There will be no more labor pains: a child can be born through easy methods

There will be no more labor pains: a child can be born through easy methods

Pregnancy is the most important time in a woman's life. The experience of growing in his stomach is unique for him. But as much as the mind is happy during pregnancy, the body may be facing various pains.

As much as a woman should take care of her health during pregnancy, she should also take care of the baby growing inside her womb. At this time, without proper care, there may be a situation of having to go through various health related problems. On the one hand, the pain of raising a child in the womb for nine months is on the one hand, while giving birth to the child, one has to go through more pain.

Due to labor pains, many pregnant women have a syringe. They wish that there would be relief if there was a way to reduce the pain. The pain during childbirth is also called the pain of breaking several bones at once.

In other diseases, drugs and measures to reduce pain can be found immediately, but this cannot be done in labor pain. Although there are ways to reduce the pain of childbirth in Nepal, but because of lack of knowledge about it, many women are deprived of the means to reduce the pain of childbirth.

The Trivi Teaching Hospital in Maharajganj has been doing delivery using 'painless' technology for a long time. But due to lack of sufficient knowledge about it, the hospital's anesthesiologist, Dr. Vasudev Parajuli says.

It has been a long time since this technology was implemented in the teaching hospital. It was already used for heart patients who could not bear the pain,” he says.

Dr. Parajuli went to Canada two years ago and returned from Mount Sinai Hospital after a one-year training on 'painless delivery'. After that, his aim was to bring this technology into operation effectively in Nepal. But because people did not know that there is a way to give birth without pain, the number of people adopting this technique was very low.

Since the number of women availing this facility is very low, the University Teaching Hospital has started the 'obstetric anesthesia clinic' every Thursday of the week since last May. Parajuli says.

How long ago was painless delivery technology started?

Dr. Parajuli says, in countries like Canada and America, it is believed that people should not bear any kind of pain or suffering. So they start looking for ways to cure that pain. But in Nepal, there is a belief that it should be tolerated.

He says that it has been more than a decade since painless delivery started in developed countries. It has been 30 years since it started to be adopted properly.

What kind of technology is this?

This technique is called 'epidural anesthesia'. which can be used for primary surgical anesthetic or postoperative pain management. It can be used for patients who have undergone surgery or require multimodal postoperative pain management. Parajuli says.

In this, a needle is inserted into the patient's back and a catheter is given to relieve pain. In developed countries, this technique is adopted by almost every woman who has a normal delivery. Therefore, this technology has become very common in other countries. It is a bit new for our country," said Dr. Parajuli says.

In this technique, a single injection is given and the catheter is kept in place until delivery and the drug can be added to it. Before, you had to keep injecting each time to reduce the pain.

Is there any disadvantage?

Many people think that by adopting this technique, there is more chance of caesarean delivery than normal. But according to a study conducted on 20,000 women who adopted this technique in different countries, more than 90 percent of women had a normal delivery. But in women who are ready for normal delivery and do not adopt this technique, caesarean section may be necessary for the sake of the baby and the mother. Parajuli says.

There is also a question that if pain is reduced by injecting from the back, the delivery will not be on time and the time of pain will increase? The answer to this question was also sought in a study conducted on 20,000 people. According to the study, there is no problem of long-term pain in women who have adopted this technique.

It takes 12 to 18 hours of pain to give birth to the first child. 6 to 12 hours in the second child. In this case, some may take half an hour or more. But due to this technology, the time of pain will not be prolonged,' said Dr. Parajuli says.

It was also studied that it would be difficult for the mother to take out the baby after this injection. Before the year 2000, patients were given too much medicine, which caused some such problems. But now, after reducing the amount of medicine, this problem is not seen. Parajuli says.

He says, 'The pain is reduced by using the needle and there is no problem in pushing to get the baby out.'

A more common question is whether the use of back pain relievers will cause back pain. Due to the use of this technique, no problem of back pain has been observed. This is also included in the study conducted on 20,000 people who adopted this technique.

In what situation is this technique not applicable?

If a pregnant woman has thin blood or is taking blood thinners, then this technique cannot be used. Patients with high blood pressure also cannot use this remedy. If someone has a back problem, Dr. Parajuli says.

Women who are allergic to the same medicine should not use this remedy.

How much does it cost?

By adopting this technique, you can give birth without pain and it is also easy. But there seems to be a lack of skilled manpower in Nepal to adopt this technology. However, because of the trained personnel in the university teaching hospital, Dr. Dr. Parajuli says.

He says that this service can be taken for less than five thousand rupees except for delivery at the University Teaching Hospital.

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