Can a damaged liver become healthy again?

Can a damaged liver become healthy again?

The liver plays a key role in keeping the body healthy by taking out the waste. The liver separates nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in our body and delivers them to various organs according to the needs of the body.

What to pay attention to to keep the liver healthy? How do you know that the liver is deteriorating? Stomach and hepatology specialist Prof. Dr. Conversation with Legislature Paudel:

What causes liver damage?

There are various causes of liver damage. Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E, Corona Virus, Malaria, Kalajar and other infectious diseases cause liver damage. In addition, poor diet, obesity, alcohol consumption, excessive intake of drugs, lack of exercise, excessive protein intake and fatty liver are also causes of liver damage.

How do you know that the liver is deteriorating?

If there is a problem in the liver, the skin will turn yellow. Similarly, the yellowness of the eyes also increases, the urine becomes yellow. As the liver problem increases, blood is vomited, if there is blood in the vomit, it may be a liver problem.

When the liver is bad, there are also problems such as swelling below the abdomen, swelling of the hands and knees. There is a problem of not knowing the taste of food and frequent changes in taste. Fatigue and weakness without exertion can cause liver problems.

What health problems occur after the liver is damaged?

If there is a malfunction in the liver, the digestive system is not flexible. Toxic substances spread in the body. When toxic substances spread in the body, then it starts having direct effects on different organs. Water accumulates in the lungs, water accumulates in the stomach. It can gradually affect the kidneys and heart.

After reaching which stage, the liver may not work at all?

Liver cirrhosis occurs when the liver shrinks. There are two types of liver cirrhosis, 'compensated' and non-compensated. In 'bicompensated' cirrhosis, fat accumulates in the liver and the liver cells shrink and form lumps. In such a situation, the liver does not work. Liver transplant is the treatment.

Can the damaged liver be healthy again with proper diet and lifestyle?

If the liver is damaged due to poor diet and disordered lifestyle, liver health can be restored with proper diet and lifestyle.

If the liver is damaged due to excessive alcohol consumption, the condition of the liver will improve after 6 months of stopping drinking. Liver is damaged due to hepatitis C and after treatment, the liver becomes healthy.

How will the damaged liver become healthy again?

If the liver is damaged due to bad diet such as alcohol, high carbohydrate food, high sugar food, then improve the diet and stop drinking, the liver will be healthy again.

If the liver is damaged due to hepatitis C, after taking the medicine, the liver will be healthy again. If the liver is damaged due to fatty liver due to obesity, then if you lose weight, the liver will be healthy.

How can the liver be kept completely healthy?

Food is the most important thing to keep the liver healthy. You should eat less junk food, fatty foods, fatty foods, sugary foods, and carbohydrate-rich foods. Similarly, green vegetables are helpful in removing toxins from the liver. The chlorophyll present in them reduces the effect of dangerous chemical substances on the liver. Therefore, to keep the liver healthy, you should eat plenty of green vegetables.

Good sleep is also necessary to keep the liver healthy. Lack of sleep puts more pressure on the liver, so you should get used to sleeping and waking up on time to rest the body.

Physical activity and exercise are also necessary to keep the liver healthy. If you are not physically active, the problem of fat accumulation in the liver may appear. Since viral hepatitis affects the liver through the blood, vaccination should be done to prevent it.

What kind of food cleanses the liver?

Liver is the largest organ of the human body. The liver has a special role in the digestive system. The liver has to do a lot of work to make the body healthy.

Liver plays a special role in keeping the body healthy. The most important function of this organ is to remove waste from the body.

If we get hurt or cut, blood comes out and the liver does the job of stopping the blood from flowing too much. The liver also does the work of breaking down the food we eat, keeping the nutrients needed by the body and removing the unwanted disorders.

When we eat something, the digestive system immediately breaks it down into small pieces. After this, this diet reaches the liver through the hepatic portal system with the help of blood.

The liver also separates all the nutrients in food such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. and delivers them to different organs according to the needs of the body. It stores some nutrients so that it can be used when there is an immediate need for energy.

To keep the liver healthy and strong, which is important for keeping the body healthy, we also have to pay attention to some things. What kind of diet is appropriate to make the liver strong and healthy? What are the foods that cleanse the liver?

Foods that damage the liver

More than any food that damages the liver, if any food is eaten in excess of what the body needs, it will damage the liver. Alcohol, cigarettes, foods high in carbohydrates like rice, wheat and flour, foods high in fat etc. damage the liver.

