Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twitter. Show all posts

Elon Musk is set to become the number-one influencer on Twitter

Elon Musk is set to become the number-one influencer on Twitter

Elon Musk is a South African-born entrepreneur and business magnate who has become one of the most influential figures on Twitter. He is the CEO and co-founder of SpaceX, the founder and CEO of Neuralink, and the CEO of Tesla, Inc. He is known for his unconventional and often controversial ideas, and his use of social media to promote and discuss them.

'Master Mind' - hacking Twitter!

 17-year-old 'Master Mind' shocks the world by hacking Twitter!

U.S. prosecutors on Saturday charged three people with involvement in a recent Twitter hacking case. The timetable of the hack has also been made public in a court document issued by the Ministry of Justice.

The document also details how US investigators tracked down the suspected hackers. According to court documents, the entire hacking activity started on May 3.

A teenage clerk from Tampa, Florida (who had been living in California) gained access to a portion of Twitter's network on May 3.

But what happened between May 3 and July 15 is still unclear. However, Clark initially failed to gain access to the Twitter admin tool used to kill the account.

But on the second day of the Twitter hack, according to the New York Times, Clerk initially had access to Twitter's internal slack workspace, not Twitter.

New York Times reporters quoted a hacker community source as saying that the hacker had found the login details of a Twitter tech support tool. From there, he broke into a slack channel of the company.

On the day of the hack, a picture of the tool, which controls all Twitter accounts, was leaked online by Twitter employees. However, the login details of the tool were not enough to access the back end of Twitter.

According to Twitter's blog post, Twitter's administrative back-end is protected by two-factor authentication. How long it took the clerk to do all this work is still unclear.

But according to Twitter researchers, the hacker used a "phone spare phishing attack" to trick Twitter employees into accessing their accounts and break two-factor authentication.

All of this happened on July 15. It was the same day that the company that hacked Twitter made it public.

Shortly afterwards, the clerk, who reached out to OG Users' Discard Channel from Kirk # 5270 ID, talked to two people and asked for help in monetizing Twitter's access, according to an FBI chat.

OG Users Discard Channel is a special forum where hackers buy and sell social media accounts. Through the channel, the clerk claimed that Fazeli (22 years old) who used Rolex # 037 ID and Separd (19 years old) who used Angius # 0001 ID were Twitter employees.

He asserted that his confession had been obtained through torture, and that his confession had been obtained through torture.

The clerk also sold access to various short-form Twitter accounts to Separd. 

The clerk thus reassured both of them about their access level. The trio then agreed to post an ad to promote the clerk's ability to hack Twitter accounts on the OGUser Forum.

Many people are believed to have bought access to their Twitter accounts after the ads were posted. A record message posted on YouTube by a U.S. Attorney's Office official states that investigators are monitoring several users involved in the hack.

 One of the three parties had posted a cryptocurrency scam message on July 15 by purchasing access to the celebrity's authentic Twitter account.

Such messages were seen on the accounts of celebrities including Barack Obama, Joy Biden, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Apple, Uber, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Michael Bloomberg, Floyd Mayweather.

In which users were requested to send Bitcoin to different addresses. According to court documents, 12.83 bitcoins, or about १७ 117,000, were found in the hacker's operating wallet in the scam.

In the course of the investigation, the cryptocurrency exchange company Coinbase intervened in the matter and stopped trading at the scam address on the day of the hack. In the end, the मर 280,000 that went into the scammers' accounts was saved.

By then, the subject was known to be hacked. Twitter staff blocked the clerk from tweeting on his official Twitter account.

According to the investigation, the clerk had access to Twitter's admin tool and communicated with 130 accounts. In 45 of them he had reset the password and in 36 he had access to secret messages.

On the second day of the hack, Twitter went to the administration and filed a criminal complaint against the hack. The FBI and the Secret Service then launched an investigation.

According to court documents, the FBI obtained users' details and chat logs from Discord using data and news shared on social media.

