Showing posts with label patients. Show all posts
Showing posts with label patients. Show all posts

Why do cholesterol patients increase in hospital after Dashain?

Why do cholesterol patients increase in hospital after Dashain?

We understand Dashain as a festival of eating and drinking. That is why Manlagdi is eaten at this time. Fish, meat and alcohol are mandatory during Dashain.

Even those who don't drink at other times drink because it's a festival. Drunkenness was a better excuse. They sit and drink from morning till midnight.

On top of that, Sitan was also wanted. Grilled, fried, spicy, bitter, sour meat. Dalmot, chips. What is the habit of most of them is to take vinegar after drinking alcohol.

Such foods may not have an immediate effect. However, with the onset of winter, the number of patients in the hospital begins to increase. Most of them have cholesterol problems. After all, why did they have bad cholesterol? The uncontrolled eating of the same Dashain is one of the reasons behind this.

What happens when cholesterol increases? Why does it increase? Let's understand it in common language.

Cholesterol is a layer of fat in our body. Cholesterol is necessary for proper blood flow in the blood vessels and the structure of the body's cells. However, if the amount of cholesterol in the blood is more than required, it accumulates in the blood vessels, liver and heart.

Blood collects in the blood vessels and narrows the blood vessels. This is why the blood flow is not good. What this does is increase the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease.

This problem is mostly seen in people with heart problems and high blood pressure. However, it does not mean that it is not seen in others.

Cholesterol is such a problem, the early signs of which do not match anything. It suddenly causes problems. Its general symptoms can be seen in anyone. Like white spots appearing around the eyes, black spots appearing on the back of the neck. However, in most cases, this problem is not detected without testing.

When the problem increases, it becomes difficult to handle it. Therefore, it is advisable to find preventive measures before such a problem occurs.

What to do now?

Be alert and take necessary precautions before problems occur. For this, some conditions must be followed.

- Reduce the consumption of red meat. Instead of red meat, white meat and fish can be consumed.

- Do not eat too much ghee, butter, cheese and animal fats.

- Cholesterol contains triglycerides. As carbohydrates increase the amount of triglycerides, eat such foods as little as possible.

- Sugary foods are high in carbohydrates, so eat as little as possible.

- In case of heart disease and high cholesterol level, take related medicine regularly.

- Consuming more fruits and green vegetables than meat.

- Eating less fat and skinned meat.

- Full sleep.

- Don't drink alcohol. Even if you do, consume very little.

Consuming high amounts of fibrous and fiber-rich foods.

Along with diet, you should also pay attention to exercise. At least five days a week you should walk briskly for 30 to 45 minutes.

A medical emergency situation

Eating alcohol and meat indiscriminately increases cholesterol. Apart from that, there are also many people who come to the hospital with a bone stuck in their neck. People are not alert and alert when they are drunk. At that time, when they eat bones with meat, there are many cases of them getting stuck in the throat. This is a medical emergency. In such a situation, if not treated immediately, it can lead to death.

Likewise, people with heart problems, high blood pressure, and those taking blood thinners can also be at risk from uncontrolled eating.


"Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

 "Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

Cancer has become a rapidly growing health problem. It causes loss of people as well as wealth. Cancer can be completely cured if detected early. But in the case of Nepal, due to the practice of going to the hospital late, the number of deaths in a short period of time is increasing due to the delay in identification and treatment.

This experience is no less than a trauma for the victim and his family. Therefore, if you can pay attention to the root of the problem, you can avoid this disease. Experts are suggesting important changes in lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.

The most important part of lifestyle is physical exercise. Cancer specialist Dr. Vivek Acharya says. Some chemicals produced during exercise prevent or reduce the risk of cancer in the body. Therefore, all age groups should do regular exercise, Dr. Acharya suggests.

According to a study published in JAMA Oncology, just two minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, such as running, climbing stairs, doing housework and playing with children, can reduce the risk of cancer by 32 percent.

Suzuki Dashain Offer

Cancer specialist Dr. Arun Shahi also says that cancer can be avoided if daily exercise is included in the daily routine. He says that not only cancer but also other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be avoided.

