How was Nepal formed?

The history of Nepal dates back to the times of Gopal and Mahishpas, who were considered the earliest rulers of the valley with their capital at Matarthirtha in the southwestern. They are called 7th or 8th century BC.

It is said that the valley was ruled for many centuries after the conquest of the Kirakas. His famous king Yalumbar is also mentioned in the 'Umber Mahabharata', as he is said to have inspired his troops to the epic war. Lichavis came from northern India and separated the rays. One of Lichchavi's heritage is the Changu Narayan Temple near Bhaktapur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site (Culture) dating back to the 4th century. At the beginning of the 7th century, his king Ambubhavarma married his daughter Bhrikuti with the famous Tibetan king, Song Tseng Gampo, forming good relations with Tibet. The Lichtavis took art and architecture to the valley, but the golden age of creativity reached its peak in 1200 A.D.

During his 550-year reign, Malas built magnificent temples and created beautiful palaces with beautiful wooden figures and metal squares.
During his reign the valley communities and cities were well organized; Excellent religious festivals were introduced and literature, music, art and drama were promoted. After the death of King Yaksha Malla, the valley was divided into three states: Kathmandu (Kantipur), Bhaktapur (Bhadgaon) and Patan (Lalitpur). At the time, it was divided into 46 independent princely states, as we know it today. The Gurkha Kingdom was ruled by the Shah. At this time most of Kathmandu valley history was recorded by Capuchin fibers in Tibet and Italy who lived in the outer valley. The ambitious Gurkha king, Prithvi Narayan Shah, conquered a victory which led to the conquest of all the kingdoms of the valley, including 1769, at Kirtipur. Instead of separating the newly formed kingdoms from his Gurkha kingdom, Prithvi Narayan decided to step down. Thus, the capital of Kathmandu established the Shah Dynasty that unified Nepal from the late 18th century to 2008.

The Kingdom of Gurkha dates back to 1559 when the Dravid Shah established his kingdom on a predetermined land of the people of Gurung and Magar.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, the Gurkha Empire gradually expanded, conquering some neighboring kingdoms and forging alliances with others. Finally, Prithvi Narayan Shah led his forces into the Kathmandu valley. After a long struggle, he defeated all the kings of the valley and established his palace in Kathmandu and left the Gurkha for good. Sensing the danger of British rule in India, he drove European missionaries out of the country and Nepal was closed to the outside world for a century. Jung Bahadur Rana came to power in the mid-19th century as the first Prime Minister of Nepal and rose to power more than Shah Raja.
The king became the only person, and Jung Bahadur initiated the hereditary rule of the Rana Prime Ministers, which lasted for 104 years. In 1950, Rana was overthrown in a coup to bring democracy to the country with the strong support of the then Nepal Emperor, Tribhuvan. Soon after Ranas was deposed, Tribhuvan was re-appointed king. In early 1959, Tribhuvan's son Raja Mahendra issued a new constitution, and the first democratic election for a national assembly.

The panchayat system lasted until the 1990s, until then, when the popular mass movement led by government-limited political parties known as the 'ST Majesty's Government' paved the way for democracy.
A long struggle ensued when Raja Birendra accepted constitutional reforms and established a multi-party parliament with him as head of state and a prime minister under him. In February 1996, the Maoist parties declared a people's war against the monarchy and the elected government. On 1 June 2001, a terrible tragedy destroyed the entire Nepalese royal family, including Birendra and Aishwarya Rani, along with their close relatives. King Birendra's brother, Jnanendra and his family were left, and he was crowned king. King Gnanendra followed the elected government for a time, but later rejected an elected parliament to gain totalitarian power. In April 2006, the democratic parties jointly launched a mass movement focusing on Kathmandu, leading to a 19-day curfew imposed by the king.
By reducing the movement and ignoring the curfew, King Jnanendra eventually renounced his power and restored parliament. On 21 November 2006, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala and Maoist Chairman Prachanda signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2006, enabling the progress of democracy and peace. The king was overthrown and the long Maoist war on the kingdom was over. On April 10, 2008, a constitutional assembly was elected. On 28 May 2008, the newly elected Constituent Assembly declared Nepal a federal democratic republic, ending the 240-year monarchy. In Nepal today, the President and the head of the government are constitutionally elected Prime Minister.

Every Nepalese in Nepal history feels proud to look back.
Situated in the Himalayas, it is a country with a very different topography and culture. The country may seem like a small land, but it has varieties all over the world. It truly is a wonder of nature, the perfect eye candy for people all over the world. Although a small piece of land, the history here is exciting. The conflicts and hardships faced by the ancestors preserved the remains of Nepal. The land of the Gurkhas and the Land of the Brave are just a few of the many titles this small country has received. The ancestors of this country enriched the pages of history with their passion for the country. A land on earth for a rich and diverse culture, this is the legend of Nepal!

According to legends and ancient inscriptions, ancient Hinduism was predominant in Nepal.
Documents say that the Gopal Dynasty was the first dynasty to rule Nepal. Gopal is a grazing cow; He entered Nepal in search of pastures for his cows. Legends say that Negeri Shige had chosen a king from a cow shepherd, hence the term Nepal. The name of Nepal is under the supervision of Rishi. Some people disagree and believe that Nepal is derived from the Tibetan language, and this means wool house, nee means house and Paul means wool. The Gopal Dynasty ruled for about 500 years. After Gopal, the Mahispal dynasty took power; They are the buffalo buffalo. Yalamber is known as the first king of the Kirat dynasty. He is also mentioned in the epic story of the Mahabharata. It was during the reign of King Jidasti of the 7th Kirat that Gautama Buddha visited Nepal to spread Buddhism. The tribes ruled for about 700 years and were later replaced by the Lichhavi Dynasty around 300 A.D. With the onset of the Lichchavi Dynasty, the country reached a significant height in the field of art and culture. The first coins of Nepal, Menaka was printed in the Langkawi Dynasty. The famous Changu Narayan (UNESCO World Heritage Site listed) temple was also built during this period.

It established friendly relations with Tibet and opened trade routes with Tibet. With the Malla Dynasty came the golden age of art, culture and architecture. 
They built beautiful palaces, also known as durbar squares, which symbolize the grandeur of Nepali architecture. He has so many talented architects and the temples and structures he has built are so beautiful that he will forever change the history of Nepal! During this period, many artisans were sent to Tibet for work. On one such occasion, an artisan named Araniko was sent to Tibet along with eight artisans. Subsequently, Eranico Mongolian leader Kublai Khan was on the high court. During the reign of King Jayasthati Malla, Kathmandu Valley was ruled as a unit, but after the death of his grandson, the former Raja Valley was divided into Kathmandu,

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