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Showing posts with label more. Show all posts

Monday, October 16, 2023

"Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

 "Delayed treatment kills patients in Nepal more than cancer"

Cancer has become a rapidly growing health problem. It causes loss of people as well as wealth. Cancer can be completely cured if detected early. But in the case of Nepal, due to the practice of going to the hospital late, the number of deaths in a short period of time is increasing due to the delay in identification and treatment.

This experience is no less than a trauma for the victim and his family. Therefore, if you can pay attention to the root of the problem, you can avoid this disease. Experts are suggesting important changes in lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.

The most important part of lifestyle is physical exercise. Cancer specialist Dr. Vivek Acharya says. Some chemicals produced during exercise prevent or reduce the risk of cancer in the body. Therefore, all age groups should do regular exercise, Dr. Acharya suggests.

According to a study published in JAMA Oncology, just two minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, such as running, climbing stairs, doing housework and playing with children, can reduce the risk of cancer by 32 percent.

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Cancer specialist Dr. Arun Shahi also says that cancer can be avoided if daily exercise is included in the daily routine. He says that not only cancer but also other non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure can be avoided.

Dr. Arun Shahi

But he says that excessive exercise can prove fatal. Balanced exercise should be done. Do not do any exercise less. And don't do too much. "There are many cases of death due to the body not being able to cope with too much exercise," he says.

Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer worldwide. If there is more obesity, the fund can grow uncontrollably. Weight gain is associated with breast, colon, kidney, prostate, stomach, pancreatic and other cancers. Exercise burns body fat. And he says that it strengthens the muscles.

The link between exercise and cancer

Dr. According to Shahi, during exercise, toxins in our body are released through sweat. Blood circulation is fast and efficient. As a result, the body's metabolism is balanced.

A balanced metabolism means that the heart carries good blood to the cells. Oxygen purifies the bad blood by bringing it to the lungs. Exercise activates blood circulation. Exercising does not interfere with blood circulation. Which can't cause major diseases like cancer due to obesity. Reduces the amount of fat in the body and strengthens the muscles. If the muscles that pump the heart and lungs are strengthened, the body will be healthy when the oxygen and blood flow in the body is good.

If you pay attention to exercise, diet and weight, 90 to 95 percent of cancer can be avoided. Shahi says.

Diet is also a factor in cancer

The current eating style promotes cancer. Shahi says. Rice contains carbohydrates, pulses contain protein, vegetables contain fiber and fish contains fat. Daily pulses, rice and vegetables are digestible. But now, the habit of eating fish and meat on a daily basis increases body weight and stomach related diseases, he says.

Not only these foods, now everyone's choice is fast food. Fast food increases obesity and increases unnecessary calories. Now a small happy news is celebrated and most of the celebrations are meat dishes and alcohol consumption. This also causes the risk of cancer over time. Shahi says.

In a survey conducted by the Oncology Department of Patan Health Science Academy last year on 256 people aged 30 to 80 years old, people who eat stale rotten food, fast food, red meat, fatty food and a history of Hpylori infection on a daily basis showed a higher risk of stomach cancer.

Every year 25 thousand cancer patients are added in Nepal

About 25 thousand cancer patients are added every year in Nepal. Of which 70 percent die every year. The reason is the lack of quick identification, late arrival at the hospital and the lack of cancer treatment hospitals. Acharya says.

It is also more common to go to the pharmacy and take medicine without testing to cure symptoms of cancer such as stomach ache, ringworm and fever. "It is too late to guess the signs and take medicine and wait and see," he says.

Dr. According to Shahi, Nepal has the highest number of lung cancer patients. In the second place, cervical cancer patients have been seen, followed by breast cancer, stomach cancer, large intestine and rectal cancer patients.

Similarly, lung cancer is most common in men.

The situation is different in villages and cities

Cervical cancer is more common among women in rural and remote areas. Dr. Shahi says, 'Human papilloma virus infection, which is transmitted through unprotected sex, is more common there. Also, there is a tradition of not practicing condoms, not cleaning, getting married early and having children early, having many children. Unprotected sex is rare in the city. When condoms are practiced and cleanliness is taken care of, cervical cancer is comparatively less.

Fast food, less physical activity, excessive consumption of alcohol in the city has increased the problem of obesity. Due to obesity, the risk of breast cancer will increase. Shahi says.

If we look at men, lung cancer is more common in rural and urban areas due to the higher number of smokers in both proportions.

"Treatment is better than chronic disease if detected in time"

If it is detected in the early stages, cancer can be treated better than chronic diseases. Shahi says. If you have sugar and blood pressure, you will not be cured even if you take regular medicine. But if the cancer is detected in the early stages, the cancer will be eradicated completely, he says.

How to stay away from the risk of cancer?

Dr. Shahi has suggested to take care of the following to avoid the risk of cancer.

1. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, for example, which may cause cancer.

2. Do not eat rotten, processed food, junk food.

3. Exercise regularly to make you sweat.

4. If there is an unnecessary lump in the body, if the color has changed, then the test should be done immediately.

  5. Women may occasionally undergo a mammogram for breast cancer and a pap test for the cervix, and be vaccinated against cervical cancer.

6. In case of hereditary cancer, cancer screening should be done once a year.

7. Do not have unprotected sex.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Why are there more urinary tract infections in women?

 Why are there more urinary tract infections in women?

According to a study, about one and a half million people in America suffer from urinary problems every year. Around one and a half million people worldwide are treated for it every year.