The FBI used a copy of the OG user's forum database, which was leaked last April, as some hacker ads were also posted on OG users. The database contained details of users registered in the forum, including email and IP addresses, as well as personal messages.

The FBI was collecting data from Coinbase with the help of the Internal Revenue Service and the address of Bitcoin where the hackers were involved. After studying the data from these sources, the FBI was able to track the identities of the hackers in all three directions. It was linked to email and IP address.

For example, the FBI tracked down Fazelli after he linked his discarded username to an OGUser. This was an operational security upset mistake of Fazeli.

Similarly, Fazeli also made many mistakes in hiding his identity. Initially, he used the address [email protected] to register on the OG Users Forum, but later he used the address [email protected] to hack a Twitter account called Foreign.

He used the same two email addresses in his Coinbase account. Which was later certified by his driver's license.

In addition, Fazeli used a home connection to access all three sites. The three services Discard, Coinbase and OG user's connection log showed his home IP address.

Another person, Separd, had a similar weakness. He had infiltrated the OG user with an ID named Cheiwan. According to investigators, on the day of the hack, Separd was able to access his discarded account with the help of an advertisement posted on the OG user's site.

After that, the researchers got the confirmation from the leaked database of OG user. There, Cheyenne was buying video games from a Bitcoin username, and fortunately on the day Twitter was hacked, Separd was connected to the same address.

Like Faizelli, Separd also uses the actual driver's license to manage the accounts at Coinbase to authenticate his various accounts. However, the FBI has not linked the clerk to the Kirk hashtag 5270 Discarded User.

But according to details released by various US government sources on Saturday, Clark appears to be the man. Hillsburg State Attorney Andrew Warren claimed that the 17-year-old Tampa teen clerk who was arrested on Saturday was the mastermind of the hack.

In a press release issued from the northern district of California, the administration told the state attorney that the clerk was a juvenile. The hacker, who was arrested by Florida, revealed his name was Graham Evan Clerk.

Binod - Twitter

After all, who is 'Binod', how did he come to be trending on social media?

'Binod' has been trending on social media including Twitter for the last few days. Now you may be wondering, is humor also a trending topic?

But for a while now the word has been on the list of top trending on Twitter. #Binod (hashtag in humor) There have been tens of thousands of tweets so far. Now it is being talked about everywhere.

Famous companies are now sharing their posts using the same trending. There are many mimes coming on Twitter and Facebook linking to humor.

The word is now appearing everywhere in social media posts, mimes, and in the comment section of any post. But some of us don't know who this trending 'joke' is and how it suddenly became trending.

Vinod's full name is Vinod Tharu. It has a YouTube channel, but no videos. Her YouTube activity is also limited. He goes to other people's videos and writes his name 'Binod'.

Recently, a YouTube channel called Slay Point made a video. In which the comments coming on the YouTube channels were roasted about how meaningless they can be. The faces of Abhuday Mohan and Gautami Kawale seen in the video go to comment on the YouTube channel.

That comment was nothing but the name 'Binod'. Suddenly, the video they made went viral. And it was the users of social media who made it trending by writing 'Vinod' in social media posts and comments.

Thus, a flood of posts and comments with hashtag jokes started coming and this name became trending. It didn't take long for the joke to go viral.

The word became so viral that even brands like Swiggy, Tinder, Netflix, Paytm started posting it with the same viral name.

Similarly, a Twitter user by the name of Gabbar Singh asks Fintech startup company Paytm that he can keep humor by changing the username of Twitter. Paytm immediately accepts the request and immediately jokes about its username.

Famous streaming platforms Disney Plus Hotstar also started mimes with this name.

Swiggy, a food ordering app, was celebrating its anniversary. And he tweeted, "We think the first person to call us tonight at 12 o'clock will be Vinod."

Similarly, Netflix India has written a tweet in praise of Arman saying that he has been commenting on every one of his tweets for the last one year. Airtel India tweeted to its followers asking them to start talking and comment on the response they receive every time they receive a call.

