illusion: Being mentally ill, they pretend to get attention from others.

- In diseases like mental illnesses, anxiety and 'bio polar disorder', behaviors such as trembling, crying, and convulsions can be seen. In such a situation, some may perceive it as a witch or a deity or pretending to attract the attention of others, which is wrong. These are symptoms of mental problems. The identification and successful treatment of which can lead to proper management.

Delusion: People with mental problems have low will power.

- In our society, there is a misconception that only people with low willpower can suffer from mental illness or that people with mental problems do not have willpower. But this is not true, because mental illness affects the mind and not the strength of the person.

Misconception: As soon as you have a mental illness, you should be admitted to a mental hospital.

- It is not necessary to be hospitalized as soon as a mental illness occurs. In some cases, they need to go to the hospital for treatment and follow-up. But you don't have to stay in the hospital for a long time.

Their successful treatment is more important than how well the family members are able to care for them.

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