Let's use the kitchen as a hospital and the food as medicine

Let's use the kitchen as a hospital and the food as medicine

Covid 19 weakens the human body's ability to fight disease. Covid-19 not only weakens the immune system but also promotes global food insecurity. Food experts say. "Unhealthy eating has led to an increase in malnutrition and an increase in the number of food-related illnesses," he said. The need to invest has increased.

The famous Greek physician Hippocrates described the food as follows: "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." Are paying attention to what is beneficial for.

Research has confirmed which countries were most affected by the Kovid-19 epidemic and their eating habits also affected the spread of the disease, sparking further debate about food. Even farmers can produce easily. With this in mind, we need to focus on crop production and marketing and reset our food system. Adequate attention needs to be paid to these two things, food and nutrition.

Science has confirmed that more nutritious and quality food has medicinal properties that help protect human health from disease. The Kovid-19 epidemic is causing our food system to fail. We need to work in different ways to strengthen the failed food system. We must now reconsider farming and launch a campaign to plant nutritious crops. The first step is to introduce such foods and establish them in the minds of everyone.

This is even more relevant in the case of Nepal. A food-dependent country like ours should be able to manage a vibrant food system in its own country that will improve the health of the people, help increase disease resistance and prevent the country from falling prey to food dependence. This is a great opportunity for Covid-19 to create this kind of strategy. In our country, there are ample possibilities to produce healthy food with medicinal properties quickly and cheaply. Due to our eating habits, these crops were being overshadowed and their production was declining. The state did not pay attention to research and development and we became more and more dependent on food.

It is important to cultivate the food crops that can be produced following the geographical environment of Nepal by identifying them well. Uva, Barley, Kodo, Fapar, Chino Caguno, Junello are the crops that are highly nutritious and have health benefits. These crops are ideal for small and medium-scale farmers.

There is a close relationship between our bodies and food. We need to pay more attention to this and work together to formulate effective policies to address the issue of food. Policies to promote multi-sectoral coordination among agriculture, health, and food stakeholders to promote healthy food. The mindset of the builders needs to change. We know that good food is the key to a long and healthy life. Multinational organizations such as the European Union and the World Health Organization must work to make good food a social responsibility.

According to the United Nations, about 6 million people, or eight percent of the world's population, were malnourished in 2019. If this trend continues, this number may increase to more than eight million in the coming years. Guterres, chief executive of the World Health Organization, said. Countries must develop programs that standardize food and nutrition services, implement conservation programs for those working in the sector, prioritize food supply chains, and strengthen the social security of young children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, and other at-risk groups. He has advocated for the transformation of the food system for a more inclusive and sustainable world.

The kitchen is like a home hospital. Food prepared in the kitchen determines our health. We need to promote good food. What we are eating now is hurting us.

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