Showing posts with label cholesterol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cholesterol. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Does cheese increase cholesterol?

 Does cheese increase cholesterol?

Paneer is a favorite dish of vegetarians. Just as meat is dear to others, paneer is to vegetarians. It is a must-have dish in vegetarian kitchens during festivals.

Eating paneer is not only delicious but also beneficial for health. Because it contains nutrients like fat, protein, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium that the body needs.

Considering that it is good for health and sweet in terms of taste, many people eat paneer a lot, but because it is beneficial, you should not eat more than necessary. Because eating too much cheese increases the level of 'bad cholesterol' which harms the body.


Due to the high content of fat and protein in paneer, it takes time to digest compared to other vegetables. On top of that, it is customary to grate the paneer and add ghee and twelve spices to eat it. Eating high protein and spicy food on top of that also increases calories.

Therefore, if you eat a lot of cheese dishes, it constantly burdens the digestive power and as a result, problems arise in the digestive process.

If there is no physical exercise, it accumulates in the body and gradually narrows the blood vessels. If the blood vessel shrinks, the cholesterol level will increase, blood pressure may also increase.

Similarly, Bazariya Paneer also contains salt. Which increases sodium consumption. High sodium also increases blood pressure.

If you already have high blood pressure and diabetes, you should not eat more cheese than your body needs. It increases the risk of cholesterol.

An article published in the British Heart Foundation also mentions that cheese is high in saturated fat and salt, which increases cholesterol and blood pressure.

As the level of both of these increases, heart disease can also increase, so the foundation recommends that cheese should be cooked in a healthy way and eaten in limited quantities.

So what are the limitations of cheese?

Food that benefits our body does not have to be eaten full. Even if you eat a little, you will get enough nutrition.

Be it cheese or other protein foods, if we eat as much as we do, we do physical activity accordingly, then the food will be digested. But if we don't work, we eat a lot, even limited food can cause digestive problems.

Generally, a healthy person can eat 200 grams of paneer daily for nutrition. If you eat this much, your body will get the same amount of protein as meat.

Nutrients found in paneer

Lactose is less in paneer. It is rich in fat, protein, calcium, vitamins, phosphorus and minerals.

Apart from this, vitamins A, B12, B9, B7, B6, B5, B3, B2 can also be found in some amount of cheese.

You also need to know how to eat

Paneer is high in protein so it can be eaten in the morning and afternoon. It is advisable not to include protein in dinner as much as possible. As the evening progresses, the digestive capacity of the body slows down and it becomes difficult for the stomach to digest heavy food.

As far as how to eat? It is said that, instead of grating the cheese, it can be cooked fresh by mixing it with vegetables or other vegetables with less spices or putting it inside roti, paratha.

Many people may not know that cheese is delicious and healthy when grated into a salad or eaten with two or three pieces of cheese mixed with lemon and salt according to taste.

Not only cholesterol, other health problems also appear if you eat more than the limit.

Kidney stones

Paneer is rich in calcium. Which is beneficial for bones. But if you eat too much, it can cause kidney stones. The National Kidney Foundation recommends not eating more than 1,000 to 1,200 grams of calcium a day.


If you eat more cheese than you need, you will not be able to digest it. Since paneer contains a lot of protein, if it takes time to digest, its consumption may cause flatulence or acidity.

Constipation and diarrhea

Constipation or diarrhea may occur if you eat too much cheese. Eating spicy paneer in the evening can cause diarrhea because digestion cannot work.

Which foods contain vitamin A, what are the benefits?

Vitamins and minerals are essential elements for the human body. These elements benefit the body.

Vitamin A strengthens bones, heals wounds and increases immunity and keeps skin healthy. Also, it converts food into energy and keeps the cells healthy.

In general, vitamin A works to keep the body active and healthy. The human body needs vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin D and vitamin B.

Due to lack of vitamin A, various problems can appear in the body. Vitamin A can be obtained through food. Vitamin A helps keep the heart, lungs, and kidneys healthy.

Types of Vitamin A

There are two types of vitamin A, 'active vitamin A' and 'beta carotene'. Active vitamin A is also known as retinal. The second vitamin, pro-vitamin A, is found in fruits and vegetables. Which is called carotenoid.

Vitamin A use

Vitamin A is essential for good health. Vitamin A increases the strength of the eyes and keeps the muscles in the eyes healthy. It is also beneficial for fertility and fetal development.

Vitamin A helps to maintain calcium levels in the blood, strengthen bones, and make teeth healthy and strong. In addition, vitamin A also provides energy to the body.

What happens with vitamin A deficiency?

Lack of vitamin A can cause loss of eyesight. Its deficiency can cause problems such as dry eyes, dry hair, dry skin, colds, fatigue, insomnia, weight loss and pneumonia. It is appropriate to use vitamin A to overcome such health problems.

How much vitamin A to take?

Eating any food in excess will affect your health. When eating food or taking nutrients, it is important to pay attention to its quantity.

When the amount of vitamin A is high, problems such as headache, eye pain, frequent fatigue, hair loss, skin problems and joint pain may appear. Therefore, when using vitamin A, it should be taken in the right amount.

