Who is more at risk of diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic health problem. Diabetes is a health problem that occurs when the body's pancreas does not produce enough insulin or when the body's insulin cannot be used effectively.
Insulin is a type of hormone that controls blood glucose. Disturbances in insulin also cause disturbances in the amount of glucose or sugar in the blood. A pregnant woman's glucose level is 95. Other people should have 100 under normal conditions or 140 two hours after eating. The condition that is more than that is called diabetes. If not controlled in time, it can cause serious damage to many body systems, especially nerves and blood vessels.
Diabetes (Type 2 type) has been increasing worldwide for the past three decades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 422 million people worldwide are currently suffering from diabetes. Most of them are citizens of low and middle income countries. Similarly, 1.5 million people die every year due to diabetes. A global target has been set to halt the rise in diabetes and obesity by 2025.
Types of diabetes
Like other diseases, there are many types of diabetes. Mainly it can be divided into four types namely type one, type two, gestational and secondary.
Type 1 diabetes: This is an auto immune disease. This disease, which usually occurs in children, is caused by the body's own immune system. The cells in the body that make insulin are called beta cells, which are located in the pancreas. Sometimes the body's immune system damages the beta cells and prevents them from making insulin. Due to the lack of insulin production in the body, the glucose in the blood becomes unbalanced. In the case of type 1 diabetes, children have problems like diarrhea and vomiting.
Type 2 diabetes: About 95 percent of people have type 2 diabetes. This is due to lifestyle, obesity and genetics. Nowadays, it has been found that type 2 diabetes is also caused by stress.
Gestational diabetes: Diabetes that occurs during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes. Diabetes occurs after 24 weeks of pregnancy due to imbalance in hormones. It can affect pregnancy and unborn baby.
Secondary diabetes: Secondary diabetes is a disorder that occurs when beta cells cannot produce insulin due to external factors. When drinking more alcohol, hypothyroid hormone is high and insulin cannot work. It is diabetes caused by other health problems. Secondary diabetes is also cured when the disease is cured.
How to know if you have diabetes?
There are two types of symptoms of diabetes, classic and non-classic. Diabetic patients experience increased hunger, thirst and urination. In this case, urine is more at night. If you don't have to get up the night before, you have to get up one or two or three times during the night when you have sugar. The only thing that will decrease is the weight. This is called a classic symptom.
Non-classical symptoms may include non-healing wounds, fatigue, and ringworm. But one thing to understand is that 50% of people with diabetes have no symptoms. You may have diabetes without knowing it.
Under what conditions will the test be conducted?
Even healthy people should check their sugar at least once a year. When testing like that, not only random sugar, fasting sugar, but 'glycosylated hemoglobin' should be tested, which can tell the blood sugar level of a person for three months. Testing can also be done on the basis of risk (risk factor). For example, if a family member has diabetes, is obese, has a stressful life, does not eat well, does not have a habit of physical exercise, or is planning to have children, it should be tested.
Sometimes the physical condition that we do not notice can also be a symptom of diabetes. For example, the neck looks dirty, the armpits look black. This condition is often seen in children, but it is more easily seen in women. We think this is due to the black sun. But because of diabetes and those who are about to develop diabetes, these symptoms should be tested.
What kind of people are at risk of diabetes?
In the past, people over the age of 50 were considered to be at risk for diabetes. Then it was said that people above 45 years of age can be allowed. But nowadays people above 30 years of age are also prone to diabetes. If there is diabetes in the family, if there is more weakness, then at least once a year a diabetes test must be done.
The changes in people's lifestyles after the Covid epidemic are also increasing the risk of diabetes. After covid, physical exercises from children to adults have decreased and children are also spending more time on laptops and mobile phones. Like in the past, cycling and participating in outdoor sports have disappeared. During the covid era, studying, playing, and entertaining were all on laptops and mobiles. Such physical inactivity also increases the risk of diabetes.
What is the risk of other diseases when having diabetes?
Half of people with diabetes have no symptoms. Diabetes causes health complications. Such complications may come after 5, 10, 15 years. Diabetes can cause problems in the heart, eyes, blood circulation in the legs and kidneys.
Diabetic patients are twice as likely to have heart attack and heart disease. It has been found that almost 90 percent of diabetic patients die due to heart disease. Moreover, the vision is worldwide Diabetes has also been found to be the cause of absence. It damages the retina of the eye, which leads to blindness.
Similarly, the risk of stroke in diabetic patients is 10 to 15 times higher and it also causes paralysis. Even now, diabetes is seen as the reason for having to amputate a leg after an accident. Similarly, diabetes is the main cause of kidney failure.
Something to note
Diabetes is normal, I can control it, I am told nothing happened. Most patients take medicine as soon as they get a little gastric. But instead of taking sugar medicine, there is a tradition that we should eat it and not talk about it. But this should not be done. Even if there are no bad symptoms, it weakens the person and sooner or later, complications can occur at any time. It causes dismemberment.
Most people think that obese people are more likely to develop diabetes. But people with more belly fat are more at risk of type 2 diabetes than fat-lean people. Therefore, more attention should be paid to losing weight than losing weight.
So don't despair if you get diabetes. Adjust your lifestyle, because this is a disease of lifestyle. Take medicine regularly. Consult a doctor on time. Get tested. Don't be careless because there are no symptoms. Raise children in a healthy manner.