Amazon Prime Video India also joined the trending. Not only that, but the Mumbai Police also got involved in it. Linking to Binod, spreading online security awareness, he tweeted, "Dear Vinod, we hope your name is not your online password."

It's going viral right now, change the password right away! '

Similarly, many brands, celebrities, police were all posting on the hashtag Vinod. This trend of India gradually spread to Nepal as well.

Even Nepali brands and users are having fun using this word to the fullest.

Corona's epidemic thus made a meaningful comment to a user who was under a kind of stress, a fast way of conveying meaningful messages and entertainment.

Instagram to beat Twitter as news source

Instagram to beat Twitter as news source

Instagram, a social networking site that doubled the number of users who saw themselves as a means of receiving news in the past year, is on track to overtake Twitter as a news source, according to research.

The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020 shows that the trend of using Instagram for news has doubled since 2018. It is even stronger among the youth. According to the study, around a quarter of people in the UK between the ages of 18 and 24 used Instagram as a source of news to learn about the corona virus.

But social media has also been found to be one of the least trusted news sources. Only 26 percent said they believed the news about the corona virus being shared on social media. The same average belief was expressed in the news shared through Facebook Messenger and other chat apps.

59 percent trust both the national government and the news agency. More than a third of those surveyed are using Instagram, and two-thirds of them are now under 25.
Similarly, 11 percent use Instagram for news, which is one point less than Twitter.

"Instagram is becoming more and more popular among young people," said Nick Newman, lead author of the study.

Climate change, the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement in the United States, and the coronavirus have been the subject of much-talked-about news in recent months.
Instagram is owned by social networking company Facebook. WhatsApp is also owned by Facebook.

The survey, conducted in 40 countries, also looked at the credibility of news and news organizations. Only 38 percent said they believe the news in most cases. Less than half of those surveyed, or 46 percent, said they believed in the news source they liked.
After the Kovid-19 epidemic, the credibility of news organizations increased to 59 percent.

A Reuters study showed a significant expansion of Instagram as a news source, suggesting that Facebook's decision to buy the network was one of the most lucrative in history. Newman, the study's author, said that between April and May, the number dropped by 11 points, despite more confidence in the media and the government than ever before.

Although not formally part of the study, recent surveys have shown that the "moment of national unity" is over. In addition to analyzing credibility, the study also discusses the "silent majority" who say they view "neutral" news.

Since 2013, the report's authors have stopped asking this question because of a growing tendency to express opinions and to be open-minded in news writing. In the nine countries studied, participants said they would like to hear news from a 'no-brainer' news source.

Such views were most strongly expressed in Germany, Japan, the UK and Denmark. These countries have strong and independent public broadcasters, the report said.

End-to-end encryption for those who use Zoom for free - 2020

End-to-end encryption for those who use Zoom for free

Agency. All users of the video conferencing software Zoom, which became popular during the Coronavirus era, now have access to end-to-end encryption. On Wednesday, Zoom announced that it would offer this feature to all users using the beta version from next month.

Zoom says it will make the feature available to both free and paid users. End-to-end encryption can be enabled and disabled by the organizer with the help of toggles during the meeting.

Earlier this month, the company said it would not provide end-to-end encryption to non-paying users, citing the risk of being used in illegal activities.

The company argued that strong encryption would make it difficult for police and other agencies involved in the investigation to access the data of free calls. Zoom has brought an end to the encryption feature after growing criticism over the security of the app.

A spokesman for the company said Zoom would not monitor meeting data and would not share information with other agencies, but would share information on incidents of child sexual abuse with investigative agencies.

Twitter lags behind Instagram in the news

The issue of which social network users trust the most is always on the agenda. There have been many studies on this subject.

Meanwhile, Reuters has released a 'digital news report' on which social media was mostly used as a news medium during the coronavirus epidemic.

