Showing posts with label vaginal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaginal. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Causes and treatment of vaginal cysts

 Causes and treatment of vaginal cysts

You may have heard of growing meat in the uterus. But do you know that flesh can also grow in the vagina?

The problem of growing flesh in the vagina is called 'vaginal cyst' in medical language. If it is identified early, it can be easily treated. But if there is a delay, the situation can become critical.

What is a vaginal cyst?

A lump filled with fluid in or around the vagina is called a 'vaginal cyst'. It can appear small, large and undetectable. Usually, this problem can be seen during pregnancy, childbirth and after menopause.

the reason

There is not only one reason for this problem. It can be caused by injuries, infections and hormonal changes.

Injury: During delivery, the baby may come out due to surgery or injury to the vaginal wall. This problem can be accidental, which cannot be prevented.

Obstruction in the gland: Due to injury or infection, obstruction of Bartholin's gland causing fluid accumulation in the vagina can lead to swelling. Which in medical language is called Bartholian cyst. Comparatively, this cyst is the most visible.

Infections: Bacteria from sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can also infect the vagina or around it. Therefore, condoms must be used while having sex.

Congenital: In some, this cyst can be congenital. The concrete reason why it appears has not been discovered.


Symptoms do not show as soon as the flesh grows in the vagina. Which is barely known during the health examination. In some cases, some symptoms appear.

- Growing lumps of flesh around the vagina

- There may be pain and burning while having sex, walking, sitting, defecating, cleaning with tissue paper and using tampons.

- May have fever.


To identify it, look at the shape first. According to the size, it is decided what kind of examination will be done.

In some cases, a biopsy is also done to identify whether it is cancer.

Similarly, the liquid contained in it is examined to identify whether it is a sexually transmitted infection.

If the congenital 'cyst' has increased, MRI is used to see how far the cyst has spread.


If there is a small knot, it can be washed with hot water. If it is due to infection, surgery is done along with the use of some antibiotics.

If the test is suspicious and the size is large, it can be removed by small surgery.

Can it be prevented?

The problem of flesh growing in the vagina cannot be prevented. But if you pay attention to hygiene and have safe physical relations, the risk can be reduced.


If the cyst is due to infection. If not treated in time, the infection from the cyst can spread to the blood.

Apart from that, it can spread through the urinary tract, uterus and stomach. Therefore, if you experience any suspicious lumps, lumps like flesh in the vagina, you should immediately see the relevant doctor.

'I got to see and touch my baby only five days after birth'

I was busy shooting when I found out I was pregnant. The work of the film had already started and there was no way to stop it. So I didn't take a break. The baby was growing in the womb. I was in the rush of filming.

Pregnancy is certainly not easy. Only those who experience it know how physically and emotionally relaxed it is at this time. Vomiting, reluctance to eat or feeling bored. It was more difficult for me. I was working non-stop until I was five months pregnant.

I know that at that moment I need enough rest. Body and mind too. From the time you are pregnant, you have to pay attention to your diet, you have to pay attention to your physical fitness. But I didn't get such facility.

It is not possible to arrange everything as you want in the shooting. You don't get the taste you want, you don't get the ease you choose.

I used to vomit most of the time. That's why I didn't want to eat food. Fruit juice and coconut water were cut for five months.

I listened to bhajans to relax my mind

The state of mind of the mother during pregnancy directly affects the unborn child. What does the mother think, how does she think, what is her feeling, what is her state of mind? Accordingly, it also affects the mental development of the child. That is why it is said to be calm, positive and happy at that moment.

Even in the midst of work, I tried to keep myself calm as much as possible. Listening to bhajans and chanting Om was a regular thing in the morning.

However, I think that I am positive. So I didn't feel like I had to do anything extra to bring positive feelings. I stayed away from unnecessary thoughts. I used to do something to keep myself busy. Like listening to songs, listening to bhajans, spending time with dear friends, eating what you want to eat, watching movies.

"The doctor said - surgery may be necessary"

I think any woman wants to have the experience of becoming a mother, no matter how much pain she goes through. I also wanted to experience labor pains. I had also mentally prepared for a normal delivery.

But the doctor said - 'Surgery may be necessary.'

If this happened, many problems occurred during pregnancy. I had to go to the hospital many times and have to be examined. He had to stay in the hospital two or three times. Before giving birth, I was very tired.

