Showing posts with label Best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

From fruit to coffee, these foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

From fruit to coffee, these foods are best not to eat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, some people have a craving for sweet foods. Some people like to eat sweet and sour, some like sweet. At this time, the brain produces neuropeptide hormones, which work to stimulate hunger.

According to the geography, their choice will be different. Generally, women in western countries like sweet foods like ice cream and cakes. Women in eastern countries like sour, bitter and bitter foods like spicy, turkey.

However, eating fancy foods during pregnancy is not so appropriate.

Because the mother's diet has a direct effect on the child growing in the womb. Therefore, you should be careful about what you eat or what you don't eat at this time.

1. fruit

Fruits should not be eaten during pregnancy. Nuts contain 'benzyl isothiocyanate', due to which excessive consumption can be toxic to the body.

In this case, if a pregnant woman eats the fruit, there may be a risk of miscarriage. Even raw fruit should not be eaten during pregnancy. Enzyme found in raw fruit helps in uterine contraction. Because of this, there is a higher risk of miscarriage.

2. Smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy can be a risk for the baby. The chemicals in cigarettes shrink the blood vessels in the uterus, which can cause the baby to be underweight in the womb, cause labor pains before the due date, and hinder the development of the penis.

Drinking alcohol can be even more dangerous. It can lead to mutilation of the body in the womb.

3. Caffeinated foods

Most people prefer to drink coffee, but pregnant women are advised to consume less caffeine. According to health experts, pregnant women should consume less than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day.

Caffeine dissolves quickly in the body and reaches the umbilical cord. A fetus does not have metabolic enzymes due to which it can be harmed. Consuming too much caffeine during pregnancy can hinder the baby's weight and growth.

4. Junk food

During pregnancy, you should eat only foods rich in nutrients for the development of the baby.

You should stay away from junk food during this time. Because junk foods lack nutrients and are high in sugar and calories. Eating junk food leads to nutritional deficiency. Also, weight increases quickly and this can cause many problems during delivery. During pregnancy, your diet should include plenty of fruits, green vegetables, protein, folate and iron.

5. Raw eggs and undercooked meat

There are some meat-based foods like kachela, which are not fully cooked. Such foods should not be eaten during pregnancy.

Most of the bacteria are found on the surface of the meat while some are found inside the meat. Therefore, eating raw or undercooked meats is also harmful for pregnant women. Its consumption can cause neurological diseases in the unborn child by infecting many types of bacteria such as Toxoplasma, Listeria and Salmonella.

Similarly, some people also eat raw eggs saying that they are more nutritious. Raw eggs have more nutrients than cooked eggs. However, it is better not to eat raw eggs during pregnancy. Because raw eggs contain salmonella bacteria. Which can cause fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. In some cases, this infection can cause uterine cramps, which can lead to premature birth.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunbathing: The best part of winter

Sunbathing: The best part of winter

Now people don't have time to bask in the sun. Even those who have leisure are not interested in sunbathing. People try to stay away from the sun due to the fear and confusion that the sun will damage the skin and make the face black.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Regular exercise is the best life

Regular exercise is the best life

"The risk of cancer is as high as the risk of cancer for those who smoke one cigarette a day, and for those who live a sedentary life by avoiding labor, exercise, and hard work."

In fact, those who lead sedentary lives are more likely to get cancer and other diseases. Among them are cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, obesity, osteoporosis, osteopenia, kidney stones, osteoporosis, intoxication, shoulder joint jam, colon cancer, mental stress, anxiety, and depression. Diseases such as atherosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis, constipation, acidosis, indigestion, and insomnia are prominent.

Increasing urbanization, the abundant availability of luxury and recreational materials, comfortable transportation, well-equipped, and computer-connected workplaces, and work-related tasks in a chair are making our lives inactive day by day.

Because of the need to spend time sitting on a sofa at home and in a chair in the office, the patient is also called couch potato in satirical language. With the practice of modern lifestyle, the number of such couch potatoes in the society is increasing day by day and the outbreak of diseases related to physical inactivity has increased exponentially, resulting in death which cannot be prevented by exercise alone.

In Nepal too, our lives are becoming more and more inactive due to increasing urbanization and the practice of living a modern lifestyle.

Due to physical inactivity and unhealthy lifestyle, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, uric acid, back pain, osteoporosis,, and drug addiction are becoming household problems in our country. The outbreak of these diseases has skyrocketed after the Nepalese people, who were accustomed to indispensable labor and exercise due to geography and natural lifestyle, became accustomed to lazy and inactive lifestyles along with the use of amenities and resources. We cannot give up technology to avoid problems due to amenities and problems caused by the use of science and technology, but we can get rid of these problems by promoting physical activity such as labor, exercise, and sports somewhere in our daily routine.

