What signals does the body give before a heart attack?

What signals does the body give before a heart attack?

Sometimes you have to hear the news of the death of an acquaintance, friend, colleague or relative unexpectedly. Our lips dry up when people who looked fine, met, talked, laughed, ate together, and worked at the same place suddenly 'died'. How did he die?

The only answer that comes to most people's minds is heart attack. Whether young or old, the number of deaths due to heart attacks is increasing. After all, how is the risk of heart attack? Who cares? Does it have any symptoms?

What people are more at risk of a heart attack?

The risk of sudden heart attack is higher in people with chronic diseases. For example, people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cholesterol should carry aspirin. Taking this medicine immediately after a heart attack gives a lot of relief.

The risk is also high in people who smoke a lot. Even if a person without a chronic illness has a family member with heart disease, it can be complicated by that family member.

Similarly, the risk of heart attack is more likely to be seen in women only after menopause. After menopause, women have the same risk of heart attack as men. During menstruation, hormones are changing, so if there is no disease, women do not have it. When menses dry up, the risk is similar to that of men.

There is no fixed time for a heart attack. A heart attack can happen anywhere at any time. Therefore, forewarning is necessary in such a matter. It is advisable for chronic patients to carry aspirin. Such medicine can be bought and kept at home.

Symptoms before a heart attack

Before a heart attack, our body shows some symptoms. A lot of pressure is felt especially in the middle of the chest. The body suddenly sweats. I feel nauseous. Feels dizzy. Chest pain. Gastric, heaviness in the chest, discomfort.

The risk of heart attack is lower in young people without chronic diseases. But it cannot be said that there is no heart attack. If they are heavy smokers, someone in the family has had a heart attack, then they are also in the risk category. If they are having a heart attack, there are some signs in the body before that. Such as chest swelling, shortness of breath, dizziness, discomfort.

What to do if you have a heart attack?

There is no fixed time for a heart attack. A heart attack can happen anywhere at any time. Therefore, forewarning is necessary in such a matter. It is advisable for chronic patients to carry aspirin. Such medicine can be bought and kept at home. If you have high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, you should be very careful. If there is a sudden discomfort in the chest, a feeling of heaviness and a heart attack is suspected, this medicine should be chewed.

If you suspect a heart attack, you should rest. During a heart attack, the body demands more oxygen. Therefore, as the body needs more oxygen, you should sit quietly without working.

Does heart attack vary from person to person?

Heart attack varies according to the health condition of the person. Someone dies immediately after a heart attack. There is also time to treat someone immediately. They get better after treatment. In particular, it depends on which part of the heart vein is blocked and how much part of the heart is affected by it. If the blocked vein can be opened, life can be saved.

Why heart attack?

advancing age

After the age of 50-60 years, especially in men and in women who have stopped menstruating, its chances are high. However, due to unhealthy lifestyle, recently, young people are also falling prey to heart disease.


In the present time, this addiction has been seen in the youth in the form of increasingly luxurious life and appearance. As a result, the smoker damages the heart vessels and over time, it can also increase the risk of heart attack.


Due to the current busy lifestyle, career and stress of other things, the problem of heart disease is increasing. It can also cause heart attack.

A habit of being physically inactive

Exercise is not enough in today's time of sitting and working. Lack of physical exercise is also a factor in increasing the risk of heart attack.


If a family member has had a heart attack, others may also have this problem. Therefore, other members of the household should also get their health checked from time to time.

People with high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol also have the same risk of heart attack.

What to do to avoid heart attack?

-Emphasis on natural foods, eat more fruits, green vegetables, reduce the use of sugar, salt and fat.

-Exercise regularly.

-Exercise even if only for half an hour daily, it is good for the heart.

- Smoking and drinking are harmful to health. It is even more dangerous for the heart. Similarly, sitting next to people who are smoking is also harmful.

Treatment of heart disease in Nepal

Almost all heart related diseases can be treated in Nepal. Technologies like angiography, angioplasty, pacemaker are available in Nepal. Angiography, angioplasty is a treatment method of placing mesh in the heart, opening it and opening the heart block.

Similarly, there is a system for non-operative treatment of children with birth defects in Nepal. Without surgery, the patient's heart rhythm can be corrected without making him unconscious. If the heart rate is higher than normal, this technique is used to cure the problem.

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