Showing posts with label risk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label risk. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Harmful chemicals in condoms increase cancer and infertility risk: study

 Harmful chemicals in condoms increase cancer and infertility risk: study

Condoms are often used for safe sex. Which is a good habit. It also reduces the risk of sexually transmitted diseases as well as other sexually transmitted diseases like HIV. Similarly, different types of lubricants are used to reduce irritation during sexual intercourse. But their use can also cause various problems. People who use condoms and lubricants may suffer from cancer and infertility.

Harmful chemicals in condoms and lubricants

A study was conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, which found that many well-known brands of condoms and lubricants use harmful chemicals. According to the study, a group of 'PFS' 15,000 synthetic chemicals are used to make them. These chemicals have been confirmed to be found in many brands of ultra-thin condoms and jelly lubricants. PFS is commonly used in condoms to maintain their softness and fluidity.

Can be cancer

According to some studies done on 'PFS', its exposure also increases the risk of cancer. Sometimes it can cause testicular cancer as well as kidney cancer. Studies have shown that in some cases, its excessive use can cause problems related to infertility. Also, exposure to this chemical increases the risk of prostate cancer as well as breast cancer. It has been found that apart from endometrial cancer, it can also cause thyroid cancer.

Other harm caused by 'PFS'

Exposure to these chemicals in condoms and lubricants can cause various problems in both men and women.

According to experts, if condoms are used more than twice a week, the sensitivity of the inner layer and membrane of the vagina starts to lose gradually. As a result, the secretion of fluid from the vagina of a woman is reduced or completely stopped, which can cause pain or dryness in the vagina.

According to experts, exposure to PFS affects sperm count, which can lead to infertility. Exposure to 'PFS' can cause liver damage as well as thyroid problems.

This chemical can sometimes weaken the immune system and cause other problems as well.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Now there is no risk of HIV?

Now there is no risk of HIV?

HIV positive was considered as a terrible infection. The disease, transmitted through unprotected sex with an infected person, was described as 'fatal'. Therefore, people used to fear that they might have HIV infection even when they get a common sexually transmitted disease.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Risk of disease while benefiting

Risk of disease while benefiting

Now we are the beneficiaries. You have become more interested. You have become fashionable. This has led to many health problems.

Car and motorcycle riders are now suffering from back pain. Because the position they take in bike riding, car driving, is very wrong. Prolonged exposure to such a position is the root of the problem.

In the car, sitting on the bike is the right position. In particular, it is better to sit comfortably in the seat with the spine straight. That doesn't mean you shouldn't bow down. All bending and kneeling should be done in the correct position.

We also sit in the same chair, in the same position for a long time in the office. Sitting like this is affecting our spinal cord as well as the internal organs of the body. We do not change our position as there is no immediate reaction. But, in time, that position starts to cause us problems.

The practice of wearing high heels is widespread now. High heels have become a must in formal wear. This has also led to the problem of back pain. Many now work on laptops. Watching movies, photos, videos, using Facebook is done on the laptop. Sitting in the same position for an hour with a laptop in your lap hurts your back and neck.

This problem is also seen in young children. According to doctors, children are now being brought to the hospital with neck pain. This problem has been seen in children who play games and watch videos on mobile phones and tablets.

Sitting, we feel very normal. But, there is a right position to sit. Often when we sit down, we sit down, bend over, bend over.

However, the backbone should be kept very straight. Due to this, the functioning inside our body can be done better. The heart, kidneys, digestive system, lungs can all work easily. Muscles are not affected. Blood flow is good. Because of this, we don't have any problem.

However, most of us Nepalis, i.e. 90 percent, do not come to life. Whether in an office chair, whether in a car, whether on a bike. Can't sit properly.

People in the army and the army stand in a straight position. The reason for this was not known before. Especially standing and sitting in that kind of position is a health-friendly style.

Our sleeping position is also not good. There is a correct position on how to sleep while sleeping. Sleeping in such a position does not affect blood flow, respiration, digestive process. But, we don't know that way of sleeping.

When we work in the office, we sit in the same position for hours, which brings physical complications. It doesn't matter what position you are in. This mistake can lead to problems later. When a problem arises, it takes a long time to improve. The treatment takes time, money.

No matter where you sit and work, do not sit in the same position for hours. Change position at most one hour. Take a walk around. Feel relaxed. Work comfortably. Keep rehearsing it until you can say it with conviction and confidence. Drink enough water. After drinking water, he also gets up to urinate.