Dr. Arun Shahi

But he says that excessive exercise can prove fatal. Balanced exercise should be done. Do not do any exercise less. And don't do too much. "There are many cases of death due to the body not being able to cope with too much exercise," he says.

Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer worldwide. If there is more obesity, the fund can grow uncontrollably. Weight gain is associated with breast, colon, kidney, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and other cancers. Exercise burns body fat. And he says that it strengthens the muscles.

The link between exercise and cancer

Dr. According to Shahi, during exercise, toxins in our body are released through sweat. Blood circulation is fast and efficient. As a result, the body's metabolism is balanced.

A balanced metabolism means that the heart carries good blood to the cells. Oxygen purifies the bad blood by bringing it to the lungs. Exercise activates blood circulation. Exercising does not interfere with blood circulation. Which can't cause major diseases like cancer due to obesity. Reduces the amount of fat in the body and strengthens the muscles. If the muscles that pump the heart and lungs are strengthened, the body will be healthy when the oxygen and blood flow in the body is good.

If you pay attention to exercise, diet and weight, 90 to 95 percent of cancer can be avoided. Shahi says.

Diet is also a factor in cancer

The current eating style promotes cancer. Shahi says. Rice contains carbohydrates, pulses contain protein, vegetables contain fiber and fish contains fat. Daily pulses, rice and vegetables are digestible. But now, the habit of eating fish and meat on a daily basis increases body weight and stomach related diseases, he says.

Not only these foods, now everyone's choice is fast food. Fast food increases obesity and increases unnecessary calories. Now a small happy news is celebrated and most of the celebrations are meat dishes and alcohol consumption. This also causes the risk of cancer over time. Shahi says.

In a survey conducted by the Oncology Department of Patan Health Science Academy last year on 256 people aged 30 to 80 years old, people who eat stale rotten food, fast food, red meat, fatty food and a history of Hpylori infection on a daily basis showed a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Every year 25 thousand cancer patients are added in Nepal

About 25 thousand cancer patients are added every year in Nepal. Of which 70 percent die every year. The reason is the lack of quick identification, late arrival at the hospital and the lack of cancer treatment hospitals. Acharya says.

It is also more common to go to the pharmacy and take medicine without testing to cure symptoms of cancer such as stomach ache, ringworm and fever. "It is too late to guess the signs and take medicine and wait and see," he says.

Dr. According to Shahi, Nepal has the highest number of lung cancer patients. In the second place, cervical cancer patients have been seen, followed by breast cancer, stomach cancer, large intestine and rectal cancer patients.

Similarly, lung cancer is most common in men.

The situation is different in villages and cities

Cervical cancer is more common among women in rural and remote areas. Dr. Shahi says, 'Human papilloma virus infection, which is transmitted through unprotected sex, is more common there. Also, there is a tradition of not practicing condoms, not cleaning, getting married early and having children early, having many children. Unprotected sex is rare in the city. When condoms are practiced and cleanliness is taken care of, cervical cancer is comparatively less.

Fast food, less physical activity, excessive consumption of alcohol in the city has increased the problem of obesity. Due to obesity, the risk of breast cancer will increase. Shahi says.

If we look at men, lung cancer is more common in rural and urban areas due to the higher number of smokers in both proportions.

"Treatment is better than chronic disease if detected in time"

If it is detected in the early stages, cancer can be treated better than chronic diseases. Shahi says. If you have sugar and blood pressure, you will not be cured even if you take regular medicine. But if the cancer is detected in the early stages, the cancer will be eradicated completely, he says.

How to stay away from the risk of cancer?

Dr. Shahi has suggested to take care of the following to avoid the risk of cancer.

1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, which may cause cancer.

2. Do not eat rotten, processed food, junk food.

3. Exercise regularly to make you sweat.

4. If there is an unnecessary lump in the body, if the color has changed, then the test should be done immediately.

  5. Women may occasionally undergo a mammogram for breast cancer and a pap test for the cervix, and be vaccinated against cervical cancer.

6. In case of hereditary cancer, cancer screening should be done once a year.

7. Do not have unprotected sex.

How can patients travel by plane?

