What are the 5 components of a research?
Research components are introduction, literature review, method, results,
discussion, and conclusion
What are the main components of research?
A research report has seven components:
Abstract or Summary.
Review of Literature.
Conclusions and Discussion.
Major steps for Research proposal (Report/thesis)
Topic selection
Content (including abbreviations, chart and boxes)
Introduction of the topic
Background of the study
Significance/importance of the study
Objective of the study (general and specific)
Statement of the problem (research problem formulation)
Scope and Limitation of study
Literature Review (conceptual an empirical/field experience based)
Research Methodology/design
-Time frame for the Study
-Budget estimation
-Site selection (justification)
-sampling/case study
Preparation of field work
Ethics of researcher
Interview (questionnaire, checklist)
Data management
–Data collection (primary, secondary)
–Data verification
–Data analysis (data covering area/topics, status of respondents)
Discussion of the findings/theorization
Summary and conclusion
Recommendations for further study
Chapterization/ Report lay out
Appendix/annex (questionnaire, maps, photographs…)
Components (elements) of a research proposal.
A research proposal is the document presentation of Research Issue
of project. It is an argument for the proposed study. It requires the
logical explanation behind the proposed study, rather than a simple
description or a summarized study. Research Proposals are evaluated on
the cost and potential impact of the proposed research, and on the
soundness of the proposed plan for carrying it out. The components of a
research proposal are:
Introduction and Theoretical Framework:
It is the part of the paper that provides readers with
the background information for the research reported in the paper.
Its purpose is to establish a framework for the research, so that
readers can understand how it is related to other research.
Statement of the Problem:
The problem statement describes the context for the
study and it also identifies the general analysis approach
Purpose of the Study:
The purpose statement should provide a specific and
accurate synopsis of the overall purpose of the study. If the
purpose is not clear to the writer, it cannot be clear to the reader.
Review of the Literature:
The review of the literature provides the background
and context for the research problem. It should establish the need
for the research and indicate that the writer is knowledgeable about
the area.
Questions and/or Hypotheses:
A research question poses a relationship between two
or more variables but phrases the relationship as a question; a
hypothesis represents a declarative statement of the relations
between two or more.
The Research Framework:
The methods or procedures section is really the heart of
the research proposal. The activities should be described with as
much detail as possible, and the continuity between them should be
Limitations and Delimitations:
A limitation identifies potential weaknesses of the study.
Significance of the Study:
Indicates how your research will refine, revise, or
extend existing knowledge in the area under investigation
Footnotes and bibliography:
Physical layout and mechanical aspect of good thesis.
Preliminary part: title page of the thesis, approval sheet,
recommendation letter, preface/ acknowledgements, abstract/
executive summary, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, list
of photographs, and list of abbreviation
Main part/ main text: introduction, review of literature, methodology,
analysis and interpretation of results, and conclusion/ generalization
of results/ findings with recommendations
Supplementary part: includes references, appendix, maps and
figures, glossary of terms, index, and curriculum vitae (CV) sheet of
the researcher.
5 Key Elements of Methodology Section of a Research Paper
Logic of Inquiry (Qualitative or Quantitative) ...
Research Setting and participants. ...
Methods and Procedure of Data Collection. ...
Methods and Procedure of Data Analysis. ...
Ethical Issues
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