Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2021

Some eating conditions

Some eating conditions

They die without knowing how to eat more than they do without food. More food than the hospital is essential for health. Because the food itself is disease-free. The same food, to make sick. Eating right, balanced and healthy food keeps you healthy. If food is eaten indiscriminately, it makes the body a reservoir of disease.

It sounds unpleasant, but we don't know how to eat.

We are not aware of the food that is directly related to public health. Not everyone has to eat at a standard hotel or restaurant. We are also careless in our own food.

Eating is for both the tongue and the stomach. When we put food on a plate, we have to keep in mind that it reaches the stomach. From the moment it is chewed, it must undergo various stages of digestion. Finally, the nutrients in the food reach the organs of the body. The rest is excreted as feces.

In that sense, we emphasize healthy eating. We choose nutritious food. At the same time, we eat as much as the body needs.

Eating is not just about filling the stomach. Eating is also a culture. It is also a celebration. In some communities, it is customary for family members to sit together and have fun. We should also follow such a food culture.

Why eat

Why eat food

Many think so. To fill the stomach. For the same reason, we are always thinking of filling our stomachs. While eating is very important for overall health. The body has a direct sign of food. The sign of the body is with the mind and the brain. We need to eat healthy to keep all these parts of the body fit and healthy. Balanced and accurate.

Why right

Because we don't even have a way to eat. This is true even if it sounds unpleasant. We don't know how to eat. Our mythological scriptures have taught us to eat. How to live, how to eat, what to do while eating, what not to do?

However, we are rejecting it as a pretense. Modern civilization has repeated the same thing that our mythological scriptures said. Eating is for both taste and health. That is why it is said that one should eat with a pure heart while consuming food. Happy heart To be happy To be satisfied


Food does not always have to be varied. There doesn't always have to be meat. Pulses do not have to be pickled. Even if it's just Gundruk, it has to be made in the right way. He ate gundruk in the morning and dal in the evening. In another dish, add vegetable juice and eat. Change new taste in every meal.

In the morning, the cumin seeds are sifted and the lentils are sifted. It adds something new to the taste. If potatoes and greens are cooked in the morning, gravy can be cooked in Raj at night.

Art can also be mixed in eating and serving food. In fact, cooking is a kind of art. That is why it is also called 'Culinary Art'.

Catering etiquette

Modern society has called it a 'dining manor'. This is a matter of civilization, how to eat food.

Catering etiquette shows how civilized we are. Because food is the basis of life. When it comes to eating, you need to know how to eat.

Let's put the same food on our plate that sucks us. It tastes good. Let's put as much food on the plate as we need.

Put a little rice on the plate, a little dal, a little nuts, a little, vegetables, a few pieces of meat.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

How to reduce the amount of sodium in food?

How to reduce the amount of sodium in food?

Think about it, what foods are high in sodium? French fries, chips, mum, pizza, chowmein and other fast food, processed food, and various foods found in restaurants?

Not only that, but the pieces of bread consumed by the westerners also contain a lot of sodium, which may surprise anyone.

However, such high sodium foods are also high in calories. As it is easy to cook and easily available, people have to choose such food. So, if your diet includes chips, snacks, bread, fried food, processed food, restaurant food, etc., understand that you are not only eating salt, you are also increasing the number of calories in the body.

Surprisingly, the relationship between sodium and weight is not limited to this. There are many other things where sodium not only makes people hungry, it also increases their ability to eat food.

Sodium also makes people feel thirsty faster. As a result, people drink a lot of soft drinks, including soda and beer. That's why people at the bar offer free popcorn and pints in front of your table in the hope of consuming more beer or other liquor. So it is not uncommon for a person who eats high-sodium foods to gain weight.

A 2015 study also found that eating a high-sodium diet can lead to weight gain and a larger waist. Besides, other studies have shown a strong link between high sodium consumption and body weight.

Eating high sodium foods can lead to high blood pressure. It also proves that high sodium foods can cause high blood pressure by increasing the amount of water retained in the body.

Various studies and research are being done on how to reduce the amount of sodium in food. But for now, it is important to understand that weight loss can be controlled by reducing sodium intake. Reducing the intake of high sodium foods can also reduce the intake of high-calorie junk food.

For this, it is not necessary to completely ban high sodium foods. Sodium levels can also be controlled by paying close attention to food and reducing the intake of processed foods and junk food. With the help of which blood pressure is reduced and weight is also controlled.