How can patients travel by plane?

Firstly, airlines generally do not allow sick passengers to board the aircraft. Because the risks are different according to the nature of different diseases. In such a situation, if something suddenly happens to the patient, other than first aid (primary treatment) and oxygen supplement, other hospital facilities are not available on the ship. Therefore, all sick passengers must obtain a 'fit to fly' certificate from the relevant doctor before their flight.

But saying this does not mean that patients should not travel by ship. If depending on the severity of the patient, non-medical and medical service personnel can go with him. Similarly, according to the patient's condition and illness, the medical staff may include nurses, paramedics or doctors.

Are there any special services on the plane for patients?

In-flight medical facilities depend on the size and duration of the flight as well as whether the flight is domestic or international.

If used for short-haul domestic flights, medical facilities are limited to first-aid boxes for small-sized aircraft with a carrying capacity of 20-50 passengers. It contains basic items like bandages, antiseptics, antacids, anti-empties, pain killers etc.

A variety of oral and liquid medications are kept on large planes used for international flights. In addition, such aircraft may have oxygen supplements and portable defibrillators. Such a defibrillator is called AED ie automatic external defibrillator.

A defibrillator is a device that produces an electrical charge or current in the heart to restore (bring) the heartbeat back to normal. A defibrillator is used when the heart stops beating due to cardiac arrest.

How is it taken care of if someone suddenly gets sick on the plane?

It is not the same for everyone, it depends on the disease or complications of the patient. For example, travelers may have panic attacks, which are often seen in Nepali workers returning from the Gulf countries and Malaysia. In such a case, besides reassuring the patient, water, oxygen and tranquilizers are also given.

Another passenger may have breathing problems due to asthma. In such a case, nasal oxygen (supplement oxygen) and bronchodilator inhaler can be provided according to the patient's oxygen level measurement with the oximeter.

In another example, appropriate medication is provided to passengers in case of persistent vomiting or dizziness. In case of acute heart attack, brain hemorrhage or clots, the nearest airport should be taken to the hospital. In conclusion, an attempt is made to handle the health condition of the passengers according to the available resources and staff's ability in the aircraft. If it is not possible, it will be taken to the nearest airport as soon as possible.

What to do if a passenger faints on the plane?

There are many reasons for fainting. If the passenger is unconscious due to panic attack or flight phobia (fear of flying), it is sufficient to monitor pulse rate, oxygen saturation and blood pressure as well as reassure the patient.

Another cause of fainting can be due to high or low blood sugar levels. In that case, blood sugar level can be measured with the help of glucometer. If the patient's blood sugar level is high, supplementary medicine can be given to control the sugar level and if the level is too low, he can be given enough glucose food.

Other causes of fainting can be fasting or drinking too much alcohol. Excessive hyperventilation (extremely nervous and rapid breathing) due to the fear of air travel can also lead to fainting.

In case of unconsciousness, it can be controlled in the following order:

1. It should be kept in an open place without overcrowding.

2. Both legs should be lifted.

3. Blood pressure, pulse rate and oxygen level should be monitored. If there is a cardiac (heart) or cerebrovascular accident, the nearest airport should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Dr. Ranjit Baral

Can a pregnant woman travel on a ship?

There are pregnancy policy tables for air travel. From the said table, it is clear how cases of pregnancy are considered eligible or ineligible for flying.

Up to the 28th week of pregnancy and pregnant women who are in normal condition can easily fly without any restrictions. A person who is after the 28th week of pregnancy is required to obtain a medical certificate of 'fit to fly' from an obstetrician and gynecologist and an airline doctor to board a flight.

Likewise, late pregnancy (after the 35th week of pregnancy) and advanced pregnancy ie 'malposition' (a situation where the baby's head is in the wrong direction in the mother's womb) or 'twin' pregnancy are not allowed.

Are emergency patients carried on board or not?

Even in an emergency, it depends on what kind of situation it is. In case of unplanned cases like accidents, helicopters or small planes are used to rescue sick or injured people. Similarly planned case According to the situation, para-medics and nurses and non-medical staff can be deployed in mild cases. In such cases, medicines (especially given by injection) are given by the staff and the patient is monitored from time to time.

