The Tokyo Olympics has closed five souvenir shops; Shorten - 2020

TOKYO - Five official Olympic trading shops in Tokyo will close in early June and trade will be interrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic and the game is postponed until next year, organizers said on Tuesday.

It is not clear whether they will reopen.

Tokyo spokeswoman Masa Takaya told an online news conference that the sixth store in Osaka will also be bad in early June. Tokyo operators said there were 89 stores operating around Japan at the end of April.

No more closures can be ruled out between next year’s game and how-to questions - or if they will be handled.

"We don't know what's going to happen in the next three weeks," Takaya said. "So I can't verify how many boutiques remain after these shops are closed."

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In this January 8, 2020, file photo, a man watches an Olympic memento at the Tokyo 2020 official store in Shinjuku District, Tokyo. Official Tokyo Olympic souvenir shops attract fewer customers these days. For a year the epidemic and reality were postponed and almost all businesses were wiped out. (AP Photo / Jay C. Hong, File)
In this January 8, 2020, file photo, a man watches an Olympic memento at the Tokyo 2020 Official Store in Shinjuku District, Tokyo. Official Tokyo Olympic souvenir shops attract fewer customers these days. For a year the epidemic and reality were postponed and almost all businesses were wiped out. (AP Photo / Jay C. Hong, File) (Photo: Associated Press)

The merchants budgeted about $ 100 million in sales. This is a small portion of the $ 5.6 billion privately financed operating budget. As part of the Games, $ 3.3 billion is being paid from local sponsors.

In total, Japan claims to spend $ 12.6 billion to host the Olympics, but a national audit says the figure is doubling. All this is public money, except for the $ 5.6 billion operating budget.

The Tokyo Olympics will begin on 23 July 2021 - a year late due to the epidemic. Paralympics 2021 is set to begin on August 24.

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About 5,500 products are sold in "licensed" stores, which also carry hats, t-shirts and "official" chopsticks - Tokyo and Olympic logos.

Taya was asked how many products were made in Japan. Many products, including Stuffed Animal Muskets - some for the Olympics, the other for the Meritova and the Paralympics - have labels as specified in China or Vietnam. Many other products also have a "Made in Japan" label.

"Tokyo is not a total figure for how many products will be made in Japan or outside Japan in 2020," Takaya said. "In that regard, we cannot provide such (a) number."

He said the Tokyo Organizing Committee has agreements with suppliers that are largely independent of source products wherever they wish.

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