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Let's use the kitchen as a hospital and the food as medicine

Let's use the kitchen as a hospital and the food as medicine

Covid 19 weakens the human body's ability to fight disease. Covid-19 not only weakens the immune system but also promotes global food insecurity. Food experts say. "Unhealthy eating has led to an increase in malnutrition and an increase in the number of food-related illnesses," he said. The need to invest has increased.

The famous Greek physician Hippocrates described the food as follows: "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." Are paying attention to what is beneficial for.

Research has confirmed which countries were most affected by the Kovid-19 epidemic and their eating habits also affected the spread of the disease, sparking further debate about food. Even farmers can produce easily. With this in mind, we need to focus on crop production and marketing and reset our food system. Adequate attention needs to be paid to these two things, food and nutrition.

Science has confirmed that more nutritious and quality food has medicinal properties that help protect human health from disease. The Kovid-19 epidemic is causing our food system to fail. We need to work in different ways to strengthen the failed food system. We must now reconsider farming and launch a campaign to plant nutritious crops. The first step is to introduce such foods and establish them in the minds of everyone.

This is even more relevant in the case of Nepal. A food-dependent country like ours should be able to manage a vibrant food system in its own country that will improve the health of the people, help increase disease resistance and prevent the country from falling prey to food dependence. This is a great opportunity for Covid-19 to create this kind of strategy. In our country, there are ample possibilities to produce healthy food with medicinal properties quickly and cheaply. Due to our eating habits, these crops were being overshadowed and their production was declining. The state did not pay attention to research and development and we became more and more dependent on food.

It is important to cultivate the food crops that can be produced following the geographical environment of Nepal by identifying them well. Uva, Barley, Kodo, Fapar, Chino Caguno, Junello are the crops that are highly nutritious and have health benefits. These crops are ideal for small and medium-scale farmers.

There is a close relationship between our bodies and food. We need to pay more attention to this and work together to formulate effective policies to address the issue of food. Policies to promote multi-sectoral coordination among agriculture, health, and food stakeholders to promote healthy food. The mindset of the builders needs to change. We know that good food is the key to a long and healthy life. Multinational organizations such as the European Union and the World Health Organization must work to make good food a social responsibility.

According to the United Nations, about 6 million people, or eight percent of the world's population, were malnourished in 2019. If this trend continues, this number may increase to more than eight million in the coming years. Guterres, chief executive of the World Health Organization, said. Countries must develop programs that standardize food and nutrition services, implement conservation programs for those working in the sector, prioritize food supply chains, and strengthen the social security of young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, and other at-risk groups. He has advocated for the transformation of the food system for a more inclusive and sustainable world.

The kitchen is like a home hospital. Food prepared in the kitchen determines our health. We need to promote good food. What we are eating now is hurting us.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Does Sweet Food Cause Diabetes?

 Does Sweet Food Cause Diabetes?

Many people say that they do not get diabetes if they do not eat sugary foods. Diabetes is not the only cause of diabetes.

Hereditary and other factors are more responsible for diabetes. However, in the case of diabetes, eating sugary foods can lead to uncontrolled sugar.

Diabetics are often advised to eat sugar-free cheese. While the diet of diabetics should be not only sugar-free but also calorie-free. What is being said now is that diabetes is a hereditary disease. That is, it is a contagious disease. This means that those who live a life of luxury and comfort are afflicted with this disease.

This means that those who seek Ashram are physically inactive. Do not work Do not exercise They eat sweets. This kind of bad lifestyle is also causing diabetes now.

There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. The difference between the two is easy to spot. In type 1 diabetes, insulin-producing cells are destroyed by the body's immune system. However, in type 2 diabetes, the body cannot use the insulin produced by the pancreas.

Diabetics should eat less, even in small portions. But, you also need to eat. What people think is that diabetes occurs in old age. However, it can affect all age groups. From children to adults.

Why does diabetes occur?

We don't get enough sleep at work. Some people have a habit of going to bed late at night and getting up early in the morning. However, not getting enough sleep can lead to various diseases. Diabetes is one of them. You need to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. However, if the amount of water is not enough, the amount of blood sugar in the body increases.