The date of delivery was Baisakh. But we could not wait for the appointed time. We were shocked to hear the doctor's suggestion to give birth prematurely due to various complications.

Parents are as happy as their child is born, they are also afraid. Will my child be perfect or perfect? Is his health okay? Many such things will make the heart hurt. Having to give birth before the scheduled time added more worries to us.

Not being able to see and touch your baby

After excruciating pain, I was admitted to Grand City Hospital, Jamal. Dr. According to Bina Basnet's advice, the process of giving birth to a child by surgery proceeded.

I could not see my child

Mother, this is not only a word but also a feeling. The feeling of being a mother cannot be expressed in words. It is something to feel or feel.

Not only humans, animals also raise their children with love. How much affection and touch they bring up. An animal that has been hungry for how many days feeds a child as soon as it gets some food. They protect their children no matter how dangerous they are. what is mother Similar examples also show.

When the child growing in my womb was being born, I forgot myself at that time. All my affection was showered on my child. I was eager to touch that baby. Give love with all your heart.

But everything is not under your control.

When the unborn baby is placed in the NICU

The baby was underweight. So he was kept in the NICU immediately after birth. I could not calm him down. I really wanted to cry. Even then, the mind will be weak. On top of that, having to keep my baby apart without touching her even once made my heart break.

When the baby comes out of the womb, his organs have to spontaneously adjust to the external environment. But in some cases this may not be the case. In some cases, the baby is kept in the NICU for special care.

I was saddened, even that ignorant child could not touch his mother. He did not get his mother's touch and warmth. I was more pained by the child's pain than by myself. How much pain does a mother feel when she has to keep her baby apart after giving birth?

And I looked at the child as if to die

Only after five days I was able to touch my child to the point of death, to see him.

In childbirth, we often see other people. But that situation is not so easy. If we have one delivery girl, there are many others to teach. Some say to do this, some say not to do this. Some say to eat like this, some say not to eat like this. At that time, people's behavior would also make them feel bored.

On the one hand, the wound was not healed because the child was born through surgery. It hurt there. On the other hand, there was a lack of appetite for food. Mood swings were caused by stress, pain and fatigue. During pregnancy I ate normal vegetarian food. I emphasized more on fruits. Other food was not eaten much.

If you are not strong, it will be difficult to take care of the child accordingly. At first, the baby could not be breastfed. Formula milk had to be given. Later, when the body became stronger, I breastfed.

Oxytocin hormone is said to be released in the body when breastfeeding or touching the baby. Because of this hormone, the love between mother and child is stronger. Oxytocin is called the love hormone.

Be a mother and take a look

In fact, the joy that a mother feels when she hugs, kisses, holds her baby, plays in her arms, can hardly be explained. When you keep a piece of your heart on your chest, your feelings melt like this, tears fall from your eyes. You want to cry, you want to laugh, you want to love. That mixed feeling?

As a mother, she bears the pain of her children

Being a mother, sharing the joys of children

I felt that mother is not the same earth. When I became a mother, I missed my mother a lot. I remember at other times too. The feeling after becoming a mother is different.

After suffering so much pain, a mother lives for her children. When the baby cries, it hurts the mother. A mother's heart is happy when a child laughs. Forget yourself and give love to your child. They are able to give up everything for the child. Everything is bearable.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy, what is the reason?

 Vaginal discharge during pregnancy, what is the reason?

60 to 65 percent of women experience excessive vaginal discharge during pregnancy. Thus, some women are worried when vaginal discharge is excessive. In addition, they may panic when foul-smelling liquid comes from the vagina. In this case, many women may wonder how much vaginal discharge is normal or abnormal.

Five similar questions about vaginal discharge, online news, obstetrics and gynecology specialist Dr. Sunita Vyanjankar has kept it.

What is vaginal discharge?

The liquid that flows from the vagina is called vaginal discharge, which keeps the vagina clean. Protects from external bacterial infection.

Vaginal discharge changes according to a woman's physical condition. For example, the menstrual cycle and pregnancy may have different types of discharge. Which varies from person to person. Some may have more, some may have less.

How common is vaginal discharge during pregnancy?