According to the study, Instagram has overtaken Twitter. According to a study conducted in the UK, USA, Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Denmark, Finland, Japan, Australia, and Brazil, the number of people using Instagram as a news medium has doubled compared to 2018.

The influence of Instagram is growing, especially among the youth. According to the study, three-quarters of 18- to 24-year-olds use Instagram as a news source.

According to the study, Facebook is number one in the list of social media used as a news medium. During this period, users relied heavily on Facebook as a news source.

Similarly, YouTube is in the second position, WhatsApp is in the third position and Facebook Messenger is in the fourth position. Instagram is at number five while Twitter is at number six. According to a 2018 study, Twitter preceded Instagram.

But studies have shown that the number of people who believe the news on social media is low. According to the study, only 26 Prasit believe the news on social media.

According to the study, government bodies and national news organizations are trusted more than social media as a news source. Fifty-nine of the participants in the study said they believed the information flowing from such organizations.

Samsung is bringing the cheapest smartphone

Samsung launched its entry-level smartphone, the Galaxy A01, last December. This phone is the cheapest for Samsung's A-series phones and is becoming popular.

Now Samsung is introducing its Galaxy A0 in a cheaper and newer version.
According to the news, Samsung is preparing to produce a new version of Galaxy A01. Not only will this phone be cheaper than the existing A01, but its battery will also be removable. Remember that the removable battery feature has become very rare in the new models of smartphones that are currently coming in the market.

It is said that the name of Samsung's new phone may be Galaxy A01E. Benchmarking platform GeekBench has revealed various facts about this new phone.

According to GeekBench, the Galaxy A01E, which comes in the Bnjanghan model number, will have a quad-core processor and a 3,000 mAh battery.

The phone that comes with the Android 10 operating system will have 1 gigabyte of RAM. The main camera will have a dual setup like the Galaxy A01M and a 5-megapixel selfie camera. Agency

Samsung is bringing the cheapest smartphone

Samsung launched its entry-level smartphone, the Galaxy A01, last December. This phone is the cheapest of Samsung's A-series phones and is becoming popular.

Now Samsung is introducing its Galaxy A0 in a cheaper and newer version.
According to the news, Samsung is preparing to produce a new version of Galaxy A01. Not only will this phone be cheaper than the existing A01, but its battery will also be removable. Remember that the removable battery feature has become very rare in the new models of smartphones that are currently coming in the market.

It is said that the name of Samsung's new phone may be Galaxy A01E. Benchmarking platform GeekBench has revealed various facts about this new phone.

According to GeekBench, the Galaxy A01E, which comes in the Bnjanghan model number, will have a quad-core processor and a 3,000 mAh battery.

The phone that comes with the Android 10 operating system will have 1 gigabyte of RAM. The main camera will have a dual setup like the Galaxy A01M and a 5-megapixel selfie camera. Agency

Twitter employees will always be able to work from home

To avoid the epidemic of coronavirus, the social network Twitter has said that it will allow its employees to work from home forever if they want.

He also said that coronavirus infections are affecting employees working from home. More than 5,000 Twitter employees have been working from home since March.

According to a Twitter spokesperson, Twitter was the first company to go 'work from home model' because of Kovid-11. But Twitter is not expected to be the first company to return to the office.

What does Facebook-Twitter know about you?

When you use various social networks, surfing sites and apps through the internet, you unknowingly give information about yourself.

Ever wonder what the big digital tech companies know about you?

These companies are aware of your following information:


Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Email Address, Location, Relationship Status (Married, Unmarried), Work, Income, Education, Caste, Religious Perspective, Political Perspective, IP Address, Chat.


Phone number, location, email address, IP address.


Name, gender, date of birth, phone number, email address, location, job, education, contacts, content searched on Google, content viewed on YouTube.


Name, Gender, Date of Birth, Phone Number, Email Address, Location, IP Address, Email, Contacts, Phone Call, Chat, Watched Videos.

 What happens in a minute?

What in the world can happen in a minute? With the digitalization of the world, most people are becoming one with the world through the World Wide Web. In this process, we may not know what people around the world do digitally in a minute.