Eating late at night increases body weight. This makes the blood sugar level unbalanced. People who are overweight, if they do not take any initiative to control obesity can develop diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle makes the body a reservoir of disease. Life should be active. This requires regular exercise.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Food classification and quantity

Food classification and quantity

To give strength to the body, to keep the body moving, to make the body healthy, we have to take food from external sources. We walk, sit, jump, play, work. In this case, the body gets the necessary energy from food. Our physical organs are also weakened, they are damaged. Therefore, food is also needed to compensate for that. In short, food does the following.

Food classification

Depending on the function of the nutrients obtained from the food, it can be divided into three parts.

One, substances that provide energy for physical development, growth, and biological function

Two, bodybuilding nutrients

Three, health-promoting substances

Variety of balanced diet

Different people need different amounts of nutrients in their food according to their different functions.

Age - In childhood, when the body develops, the child needs more fat and protein. In old age the digestive system is weakened, then the need for these elements decreases.

Climate: Cold-prone countries use more heat than summer-prone countries. Therefore, more food is required than expected in a cold country.

Gender - Women need less food than men.

Exercise - Excessive energy or heat loss in the body of a person who does physical exertion. More food is needed to make up for that.

These are the basic things about food. Our physical condition also determines why we eat, how much we eat, and how we eat. However, we should eat as much as the body needs. We should eat food that can be easily digested.

Catering formula

1. Eat fresh, nutritious, balanced, and digestible food.

2. As much as possible, let's eat our own cooked food. At least eat cooked at home.

3. Eat at least four or five meals a day. Eating more often but in smaller amounts helps the digestive system.

4. Try to diversify your diet throughout the day. Eat a balanced diet.

5. Let's make breakfast compulsory in the morning. Don't eat too much after sunset in the evening.

6. Emphasis should be placed on seasonal and natural foods.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Excessive food risk of serious disease, study says.

Excessive food risk of serious disease, study says.

Most people get sick because of their unhealthy eating habits. Not only can this cause stomach problems, but it can also be the cause of many other serious illnesses.

Recent research has shown that this is contrary to popular belief. Not only people who eat badly but also people who eat a lot of food are more likely to have problems including heart attack.

Various researches have described how unhealthy food increases heart insecurity. Eating too many increases the risk of heart attack for up to two hours after eating. So let's go into detail about what this research says.

What does the research say?

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 610,000 people die of heart attacks in the United States each year. When investigators wanted to know the reason, they discovered some strange habits. One of the main habits of these is to eat too much food. This research shows that heavy food is the trigger for heart attack. This is especially harmful to people who are overweight or obese.

Eating too much increases the risk of heart attack

Eating too much food also causes problems related to cholesterol and high blood pressure. Which is most related to heart health. In fact, high levels of cholesterol can clog your arteries and cause circulatory problems. This circulatory problem is linked to high blood pressure and increases the risk of a heart attack. There are many other causes as well, due to which heavy eating can increase the chances of a heart attack. In fact, it takes energy to eat and digest food, which raises blood pressure along with the need for oxygen. It pumps more blood to the heart.

Similarly, high blood pressure obstructs the blood vessels in the arterial wall. Which causes a heart attack or stroke. Similarly, a high-fat diet impairs the function of the endothelium, the lining of the arteries. Researchers have found that the risk of heart attack increases almost fourfold within two hours of eating a lot of heavy foods. This problem is especially common in people with pre-existing heart disease. For example, a person with coronary artery disease or a previous heart attack is more likely to have this problem.

Nepalis have a balanced ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and other essential nutrients in their regular diet. But even eating such food can be a problem. Excessive consumption of fried foods with cream or butter can also easily lead to heart disease. So food should be eaten in a balanced way.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Risk of cancer due to poor lifestyle

Risk of cancer due to poor lifestyle

As long as we live, many processes related to life continue in our bodies. One of these actions is to become cells. In this process, the old and dead cells of the body are destroyed by themselves but new cells are formed in their place. This process continues in our bodies.

However, in the case of cancer, red blood cells, and white blood cells in the body begin to grow unnecessarily. These cancer cells slowly spread throughout the body and interfere with the functioning of healthy cells. These diseased cells are called cancers.

Our bodies, like computers, have many types of coding, which are passed on to our bodies by our parents through genes. Cigarettes, tobacco, drugs, and the wrong diet change the genetic code of our cells and this is what causes cancer in our body. Therefore, our lifestyle is responsible for getting cancer or not.

According to doctors, poor diet and lifestyle are the main causes of cancer. Inactive people, people who smoke, and people who smoke are at risk of cancer.

