Monday, October 10, 2022

Mental health

Mental health

Both physical and mental health are very important for any person. If a person is physically healthy but his mental health is bad then he will have to face many kinds of problems in his life. Mental health shows a person's abilities, gives him confidence that he can face stress in life and can contribute to the development of his community through his work or actions. Mental disorders affect a person's health-related behavior, judgment, regular exercise, adequate sleep, safe sexual behavior, etc. and increase the risk of physical diseases. Due to mental illness, a person has to become a participant in unemployment, broken family, poverty, drug abuse and related crimes. If a person's mental health will be right then his life will also be right. So we will tell you in detail about every aspect related to mental disorders in this section, which will help you improve your mental health. But let's first learn some important things related to mental health.

"They gave me food, what's wrong with you?"

"They gave me food, what's wrong with you?"

Oh, he is happy! What is he missing? We are seeing so many beautiful photos on Facebook.

What to do if the stomach is flat and upset?

What to do if the stomach is flat and upset?

During the festival, many people may have stomach upset due to the sweet food. Especially fried, fried and spicy foods are not easily digested in the stomach. Such foods cause upset stomach. There are problems like bloating, diarrhea and gas. What kind of stomach problems are caused by diet? What is the treatment method?

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Is hunger sweet or food?

Is hunger sweet or food?

Now we have many dishes on our plates. Lentils, vegetables, pickles, fish, curd, milk, ghee, vegetables, salad, sweets. However, when we are not hungry, how can our tongue taste these dishes?