What is chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer?

 What is chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer?

There are many types of cancer such as breast cancer, lung cancer, uterine cancer, colon cancer. All these cancers have a common cause, the abnormal growth of cells. In this disease, uncontrolled division of cells starts in any part of the body.

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment method used in the treatment of cancer. Chemotherapy is used to destroy cancer cells. Chemotherapy stops cancer cells from spreading. It works by preventing other cells from forming, growing and dividing. Because cancer cells usually grow and divide faster than normal cells.

Therefore, chemotherapy has a greater effect on cancer cells. But the drugs used for chemotherapy are so powerful that sometimes they can even affect healthy cells.

Just as the medicine used in the treatment of bacteria is called antibiotic, the medicine used in the treatment of cancer is called chemotherapy. Chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, CAR T cell therapy and bone marrow transplants are all systemic therapies used in the treatment of cancer.

Which stage cancer patients are given chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy should be given to patients according to the condition, stage and type of cancer. Some need to be given chemo in the initial stage, while some need to be given only in the fourth stage. This therapy is often more necessary in the second, third and fourth stages than in the first stage.

Chemo is given to diagnose some cancers, reduce some and prevent some patients from growing. In the first stage of breast cancer, cancer can be cured by surgery and radiation alone, there is no need to continue giving chemo. Chemo is not necessary even in the early stages of colon cancer. Apart from these two, in some cancers, chemo may be given in the first stage.

How often should chemotherapy be given to cancer patients?

Which cancer is it and what is the condition? Accordingly, the number of chemo may vary. In ovarian cancer, 6 cycles of chemo are enough, in breast cancer, four to eight cycles are given. There may be a decrease in other cancers.

Especially in lung cancer, there is an example of giving chemo for a long time. But generally it may be given from four times throughout life.

Some side-effects of chemotherapy

Cancer is a chronic disease. In this, the cells of the body divide uncontrollably, this process of division is stopped by chemotherapy. Chemo also kills the bad cells that divide uncontrollably, along with the normal cells that develop every day. Hair cells develop daily. Chemo affects it, causing hair loss.

Another thing is that our digestive system, from the mouth to the anus, also develops daily. It also affects it, causing problems such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. Lack of white and red blood. In addition, there are problems such as dry menstruation in women and lack of sperm in men. These problems are seen because chemo kills new cells.

Medical science has also developed drugs that reduce these side-effects that occur during chemotherapy. So do not be afraid to use this medicine.

How is chemotherapy given?

About 90 percent of chemotherapy is given intravenously. If it is to be given by injection, chemo drugs are given by injection after admission.

It is also given as an oral medicine to some patients. Also, if someone's cancer has spread to the brain, chemotherapy is also given from the back. If someone has skin cancer, it is also given as an ointment.

Things to consider in people receiving chemotherapy

First of all, a person undergoing chemotherapy should pay special attention to their diet. Because what is needed to form new cells in our body is obtained from a healthy and balanced diet. Fresh home-made food should also be eaten with a little more protein. Drink plenty of water.

It is also important for people taking chemo to get enough rest. You should rest for seven to 10 hours daily. It is also good to do light exercise daily. Keep your body active by doing jogging, yoga and light exercise at home.

While undergoing cancer treatment, the immune system is also weak, so there is a higher chance of infection. In this case, special attention should be paid to hygiene, use of masks if you have to avoid crowded places, etc.

After receiving chemotherapy, if a blue stain appears on the body, sores appear, gums or nose bleeds, you should immediately contact the treating doctor.

Other drug treatments for cancer

Targeted therapy: This treatment targets genes or proteins found in cancer cells. Those genes or proteins are needed to develop specific cancer cells.

Immunotherapy: This treatment helps the body's natural defenses to fight cancer. This treatment is used today for some types of cancer.

Hormone therapy: This treatment changes the amount of hormones in the body. Hormones contain chemicals. Hormones are naturally produced in the body. It helps in controlling the activity of certain cells or organs. Hormone levels control many types of cancer Doctors use hormone therapy. This includes some breast and prostate cancers.

Kar-T cell therapy: Kar-T cell is a special treatment method, which has been found to be very effective in blood cancer patients. It is a treatment technique that uses immune cells called 'T', which are present in the patient's body. The 'T' cells in the body, especially in the blood system, are taken out and genetically engineered in the laboratory to recognize cancer and act against it, and then sent into the patient's body, which can kill the cancer.

Bone marrow transplant: Blood cancer that cannot be cured by chemotherapy is treated with bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow transplantation is the process of destroying the unhealthy bone marrow in the body and placing another healthy bone marrow.

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