The risk of any type of cancer is high in people who smoke and smoke. Therefore, to avoid serious diseases like cancer, the use of tobacco should be stopped immediately.

Smoking can cause lung cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and cervical cancer. Tobacco and gutkha can cause cancer of the mouth and digestive glands. Cigarettes are found to be the biggest cause of cancer in 90 percent of cases.

Cigarettes enter the body when smoking bindi or cigarettes. These elements convert healthy cells into diseased cells and these same cells turn into cancer. There is also danger in not smoking cigarettes or bindi but constantly in contact with second-hand smoke.

Alcohol is dangerous for the body and it also increases the risk of cancer. Prolonged consumption of alcohol increases the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and anal cancer.

Uncontrolled weight gain can also lead to cancer and other serious illnesses. To control weight, you need to work hard every day.

It is said that if you work in one place all day, you will have to exercise for half an hour in the morning or evening. It is also important for the health of the body that the calories we eat should be used. Otherwise body fat starts to accumulate and obesity starts to increase. Obesity increases the risk of bladder cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, etc.

A nutritious diet is needed to protect the body from disease, to get the energy it needs for fitness and to work all day. A nutritious diet means fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, and dried fruits.

It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of oil, spices, and rations used at home. When buying fruits, make sure that no chemicals are used to cook them. Consumption of adulterated and chemical milk and cheese, sweets, and dishes made from it can also be harmful to the body. Let's use nuts and pulses as much as possible in food.

Junk foods are also high in calories and use many harmful ingredients to enhance the taste. Therefore, the body should take only the required amount of nutritious food

The sun's rays are good for the body, but only to a limited extent. Weight loss will be followed by exposure to the sun and harmful ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the body. Prolonged exposure to these rays increases the risk of skin cancer.

Sunscreen protects against the effects of these harmful rays to some extent. But, apart from this, it is better to cover your whole body when you go out in the sun. Wear sunglasses and darker clothing to protect your eyes from these harmful rays.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Kiwi to protect from disease in rainy season

Kiwi to protect from disease in rainy season

Kiwi is a fruit that is rich in various nutrients and is beneficial for health. This is especially important during the rainy season.

Eating kiwi juice can be beneficial for asthma patients. It has the property of keeping the breathing process smooth.

During the rainy season, various problems related to the digestive process are seen. To avoid these problems, you should eat kiwi juice. The fiber in it keeps the digestive process healthy and prevents various stomach related problems.

Kiwi also helps to strengthen the body's immune system.

Kiwi is also helpful in keeping blood pressure in balance. Its juice helps to control high blood pressure.
Kiwi is also beneficial for eye health. Eating its juice keeps the eyes healthy. Radiation from mobile phones, laptops and computer screens can damage eye health. These problems can be avoided by eating kiwi juice.

Kiwi juice

You need to take some kiwi to make juice. Rinse well. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Put it in a juicer and mix two cups of water in it. The juicer should run for five minutes. After five minutes, extract the juice in a glass and mix it with a pinch of salt.

The benefits of onions

Onions used in vegetables and salads are beneficial for health. Useful in reducing the risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer.

It is beneficial for diabetics to eat onions every day. Ingredients found in onions control blood sugar levels.

It is beneficial to eat onion as it is a problem of hair loss.
Eating onions relieves constipation.

Onion is beneficial for women who are suffering from stomach ache during menstruation.
Onion is beneficial for the eyes.

Onions contain antioxidants. It helps reduce the risk of cancer.
Onions contain vitamin C, which reduces the risk of cancer.
Eating onions every day can get rid of various heart related problems.

Onions are beneficial for those who are anemic.
Onions relieve the problem of urinary tract infections.
Onions are good for reducing stress, improving digestion and getting a good night's sleep.

Yogurt hair mask

Yogurt, which is considered to be beneficial for health, is also beneficial for beauty. Not only the skin of the body but also the hair helps to make it beautiful and strong. Yogurt should be used in case of tea or itching.

If you have tea in your hair, mix four to five teaspoons of fenugreek seed powder and one teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl of curd. This paste should be applied well on the hair. After 40 minutes, the hair should be cleaned with a quality shampoo. Doing this twice a month will make the hair healthy and beautiful. The tea will go away.