What can be done

Morning Walk, Running, Skipping, Beating, Sports, Swimming, Trampoline Jumping, Taekwondo, Dancing, Yoga, Aerobics, Zumba, Ballet, Salsa, Hiking, Bata Cycling, static cycling, going to the gym, climbing stairs, kumfukrante, playing usu, boating, doing water exercises, engaging in chores or gardening.

What should exercise be like?

The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the following features to be indispensable in scientific exercise for health protection:

1. Intensity: Exercise needs to be as fast as you can increase your heart rate and respiratory rate and break a sweat.

2. Elongation: Exercise should be done continuously for at least 15 to 30 minutes without stopping.

3. Regular: Exercise should be repeated at least 3 times a week.

As the Eastern Health Sciences have shown, the inclusion of the following dimensions in scientific exercise is considered inevitable

1. Exercise should break the sweat once and increase the speed of the heart and breathing.

2. Once all the joints of the body should be used.

3. Exercise should not only be for the muscles and skeletons but also for the soft organs inside the body, such as the intestines, intestines, kidneys, liver, feces, lungs, heart, and brain.

How to exercise:

Exercising should not be the only way to start. It should also be prepared. You should choose a place that is full of natural beauty, free from pollution, has enough air and light. Enough half an hour before the start and two sips of water just before the start, but do not drink water immediately after the exercise. Patients with special diseases and conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, should exercise only as prescribed by their physician.

Exercise should be done only to the best of your ability, do not try to be competitive, zealous. Warming-up and relaxation exercises should be done before starting. Exercise-specific clothing, such as shoes, belts, T-shirts, should only be worn. Also, these materials must be comfortable. When exercising with special tools and materials, the materials should be handled carefully. Special care should be taken as exercise can cause injuries. Do not panic while exercising. You should be sure to set a regular time and relax for a while after exercising. In the beginning, the pain of life should not be left.


1. Exercise helps to balance body weight. Exercising regularly reduces the weight of obese people and increases the weight of lean people.

2. Exercise helps keep the heart, blood vessels, and respiratory organs healthy. Regular exercise has been shown to lower bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the risk of heart and vascular disease. Exercise helps to reduce high blood pressure and increase low blood pressure and also plays an important role in controlling diabetes.

3. Exercise has a big hand in stress control. Exercise can help control mental problems, such as anxiety, depression, fear, and depression. Exercise improves mood, boosts confidence and creativity, and improves mental processes such as memory, rhythm, meditation, and concentration. Exercising for a long time does not reduce the cognitive capacity of the brain.

4. Strengthens muscles, skeleton, and nervous system. Purifies the blood. Increases digestive capacity. Helps to solve problems like indigestion, indigestion, acid bile, gastric, and constipation.

5. Exercise also helps to get rid of addiction.

6. Exercise increases physical, mental, and sexual ability.

7. Exercise also helps increase cancer resistance.

8. Helps in the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

9. It is especially beneficial for people with insomnia.

10. Don't get old fast.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

5 Best SEO Tools in 2022 by Digital Marketing Agency Rating Platform

Google uses more than 200 items to rank websites. TopMarketingCompanies.Com has identified the best SEO tools to improve rankings.

PRNewswire-PRWeb / - The latest study shows that Google uses more than 200 ranking factors in its algorithm. By backlinking domain signals, SEO tools can help brands search, analyze their performance in monitor competition, and identify new opportunities for improved organic ranking. has identified the top five SEO tools that help brands increase search rankings.

The top five tools that SEO professionals use are:

1. Ahreth

Ahrefs is an SEO tool that helps marketers perform keyword research and competitor analysis. It offers many features such as finding backlink opportunities and searching for content ideas.

2. Semmersh

SEMrush All-in-One Marketing Toolkit. With over 5 million users, the platform is the top choice for many SEOs for features such as campaign management and competitive analytics.

3. The screaming frog

Screaming Frog crawls websites and searches for SEO issues. It is compatible with Mac, Windows and Linux. The tool allows for quick analysis and review, saving tons of manual work.

4. SEO Monitor

SEO Monitor measures the success of actions and campaigns. It takes Google Analytics data and combines it with SERP rankings to solve problems. The platform enables its users to change keyword opportunities.

5. Wu Rank

WooRank is a free Chrome extension that analyzes websites' core SEO metrics. It provides users with useful reports on duplicate content, security issues and loading times.

Brands can use the best SEO tools to improve their search engine rankings.

About the Top Digital Marketing Companies: TopMarketingCompanies.Com is a B2B marketplace that connects brands with digital marketing professionals worldwide. The site serves as a director of digital marketing companies that take care of expertise, industry experience, and US locations.

Source TopMarketingCompanies.Com