What is MRI, why is it done?

 What is MRI, why is it done?

If there is a wound in our body or a bone is broken for some reason, we can predict the problem by looking at it. Because these things happen before our eyes. But when any part inside our body is damaged. Then some diseases may be hidden inside the body.

In this case, how can the problem that cannot be seen with the eyes be detected?

Medical devices like MRI have been invented to detect such hidden diseases.

What kind of medical equipment is MRI?

MRI is a medical device that uses magnetic energy to show the state of the body in a similar image with the help of a computer. The full form of MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

In what situation is it used?

Monitoring MRI is used to identify and treat problems in the body from head to toe.

- To clearly identify diseases related to spine, joints and bones

– To identify diseases related to the heart

- To detect the risk of breast cancer

- To detect brain problems (seeing areas of damage without blood supply after stroke, epilepsy, due to persistent headache)

- To diagnose uterine and liver cancer

- To detect uterine abnormalities in women undergoing infertility treatment

- To evaluate the cause of pain in women with endometriosis

- To diagnose ulcers, tumors or other diseases in different parts of the body

The MRI test is done under the supervision of a technician. Which is later reported by the radiologist.

Before the MRI

MRI is an OPD procedure. So there is no need to rush. All the instructions are given before starting the test. For example, it is advised not to sit in one position. Because the picture may be blurry if it is slightly shaken.

Bandages can sometimes be applied to keep the patient stable. MRI is also done under anesthesia for those who cannot remain still for a long time.

A sequence can run for several minutes and at each stage a different machine sounds. This is already mentioned.

Before starting this procedure, you should change into a hospital gown. If you are wearing items made of metal, you should remove them.

During an MRI

First of all, the patient is laid on the table. Slowly the table moves towards the round magnet tube. You have to sit still inside the MRI equipment until the required picture is taken.

During this period, technicians stay at a safe distance. The details shown by the MRI are viewed and collected on the computer. Patients can also communicate from inside with the help of a microphone. Once the test is complete, the technician looks at the image from the MRI to determine if more is needed.

If there is a situation where MRI is required during pregnancy, it should be done only with special precautions.

How long is the process? How easy is it?

This process may take time depending on the problem. The process may take a minimum of 15 minutes to a maximum of 50 minutes. It may be difficult for some people to be patient.

How does it work?

Most of the human body is made up of water. MRI works by reacting between this water, magnet, radiowave, gradient inside the body. Some part of each hydrogen (water inside the body) atom acts like a magnet.

While sleeping in the machine, the magnetic field temporarily rearranges the body's water molecules. At this time the magnetic field is activated. Radio waves receive signals from these arranged atoms. This magnetic field is transmitted at a certain frequency with the help of a gradient.

With the help of a computer connected to the machine, the image of the MRI scan is created. It must remain in the machine for a limited period of time for accurate pictures.

Who analyzes the MRI report?

Only a trained radiologist or physician can analyze the MRI report to assess the health condition and proceed with the treatment process.

Nowadays, even if there is a small problem, there are also those who do MRI in Hachuwa. MRI may not be the only safe option in all problems. In some cases, CT scan may be more effective than MRI.

In this case, you should always consult a qualified doctor to be safe from any kind of unexpected problem.


An MRI scan is a painless imaging technique. It has no risk of harmful radiation. Soft tissue structures of the body such as the brain, spine, joints, cancer, heart, liver and many other organs can be identified more clearly through MRI images than through other methods.

What is the difference between CT scan and MRI?

Both of these show the image inside the body. The difference between the two is that MRI uses magnetic and radio waves to take pictures inside our body, which does not involve radiation. MRI can clearly show the condition of soft tissues that cannot be shown even by CT scan. MRI takes a lot of time.

While City Scan works with the help of X-ray. In this, the condition of the body can be seen with the help of radiation. This procedure is completed in a short period of time and is less expensive than MRI.


MRI cannot be done if metal is installed inside the body. The sound coming during the scanning can create a kind of fear while inside. Some people may experience panic and suffocation as if they are in a cave.

How long does it take to get the MRI results?

MRI results depend on how common or complex the health problem is. After the test, if the result is normal and no problem is found, the MRI report is given in 24 hours.

If there is a problem, more complicated, then the result will come only after consultation with other doctors. This may take time. In the same way, the report may come in a short time in private hospitals where the availability of skilled doctors is more.

How much does it cost?

MRI machine is an expensive equipment. Therefore, the test fee is naturally expensive. In this, government and private hospitals set fees in their own way. MRI test fee starts from 8000 in Terti Teaching Hospital.

Conditions where MRRE should not be performed

– When an implanted pacemaker is placed

– Cochlear implants

– Any other type of iron-based metal implant

When was MRI equipment introduced in Nepal?

MRI equipment was introduced in Nepal in the year 2046, which was the first army hospital to start its service. At that time there was a low quality machine. Gradually, private hospitals began to operate services including MRI. In the year 2058, MRI was introduced in the University Teaching Hospital.

Similarly, it was invented in 1973 for the first time in the world. Its inventors are Paul Lautber, Peter Mansfield and Raymond Damadian.

In 1973, Paul created the MR image. At that time he had tested on animals. After further improvement, in 1977, Peter Mansfield conducted an MRI of a human finger and the results were obtained.

Then Raymand introduced MRI to detect serious diseases like cancer in humans.

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