Mix two teaspoons of honey in a bowl of curd. This paste should be applied on the hair. Massage well and wash your head after 20 minutes. By doing this, the hair gets nourishment from the roots. This is the best way to have dry hair. It softens the hair.

Since you want long hair, you should make a paste by grinding a handful of curry leaves. Mix it in a bowl of curd. This paste should be applied from the roots of the hair. After keeping it for half an hour, it should be washed. By doing this, hair grows and the problem of hair breakage is also relieved. This mask should be applied once a week.

As you have coarse hair, you should make a mask by mixing a banana in a bowl of curd. Keep it on hair for 20 minutes and wash it off. Doing this once a year will soften the hair.

Like the body, hair needs protein to be strong. Hair should be massaged by mixing eggs in curd. After 20 minutes, rinse with clean water. Shampoo. This will make the hair beautiful and strong.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

What, how much and how to eat in the lockdown?

What, how much and how to eat in the lockdown?

Lockdown has left most people indoors today. Many people know what to eat and what to eat while staying at home. Whether it is woodcut or not, we should always eat healthy food at home. But, even in such a situation now, it is heard that many people are ordering food from various food delivery services. Even in such leisure time, the townspeople are reluctant to eat at home. But, we should eat home-cooked food as much as possible.

In some cases, just cooking at home does not mean that the food is healthy. For that, the food should be cooked in a healthy and clean way. You should not cook or eat more than you need, saying,

Some people have a habit of eating a lot after getting sweets. This habit can lead to weight gain as well as diabetes, high blood pressure and other health problems. When you cook too much, you can't eat all the food at once. Food is wasted. Throwing food at such a difficult time is like committing a crime. There are also people who get restless without getting a meal. These are the things to pay attention to.

What and how to eat

Eat less rice, bread and more green vegetables. Since green vegetables are not available everywhere now, you should eat as much as you have available. Nutritious food should be shared by everyone in the house. Living indoors and not having much work, the body now has fewer calories. Still, there are those who eat three or four meals a day. There is no need to make rice, pulses, two or three kinds of vegetables and pickles like other times. Rice and pickled vegetables and pickles are enough. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. It works on both lentils and vegetables. Eating in this way also reduces weight. And, the body needs enough calories. Some people can't even cook two or three kinds of vegetables without meat. This habit should be removed.

One meal in the morning and one meal a day. Rice or bread does not have to be eaten. Gedagudi and its soup can also be eaten.

This is a golden opportunity for a housewife to teach her family how to eat healthy food with little food. One meal in the morning and one meal during the day. Rice or bread does not have to be eaten. Instead, you can eat kodo soup, nuts and its soup. It also makes the stomach bloated. It is not always necessary to drink only milk tea in the morning. Lemon water, lemon tea can be eaten. Eating lemon peel with tea or rice also enhances the body's ability to fight disease. There are many foods in the home that increase the body's ability to fight disease. People are now eating turmeric. Some people eat it with hot milk and some with hot water. It is better to eat it with pepper. It increases the body's ability to fight disease.

There is a lot of gas in cooking many kinds of food. It's time to dump her and move on. Some foods can be cooked in the morning and kept in the fridge until the evening to be heated.

It saves time and food along with gas. Saving food means saving money. Lockdown has removed the idea that people should go to restaurants and eat burgers and pizza, and go to grocery stores and bring noodles. This time has taught us that we can live by eating home-cooked food. Especially middle and upper class families have learned this.

As the woodcut is getting longer, those who say, 'I feel bored of home-cooked food' start getting used to home-cooked food. Many are now in better health than before. Because, they have avoided eating out. However, some parents still go to the grocery store to pick up cartoons of noodles. Corono has quickly touched many junk food eaters. Even though they know this, they are pretending not to know. It's time to dump junk food. Feeding children junk food is like giving them alcohol and cigarettes. It has no less effect than alcohol and cigarettes. Similarly, many people are now making restaurant dishes at home and posting them on Facebook.

They have not seen any other food except mum and pizza. They feel ashamed when Dalbhat is posted on Facebook. They don't say on Facebook, 'I ate potatoes, chickpeas, sprouted food, millet soup, dumplings, bread, cake today'. No one posts photos of Malpuwa, Celeroti, Chiura's Pulau, Kheer. He thinks that he has lost his dignity. They are playing with the health of their family.
(Based on Srijana Khadka's conversation with nutritionist Upreti)

Friday, June 19, 2020

What foods to eat to boost immunity?

