How to prepare yourself for surgery?

How to prepare yourself for surgery?

There are many diseases in whose treatment surgery plays an important role. If you are suffering from any such disease then you also have to prepare yourself for surgery. You went to the hospital, met the surgeon and fixed the date for the operation.

This article will help you prepare for surgery. For this you should follow the following steps:

Stay positive and stress free

It is important to have a positive attitude. You should not be stressed. Stress is bad for your health. Be relaxed and calm. You can take help of various methods of relaxation like meditation and yoga to stay stress free.

Get all the information

Get as much information as possible about your illness, the operation to be performed and the possible outcome. Understand the benefits and risks of surgery. If there is any other option other than surgery, then learn about that too. Get to know your surgeon and operating team well. Make sure your surgeon is competent and the hospital has all the facilities. Serious complications are often encountered after surgery, make sure your operating team and hospital are equipped to deal with them. You should also meet with the anesthesia team.

List all current illnesses and medications

You may be on certain medications or you may be suffering from some other disease. You may have been treated for an illness before or, you may have had an operation before. Make sure you tell your surgeon about all of these things. Don't think that something is unimportant and you don't need to mention it, it can be very important for making decisions related to the operation. Some medications may need to be changed or discontinued before surgery.

You can get a second opinion

Do not hesitate to get a second opinion before surgery. But make sure you get it from a trusted source.

Discuss postoperative pain

Pain is an integral aspect of surgery. During the operation, you are under the influence of anesthesia and remain so. But as soon as the surgery is over, you wake up. After surgery, there is pain at the operation site. This pain depends on the extent of the surgery and the length of the incisions. There are various options for pain relief. It is good for you if you know in advance what your treatment team is going to use for your pain.

Tell your doctor about the people responsible for you

You may not be in a position to discuss and understand your daily progress while recovering from surgery. Many important decisions may also have to be taken during this time. Make sure that your operating team has one or two key responsible persons who will be in charge of understanding the situation and the decision-making process. It will create confusion if every visitor talks to them.

Eat healthy food

Those who know you may suggest that you do not eat many things. But surgery is like a battle for the body. Your body needs energy and therefore you need to eat well and eat healthy food.

Avoid dehydration in the body

Drink plenty of water and liquids and avoid dehydration.

Exercise regularly

You need to prepare yourself for battle. Exercise is an integral part of it. Do whatever exercise is possible for you. Walk, jog, run, lift weights, do anything. Incorporate breathing exercises into your routine as well, this will help protect you from pneumonia after surgery. Ask your operating team for an incentive spirometer. The Incentive Spirometer is a small breathing exercise device that helps you recover after lung surgery or lung disease.

Quit smoking and alcohol

Smoking increases the chance of post-operative infection and the risk of other complications of surgery. Quitting smoking before surgery may help you recover more quickly. It is best to stop smoking at least 4 weeks before surgery. Stretching that time frame to 10 weeks or more would be even better. Similarly, stopping the consumption of alcohol helps to recover from the operation.

Day of surgery

Do not wear makeup and do not apply nail polish. Do not wear your contact lenses. Leave valuables and jewelery at home. Remove your earrings, nose rings, rings and other ornaments. Most of the operations are done on an empty stomach. Discuss this with your surgery and anesthesia team.

We wish you a speedy recovery.

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