Can high blood pressure be controlled by diet?
There are various reasons behind high blood pressure. Like, hereditary, kidney and heart problems, stress etc. Along with that, the main responsible food is also considered in this.
The World Health Organization has also recommended the 'Dash Diet' diet plan to control high blood pressure. Which suggests how high blood pressure can be controlled with the help of diet.
The Dash Diet recommends eating whole grains, colorful fruits and vegetables, as they are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids.
Recently, doctors also say that the problem of high blood pressure has increased due to diet. There are some foods that we eat, which increase blood pressure. But the problem can be controlled if the quantity and balance is eaten. You should eat in such a way that you get nutrition and not disorder. In this case, diet plays an important role in increasing and controlling high blood pressure.
These foods play a role in increasing blood pressure
Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of high blood pressure. As soon as there is a lack of magnesium, an increase in calcium increases the blood pressure by narrowing the blood vessels.
If more salt is used, the sodium present in it increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Generally speaking, the more sodium in the blood, the more water it draws into the blood vessels.
It increases blood pressure and then increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Excessively greasy, fried food can also cause obesity and high blood pressure. Alcohol, cigarettes, packaged foods also increase the risk of high blood pressure.
Obesity can also be a cause of high blood pressure. Obesity is an increase in body fat, when body fat increases, it narrows the blood vessels. When the veins are narrowed, it becomes difficult for the heart to work. As a result, blood pressure may increase.
Foods that control high blood pressure
Since potassium reduces the effect of sodium, you should eat more potassium-rich fruits and vegetables. Milk, curd and mohi contain calcium which helps in controlling blood pressure. Do not skip the salt. Many people eat vegetables without salt after high blood pressure, which is wrong. People with high blood pressure also need salt, so salt should be eaten but its quantity should be reduced.
Blood pressure can be controlled by consuming foods rich in magnesium which causes blood pressure problems due to lack of magnesium. We get magnesium through food. Bananas, broccoli, beans, cashews, almonds, avocados, fish, walnuts, green vegetables, legumes, parsley seeds, soybeans, sesame seeds, and tofu are the main sources of magnesium.
Bitter foods like green tea and bitter gourd also help in controlling blood pressure. Bitter foods contain potassium and magnesium. Potassium removes sodium from the body through water as urine. By reducing the amount of blood in the body, it reduces the pressure on the artery walls. The effect of which is only for some time. Similarly, magnesium makes blood vessels flexible and wide and lowers blood pressure. But before eating, you should consult a doctor.
If the doctor has advised you to take medicine, you should take it regularly. Blood pressure can be brought under control by staying away from alcohol and smoking, controlling anger, incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily routine, staying busy, walking, not letting stress dominate you, and making a regular schedule of meals.
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