Doctors are deployed in extremely serious situations in anticipation of unpleasant events. For example, on long-haul flights, passengers with long-term asthma may have breathing problems, where steroids and bronchodilators must be given by injection.

What should be done if they have to travel by air?

Commercial airlines are not considered suitable for patients with very serious health conditions. In such cases, air ambulances are used, which are very expensive. But it has nurses and doctors as well as all the facilities of a 'mini-hospital'.

There is a lot of confusion about asthma, patients do not need to stop eating

There is a lot of confusion about asthma, patients do not need to stop eating

Asthma is a problem related to breathing. Asthma can be considered as a symptom rather than a disease. If there is a long-term problem in breathing, there is a possibility of asthma. There are mainly two types of asthma due to breathing problems, COPD (chronic asthma) and bronchial asthma (asthma-cough).

First aid: How to care for burn patients?

First aid: How to care for burn patients?

Inflammation is more common in women and children. In any type of burn, the first thing to do is to soak the rice in cold water or a cloth soaked in cold water for 15 minutes.

After cooling, the burn should be treated according to how much it is. Burn wounds should be kept as clean as possible. Wounds should be protected from dirt, dust mites, and other insects. Animal skin, coffee, herbs, soil, or dung should not be placed on the burnt wound. A person with burns should eat enough food (protein) to develop the body. In this case, the mouth does not have to be closed. There are usually three types of polai.

1 general polai

This type of burn does not cause blisters on the skin. But it can make the skin darker or redder. Once cooled, it does not need further treatment. Aprin or paracetamol can be used to reduce pain. In this process, you should wash your hands thoroughly before cleaning the burn to prevent infection.

2 Blisters on the skin

Burns on the skin should not be ruptured. Needles or syringes should not be used to remove the fluid inside the blister or to prevent the infection. In case of blister rupture, the dead skin should be removed using anti-infection scissors.

Wounds should be cleaned with mild soap on a cleansed gauze, cotton, or infection-free cloth. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used for cleaning. If the cloth sticks while trying to remove it from the wound, it should be soaked in boiled and cooled water. The cloth should be removed with a light cloth.

Infections increase the pain of the wound, make it more swollen, and make the skin around the wound red and hard. In this case, antibiotics like penicillin or ampicillin should be given 4 times a day for 7 days. But if the infection does not go away after 5 days, erythromycin should be given at the rate of 4 times a day for 7 to 10 days.

3. Deep burn

This type of burn can destroy the skin and even burn the flesh. This type of burn is always serious in nature. The burn victim should be taken immediately for treatment. When taken elsewhere for treatment, the wound should be disinfected and covered with a damp cloth or handkerchief. The water used to soak the cloth should be boiled and cooled. The patient should be given plenty of fluids.

If there is no possibility of drug treatment, care and treatment should be given like second-degree burns. The wound should be covered with a cleansed gauze, cotton, or linen to protect it from dirt, flies, and other insects. Such clothes should be changed 4 times a day or twice a day if the wound is dry.

Who is afraid of a heart attack?

Who is afraid of a heart attack?

Many now have high blood pressure, obesity, and cholesterol problems. These problems increase the risk of a heart attack.

However, winter weather is not considered favorable for heart patients. External cold causes the nerves to constrict or constrict. This causes difficulty in blood flow. Whose direct burden falls on the heart. Several factors increase the risk of a heart attack in winter.

A blockage in the blood vessels to the heart can lead to a heart attack. There are three main causes of blood vessel obstruction.

- Fat accumulates in the blood vessels

- The tube is broken

- If the blood pressure rises and affects the heart

Signs of a heart attack

Acute chest pain is generally considered to be a sign of a heart attack. However, this is not the only sign of a heart attack. Even before a heart attack, there are other signs on the skin that we can be aware of. When the health of the heart is disturbed, various signs start appearing on the skin. By recognizing the sign and being alert in time, the potential danger can be avoided.