With the digitalization of the world, there has been a huge increase in the use of human digitized content between 2017 and 2018. According to a report published by Word WideWave, in 2017, 900,000 people used Facebook per minute, but in one year, it has increased to 973,000. In 2017, 3.5 million people used Google per minute, but in one year it increased to 3.7.

Similarly, the number of social network Twitter users has increased by 29,000 per minute in the last one year. Twitter, which had 452,000 users in 2017, was used by 481,000 users in one minute in 2018. The number of people using YouTube in one minute has also increased significantly. In 2017, about 4.1 million people opened YouTube in one minute, compared to 4.3 million last year.

According to last year's data, people received about 187 million emails per minute, up from 156 million in 2017.

Misuse of social media, falling into the trap of the law

Have you ever teased or humiliated someone using social media or electronic media? Or have you insulted someone electronically by saying yes? If you do, you may be subject to severe penalties. For the sake of fun, yes, he is my man.
The Information Technology Bill 2075, which was introduced by the government in the federal parliament and has been under discussion since Wednesday, has defined such acts as a punishable offense. The government has presented the bill in the federal parliament with the aim of making electronic media decent, dignified and systematic.

The bill clearly defines the use of social media or electronic systems as a punishable offense for harassing and teasing another person. Some are even prohibited from humiliating, discouraging, insulting, or reprimanding others. In case of such act, the offender will be fined up to Rs. 1 million or five years imprisonment or both depending on the amount of the offense.

Article 85 of the bill, entitled No to Sexual Harassment, states, "No one shall be subjected to any form of sexual harassment or intimidation or intimidation through the electronic system in accordance with the prevailing law."

There is a provision of fine up to Rs. 500,000, imprisonment for five years or both depending on the amount of such offense. No pornographic material will be produced, collected, communicated, distributed, published, displayed, disseminated and even sold through electronic system.

Similarly, the bill has also made strict legal provision on the issue of not being tempted and misusing the system through electronic system. Even if he proposes with the intention of committing sexual exploitation or cheating or any other illegal act, he should be a party to the punishment.
Similarly, the bill has made provision for not doing anything that could disrupt the relationship between Nepal's sovereignty, integrity, nationality or national unity, independence or federal unit through electronic means. A fine of up to Rs 1.5 million or five years imprisonment and both are provided for such offenses.

Personal details cannot be collected without permission

Is no one misusing your personal details in electronic form? If so, doing so would now be considered a punishable offense. The bill has made provision that no one can collect personal details in electronic form except in accordance with the prevailing law.

Those who collect personal details illegally are barred by the bill's information security and privacy provisions. If personal details have to be collected, the person concerned must be informed of the purpose for which the details are required.

If someone illegally takes someone's personal details without giving any information or
The bill provides for a fine of up to Rs 500,000 or imprisonment for up to three years or both for unauthorized use. The proposed bill also prohibits the use, dissemination and exchange of personal details or information for purposes other than those disclosed.

The law includes the provision of collecting details for one purpose and being ready to be punished according to the law if such details are used for other purposes. Provision has been made in the bill to destroy the personal information collected and stored for special purpose within 30 days of the end of the purpose of collecting and storing personal information.
While exchanging, processing and storing the information in electronic form, the processors, savers and service providers should pay special attention to the issue of maintaining confidentiality and integrity. The details prescribed by the government public, financial and health related bodies must be kept safe in accordance with the law. Such information should be kept safe with the guarantee of not leaving the country.

The bill has also included the provision that the government body should not be negligent in using computer and information system indiscriminately. The bill also stipulates that data centers and cloud services cannot be operated without permission. Such centers will have to be renewed every year.

The bill has also given top priority to the issue of cyber security. The Government may designate sensitive infrastructure in the Nepal Gazette by publishing information and communication infrastructure that could seriously affect any national security, economy, emergency services, emergency services, health and public safety.

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