Junk food, food fried in oil etc. also damage the liver. It does not mean that we should suddenly stop eating carbohydrates just because foods with more carbohydrates damage our liver. Because our body needs limited amounts of carbohydrates.

Artificial sugar and colors are used in drinks like Coke and Fanta. Due to this, fat accumulates in the liver. The color chemicals cause damage to the liver. Therefore, such sugary drinks are also harmful for the liver.

Now many people have the problem of "fatty liver" where fat accumulates in the liver. Many people may have the understanding that fatty foods damage the liver and fat accumulates in the liver. However, that is not 100% correct. The problem of fat accumulation in the liver can be seen by consuming a lot of foods that are high in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates turn into fat and this problem appears.

Liver cleansing foods

Protein-rich and fibrous foods like boiled egg whites, green vegetables, salads, and fruits cleanse the liver. However, many pesticides have been used in fruits and vegetables. These pesticides directly affect the liver. Therefore, in order to reduce the effects of pesticides from those foods, if they are eaten raw, they should be thoroughly washed and cooked.

Things to keep in mind to keep the liver healthy

- It is the food that needs the most attention to keep the liver healthy. Therefore, you should not eat foods that are high in carbohydrates and high in fat.

- Weight should be controlled to prevent fat accumulation in the liver. In order to control the weight, attention should be paid to the diet itself. Junk food, greasy food, red meat with more fat, food with more carbohydrates should be eaten less.

- Good sleep is also necessary to keep the liver healthy. Lack of sleep puts more pressure on the liver, so you should make a habit of sleeping and waking up on time to rest the body.

- Physical activity and exercise are also necessary to keep the liver healthy. If you are not physically active, the problem of fat accumulation in the liver may appear.

Junk food and cold drinks are damaging the liver of children

Nowadays, children and teenagers are more attracted to junk food than home food. Lentils, rice, vegetables are being replaced by pizza, burgers, meat and chowmein. Similarly, Coke, Fanta and Mirinda are taking the place of natural drinks like water, tea, milk. These khanki, which are changing the taste of the tongue, are causing serious damage to the liver.

Especially junk food and processed drinks have increased the risk of 'fatty liver'. In common language, fatty liver means fat accumulation in the liver. Which is also one of the causes of 'non-alcoholic white hepatitis'.

Junk food poisons the body

When we eat junk food, in order to digest it, the liver inactivates the bad substances we consume and produces enough protein in the body, which protects the body from infection and bleeding.

But consuming too much junk food causes fat to accumulate in the liver, and when the liver cannot function properly, toxins accumulate in the body.

Why does junk food damage the liver?

Junk food contains trans fat. It accumulates in the liver due to which there is a possibility of fatty liver, non-alcoholic white hepatitis.

Cold drinks affect the liver

Cold drinks can cause the problem of 'fatty liver' in our liver. Consuming too much of cold drinks increases the level of sugar in the body and causes fat accumulation in the liver.

Cold drinks are high in sugar. Sugar is high in carbohydrates. Which is quickly absorbed by the body and increases the amount of glucose in the blood. Excessive consumption of it will increase obesity and fat will accumulate in the liver.

The role of the liver in the body

Liver is the largest organ of the body. The liver removes disorders in the body, makes bile, digests food, makes blood clotting substances, makes substances like protein, albumin, vitamins needed by the body and makes and stores glucose, fat.

How does the liver digest food?

The food we eat is digested by the liver to form bile and it passes through the gall bladder to the intestines. In this way, the food that reaches the intestine through the gall bladder is released from the body as a toxic substance.

When the liver is damaged

Jaundice, flatulence, fluid retention in the stomach, swelling of hands and feet, loss of appetite, vomiting of blood, feeling tired, body melting and bleeding if cut in any part of the body, may be due to liver damage.

What foods are liver friendly?

Nutritious and healthy foods such as green vegetables, fruits, fibrous foods, fish, meat and legumes are considered liver friendly.

Liver cleansing food

Emphasis should be placed on pure food, which plays an important role in making the body disorder-free, from assisting in the digestive process to keeping the liver healthy. For this, you should eat foods like green vegetables, broccoli, avocado, beets and carrots.

These foods contain a protein called glutathione, which helps to flush out the disorders accumulated in the liver. Purifies the liver.

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