What happens when there is a lack of vitamin E?

What happens when there is a lack of vitamin E?

Vitamins, nutrients needed by the body, can be obtained from various foods. Generally, we are aware of vitamins A, B, C and D, but not many people pay attention to vitamin E, which is essential for the body.

According to nutritionist Leel Bahadur Nepali, if there is a deficiency of vitamin E, problems of normal to serious types can appear in the body. Like vitamin C and D, which the body needs the most, vitamin E is also an essential element for the body. But not many people seem to have noticed this," he says.

A source of vitamin E

Nutritionist Nepali says vitamin E can be obtained from the food we eat. Vitamin E deficiency can be supplemented by vegetable oils, seeds of various fruits and vegetables, dry fruits and green vegetables. According to Nepalese, Vitamin E is abundant in almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, broccoli and spinach, meat, eggs and many other foods. "Many also take vitamin E as a supplement," he says.

The benefits of vitamin E are many

According to nutritionist Nepali, vitamin E is a soluble element. The 'alpha cotoferral' contained in it does not allow the production of diseases in the body.

"Vitamin E is rich in antioxidant properties and helps protect our cells from free radicals," says Nepali.

Vitamin E is also known as the skin and hair beautifying vitamin. Nutritionist Nepali says that it can protect the skin from dullness, wrinkles, premature aging and the harmful 'ultra violet' rays of the sun.

It also helps in joining a broken limb. With the help of vitamin E, the cells cannot be damaged. Various studies have shown that the risk of heart disease is reduced in people who have more vitamin E in the body and it is useful for breast cancer.

Nepalese say that it has a role in increasing the immunity of the body and also for the brain.

What happens if vitamin E deficiency?

According to the information provided by the National Health Service (NHS) of the UK, vitamin E deficiency causes symptoms such as muscle weakness, swelling, restlessness, difficulty walking, and feeling sick all the time.

Nutritionist Nepali also says that muscle weakness is the biggest symptom of vitamin deficiency. According to him, its deficiency can damage nerves and muscles. Lack of vitamin E causes thinning of the retina of the eye and problems in the inner layer of the eye.

Its deficiency causes nerve and muscle problems. Limbs may be swollen and tingling,' he says, 'Vitamin E deficiency can inhibit the immune cells. Due to changes in the immune system with age, the need for vitamin E is higher in the elderly.

Nepalis say that there is a lack of vitamin E and in cases where it is not possible to get it from food, supplements can be taken on the doctor's advice.

How much at what age?

The American National Institute of Health (NIH) has stated that vitamin E should be consumed daily at different ages.

Newborn: 4 mg

6 months to 1 year: 5 mg

1 to 3 years: 6 milligrams

4 to 7 years: 7 milligrams

8 to 13 years: 11 milligrams

Over 14 years: 15 mg

Lactating women: 17 milligrams

Precautions while taking vitamin E capsules

Side effects of vitamin E capsules are rarely seen. However, according to some recent studies, there is a problem with skin spots, according to nutritionist Nepali.

Similarly, vitamin E supplements may be harmful to those taking blood thinners and other medications. A doctor should be consulted before taking any supplement.

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