What foods to eat to boost immunity?

If our body's immune system is strong, we can fight against various diseases. The immune system helps to fight against various diseases and bacteria. We need to increase our immunity to stay healthy.

For this, not only healthy eating but also adopting a healthy lifestyle is essential. Immunity also varies with age. As the body gets older, it becomes a little weaker. But proper nutrition, exercise, adequate sleep, positive thinking, and self-reliance also help maintain this ability.

The disease can affect people of any age. But those who have a strong immune system, if they are not infected with other diseases, they will not be affected by the disease. Patients with diabetes, thyroid, asthma should pay attention to their diet and lifestyle.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) infections are more common in people with low immunity. No cure has yet been found for its treatment. The body's immune system is important in reducing the risk of Covid-19 infection.
There are statistics that Covid-19 is more persecuting the chronically ill. So it is important to pay attention to your diary and food. We Nepalis pay less attention to food and lifestyle. There is a habit of eating too much fried food, processed food, junk food, and not exercising. So you need to change your daily routine to stay healthy and strengthen your immune system.

How to adopt a healthy lifestyle?

By adopting a healthy lifestyle, you can naturally strengthen your immune system and make it healthy.

Do's and don'ts

Don't smoke
Exercise regularly.
To increase the number of vegetables and fruits in the diet.
To keep the weight in balance.
Do not drink alcohol, even if you do it in small amounts.
Get enough sleep and rest.
Think positive
No stress.
Wash hands with soap and water to prevent infection.

What kind of food to eat

The government is in a state of stagnation now. You can't even go out of the house. Some may even try to get food. Some may have food at home. Homemade food contains more nutrients than market food. So if we eat the food at home well, it becomes healthy. Since food also determines our immune system, we should eat a healthy diet. Eat a balanced diet of protein, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins. If there are no calories in the body, the body becomes weak.

Vitamin C.

Many people are now looking for vitamin C medicines in the market, but vitamin C found in natural foods is more beneficial and beneficial. For this, you should eat amla, lemon water, kiwi, junar, nuts, green vegetables, and greens.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D-rich foods should be eaten to increase immunity. Vitamin D can be found in the sun. It is also beneficial to sit in the light sun for a while.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is considered to be a good vitamin for the skin. Dark green vegetables all come into it. Vitamin E is found in sunflower seeds, okra, almonds, avocado, broccoli, and spinach.

Vitamin B6

It produces blood cells. People with blood-related diseases have lower immunity. Such people should eat milk, sakharkhand, pistachio, gram, corn, and tofu. If blood cells don't work, no nutrients work. So it is very necessary.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found especially in non-vegetarian foods. It is found in fish, meat, eggs, milk, and dairy products. It also boosts the immune system. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to anemia.


Foods rich in minerals should also be eaten regularly to boost the body's immune system. Almonds, bean seeds, okra, almonds are rich in minerals.


Almonds, cashews, gram, sprouted beans are rich in protein. Protein can also be obtained from pulses, eggs, and fish. But since it can cause infection, it should be eaten carefully. After eating, it should be eaten only after cooking it with great pleasure. If you have any disease in the body, you should eat foods high in protein only on the advice of a doctor and a nutritionist.

Probiotic foods

Probiotic food improves digestion and improves the digestive system. Yogurt, cheese, gundrak, etc. improve digestion.

Natural antibiotics

Natural antibiotics work to balance blood circulation, balance sounds, and keep arteries healthy by reducing pain. They work to stave off external infections and prevent cell degeneration. Therefore, special attention should be paid to these foods. These elements can be found in garlic, ginger, turmeric, and water.

Gedagudi and dal are available in almost everyone's home. When germinated and eaten, it contains fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Such foods are also healthy.

Eat nutritious, liquid soups in your daily diet. The hot liquid warms the body, which does not cause a common cold. Vitamin and iron found in soup strengthen the immune system. Similarly, daily exercise, physical exercises like yogurt also helps to calm the mind and make it worry-free. It also strengthens the body's immune system.

Similarly, the habit of eating only freshly cooked food, not junk, and processed food should be developed from childhood. Children should be taught to walk for 30 minutes and exercise indoors instead of playing on television and mobile. Similarly, you should drink enough water. Feed children and the elderly every 2 to 3 hours. Feeding little by little but often. It is better to give hot food, walk for a while, ginger water, turmeric water to the old people as they get cold quickly.