Prosterogen hormone levels are high during pregnancy. Therefore, it is normal to have a little more vaginal bleeding. Vaginal discharge does not allow infection in the vagina. Such shrawa protects the vagina.

A thin and milky white liquid with a slight odor is seen in early pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge can also increase in the last week of pregnancy. At that time, thick and pink liquid can be seen. Which gradually increases. And, it continues throughout pregnancy. It is a sign that the baby is ready to be born, which is seen before the onset of labor. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is called Leukorrhea. It looks clean and white. And, it is odorless. Which is not considered harmful. This is normal.

But in some cases, abnormal vaginal discharge can occur. If it is green, brown in color, very smelly, cheese-like and full of liquid. Such vaginal discharge can cause itching and pain around the vagina.

The vagina contains beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus. When the balance of these bacteria is disturbed, bad bacteria take their place. And, there may be abnormal vaginal discharge. Genital infection and the use of any medicine can also cause it.

What are the symptoms of abnormal vaginal discharge? What is the probability of complications?

Suddenly vaginal discharge increased. And, if the color is different, you should show it to the doctor. If the fluid like water is continuously flowing, then it should be understood that there is pain before delivery.

Abnormal vaginal discharge can also occur if two infections such as 'vaginal thrush' and bacterial vaginosis are seen.

Vaginal thrush can be caused by a fungal infection (thrush), which looks thick and white like curd. Which makes the vagina itchy and painful. But it does not harm the fetus.

Similarly, bacterial vaginosis causes an infection in the vagina due to an imbalance of micro-organisms around the genitals. When infected, gray or green discharge is seen. Which smells like fish. This discharge causes itchiness and discomfort. Which can cause premature pain.

Bacterial vaginosis increases the risk of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV AIDS, Trichomonas vaginalis and vaginal candidiasis.

Vaginal candidiasis is an infection seen in pregnancy, which can occur when the Candida species overgrow. The risk of infection is high in pregnant women who have been treated with strong antibiotic drugs, HIV/AIDS, diabetes and immunocompromised pregnant women.

In case of vaginal candidiasis, there is not only discharge from the vagina, but also pain and itching in the vaginal tract. Also, complications such as miscarriage, low birth weight and premature birth may appear due to this.

Blood mixed discharge or bleeding during pregnancy is a complicated problem of how many?

One in three women experience light bleeding during the first trimester of pregnancy, which is normal. If some people experience discharge even after that period, then you should definitely not stay silent.

Bleeding continues even after the first trimester. And, if it is too much, you have to go to the hospital immediately. Because excessive bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage.

Likewise, bleeding may occur if the cervix covers the entire cervix. After 20 weeks, such a problem can be seen. Which is not that rare. In this way, when the mucus covers the lower part of the uterus, it becomes a risk for both the mother and the baby. Also, if there is excessive abdominal pain and bleeding before 37 weeks, the baby may be born prematurely.

How to stop bleeding during pregnancy?

Although any type of bleeding cannot be stopped during pregnancy, regular blood tests should be done. It can help to determine the amount of blood in the body and the need for blood transfusion during pregnancy. And, in this way, blood tests from time to time can identify whether it is just a normal problem or there is any possibility of bleeding.

- If there is an infection in the vagina, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics or other medicines keeping in mind the pregnancy. These medicines prevent the spread of infection. And, it reduces abnormal vaginal discharge.

- Tampons should not be used during pregnancy.

- Discharge absorbing panty liner should be worn.

- The vagina should be kept dry.

-After urinating or defecating, the genital area should be wiped from front to back.

- Instead of wearing tight jeans and nylon panties, you should use cotton.

- Probiotic foods and complementary foods that are safe to consume during pregnancy should be consumed. Which prevents the balance of bacteria in the vagina from getting worse.

Normal vaginal bleeding: No need to clean frequently

 Normal vaginal bleeding: No need to clean frequently

Genital hygiene is very important during menstruation, pregnancy and sexual intercourse. Because if there is no proper hygiene in the genitals, the risk of infection is high.

Due to the fear of infection, some people take special care in cleaning it. They clean and wipe after going to the toilet. This is not quite right. If there is abnormal discharge from the genitals, then cleaning is necessary. But normal vaginal discharge is not only natural but also necessary.

Normal vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge) protects the genitals from external infections. Prevents the fear of infection from external germs.

Vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge) and its function

Vaginal discharge is the discharge of liquid from the vagina. It is usually composed of cells and bacteria. Which helps to clean the vagina, make it soft to maintain sexual relations and also helps to fight external bad bacteria and infections.

Vaginal discharge is a natural and normal process. So it is normal to have some amount of discharge every day. But if there is excessive fluid flow daily, it should be seen by the doctor.

Most women or teenagers have a little discharge daily, but during ovulation, its amount is more than at other times. Which is sticky white discharge which is natural. Some women may experience changes in discharge due to infection or sexually transmitted diseases, which is known as abnormal discharge.

How to recognize normal vaginal discharge?

The color of normal vaginal discharge is light white or white. It has no bad smell. But its color is different and if it has a smell, it may be due to an infection or disease. For example, yellow, brown or green discharge indicates bacterial or sexually transmitted infections. If it appears white but thicker than normal, it may be due to a fungal infection, which will clear up after treatment.

It is not necessary to clean as soon as it is 'discharged'

It is not necessary to clean it as soon as it is 'discharged' as its job is to prevent any kind of infection. This is a normal procedure, but if there is an excessive amount, a panty liner can be applied. Vagina is cleaned naturally with the help of healthy bacteria and those bacteria prevent some infections, so it is not necessary to clean it frequently. Special care should be taken as too much cleaning will have more negative effects.

How to clean?

The vagina should not be cleaned frequently. To clean the vagina once or twice a day, you can clean it with 'Bhivas' which is easily available in the market. Even clean water can be used to clean the vagina once a day and after urinating, tissue paper can be used to dry the vagina. When cleaning with excessive amounts of water, there is a possibility that the bacteria in the external water will also reach the inside.

Most of them clean it as soon as they have vaginal discharge (vaginal discharge). But vaginal cleansing also protects the vagina from infection to some extent, so it should not be cleaned immediately.

How to keep vagina healthy

-Women should change clean cotton panties daily. Wearing synthetic panties cannot absorb fluids, which increases the risk of infection.

- Take a daily bath. While bathing, the vagina should be cleaned only with Bhivas.

- Do not use scented soap, gel or other feminine products.

- Do not wear tight underwear or sweaty clothes for a long time.

-Wipe the vagina from front to back. It prevents bacteria from entering the vagina from the anus.

6 causes of vaginal discharge

 6 causes of vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge is a sign of a healthy female reproductive system. Normal vaginal discharge is a mixture of watery substances or fluids, dead cells and bacteria. It prepares the body and reproductive organs for reproduction.

Generally healthy vaginal discharge is thin. Some women may also have dark colored discharge. This is not much of a concern. But if the vaginal discharge is too much or the color of the vaginal discharge is too dark, then you should be careful. Sometimes there is vaginal discharge even when there is some problem in the body.

Expulsion of eggs

Vaginal discharge also occurs during the release of eggs from the ovaries of women. It happens after the menstrual cycle. During this period there is thick discharge. It is dark white and yellow. This indicates that the level of estrogen in the body has increased and ovulation is near. Vaginal discharge is abundant until ovulation and then decreases.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance related to stress, poor diet, bad lifestyle can sometimes cause heavy vaginal discharge. In such a situation, you should try to avoid these causes and keep your hormones balanced.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have high levels of male hormones called androgens. High androgen levels cause irregular periods and inhibit ovulation. Therefore, women may have excessive vaginal discharge during this period. Therefore, if you have excessive vaginal discharge and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Caused by a fungal infection

Fungal infection also causes vaginal discharge to increase and become very thick. This is due to fungal growth. It can happen to women of any age. In fungal infection, along with vaginal discharge, vaginal itching is also a problem. In this case, the medicine should be taken in consultation with the doctor.

vaginitis infection

Vaginitis is an infection of the vagina. It is caused by wearing very tight clothes and lack of genital hygiene. In such a case, there may be thick white, brown, yellow or green discharge from the vagina. Apart from this, there is bad smell and itching from the vagina. Many women may experience pain or discomfort when urinating.

Bacterial vaginitis

Bacterial vaginitis is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. Vaginal infections are more common in women aged 15 to 44 years. It can also be caused by a UTI, which is called bacterial vaginitis. In this case, there is white or gray discharge from the vagina.