Bladder swelling is called 'cystitis' in medical language. It is called Urinary Tract Infection or UTI, which in most cases is caused by bacterial infection. This happens when the bladder (urethra) and its pipe (tract) become infected.

UTI is a common disease. It can affect people of any age, from newborns to the elderly. The study concluded that UTI is more common in women than in men. In women, the probability of infection is 60 percent, while in men, it is only 13 percent.

A housewife said that she could not pay attention to her health due to housework. Because of this, she says that she has been facing the problem of burning urine frequently. She said that after taking the medicine, she seemed to be cured for about a month and then relapsed again. After doing yoga and pranayama, he has experienced relief.

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The 37-year-old teacher said that she has been suffering from burning urine frequently. She narrates that she had to face such problems due to the lack of good toilet facilities in the school and the lack of an environment to pay attention to cleanliness. At that time, she said that she had a little stomach ache at first and then it started to hurt a lot. It is his experience that he got relief after taking a half holiday from school and getting checked and taking antibiotics.

Reasons why UTIs are more common in women

Bacterial infection in the urinary tract or bladder causes UTI. It can happen to both men and women.

According to Tanuj Lawania, senior registered doctor of Sharda Medical College Greater Noida, it is more likely to develop cystitis in women than in men. A woman's urethra is smaller than a man's. About 20 cm, Dr. Lavania says, 'When a woman is infected with bacteria, there is a greater chance that the bacteria will enter through the bladder. Therefore, 10 percent of women have at least one sinusitis. Most of them are recurring problems.

"If a UTI is left untreated, the infection can spread to the kidneys," says Jennifer Rohn, head of the Center for Urological Biology at University College London. UTIs are usually e. It is caused by an infection with coli bacteria, although many other bacteria can also cause the infection.

Symptoms of a UTI

Dr. According to Tanuj, women can have many symptoms. Frequent urination, burning sensation or pain while urinating, feeling of burning on the skin of the vulva while urinating, blood in the urine, if these symptoms are ignored for a long time, women may have high fever symptoms.

What does the doctor test?

Dr. Tanuj says, 'In such a clinical inquiry, if there is a suspicion of UTI, we initially make the woman undergo a urine test. In which urine microscopy and culture tests are performed.

In which the cause of the infection is seen through a routine microscope. It is known whether it is caused by bacteria or fungus. While through culture it is known which bacteria it is from so that the medicine related to it can be given.

Dr. Tanuj Lawania

Other causes of infection in women

Dr. Tanuj adds, "Though UTI can be seen in all age groups, it is more common in married women. Similarly, women who drink less water and urinate for a long time are more at risk. Because it gives a chance for bacteria to accumulate. Besides, those who use more jet sprays, use chemicals for cleaning, don't change undergarments frequently, and those who don't take full care of cleanliness may be more likely.

The risk of UTI infection is higher in pregnant women and women with diabetes. It can also happen after menopause because the number of friendly bacteria in the vagina decreases.

If you have frequent UTI infections

Dr. Tanuj says, "In case of repeated UTI infection, ultrasound examination of women is done. In this, the kidney and the kidney tube (ureter) are checked to see if they are okay. If there are stones in kidney or bladder, urine infection also occurs.

What problems does UTI cause in the elderly?

Around one and a half million people in the world get UTI infection every year. Most of them are old men. "After increasing age, there are common symptoms such as burning while urinating, fever, pain in the lower back, smell of urine," said Dr. Tanuj says, 'If the size of the prostate gland in men increases, it puts pressure on the urinary bladder. It reduces the flow of urine. Because of this, they are likely to get UTI.

She says that UTIs in men are more serious than in women. In this case, you may need to be admitted to the hospital. If such symptoms are observed, the medicine should be taken only after checking with the doctor. She says that medicine should not be taken without a doctor's advice.

What to do to prevent UTI?

To prevent UTI infection, pay attention to diet, take measures to strengthen immunity, do not use antibiotics without the advice of a doctor, drink plenty of water, drink at least two to three liters of water daily.

Likewise, use a condom during sexual intercourse, if there is no condition to use a condom, a woman should urinate immediately after sexual intercourse and wash her genitals with water. The toilet pan should be cleaned with water before using the public toilet. 

Thursday, December 15, 2022

EVs more issue-prone than gasoline and hybrid cars, Consumer Reports says

EVs more issue-prone than gasoline and hybrid cars, Consumer Reports says

It is true that electric vehicles (EVs) have historically been more prone to issues compared to gasoline or hybrid cars, according to consumer reports. However, this has been changing in recent years as EV technology has improved and manufacturers have gained more experience in producing EVs.

Monday, October 17, 2022

There will be no more labor pains: a child can be born through easy methods

There will be no more labor pains: a child can be born through easy methods

Pregnancy is the most important time in a woman's life. The experience of growing in his stomach is unique for him. But as much as the mind is happy during pregnancy, the body may be facing various pains.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Finally started MDMS, no more illegal mobile in Nepal

Finally started MDMS, no more illegal mobile in Nepal

Finally, Nepal Telecommunication Authority has implemented Mobile Device Management System (MDMS). This system, which was said to be implemented for a long time, was put into operation by the regulator on Thursday.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Britain's Queen Elizabeth is no more

Britain's Queen Elizabeth is no more

Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain has passed away. According to the BBC, Queen Elizabeth died on Thursday at the age of 96.

BBC reports that he died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland. On Thursday, Buckingham Palace issued a statement saying that he had a health problem.