Why are X-rays done?

 Why are X-rays done?

At one point or another, most of us have had an X-ray of some part of the body. Everyone has heard about this test since childhood.

As soon as the word X-ray comes to our mind, a black picture comes in front of us, in which the image of bones is visible. But its function is not only to show pictures, there are many others. Few people know the real information.

What is X-ray?

An X-ray is a type of imaging test. which creates a picture of your bones and other organs attached to them. An X-ray machine uses a safe amount of radiation to make this picture. From the picture prepared through X-ray, the doctor makes a plan about the treatment and what kind of treatment is needed.

Usually, in the case of broken bones, due to an accidental accident, the bones of any part of the body have been broken and the diseases related to it are checked. X-rays are a safe and effective way to assess bone health.

Why do X-rays?

- To identify broken bones

- To determine the cause of pain and swelling symptoms

-To identify other foreign objects in the body

-To detect structural problems of bones, joints or soft tissue attached to joints

- And, regular examination may be necessary for cancer and other diseases as well.

Types of X-rays

X-ray is not only for one part of the body. There are many parts. According to which there are types of X-ray tests.

Abdominal X-ray: This X-ray takes pictures of the kidneys, stomach, liver and bladder. Which helps to identify kidney and bladder stones. It consists of a special type of abdominal X-ray. It is called barium enema, which helps to use the digestive system.

X-ray of bones: X-rays are also used to see the condition of broken bones, disorganized joints and lumps. Bone infection and cancer can also be identified through this.

Chest X-ray: This test helps to detect pneumonia, heart, lung and chest bone problems.

Dental X-ray: Dental X-ray helps to check the health condition of teeth and gums.

Fluoroscopy: Fluoroscopy shows images of soft tissues such as organs and intestines. The X-ray also detects the movement of the organs on the screen like a film.

Fluoroscopy is often used in x-rays of the digestive system.


A CT scan is also a radiology study. Which shows a picture of the condition of bones, organs and tissues through a monitor. This machine looks like a donut shape.

Mammograms: Providers use mammograms to take X-ray pictures of breast tissue, evaluate breast lumps, and diagnose breast cancer. From which breast lumps can be evaluated and breast cancer can be identified.

How does X-ray work?

X-rays send radiation through the body. The light of that radiation is invisible. which cannot be experienced. The beam is passed through the body and an image is formed on the X-ray detector located near it. Bones, cells, tissues and other structures absorb the radiation as it passes through the body. That's why it looks like a bright white color on X-ray. But soft tissue does not absorb radiation easily. That's why X-ray shows gray color.

How to prepare for X-ray?

-Inform your health care provider or examiner about your health history, allergies, and any medications you are taking.

- In general, no special preparation is required to prepare for a bone X-ray. For other types of X-rays, the examiner may give some preparation instructions.

- Do not use lotion, cream or perfume when preparing for any type of X-ray.

-Metal objects such as jewellery, hairpins or hearing aids cannot be used. You should wear comfortable clothes before the X-ray.

X-ray exposure

In general, X-rays are safe and effective for people of all ages.

If there is a possibility of pregnancy, you may need to tell the doctor before taking the X-ray. Because X-ray radiation can harm the fetus. If you are pregnant, if there is less harm, the doctor suggests to do MRI or ultrasound.

When will the X-ray results be available?

Bone X-ray results are usually ready immediately. After the X-ray, the doctor will advise you about the results. Apart from that, it may take a long time to get the results of the X-ray test.

Side effects of x-rays

Some people may be allergic after X-ray. Symptoms may appear a day or two after the X-ray. If you experience headache, skin rash, itching, vomiting or nausea and difficulty breathing, you should contact your doctor immediately. But these symptoms are seen only by few.

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