Do you exercise When asked, many respond, I work all day, why exercise? . The illusion is that exercise is not necessary after work or physical activity. That is exercise. This is a misconception.

While working, not all parts of our body exercise in a balanced way. On the one hand, there is more pressure. There is stress. So while working, the body does not get the exercise it needs.

Exercise is a systematic action that moves the limbs of the body properly.

The root of the problem of nerve entrapment, bone loss, neck ache, back pain is our bad lifestyle. Our bad habit is sleeping, working. So the natural solution is a lifestyle change. You go to the hospital with the disease, but if you do not change your lifestyle, the process of going to the hospital will continue. That never ends.

So you have to pay attention to how to sleep, how to live, how to work. Don't bend over, don't bend, don't bend. But, you have to know how to bend down, how to bend.

1. Always sit with your back straight.

2. When sitting in a chair, car seat, or anywhere, the back of the hip and knee should fit in the chair.

3. Don't stay in one place for long. Take a break from time to time. Moving the body

4. When riding a car, do not lean too much, but sit straight in the seat. Do not allow the spine to contract even when riding a bike.

5. The position of kneeling, lying on the left side, sleeping on the crotch is not correct.

6. Sitting on your feet can also be fatal to your health.

Not only the lifestyle of today's people but also the nature of the disease has changed. These diseases did not exist in the past. Or the disease that our forefathers did not get is plaguing us.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Risk of high cholesterol

Risk of high cholesterol

Cholesterol risk has become such a problem today that young people, middle-aged people, and the elderly need to be aware of it. It is a dangerous disease that has no pre-existing symptoms and can suddenly cause major problems. When the problem becomes so big then it can be difficult to handle. Therefore, measures can be taken to prevent such a problem before it arises.

To avoid cholesterol, you can plan step by step. With a little effort, you can find a solution to this dangerous problem.

Cholesterol is essential for the body

The important thing is that cholesterol is essential for the body. Cholesterol is a chemical compound that is needed for cell formation and hormones. When this cholesterol goes up then the body starts to ache. This increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and various arterial diseases.

How much cholesterol does the body need?

Cholesterol is of two types. Low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol (harmful cholesterol) accumulates in the arteries (blood vessels) and causes dangerous diseases.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is also known as good cholesterol. It works by taking the bad cholesterol in the body to the liver. So that such cholesterol goes out of the body.

The liver makes cholesterol

Our liver produces 80 percent of the body's cholesterol. For the remaining 20 percent, we depend on a daily diet. Meat, eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy products (milk, yogurt, ghee) are sources of cholesterol. Foods taken from tree plants do not contain any cholesterol.

The liver controls the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is absorbed by the small intestine after each meal. Which is stored by the liver. When the body needs cholesterol, it is sent by the liver and removes unwanted cholesterol from the body. When the body stores excessive cholesterol.

When does it become dangerous for the body?

High cholesterol-raising foods increase the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body. This is called high cholesterol. If the body's LDL is too high and HDL is too low, cholesterol builds up in the blood cells. Cholesterol does not cause blood to flow properly in the body. It causes heart and brain problems. It can also be fatal.

How to detect signs of high cholesterol?

High cholesterol has no symptoms in itself. In most cases, it can appear suddenly. Sometimes it can be seen as a heart attack. As cholesterol builds up in your body, the blood vessels become smaller and the blood does not flow properly.

How to be vigilant?

Cholesterol can be detected by blood tests. It is believed that after the age of 20, you should have your blood tested every 4 to 6 years. If someone in your family has had high cholesterol problems before, you should check your cholesterol as soon as possible. People with high blood pressure, weight gain, and heavy smoking are also good for quick cholesterol testing.

Causes of high cholesterol

Diet: Eating too many fatty and dairy products can raise cholesterol. Eggs and meat-based foods are also factors in cholesterol.

Weight: Being overweight also causes cholesterol. Being overweight can also lead to high cholesterol.

Lack of physical activity: Lack of physical activity can also increase LDL i.e. bad cholesterol.

Age and gender: Age and gender also affect it. Cholesterol naturally rises in the human body after the age of 20. Cholesterol levels in men gradually decrease after the age of 50. While it is very rare in women until menopause.

Besides, some chronic diseases, such as having a person with high cholesterol in the family, can transmit hereditary traits, be affected by certain types of drugs, or even cause cholesterol problems due to smoking.