A source of vitamin A

Beetroot, Greens, Broccoli, Whole grains, Paneer, Nuts, Butter, Carrots, Chilli, Dairy products, Rajma, Mutton, Mango, Spinach, Peas, Parsley, Red chilli, Seafood, Turnip, Tomato, Sugarcane, Watermelon, Corn kernels, yellow or orange fruits are sources of vitamin A.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

7 foods that increase good cholesterol in the body

7 foods that increase good cholesterol in the body

A fat-like substance produced by the liver in the body is called cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for vitamin D, digestion and the production of many hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and aldosterone. The amount of cholesterol in the body should be appropriate for various physical activities. Having cholesterol in the body is not dangerous, but increasing bad cholesterol is bad.

Cholesterol is mainly of two types 'HDL' and 'LDL'. High-density lipoprotein or 'HDL' is considered good cholesterol. It is believed to help remove blockages in our arteries and helps flush out bad cholesterol. Another is low-density lipoprotein or 'LDL', the bad cholesterol, which clogs arteries and increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease, while good cholesterol indirectly protects against the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Why does bad cholesterol increase?

Due to hereditary reasons, unhealthy lifestyle, excessive consumption of processed foods and people with heart disease, obesity, cholesterol can be a problem. A study by the US government agency CDC "Center for Disease Control and Prevention" said that to reduce bad cholesterol, you need to change your diet and lifestyle.

Bad cholesterol is raised by trans fats, which are high in packaged foods. Saturated fat from various animal meats, fried and processed foods etc. increases bad cholesterol. Processed foods, foods high in carbohydrates and snacks eaten while drinking alcohol also increase bad cholesterol.

Foods that increase good cholesterol

Just as diet is responsible for increasing bad cholesterol in the body, food also plays a role in increasing good cholesterol. If the bad cholesterol is reduced, the good cholesterol will automatically increase in our body. Also, good cholesterol can be increased by eating certain foods.

Mainly 6 foods are beneficial to increase good cholesterol. Nuts, almonds, walnuts, almonds, fish, avocados, olive oil and oats help increase good cholesterol.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Cholesterol itself is not a disease

Cholesterol itself is not a disease

A fat-like substance produced by the liver in the body is called cholesterol. Cholesterol is a very important part of human blood cells.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Risk of high cholesterol

Risk of high cholesterol

Cholesterol risk has become such a problem today that young people, middle-aged people, and the elderly need to be aware of it. It is a dangerous disease that has no pre-existing symptoms and can suddenly cause major problems. When the problem becomes so big then it can be difficult to handle. Therefore, measures can be taken to prevent such a problem before it arises.

To avoid cholesterol, you can plan step by step. With a little effort, you can find a solution to this dangerous problem.

Cholesterol is essential for the body

The important thing is that cholesterol is essential for the body. Cholesterol is a chemical compound that is needed for cell formation and hormones. When this cholesterol goes up then the body starts to ache. This increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and various arterial diseases.

How much cholesterol does the body need?

Cholesterol is of two types. Low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol (harmful cholesterol) accumulates in the arteries (blood vessels) and causes dangerous diseases.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is also known as good cholesterol. It works by taking the bad cholesterol in the body to the liver. So that such cholesterol goes out of the body.

The liver makes cholesterol

Our liver produces 80 percent of the body's cholesterol. For the remaining 20 percent, we depend on a daily diet. Meat, eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy products (milk, yogurt, ghee) are sources of cholesterol. Foods taken from tree plants do not contain any cholesterol.

The liver controls the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is absorbed by the small intestine after each meal. Which is stored by the liver. When the body needs cholesterol, it is sent by the liver and removes unwanted cholesterol from the body. When the body stores excessive cholesterol.

When does it become dangerous for the body?

High cholesterol-raising foods increase the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. This is called high cholesterol. If the body's LDL is too high and HDL is too low, cholesterol builds up in the blood cells. Cholesterol does not cause blood to flow properly in the body. It causes heart and brain problems. It can also be fatal.

How to detect signs of high cholesterol?

High cholesterol has no symptoms in itself. In most cases, it can appear suddenly. Sometimes it can be seen as a heart attack. As cholesterol builds up in your body, the blood vessels become smaller and the blood does not flow properly.

How to be vigilant?

Cholesterol can be detected by blood tests. It is believed that after the age of 20, you should have your blood tested every 4 to 6 years. If someone in your family has had high cholesterol problems before, you should check your cholesterol as soon as possible. People with high blood pressure, weight gain, and heavy smoking are also good for quick cholesterol testing.

Causes of high cholesterol

Diet: Eating too many fatty and dairy products can raise cholesterol. Eggs and meat-based foods are also factors in cholesterol.

Weight: Being overweight also causes cholesterol. Being overweight can also lead to high cholesterol.

Lack of physical activity: Lack of physical activity can also increase LDL i.e. bad cholesterol.

Age and gender: Age and gender also affect it. Cholesterol naturally rises in the human body after the age of 20. Cholesterol levels in men gradually decrease after the age of 50. While it is very rare in women until menopause.

Besides, some chronic diseases, such as having a person with high cholesterol in the family, can transmit hereditary traits, be affected by certain types of drugs, or even cause cholesterol problems due to smoking.