Can anxiety become a mental illness?
Atyas means to panic and rush. The reason for panic varies from person to person. Some people have a habit of rushing. Some people have to do everything quickly from a young age, if they are doing one thing, when will that work be done and then the next one will be done, it is difficult to wait for their turn even when talking, even if they have to wait for a long time somewhere, they become impatient. This is called panic habit.
This anxiety habit is not a disease. If the nature is already anxious, then it can be improved through behavior change and counseling.
If any person panics, something may be bothering him. Let's say, the problem of thinking. A person with a delusional problem feels as if others are thinking bad about you, plotting, etc. In such a case, the person often tries to get away from the person who interrupted him.
Patients with anxiety disorders and mania are often hyperactive. So he tries to do more work in less time. As a result, a person who is doing a job is worried about when that job will be finished. A person with a fear problem is afraid that something bad will happen to me if I can't do it. Even though the person knows that it is only fear, it seems that when he cannot control himself, he becomes more afraid, anxious and agitated.
Similarly, a person with a problem of depression, a person with weak morale, if he is able to do something well or if he is not able to do something, he is tormented by pain and worry that something bad will happen to me and seems to hurry more than necessary.
Another problem seen in our society is 'obsessive compulsive disorder'. Although he knows that some wrong thought is coming to his mind, he cannot control it. When you try to control it, the heart beats, it becomes difficult to breathe, it is fast, and it seems that what is not right and what is not enough.
After doing something, there is a feeling of inferiority that you have done it in vain and if you are not able to do that work, there is a problem of anxiety. Anxiety problems are usually a symptom of all mental illnesses. Anxiety is a disease of fear if there is a problem of panic for no reason. But in any problem, because it is difficult internally, it seems that they are afraid when they are not able to present their problem well.
Even though the mind knows that there is no need to be afraid, if there is a problem of fear and anxiety without any reason, it is an anxiety disorder. Anxiety can be seen in any mental illness. A person with arousal problem has a problem of anxiety due to overstimulation of the mind and body. A person suffering from depression has a very low morale, which makes him panic over the smallest things, whether something went wrong or not.
Even the habit of panic can turn into a disease later
Some people may have a habit of being nervous, but whether they are nervous or not, everyone experiences stress. Just because he has a habit of panicking, it does not necessarily mean that he does everything in a hurry.
For example, there are four members in a family. Three of them do not panic at all and one person has a tendency to panic. If there is some problem in the family, three people solve the problem as easily as possible. It is very difficult for an anxious person to find a solution.
People with anxiety are more likely to develop mental health problems due to stress than others. People with panic disorder are more likely to suffer from fear and anxiety disorders.
Who has more problems with rushing?
In children under 10 years of age, the problem of panic and haste does not appear much. In children above 10 years of age, the problem of panic and rushing may be seen.
Due to the pressure of studies and work, if there is no one to listen to them at home, such children have the problem of rushing, panicking, and acting out.
Compared to the previous generation, today's children seem to be more attracted to mobile phones. They watch Tik Tok and Reel more on mobile, which are very short-lived, even in that short time, many things are included. As a result, the child gets used to seeing a lot of things in a short time. When watching a reel, they scroll in 5 to 10 seconds, which makes it difficult for them to watch even a three-minute video. It is difficult for a person who watches a three-minute reel to watch a 30-minute video.
Because things change faster than before, when one thing is not well understood and immediately attracted to another thing, it seems that children can't focus on something, can't pay attention, can't divide their attention.
Treatment and prevention
Having a habit of panic does not mean that everyone has mental illness. By saying that you have a habit of panic, you cannot change the character and personality of a person today or tomorrow. Another problem may arise when you think that you will change your personality. As long as the anxiety problem has not affected work, relationships and daily life, then there is no need to worry about the disease. But when this habit causes me to get irritable, get angry, affect relationships, have problems with memory and sleep, then I should be aware that I have a mental illness and I should go to the hospital and seek the advice of a doctor.
If it is not possible to make an offering to a doctor, they can do daily physical and mental exercises, meditation. How the body and mind feel when not panicking and how it feels when panicky and how to control it If you think about what can be done, there is less chance that the habit of anxiety will turn into a disease.
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