If small bumps suddenly appear on any part of the body, it indicates that you have heart disease. This is seen when the level of cholesterol in the body increases. Therefore, one should be careful after such a sudden appearance.

It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring. For some, it may even look like a frozen candle. In addition to the eyes, such slippery hands and feet can also appear. If you have these symptoms, your cholesterol is out of control. This can increase the risk of a heart attack at any time.

Be careful if the skin on any part of your body looks blue or purple, as it is a sign of an unhealthy heart. Such symptoms often appear around the toes. A blue, purple rash on the skin means that there are blood clots in any part of your body and not enough oxygen. When blood accumulates in an artery, the artery becomes blocked, which can lead to a heart attack.

Swelling of the upper part of your finger can also be a sign of a heart attack. Swelling of the nails is usually a sign of a heart infection or other disease. Sometimes lung problems also show such symptoms. However, all of these signs can cause a heart attack.

Be careful if you suddenly see a blue or purple mark under your finger. It also indicates heart disease. Of course, such a Nissan injury may also appear. However, if there are no injuries, you should see a doctor immediately. If it looks like a small sore on your hand or toe and it is painful, it is also a sign of heart disease.

Drinks that cancer patients should eat

Drinks that cancer patients should eat

We all understand cancer as a major disease. But with early detection and treatment, cancer can be completely cured. The disease causes the cancer cells in the affected area to grow uncontrollably, spread to other tissues, and the cancer cells that are growing uncontrollably die due to lack of oxygen in the blood.

Eventually, uncontrolled cell growth can lead to cancer deaths. The growth of cancer cells needs to be curbed to control or prevent cancer. This restraint is only possible when the environment outside the cell is completely natural.

The main reason for the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells is the disruption of the mechanism for controlling cell division by the accumulation of foreign substances in the extracellular environment. When foreign matter accumulates in the extracellular environment, these substances stimulate the dormant cell's carcinogenic gene to cause uncontrolled division. This uncontrolled growth is cancer and to get rid of it, the toxins present in the environment outside the cell must be purified. This is possible by consuming some naturally occurring fruit and vegetable drinks. Therefore, cancer patients should consume the following fruit juices.

1) Wheat germ juice:

Wheat germ is rich in chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an antioxidant and antimutagenic compound in itself. The fact that chlorophyll intake increases red blood cells has also become public. As blood cells grow, they help kill cancer cells by delivering more oxygen to the cancerous tissue. Wheat germ also contains anti-cancer selenium and lytryl. Wheat germ contains 13 types of vitamins, 20 amino acids, and antioxidants. All of these elements are cancer-resistant.

2) Black Grape Juice:

Grapefruit contains a phytochemical called laminin which helps in removing carcinogens. Grape seed has been used mainly in the treatment of colon cancer. Grapes also contain an element called monoterpenes. Monitoring also plays a key role in removing carcinogens from the body.

3) Carrot juice:

Carrots are also a fruit rich in cancer-resistant phytochemicals. The beta carotene present in carrots plays a major role in the prevention, control, and treatment of skin cancer. Carrots also help heal wounds after cancer tissue damage.

4) Beetroot juice:

Packed with adequate amounts of antioxidants and vitamins, beets are a good source of carotenoids. The carotenoids present in beets play an important role in preventing all types of cancer. Carotenoids are also used to treat leukemia.

5) Tomato juice

Tomato is a treasure trove of vitamin C. In addition to vitamins, spinach contains many minerals and salts, such as sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur. Tomato juice is mainly fed for protest cancer. An ingredient called glutathione present in goulash protects cells from oxidative stress as well as strengthens the immune system.

6) Broccoli juice

Broccoli contains an element called indole-3 carbinol. Indole 3 carbinol plays a key role in the prevention, control, and treatment of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer. Indole-3 cardinal is understood to be an ingredient that strengthens the estrogen hormone resistance and competition system.

7) Lettuce juice

Rich in sulfur, chlorine, silicon, and vitamin B complex, lettuce juice is useful for lung cancer.

8) Noni juice

Noni juice has the potential to cure first stage cancer. Noni juice destroys cancer cells and helps build white blood cells that eat cancer cells.

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